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THE REVIEW, HIGH P OIK Tt NORTH - CAROLINA, cTVIARCH U, 1918 I : J. s r i The Review Publication Office .... 104-106 Broad Street vV. L, STAMEY. Editor and Publisher Issued Every' Thursday Morning SUBSCRIPTION RATE8 One yer. tl SO Six months -75c Three months 40c Reaches the Homs and Business Places in the city and the suburbs. Advertising Rates on Application. THURSDAY, MARCH 14,1918 All Notices and Advertisements not con tracted for a specified time wili be inserted, ana cnanred for until ordered out. iOi 3 Doesn't it do your heart good to read of the heroic wrk being per formed by our boys in France ? It ij hard to hold them back so eager are they to get at the threat of the damnable Hun. Secretary of War Newton has grossed the pond and landed in France to see for himself while his critics were carping. The faet is Ba ker is on the job and has been all the time. ' NEWS FROM OLD TRINItY. (By R. L. J.) The High Point Orchestra will play for the people of Trinity next Friday night. We have heard some tmng oi tnis Dana or musicians, heir fame has gone out and we are all expecting a treat. Dr. Tesh and wife of High Point were in our town Sunday. Dr. Tesh is an eye specialist. We were glad to have them and hope they will come again. Mrs. Bowman of Candor is visit ing her nephew here, Marvin An drews. Mrs. Bowman before mar riage was a Miss Scarboro, a sister of Prof. Scarboro who used to teach here. Miss Laura Royals of High Point spent the Sabbath m Trinity. A number of the ladies attended the club meeting which was enter tained by Mrs. Fred Ingram of High Point Miss Ida Ingram, who lives out at the Lansdowne farm, has been quite ill with grippe. Mrs. D. C. Johnson went to High Point Saturday. Mrs. Weeks of the hotel was very much grieved at hearing the news i7 a dozen negroes over in the pines gambling. The cops were notified and they got three of them but the rest ran and got away. Frank Luck and son Stamey have moved from the city to the Abbotts Creek neighborhood and will farm this year. , Zellon Luck and family were call- ers at vy. tL lurKmans ounuay RTJB-MY-TISM--Antiseptic. Relieves night. Rheumatism.Sprains.Neuralgia.etc 3 Littie Kutn ana Kooert nugnes, who have been on the sick list, are IFOR SALE-Buff Orpington eggs, about well again, we are glad to 15 for $1.50; pure bred, single comb. note. x five point. Mrs. Chas. Stanback, Mrs. Fowl Hammer from Gibsoii- Mt. Gilead. N. C. m7 6w ii . i r t t r . s i iet t '' i vine visneu Mrs. j. Mai uoraon sun The Spirit of m n d day. 7 . PL Evidently the War Department is seeding thousands of soldiers to France these days. There have of the burning down of the home of been an average of eight to ten her childhood in Edgecombe county trains daily for many days going which occurred recently, north from the southera camps and The smallpox scare has about as fast as they leave others travel died down in Trinity, I believe. The south to take their places. It is a family who have been quarantined pretty safe bet that when a train for some two weeks are out again heads north with soldiers it means Tom Skeen has been plowing for the final stop will be made at some the people of Trinity and helping port to embark or France. Secre- them with their gardens. tary Baker "sho is" putting the Sam- Attorney Bruce Craven, wife and mies across the pond these days and Master Braxton expect to take a so far is away ahead of schedule trip to New York and ether cities time. Chamberlain, LaFollette et soon. als will please take notice. HIGH POINT, ROUTE 4. Another batch of speeders were (By Mary A- Clodfelter.) caught Sunday on the hyphenated Thos. Pegram and family of Win good road and as usual it was Greens- ston have moved to the Frank Allen boro cops who 'butted in." Looks place, which he recently bought.. For like High Point might also spring a number of years Mr. Pegram was "some reprisals. We need the money motorman on the street car line at just as badly as Greensboro. Winston. The. officers have arrested the ne gro that killed Mr. and Mrs. Hester. It is said the negro had a grudge against Mr. Hester for reporting him as taken to Greensboro jail and then re moved to another unknown place for sefekeeping. R. M. Clodfelter has been confined to his room for the Dast week with Do you carry a thrift card in your lagrippe. pocket? T.S. Farabee had an old fashioned Do you own a war savings certifi- chopping Friday evening. Mr. Far- cate ? abee has been confined to his room - Do you belong to a war savings with measles so the neighbors did society ? the brotherly act and cut his wood Do you know what they are ? If The people will out out a large so, tell your friends. crop of eatables this year. The gar- IF YOU DO NOT KNOW, FIND dens will do full duty. UUT. PEACH HILL NEWS (Kernersville, Rt. 1) FRED L. HEDGECOCK. It is turnip greens and hog jowl these d?ys , f Curtis Idol had the misfortune to cut his foot very badly while cutting wood last r nday PURE BRED White Wyandotte eggs and White Runner Duck eggs, $1.25 per 15, post paid, v Stock for sale. Ira B. Massengill, Four Oaks, N. C. m-lm FOR SALE Lot on North Main next to Wesley Memorial church, also lot on Jordan street, next to this church. If interested see W. L Stamey. Roy Hay worth bought him a new THOROUGHBRED FIVE - POINT Ford last week Fords are getting very plentiful around here., Homer Idol visited at Curtis Idol's Saturday night. f Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Williard anq Miss Neely Snider and Mr. and Mrs Joe Wiight were visitors at Car Hedgecock's Sunday. Mrs. F. L. Hedgecock and chil dren were visitors at A. C. Davis's White Leghorn eggs. 15 for $1 50. Fine layers, eggs large. Cocks prize winners. Review office. tf IRISH COBBLERS, $4.00 per hun dred lbs. Choice seed and will bring good yields. Address C. B. Penny, Elkin, N. C. mlm WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES For scrap iron, old house rags, magra- Slinday evening. Also W. L Stamey j zines, auto tires, rubber shoes, old scrap and family of High Point were therefl ?'s ' JLlLd .G?5ES? . L. Welborn of Teaguetown r:ommr st. VatA. TWniio ,i ....u came aown to see n?s ioiks Sunday Russell Sts. C. & Y. R.Ry. a2-3m The writer is doing and has got to do quite a lot of wood sawing for Rid High Point of the vagrants. Make it too hard for them to loaf. Idleness is a breeding place for crime & " wit- """8 Ul germs. Go to work, or else that's . . J . " the word. DO YOU? his neighbors Roy Hay worth and family went to see his father, Sanford Hay worthy Sunday. a. A. Millis Heads the Elks' An interesting meeting of Higlr Point Lodge No. 1155, B. P. O. Elks, was held Thursday night, it being the"regular annual election night. H. A. MUIis was chosen as exalted ruler; W. P. Ragan, esteemed loyal knight; B. W. Hickman, esteemed lecturing knight; John S. Welborn, chaplain; J. V. Garrett, secre tary; E. ' W. Freeze, trustee for three years; S. O. Schaub, repre seniative to the grand lodge; R. H. Sechrest, alternate repreeotativc. The lodge is in good shape, has a splendid ?et of officers and an ex cellent term under the guidance of Mr. Millis is predicted. TIMBER DEEDS-For sale, 3 for 25c; 75c doz.; 50 for $3.00. REVIEW OFFICE BREAK your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses of 666. a3 LUMBER TALLY SHEETS (Best system), for sale, 30c doz.; 50 tor $1 .00; 100 for 1.75. REVIEW OF FICE. THACKER'S is the nlace to Uet your suits, skirts, etc.. pressed and cleaned at reasonable prices. LAND DEEDS-For sale. 5c each; 40c doz.; 2 doz. 70c; 50 for $1.25. REVIEW OFFICE. GOOD FARM FOR SALE 30 acres, good tobacco land, in 5 minutes walk of Sophia station. W. T. Kirk man, High Point, N. C. fl4-lm SAVE Time, Goods, Labor, Money and help SAVE your country! A country worth living in is a country worth fighting for and is a country worth saving for. MITE MAKES MIGHT! LEFT HIS POST OF DANGER Former Supt. Thornwell Haynes, who was sent to Kelsingfores, Rus sia, by the government as consul, had to shut up shop and leave the capital, along with 20 other Ameri cans, owing to the general uprisings iu that country. 13 .THE POPE UP TO HIS MASTER STROKE? From letters circulated in High i Point and elsewhere and also judg ing from newspaper reports it looks very much like the Pope of Rome is trying to take the world for Cath olicism ,. stirring up the Catholics against the Protestants and the Protestants against the Catholics in order to poison the minds of the peo ; p e and win his point while America is at war. This two-faced propa ganda is in line with former declar ations. America, at least, should act at once. JAIL THESE FELLOWS The labor agents come here, tarry K a day or so and scatter their litera ture.; Soon afterwards from 10 to .25 men follow to the "land of milk fand honey" so graphically described by the agent. The city authorities should keep a bulldog watch for ! such men. High Point can ill afford ito lose these men, in fact labor is 1 very scarce here anyway. Col. D; H. Milton was a week-end .visitor, looking hale and hearty. He : is ' doing good word as superinten dent of the Soldiers' Home in Ral eigh and every vet there thinks well of our colonel. The writer called an Mr. and Mrs. Pegram Friday D. E. Clodfeher went to the chopping at Mr. Farra bee's Friday John Hine has a new Dodge auto Wilraer Clodfelter is with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Clodfelter. The public school at Jack's Tem ple will close the third Saturday in this month with an exhibition. Mr. W. H. Dugdale's article on prophecies last week was good. He hit the nail on the head. Rev. Sanford preached at Shady Grove the first Sunday. Messrs. Roby Clodfelter and John Garrison called to see R. M. Clod felter Friday night. Jasper Craven is now in the State j hospital at Morganton. W. M. Collett and granddon Ray j visited at D. E. Clodfelter's Sunday. ! Charley Motsinger is preparing to build a new, barn. John Motsinger is putting out a lot of peach and apple trees, also pecan trees. Plowing land for corn is now the order of the day. The measles have about run out in this neighborhood. HIGH POINT ROUTE 1. (By AHie Guyer.) Mr. and Mrs. Robt- were visitors at E. J. Welch's Sunday. A. A. Gordon, who was taken to the city hospital last Sunday night and operated on for appendicitis, is getting along fine, the people on this route will be glad to know. J. M. Smith and family spent Sat urday night and Sunday in the coun try the guests of W. E. Kirkman. J. Mat Gordon is on the sick list but is some better at the time of this writing. Miss Gladys Canady visited the Misses Boiling Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Burns spent the day Sunday in the country. - W. E. Grisson and father, Calvin Grissom, spent the day Sunday with W. E. Kirkinan. Messrs. W. E. Grissom, Charley Burns, W. E. Kirkman. J. M. Smith and Clyde Kirkman went out for a it. 0 j . . . 1 A ONE-SIDED DEBATE Last week there was a debate at Elm Street school. The query wr s "Resolved, that the Red Cross s more important 10 the army thau the Y. M. C. A." There were two speakers on each side, a boy and a girl in each case. The boy on the negative side thought he was on the affirmative side, therefore when the debate occurred there were three speakers on the merits of the Red ross ana tne gin naa to noia up alone the merits of the Y. M C. A , three against one. But the judges didn't allow for the uneven match and gave the decision i i favor of the Red Cross side. The Y. M. C. A. advocate contend d that since sal vation came first, therefore more essential. If the soldier had the sav ing grace he was fitted for any con sequences to follow. HELP THE U. S. A. By saving your junk of all kinds. We pay highest market prices. See H. GOR DON & SONS, office and warehouse, 206-208 E. Commerce St. Yards, Tom linson and Russell Sts., C. & Y. R. Ry. a2-3m If it's printing, embossing . or en graving you can't go wrong by pat ronizing the STAMEY PRINTING HOUSE. Phone 275 tf AGENTS WANTED For patented tobacco stringing machine. Great labor-saver and seller. Apply to D. R. Raper, High Point Marble Works. f21 tf MEDICAL BOOKS FOR SALE 40 volumes, also a lot of medical in struments. Will sell at a bargain $50 for all. If interested see me at once. W. T. Kirkman. fI41m . 3100 Reward, $100 Trie readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease tha. science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medicai fraternity. Catarrh being1 a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood, and mucous surfaces of the system, there by destroying the foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by bul'ding up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they otfer One Hundred Dollar for any case that it fails to cure. Send lor list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENB ST & CO., Toledo, Ohio Bold by all Drufrprists, 75e. Take Hall's Fanils Pills for constipation. A WOMAN'S BACK The Advice of This High Point Woman is of Certain Value. Many a woman's back has many aches and pains. Ofttimes 'tis ihe kidneys' fault. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills are so effective. Many High Point women know this. Read what one has to say about it: Mrs J. ti. Jennings, 220 Willow brook Ave , says: "My back ached so severely I couldn't get around to do my housework. I felt weak and after I had been on my feet awhile my back pained like a toothache. I tried most everything, but didn't get much relief until I took Doan's Kid ney Pills. The first box helped me WANTED Students to learn Bookkeeping, Shorthand, (9 lessons g rules), Civil Service. Position. Guaranteed $50 to $75 per month Scholarship sold on credit. Lessons heard any hour. Phone 4132. Ed wards Business College. tf CHATTEL MORTGAGES For sale, 5c each: 35e dor.: 2 doz. 60c; 50 for $1.00. REVIEW OFFICE. AUTOMOBILES AT A BTG BAR GAIN, also automobile parts. Can sell you most anything wanted at a very low price. See us. H. Gordon & Sons, junk dealers, High Point, N. C. FORBIDDEN-TRESPASS SIGNS For sale on heavy cardboard, 25c dor.: 50 for 50C; 100 for 85c. RE VIEW OFFICE. FOR SALE OR each; 6 for 25c. 100. REVIEW OFFICE. RENT SIGNS 5c 40c doz ; 75c for CARPET SWEEPER- (Pneumatic), ror sale wew, never used; latest pattern; saves your carpet, sells for $15.00, first person gets it at one third price, $5.00. REVIEW OFFICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF HIGH POINT Please pay your city taxes for 1917 at once and relieve the city of paying additional interest. Kindly mail check or call at the collector's C J mr uuiut? rjuu vn same. Ynnr needs the money. Respectfully, T.J. MURPHY. J3-tf City Manager. How About These? wonderfully so I kept ou using them The Review and the Progressive until the pain in my back stopped and my kidneys were all right. ' . Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same r"im?? Jennings had. Foster: iMaouuuciycvcuiuganasawaDoutlMilburn Co, Mfers.. Buffalo N V ' t A $225 Farmer both One year for only . ... (You save 25c.) Both papers 2 years each 25 (You save 75c) ACT QUICK 1 NOW'S the time to. conserve your Savings for ser vice to your country and yourself. Your patri otism calls for a liberal share of support to help win the war by investing in Government securities. You also want something at hand for the inev itable rainy day which comes tp all. Our bank offers the strongest security for the safe keeping of your funds and our Savings Department pays 4 per interest, compounded quarterly. Your country and the banks this bank if you please are the safest places in the world for your money. It-is fire and burglar. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK BanlkoCommerce Capital and Surplus Over $120,000.00 O. E. Kearns, Pfest. K. A. 'Millis. A. M. Rankin. Vice-Prest. J. H. Adams, Vice Prest. Cashier G. A. Pollock, Asst. Cashier NEW SERIES WEN! Mutual B. & L. Associatio Call now and subscribe for shares starting Feb. 15. Good investment for Building or Saving. Free from taxes. M. C. CROWSON, Sec. & Tfeas. The Commercial National Bank HTgh Point, IV. C Desires to call to your attention the following figures which are some of the outstanding features of the published statement of December 31st, made to the Comptroller of the Currency. These figures indicate that we are amply provided with re sources to meet all your needs and at the same time will care for the smallest account in the Bank in the same painstaking manner : Capital and Surplus $ 311,703.18 U. S. Bonds, U. S. Certificates of Indebtedness Liberty Bonds, War Certificates 48165803 Guilford County, State of North Carolina and other ' b?? 250,875.00 Lash in Vaults and due from Banks 837,344.71 Loans and Discounts " 13062366 ?ss V.. 2,278,52968 Total Resources 3,103832.86 OFFICERS J. ELWOOD COX, President C. M. Hauser, Active Viee-Pres. V. A. J. Idol, Cashier J. W. Harnss, Vice-President C. H. Marriner, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS : J. Elwood Cox J. W. Harriss C. M. Hauser wo &Cikett R.R. Ragan Dred Peacock W. P. Pickett D. A. Stanton J. P. Hayworth H.-W. Fraser WW J K A KS BANK 5 TRUST CO "A IN NORTH CAROLINA CAPITaTS Jt Vl25Q-Ooa win i Thrift and Saving Are More Essential Today Than Ever Before THE BANKS were never stronger than they are now and it is your duty to yourself and your country to deposit every dollar yorneTt.WmPelled t0 USe YU Ca gCt U iSSSt when thinl! Cit.Cn wiU hoIdLhis exPenes down to the necessary things and do without many things he would like to have. The Wachovia Bank & Trust Company will safeguard your treasury and pay you 4 per cent interest. acguaru your A new interest period begins JAN. 1st. The Strongest Bank in the State Total Assets Over $16,000,000.(10 Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. Wcscott Roberson, Chairman of Board W. C. Idol, Cashier. Julius O Smith. Ufir. Insurance Department