OCR Interpretation

The review. [volume] (High Point, N.C.) 1908-19??, November 07, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068415/1918-11-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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Trust MCTry Dodson's Liver Tone!
Calomel Harms Liver and Bowels
Bead my guarantee Liven your liver and bowels
and get straightened up without taking sicken
ing calomel.' Don't lose a day's work!
ffjiori'S no reusuu way: a person
jbould tiike sickening, salivating calo-
eX wllon a few cents buys a large
fle of Dodson's Liver Tonea 'per
fect substitute for calomel.
It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid
wliieh will start your liver; just as
surely as calomel, but it doesn't make
rou sick and can not salivate. .
' Child1"011 and grown folks can take
Pons Liver Tone, because it is
perfectly harmless.
C;il'v'ml is a danserous drug. It is
Carter's MUM
You Cannot be
and Kappy
Small Dose
Small Price
colorless acea pu NtewiUgreatlyheh
One Hundred Per Cent American.
What can I dtf to "prove my devo
Mnn?" lf asked.
Buy inote Liberty bonds," she re
plied, for she was 100 per cent pa
triotic. A torpid liver condition prevents proper
food assimilation. Tone up your liver with
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. They act
gently and surely. Adv.
Often the wildest colt turns out to
be the most valuable horse.
in Meat
Some things are so simple
that they have to be explained
again and again. When things
are obvious, people keep looking
for mysteries behind them.
So it is with the packing bus
iness. The mere size of Swift
& Company confuses many.
Because their imaginations are
not geared up to scale, they be
lieve there must be magic in it
somewhere some weird power.
Swift & Company is just like any
other manufacturing business run by
human beings like yourself; it takes in
raw material on the one hand and turns
out a finished product on the other.
Swift & Company keeps down the
"spread," or the expense absorbed be
tween raw and finished material, to as
Iowa figure as possible. (If it didn't
it would be put out of business by
others who do.)
How much Swift & Company pays
for the raw material, and how much
it gets for the finished product, depends
upon conditions which Swift &
Company does not control.
It depends entirely upon how much
people want the finished product, and
how much raw material there is avail
able to make it from.
The profits of Swift & Company
amount to less than one cent per pound
on all meats and by-products less than
one-fourth of a cent on beef.
Keep Your Pledge
Make Good for Our
Fighting Men
Swift & Company, U.S. A.
mercury and attacks your bones. Take
a dose of nasty calomel today and you
will feel weak, sick and nauseated to
morrow. Don't lose a day's work.
Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver
Tone instead and you will wake up
feeling great. No more biliousness,
constipation,, sluggishness, headache,
coated tongue or sour stomach. Your
druggist says if you don't find Dod
son's Liver Tone acts better than hor
rible 'calomel your money is waiting
for you. Adv.
A Remedy That
Makes Life
Worth Living
Genuine bears signature
Exactness Is Lesson of War.
One of the lessons taught by the war
is the necessity for exactness in every
a:l No haphazard methods are per
missible in a matter of such vital im
port. .When Baby is Teething
th Stomach and Bowei troubles. Perfectly harm
less. See directions on the bottle.
Some men fail to arrive because
they carry too much excess baggage.
" . SiS
i 11
in 1
S t 4
1 1 "i
The Undoubted Success of This Move
ment Will Add Necessary Sum
to School Endowments.
Charlotte. Baptists of North flnrn.
lina have completed plans for their
campaign for the million dollar fund,
which is to be raised and added to the
endowments of the Baptist colleges
and schools. The campaign proper will
begin November 1.
' The fund will be divided among
Wake Forest College, which is located
at Wake Forest; Meredith College for
girls, at Raleigh, and the 18 high
schools under the jurisdiction of the
Baptist denomination in North Caro
lina. Dr. Luther Little, pastor of the First
Baptist church of Charlotte, stated
that Sunday, November 17, had been
set aside by the Baptists of the city
as "Educational Sunday," when spe
cial services will be held in the
church. Dr. W. L. Poteat, president
of Wake Forest College, will occupy
the pulpit of the First church. On the
same date Dr..W. R. Cullom, of the
Wake Forest faculty; Dr. R. T. Vann
and Dr. Livingston T. Mays, field
workers in the campaign, will occupy
other Baptist pulpits in the city. All
will speak in behalf of the campaign.
Dr. Little announced that the Amer
ican Baptist Educational Society of
the Rockefeller Foundation had prom
ised to give $200,000 toward the fund
upon the completion of a like amount
by the campaign committee. This
$400,000 will be given to Wake For
I est College.
Tok.ns for Doctor and Nurse.
Kinston. Dr. A L. Hyatt, physician
in charge, and Miss Louise Nell Nich
olls, head nurse, have been presented
handsome tokens of the esteem of
their assistants at the Red Cross tem
porary hospital here. Dr. Hyatt was
given a gold wrist watch of military
design and Miss Ni colls an ivory toilet
set. The donors included many repre
sentative men and women, volunteer
nurses and attendants at the institu
tion, which handled as many as 100
cases at a time during the reecnt in
fluenza epidemic. Dr. Hyatt is a local
young physician who has been work
ing under orders from the State Board
oi Hfalth. Miss Nicolls' home is at
Badenv N. C. She is a volunteer Red
Cross nurse. The emergency hospital
now contains but two patients.
Another Week of Quarantine.
Charlotte. Charlotte will remain in
quarantine until November 8th. This
decision was reached by the mayor and
city commissioners after listening to
arguments advanced by the members
of the Mecklenburg County Medical
society against lifting the quarantine.
The meeting was held at the instance
of the tiity officials, with a view to ob
taining expert advice on the quaran
tine situation, v
Dr. Hudson, speaking at the meet
ing, stated that, in his opinion, the
quarantine could safely be partially
raised, at least, but his argument
brought forth strong opposition fronr
the members of the society, who de
clared that lifting the quarantine now
would be tantamount to gambling
with lives in Charlotte.
Conditions Are Appalling.
Asheville. The conditions along the
Transylvania division of the Southern
railway from Hendrsonville to Toxa- j
way and in . many other carts of the
Carolinas, as a result of the heavy
Tains are appalling. Thousands of dol
lars damage have been done to rail
ways, lumber operations, and dirt
roads. Transylvania county being org
of the hardest hit as a result of the
high waters. The Transylvania divis
ion from Hendersonville to Toxaway
is completely out of operation.
Teachers Taker to, Task.
Durham. Durham county teachers
were taken to task toy Chairman J. S.
Carr, Jr., of the county relief commit
tee, in the Spanish influenza epidemic,
for their failure to respond to calis for
assistance, following their pledges for
service. Mr. Carr did not make a
.blanket charge against the teachers,
declaring that many of them had done
splendid work. His remarks were
made at a meeting of the teachers,
attended by the county commissioners'
-relief committee,, and members of tne
board of education.
Wilkes County Raid.
Statesville. Deputy Collector R. P.
Allison, of Revenue Agent T. H. Van
derford's force returned here from a
raid which he conducted in Wilkes
county, in which he found and poured
out over three thousand gallons of
"still beer" being fermented in pre
paration for a "run" of blockade whis
key. Deputy Allison did not. arrive on
the scene in time to seize the still it
self the blockaders probably having
'been 'made aware of his presence in
the community, moving it to a. placs,
of hiding. -
Influenza Situation at Raleigh Is De
; perately Bad -and May '. Yet
Grow Much Worse. .
Raleigh. A new r cord of violence
is being scored by the influenza epi
demic in Raleigh and the authorities
fear that the worst is not yet reached.
Emergency ambulances are constantly
bearing additional victims of the dis
ease to the hospitals and the high
score otf 16 deaths was attained by rav
ages, of the disease yesterday,' with ;
scores of victims desperately ill in all
parts of the city. One of the most
! notable deaths was C. E. Hartge, well
known architect, who died at Rex hos
pital. There were a dozen or more
deaths at the city high school building,
which is being used as an emergency
; hospital. . . . -
There is continued improvement
throughout the state with regard to
the influenza epidemic. The improve
ment showing especially, in the towns
i and cities,
Dr. Graham Dead.
Chapel HilLr All of Chapel Hill is
grief stricken by the deth of Dr. Ed
ward Kidder Graham, president of the
university, who passed away at 8:16
o'clock on the night of October 26. His ,
death will bring sadness to thousands
of friends and the university men
throughout the nation. In the death
of President Graham the university
lost a leader who, in the brief period
during which he had been at its head,
had brought it into intimate touch with
the people in a steadily increasing
No More Comfort Kits.
Charlotte. The Charlotte chapter of
the Red Cross is informed that, as a
result of an order issued by the gen
eral staff of the army at the request
of General Pershing, barring comfort
kits from the personal baggage of sol
diers going overseas, the Red Cross
has decided to end -he distribution of
these to men in the training camps.
The Red Cross, however, will be able
to arrange for the shipment of a large
number of kits through the regular
freight channels and these will be dis
tributed through the foreign commis
sions, as the .kits contain a number
of articles which can not be purchased
in Europe.
Red Cross chapters also have been
requested to discontinue the direct
distribution to drafted men of knitted
articles made from Red Cross mate
rials. The limited supply of yarn and
the consequent necessity of preventing
duplication makes it advisable that all
knitted articles be distributed by the
Red Cross representatives in the
camps henceforth.
Espionage Hearing Postponed.
Asheville. The preliminary hearing
of D. P. Ferguson, of the Big Sandy
Mush section of the county, on a
charge of violating th espionage act,
which was scheduled to take place
before United States Commissioner
Vonno L. Gudger Saturday afternoon,
has been postponed until November 25.
This action was taken at the request of
District Attorney W. C. Hammer, of
Asheboro, who desires to personally
conduct the preliminary investigation.
Ferguson is charged with making a
serious criticism of the administration
in a letter to the Bryson City bank,
enclosing a deposit of nearly $2,000,
declaring he wanted to place his mon
ay in some bank outside of the county
tor the reason that the banks in this
county were wanting him to invest
the money in Liberty Bonds.
The Bryson City bank refused to ac
cept the deposit and took occasion to
write a severe condemnation of his
action in their reply. Ferguson is re
puted to be worth about $75,000, and
is one of the leading farmers of the
county. The outcome of the case will
be watched with interest here.
Recent Rains Doing Damage.
Boone. Recent rains in this section
have been heavy, in fact unusually so.
Streams have been swollen and over
flowing their banks, being only from
two to three feet lower than they were
during the great hood in 116. A num
ber of bridges are washed away. Near
Shulls Mills a section of the railroad
was washed away. The extent of the
damage to crops has not been learned,
but as most of the corn was gathered
the damage will not be large.
Meeting of Suez Temple. v
Charlotte. Arrangements for the
regular fall ceremonial meeting of
Suez temple, No. 73, D. O K. K., which
will be held in this city, Tuesday, No
vember 26, were made at a meeting ot
the divan of the temple.
: A large representation of members
of the order from Gastonia, Salisbury,
Badin and other nearby town are ex
pected to be present and participate
in the festivities. In former " yeai s
there has usually been, between 4p0
and 500 visiting members at the Char
lotte celebration.
An Essential Industry.
..Charlotte. The following letter to
he president of the Charlotte Auto
mobile association written by E. N.
Farris, chairman of the local United
States community labor board, was
given out fr publication by Mr. Farris :
, "There, seems to be a misunder
standing in some sources that the
United States labor board has declar
ed the automobile business as a non
essential industry. A careful perusal
of all orders and information received
from both state ?and . federal ; offices
fails Ao show amy such ruling- . ;
The Influenza Germs Attack the Lining of the Air Pas
cages, When VapoRub Is Applied Over Throat and
Chest, the Medicated Vapors Loosen the Phlegm,
Open the Air Passages and Stimulate the Mucous
Membrane to Throw Off the Germs.
In Addition, VapoRub is Ab
sorbed Through and Stimu
lates the Skin, Attracting
the Blood to the Surface and
Thus Aids in Reducing the
Congestion Within.
There Is No Occasion for Panic Influ
enza Itself Has a Very- Low Percent
age of Fatalities. Not Over One
Deatb Out of Every Four Hundred
Cases According to the N. C. Board
of Health. The Chief Danger Lies
in Complications Arifagr, Attacking
Principally- Patients in a Rnn-Down
Condition Those Who Don't Go to
Bed Soon Enough, or Those o Get
Up Too Early.
Spanish Influenza, which' appeared In
Spain in May, has all the appearance
of grip or . la grippe, which has swept
over the world in numerous epidemics
as far back as history runs. Hippocra
tes refers to an epidemic in 412 B. C.
which is reg-arded by many to have
been influenza. Every century has had
its attacks. Beginning" with 1831, this
country has had five epidemics, the
last in 1889-1890.
Grippe, or influenza, as It is now
called, usually begins with a chill, fol
lowed by aching, . feverishness and
sometimes nausea and dizziness, and
a general feeling" of weakness and de
pression. The temperature is from 100
to 104, and the fever usually lasts
from three to five days. The germs
attack the mucous membrane, or lining
of the air passages nose, throat and
bronchial tubes; there is usually a
hard cough, especially bad at night,
and frequently all the appearances of
a severe head cold.
Go to bed at the first symptoms, not
only for your own sake, but to avoid
spreading the disease to others take
a purgative, eat plenty of nourishing
food, remain perfectly quiet and don't
worry. Quinine, aspirin or Dover's
Powder, etc may be administered by
the physician's directions to relieve
the aching. But there is no cure or
Marital Amenities.
She "I was a fool when I married
you." He "That is what all my
friends told me at the time."
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Doflra tho
Signature otij6yJ&l
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
Some people's charity is confined to
the distribution of lemons.
For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil has been a standard household remedy
for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach
trouble, and all diseases connected with
the urinary organs. The kidneys and blad
der are the most important organs of the
body. They are the filters, the purifiers of
your blood. If the poisons which enter
your system through the blood and stom
ach are not entirely thrown out by the
kidneys and bladder, you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trouble,
headache, pain in loins and lower abdo
men, gall stones, gravel, difficulty when
urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu
matism, sciatica and lumbago, all warn you
to look after your kidneys and bladder.
All these indicate some weakness of the
kidneys or other organs or that the enemy
microbes which are always present in your
system have attacked your weak spots.
GOLD MEDAL Haariem Oil Capsules are
what you need.
They are. not a "patent medicine," nor
"new discovery." For 200 years they
For yean dentists have been telling
ns that It's acid mouth that rains the
teeth, yet this acid that is powerful
enongh to eat through the harder tbaa
bone enamel of the teeth and decay
them, is tasteless. Its presence can be
detected only by chemical tests.
No chemical test is needed to tell yon
that you hare acid-stomach.
Indigestion, belching, heartburn, sour
stomach, food-repeating, that miserable
puffed up feeling after eating, intestinal
pains, .headaches, etc. These are all
Nature's warning to you. They are
sure signs of superacidity.
Acid-stomach prevents proper diges
tion and assimilation, thus causing the
blood, to become -thin and impoverished
as a result of which people become sal-;
low-skinned, exiaciated, sick and bad
. looking.
' Acid-stomach causes stomach and in
testinal fermentation, producing poisons,
and toxins which, absorbed into the blood
and carried throughout the system, cause
- auto-intoxication, insomnia, nervousness,
irritability, -mental depression, melan-
, choUa. dizziness, vertigo and oftentimes,
valvular heart trouble and heart failure.;
- ' Acid-stomach causes - irritation all
along the intestinal tract Irritation . o
severe and aggravating as to- frequently
" result - In catarrh and even cancer of the
" What chance, then, has anyone for
-; robust health, .happiness . or success If
1 1
anno xtnn
specific for influenza the disease must
run its course. , Nature herself will
throw off the attack if only you keep
up your strength. The chief danger
lies In the complications which may
arise. Influenza so weakens the bodily
resistance that there is danger of pneu
monia or bronchitis developing and.
sometimes inflammation of the middle
fcear, or heart affections. For theso
reasons, it is very important that, the
patient remain in bed until his
strength returnsstay in bed at least
two days or more after the fever has
left you, or if you are over 60 or not
strong, stay in bed four days or more
according to the severity of the attack,
In order to stimulate the lining of
the air passages to throw off the
grippe germs, to aid in loosening the
phlegm and keeping the air passages
open, thus making the breathing eas
ier, Vick's VapoRub will be found ef
fective. Hot, wet towels should be ap
plied over the, throat, chest and back
between the shoulder blades to open
the pores. Then Vick's- should be
rubbed in over the parts until the skin
is red, spread on thickly and cover
with two . thicknesses of hot flannel
cloths.- Leave the clothing loose
around the neck, as the heat of the
body liberates the ingredients in the
form of vapors. T'-.-.se vapors, in
haled with each breath, carry the' med
ication directly to the parts .affected.
At the same time, VapoRub is ab
sorbed through and stimulates the
skin attracting the blood to the sun
face and thus aids in relieving the con
gestion within.
Evidence seems to prove that this
is a germ disease, spread principally
by human contact, chiefly through,
coughing, sneezing or spitting." Se
avoid persons having colds which
means avoiding ' crowds common
drinking cups, roller towels, etc. .Kee ,
up your bodily strength by plenty of
exercise in the open air and good food,
Above all keep free from colds, as
colds Irritate the lining of the air pas
sages and render them much better
breeding places for the germs.
Use Vick's VapoRub at the very first
sign of a cold. For a head cold, melt
a little in a spoon and inhale, the va
pors, or better still, use VapoRub in av
benzoin steam kettle. If this is not
available, use an ordinary tea-kettle-Fill
half-full of boiling water, put im
half a teaspoon of VapoRub from time
to time keep the kettle Just slowly
boiling inhale the steam arising.
Vick's VapoRub can.be had in three
sizes 30c. 60c, $1.20 at all druggists,
Proving It.
"Trouble never comes single."
"I know it. Last year we had
double pneumonia, and this year we
had twins."
W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 45-1918.
have been a standard household remedy.
They are the pure, original imported Haar
lem Oil your great-grandmother used, and
are perfectly harmless. The healing, sooth
ing oil soaks into the cells and lining of
the kidneys and through the bladder, driv
ing out the poisonous germs. New life,
fresh strength and health will come as yo
continue the treatment. When complete
ly restored to your usual vigor, continue
taking a capsule or two each day; they wilt
keep you in condit;on and prevent a re
turn of the disease.
Do not delay a minute. Delays are es
pecially dangerous in kidney and bladder
trouble. All druggists sell GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund
the money if not as represented. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im-
)orted direct from the laboratories in Hot
and. They are prepared in correct quan
tity and convenient form, are easy to taken
and are positively guaranteed to give
prompt relief. In three sizes, sealed pack
ages. Ask for the original imported
GOLD MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.
Adv. '
mi aoi
this acid-stomach is allowed to tear down
and use up day rfter day your strength
and vitaUty faster than you can get it
out of food yon eat. Life is Indeed dark
and dreary for a person with acid-stomach.
You crave health, strength, the power
and will to think and act don't you?
You want to feel full of pep and energy,
fine and fit, always eager for work or
Then yon must rid your stomach of
its excess acid. You can start doing it
right now. A wonderful modern mtd!
cine has made it possible to Uterally r
out the excess acid. This remedy is c 1
EATONIC. It is made in pleasant . c
Ing tablets and yon take them just like
a bit of candy.'
. And, my, bow good EATONIC makes
yon feel! It banishes acid-stomach mis
eries like magic! Makes the stomach cool,
sweet and strong. Helps yon to get full
strength out of your food so that, in
turn, your body and brain are vigorous, -alert
and keen.
EATONIC is absolutely guaranteed, m
get a big 60c box from your druggist. If ,
it does not help you your money will be
refunded. - If your drngglst does not keep,
EATONIC, send your- name and address to
the Eatonic Remedy Comptfny. 1018 S.
Wabash Ave'., Chicago, I1L, and they will
at -once mail, yen 60c box and yon can
send them the money for It after yon re
ceive It. . ' ,
, 1 i

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