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! THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA. cTMARCH 28, 1918 5 -.t It It 4 at) "I i it; ii j ' " ' J ffan ffARll nil n r M' iv fy) Commences Monday, April 1st Have all your cans and other rubbish ready on that day and as near sidewalk as possible. Wagons will commence haul ing in all the wards Monday morning. A small fee of 10c per barrel or dox will be charged to help defray expenses. BAD NEGRO CAPTURED HERE. Harvey Wood, one of the negroes -who broke jail at Salisbury Friday morn ing, was caught here Friday night and returned by a deputy. Wood was rid incr on toD of aD assensrer ear when O X A Chief McGhee and Patrolmen Haney and Brindle spied him. Refusing to alight a shot from a trusty six shooter plowed the air close to his head and the ne gro forthwith came to earth. Six negroes overpowered the jailer at j Salisury when he went to give them some coffee, and made their escape. Wood was the negro who took the gun from the jailer. A is for Alley, all raked-up and and clean. How I hope it's yours ! Do you see what I mean ? B is for Beauty-spot, which it might be, if we'd each do our share for each other to see. C is for cans; we ought to have two; tight for garbage, but topless for ashes will do. D is for the Dust and the Dirt every where we can help make it less if we'd each do our share. E is for Everyone that comes here to live; he needs all the service and love we can give. . F is for Flies. Are they welcome? They are not! There's one thing to do to them hasten to swat! G is for Garbage can where they'll abide if the top isn t on or a hole in the side. H is for riaste when we see them appear, for we know sure as fate there's some dirty spot near. I is for inventions to catch she flies' feet; is there one to keep waste paper out of the street ? ,3 is for Just This if we're careful. ' ' . each one, the day of dust, dirt and disorder is done. K is for Kerosene; flies hate the smell and will ne'er lay their eggs where you sprinkle it well. L is for the Lot where it's fun to play ball, but tin cans and rubbish don't belong there at all. M is for Mosquito, a mean little pest who likes stagnant water and swamps for his nest. N is fnr nuisance it is to us all to have flies and "skeeters" from snring until fall. 0 is for Our Chance to banish them miirk hv swats, screens and cleanliness, ere we are sick. P is for Poison Ivy, it s pretty but bad; learn to know and avoid it or vou'll wish you had. Q is a Question we ask it's one that we mean aren t we an taugnc at home to hem keep it clean T Right it is, we should keep our home city so clean that it s tame win grow brighter each year. So let's get together, let's start out today and all do our part in a neighborly way. T is Town Improvement Work; take it to heart; pitch in, lend a hand and each do his part. Urge every school girl and school boy in the city to help make our town just as clean as it's y pretty. V is for the Vigor we need every day to keep us alert in our work and our play. W is for the way you can help if you will to make High Point lovelier and healthier still. X is a miserable letter to use, so we'll just overlook it; kindly Xcnse. Y is for the Yard that's all tidy and neat and help such a lot to im prove every street. Z is the end of this tale that's so long "Help Keep High Point Clean" is the name of our song. LOCAL CONCERN BANKRUPT. The Southern Car Company has been adjudged a bankrupt by Judge James E. Boyd, upon the petition of creditors. W. A. Copeland, former superintendent was named as receiver and bond to the amount of $500 required. The company closed down several months ago but lately was negotiating for a large gov. ernment order which seems to have failed. It was one of the biggest plants here and regret it felt that it would not be made to go. 9 9 Howdy Pap ! Purity, Aid and Progress" o A UNIQUE ATTRACTION. The tenth grade of the high scheol held a miniature county fair Friday night. There were five side shows and various other pleasure resorts. It was altogether a very creditable perform ance and highly enjoyed by all. Bro Harris 6k The Store of Quality Easter is near at hand the time when every moth er's son will want to shed the old and put on the new, and look fresh and tidy, just like the beautiful Spring flowers now peep ing through moth er earth. Our stock is Fresh crisp and nifty, the styles are the very latest, materials of the best and work manship par ex cellence. We carry every thing inShoes,hats clothing and mens furnishings. H. HARRIS & BRO. j : . , . ' hi - " 5k C L 0 T H I N1 G H O ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of A. L. Mendenhall, deceased, late of the county of Guilford, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to ex hibit and present same, duly verified, to the undersigned. High Point, N. C, on or before the 28th day of March, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ail persons inaebtea to saia estate will please make immediate settle ment. . This the 25th day of March, 1918. ' S. H. MENDENHALL, Admr. of A. L. Mendenhall, with will annexed. D. H. Parsons, atty.f28 6t nee a Moose iwctys en "ft , rr W loose Join Now While You Can Get in at Charter Rates, $6.00, and Monthly Dues only $1.00 Organization was effected Tuesday night with a large class of good citizens. Better come in now or you'll re gret it. Free medical attention for every Moose and his family, $100 burial fund and other fine features. See the organizer, Mr. Morton, at O. E. Mendenhall's office, Bank of Commerce Building. Frank P. Morton, Deputy Organizer fOi ft? IJ vii jiipilij & U Ky u 1 if N ot get it at the Specia lty Store Complete Line eady-to- Wears at Reduced Prices for Easter Silk Dresses You can find here a beauti ful line of Misses and Ladies' Silk Dresses in a big variety of colors and sizes. Taffeta Dresses $5.98 Fancy plaid silk 9.98 Blue and fancy colors with Georgette sleeves, spe cial, $10.98 to 19.98 Silk Skirts Complete line of fancy stripe silk skirts, 3.98 Fancy check silk skirts, well - made 4.48 Black taffeta ' 5.98 Serge skirts 2.98 Poplin skirts 4.98 Wool Plaids 3.98 All colors and sizes. We can fit you. Shirtwaists Fancy voils in plain and trimmed 98c Crepe de Chine 1.98 Complete line of colors, plaid crepes, extra values 2.98 Great big values in assortment of colors and sizes, sample waists 3.48 to 4.98 Hose Children's hose, black, tan and white 10c to 29c Ladies' hose, black and white, 10c Ladies Silk Hose, assorted colors, special, 39c Men's Hose in Silk Lisle, thread and cotton, big assortment of colors, 10c to 48c Ties One of the most complete lines of ties for men to be found anywhere. 25c values 19c 35c " 25c 75c " 48c 1.25 " 89c Men 's Dress Shirts Supply your Easter wants in Shirts here at very attractive price? all sizes. Lot No. 1, special, 69c Lot No. 2, 44 98c Lot No. 3, " 1.25 Lot No. 4, 44 1.48 Lot No. 5, 44 J2.98 New Easter Hats for the Whole amily at pecial ty ampl e Store Gilmer Bros. Co. 9T