Newspaper Page Text
It Pays' To Read Tbe AdTertisements 7: I 1 n this paper as Well as the other news matter, in these davs of the hih We recofflfliendoor advertis ers to our readers : and ' urge them to to save mw lr?ing with otir advertisers cost of livintr it mMn. a savins of dollars and cents to you; Be wise and read the various ads ft , c , ana appreciated b that f Wnpbm , Wjftfr of tha - - . , . o -v in High Point the laboring pe0e Point, N. Thursday, January 15, 1920 ALONE IN THE BIG DEAL EXPECT TO MOOVE ALONG colHPUO0EDllAli 11! I W til PEACE FOR ALU THE WORLD EX- RATAdv , .. J. CEPT AMERICA. -ut.s BUSINESS. DOWN TO The treaty of Versailles, making peace between Germany and the rati-1 fying allied powers, was put into ef- . feet at 4:15 o'clock Saturday after-1 The Rotary Club of High Point Ex pects to Get Down to Busineiti- Mrs. James Wood, of WfTit Oak, Pen alized High Point Manfo Be Tried Upon Like Charge. Mrs. James Wood, of White Oak, appeared before Justice of the ' Peace IX H. Collina- Saturday afteriioon and FOR BETTER HEALTH HERE ENTIRE CITY NOW PRACTICALLY PROVIDED FOR IN SEWERAGE. noon m Paris 'by the exchange of pects With this Pnil In td t., tu. 8cna ner t r.A T ; - school. She was fined $5 and ; the ratifications. v Previously Baron Kurt ner, head of the German mission, Education, signed the protocol of November 1, iman; Fred N. Tate and Prank Win providing for reparation for the sink- kie.x Boy's work, Ed Millis, chair ing of German warships at Scapa man; Weaver Marr and Al Caldwell. Flow and to insure the carrying out Public affairs, J. J. Farriss, chairman; of the armistice terms. j Randall B. Terry and S. H. Tomlin- The sig-ning of this document ots , son. Fellowship, Houston Hiatt, chalr curred in the office of the minister of man; Charlie Hauser and Robert Wal- The Rotary club of High Point ex- i' I' aaiuraay . "wraoon ana icta to mt a flFL----?1 Suilty to a charge. Of failing r ward, has been provided with spend von Lers.--ton named the following committees City council Orders a Great Amount ing the war a wireless operator in the of Sewerage and " Water in First i Uated States navy, has been . staton Ward at Meeting Tuesday Night. ed since his discharge at White River oriawesi iign Point, embraced in Junction, Vfermont. He 4expects fc some time in the city with hiffi sewerage, as far as ordering the work sister. SHORT AS YOU LIKE IT LOOKING IN' PROPOSITION Earl Xwdermilk arrived in HigTr'iA 4Vo rc . ctt., ..(-da. t.,- ::. ,.& M(ATTER . OF LETTING CONTRACT,- "ii, x- iiuaj viaiL ins sister, iirs. W. C. Garner. Mr. Lowdermilk. dur- FOR CURRENT POSPONED. North Carolina Public Service Co. De sires a 10 Year Contract Which Councilmen Desire to Look Thor oughly Into. At the meeting Tuesday night, the. f mmm irwia' . - . . .. . x .. ao 10.1 ii nanus tnfi c . f'fisrs mi nomor th TMiri-rvl,l-rt AannltiT - 0 , George Matton , chair- flme" 80011 as practical. The coun-! Miss Vera King, for several weeks? a4u w.t xovv. auu sun aiu clmkiii kii ji j. - . - . ... , - the magistrate that she Would send ; v S its meeting h Point during the Christmas first in the year 1920, various matters the child to school reffulariv bperin i y n 1 i holidays, returned Friday morning to of importance were. s brought, before ning Monday . For several months people residing Louisville wher she will resume her tBe council. The warrant was issued "III the in- firs war askingudies at the conservatory-of music, Representatives of. the Public Seiv stigationof Mrs. Blanche Car of this1 S ?r ivice Company appeared before the city, county superintendent M public JUrz. John A. Holmes and daughter, council ' and explained the rates foi welfare and chief attendance officer. J?? toe asence of sewer-r.Sarah Martha, have returned from incandescent current. Several of th Monday afternoon J.. A. Ingram will 7,; ;VZ .: . . "T "f C11 . . 1 T .7L y &penT severai members of the board did not seem be given a hearing in the Manicinal ! ' 7 . . . ieuu .w lts -aecision visiung relatives. ; to , understand the differential rates of San Fran-'oTwi noirop .nooifarDil a mnmont In 7; in i 1 foreign affairs. ker. Entertainment, Harry Raymond Peaceful relations between Ger- chairman; Alvin Parker and C, F. be si" ' the council, had rendered its -decision days visiting relatives, many and the greatest number of the Long. Relations with international I "P ; on that latter last night W. C. Jones Mrs. Lula B .Carr. w'un ui rusu roim m answer to a ' - , . . . . 4 nntirvns rj era crpd in thP srpat war w th headniin-rtfio pnmmitfQa - cn . . .vt. r .'arnao ,aH infnrmni .r, .:i i r..i . , r " vll V,.o o;;aMicv,H Ti,o " 7v,o7 ; similar charge, Mrs. Carr also having 7; ,7 - ,.7" uuvuuldl X V' ' 1S -iae suesc or Mrs frankly saying so. Councilman Stamey ?L?L:??hlltl ! rman: J- Rawley and Procured this warrant. It isharged ? 'I01 ?Ve5 .exT Pk: rth Main St. said ,ne was representing people and- iUU1- tw Ttr Tr,Wo "M"S sewerage it naa accompnsnea . aviax wan nas accepted a position f0 0iwn o tf Dalton also announces that tho have" nW been.attendinksch' regu- fr i im saWKthe taken with the Southern" :Rome Bed Com- thoroughly, understood it. He andr. lUO luncheon Will h held nn .... . fchmilrt frn dnwn in tho nitv'a hlotmir mtiv r.f thio ?-r . . J. M, Hedgecock appeared before F. G. Woodruff has returned to taken today. The peace treaty now .W. C. Idol ?oes into effect as between Germany ' Mr ana tnose powers tnat nava. raunea arst ciud luncneon wm be. held on it Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan, January 20, at 12:15 p. m. He says Belgium, Bolivia; Brazil, Panama, the place of the first luncheon has not larly. Councilman Ingram want exact fig The prosecutions are beingought "u T.s appearea oeiore r . . wooarun nas returned to urea of tte rate the PublIc Servk.e i,nriar no nnn,ni,i.,Aw tfln.n me council in tne interests or tne niga roint alter a business trii of m i vv. PT; Stem- Cxo . . but each me.ajer uUo, property owners of that sectiou and several days to RHWnd. Z"' uttu- wim uriii a urawing oi tne w. ru iioover, oi urangeiDurg, S and Uruguay The United States alone of the "big five" has not ratified the treaty. China did not sign the document be cause of her objections to the Shan- will be notified later. Mr. Dalton says thit it is essential that each luncheon. It is desired that there be a 100 per csnt attendance It is the tung provision but proclaimed a state intention of the Rotarians to have of peace with Germany. 1919. It is announced ? that violations will be followed bv vigorous nrosecu- streets 'Where sewerage is desired. C, was a business visitor in High tion everywhere r in other words. th Mr. Hedgecock made a lengthy speech Point Friday, law will be strictly enforced. - to the members of the board, in which Mr. and Mrs., W. L. Horn were vls- ' His parert? are held l bond ' forf his a- he made an earnest plest for definite , itors in Greensboro Friday. They tendance at school. ; ; . action. i went to attend the wedding of Miss r -fci- ' W; C. Jones, who is administrator F&nhie YaHborough to Orin M. Honey- REV. R. L. PATTON OF DllRKE of the Burns' estate, which is located cutt. N COUNTY, IS DEAD. . in that section, appeared before the JIr. and Mrs. Charles Kephart, re Morganton, Jan. 8. Rev. R.J Pat- board and agreed to go. ibefore the cently married in Florida, the home ton, Burke county's foremosteduca- Burns heirs and request them to do- of the bride, returned to High Point tor, died at his home here last' night n ate a .,Iot to the vcity for the purpose Friday morning from a bridal trip to after a lingering illnessi having been of placing a pumping station there- Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. compelled to give up his teaching sev- on. In case the lot is not donated by Kephart will make their home here. tee io cause undue hardships to any paper are alike in one.r.r?- farm- eral years ago through a stroke of the Barns heirs the property owners A..E. Futrell, who Has been in New a.. fc.-.r-,. 1. t " it X. l.t Xk...4- V. 4-1 jrk - - - ' . - ' one o"T- lo settle on a r m .;. uitir ere - surecnue io uuiu-uut lueic "-" paralysis trom wnich he never i will purcftase .a lot and present it to xork for several days on business, re- FAIR PRICE COMMITTEE COMING TO THIS CITY. The Guilford County JFair Price Committer -will visit High Point arte? a luncheon every two weeks. John R. Peacock is secretary of the Rotary club and Presidjir. Dalton has also appointed him Rotyry corres-, pondent its w.o.r!v ta completed in Greensboro, j THE COUNTRY WERKLY. It is hot' the intention of the commit-' The country weekly ad the farm equitable to all. The prices charged similarity ends. .The farm naoer has covered. here for wood and som groceries as its place and a very useful place, ana He is survived by his wife and six tory to the council. well as .other thing is felt to oe we constantly advocate that the farm- children , Joe Patton, of the Charlotte gested that the city the city. It was apparently satisfac- turned Thursday. Mr. Jones sug- G. u. Bolick and wife were visitors oint a commit- to Greensboro Friday, where they out of aflroportion -nd it is hoped er take at least one. Neither is the observer; Mrs. W. F. Powell, of; Ashe- tee of one to act in conjunction with went to attend the Yarborough-Hon the committee will aajust inese mm ters. farm paper to De decried as an aaver- vi!le; Robert Patton, of Morganton; one appointed by the-Burns adminis- eycutt wedding. ;tising medium. But it does not come Mrs. Maud Anthony, of Morganton: trator to aoDraise the nronertv and Mrs. J. M. Hedgecock: who has been Miss Mabel Patton, of Morganton and to report at the next meeting. . seriously ill for some time with pneu Mrs. C. H. Ellis, of Winston-Salem. t A motion was later carried to ex-- monia at her home on Chestnut Street; r :;t 1 tend sewer and water lines in the di- has about recovered. PROMINENT CITIZEN HOISfORED. rection specified, the approximately Mrs. A. E. Tate was notified Friday of estimated cost to be $50,000. The fol- Canada as close to tne iarmer as nis norae paper. .There is a personal relation ship between the farmer and his local Daner and its editor. The readers of current. . sented the Public Service Company. He assured the council that $ie com pany he was representing had , no in tention to force the signing of the contract, that the council would have ample time to consider it. He also made it clear to each of the council men that the Public Service Company was ready to furnish any Information thecduncil cared to have. Colonel Roberson said representatives of the ' Public Service Company would hold a conference with members of the council, either individually or collect ively at any time the council designa ted. It was pointed out by. the local attorney that the Public Service Com pany is ready to play a fair game. Charles and Ralph Hole, of Greens-; boro, officials of the Public Service Company, were also present at the meeting and also spoke. Charles Hole , Venable, Allred, Adams. Hcff ner-will accompany Mrs. Smith to out; of its business. in ,iign f oint.aicV ,:vHi English, ; Kenriey. V Part- Florida; wh they,Vwiir-spe :nd ,,the -contended ,hat for,. everf .dollar : hi?. : 5kctt. Ih4Uin-Ilradshawfln-wihlpi?w- r':-" L' -.' m:Vv company.. qollects betenaddittor al - . - ?;i ill I t f.l I THOMA.SVILLE CHANGES. Thomasville. Jan. 10 Everett T Krrns has sold the ThomasvillP Hard- paper and its editor. The. readers of PROMINENT CITIZEN HONORED, rect'on siecified. the aTmroTimfltelv Mrs. L. C. Hoffner. of Montreal said he was ready to carry the matter ware Company's stock to th Crutch- the family paper, The Review, are a. E. Tate was notified Friday of estimated cost to be $50,000. The fol- Canada, is spending some time in before the corporation commission at field Itanlware Company. Mr. Kerns absolutely loyal to the paper. They his appointment as member-at large lowing are the streets upon which wa- High Point as the guest of Mrs. War- any time. He said the Public Service states that he has not decided where know that it prints reliable news as to membership on the federal high-"ter and sewerage will be extended: ;ren LSmith, South Main Street. Mrs. Conipany was not realizing one cent:. he will locat nor the line or ousi- well as all the news of the commun- way council, one of the most-Import- Chestnut n ess he will follow. -'"ity that read'.the...ant road bodies in the country-: le .TsL-crvb Suear. a leading dry -goods aner the-last,, tails asuxf' dntfes wftrA.vStftfH. . mtrcnalii, oas sow ii!rtBc 4. xeau n carBiuny--aii uic ucwo, " wim xne appointment. vjcroei. . - . , , - .,r vns Aita jt;;k.h. leit.. luursoaj' vv""'0 " ;r", rrr-r H. Harris & Bros, of High Point, Mr. the advertisements. The paper is the On, January 19 Mr. Tate will go' morning for Wilmington; where she he did not wish tOj have the council Sugar keeps his storehouse and resi- weekly news letter of the community, to Washington to attend the second NOTED EVANGELIST HERE. Vxpects to spend several weeks. Miss understand that his company was dece for the present, but will prob- When you write a letter to a friend ran American Financial .Congress. Rev.;Burke Culpepper, who conduct- Pickett will be the guest while there making money in High Point. He de ably go to some other city to open you know that your letter will be read. Mr. Tate is a representative on the ed a successful three weeks' meeting of her .sister, Mrs. S. H. Meredith. . sires the council to take action on a business. - When 3rou place an advertisement in Cuban group and was recently ap- at Wesley Memorial M. E. church irr Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Weaver, of Den- the matter as early as possible, a Burglars entered the store of the country weekly it is Just like that pointed by Secretary of the. Treasury this city, last October and who is now ver, Colorado, are spending the win- though he made it clear that he does Thomasville Drug Company and the like writing to a personal friend. Carter Glass.. An entire week will conducting a similar meeting at Lex- ter in High Point with their daugh- not care for the members to sign the Thomasville Store Company Monday "Only the country editor knows how be taken up by the congress which ington, preached at 'Wesley Memorial ter, Mrs. E, M. Shipman, Gatewood contract until it is thoroughly under night. It was difficult to tell the ciOSely he touches the lives of his will have official representatioU from church -Sunday afternoon, by special Avenue. stood. However, Mr. Hole thinks it is amount of goods which were removed rens; how closely they weigh his every South American nation. ,and urgent invitation. A packed house Mrs. B. B. Wagner,- of Thomasville, a very simple contract.1 from pither store. Thursday night a editorial opinions and watch his ad- , greeted him and. the service was thor- spent Thursday in High Point as the Councilman Stamey offered a mo burglar entered the residence of Dr. vertising columns. AFTER A POST FOR CITY. oughly enjoyed by all. guest .of her daughter, Mrs. H. A. Ce- tion that action on the matter be de J. W. Peacock and was discovered by : i Sergeant A. Castle, local recruiting 1 cil, Montlieu Avenue. 'f erred until the next meeting. His ITEMS FROM ASHEBORO. 'officer for the United , States army, YOUTHFUL CRIMINAL. J- D. Fulmer, of Elizabeth City, is motion, was carried k and then Mr. Derniont Shemwell and his brother- , floavoriis; to organize a post A boy claiming he was 15 years old spending some time in High Point as tatives of the Public Service Com- in-law J. E. Foy have left Lexington Cf the American Legion in High Point, and Greensboro as his home, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. B. pany immediately left the building, and gone to Albany, Ga., where Mr. safd he was well pleased with the re- caught trying to enter Pete Antonokis' Griffin. Johnston -Street. i A motion offered by CouncilmaH Shemwell is connected with a large suits" and expressed the belief that cafe on Washington Street early Sun-' B- C. Hubbard is out of the city on Ingram was carried to authorize the if ft i come school teachers, who were asleep in their "rooms at that hour, but awak ened by the noise and the light. The burglar suspected he had been dis covered and fled immediately. Benjamin Coibin. living with his water power company, and Mr. Foy within the next few days such an or- day morning and carried to the city a business trip to various points in school board to erect a school build- daughpr-in-'law,- Mrs. Corbm, aiea js to be assistant cashier or . tne nirst gaization will have been Thursday at the age of 61. The re- National Bank at that place. here. mains were sent Friday to Transyl- m.'s Betty Shambnirger, who un- , vania COUniy, Vii, ' u-i -cui v, v-vi i rim u w n in o uueo Avhich was his native home perfected jail. A number of pennies, several North and bouth Carolina. packs of chewing gum and candy were Miss Elizabeth Welch is spending found on' his person. .... some time in New York with friends H 2 was r timed to the Jackson Trainirg aQd relatives. TO FATAL AUTO ACCIDENT ASHEBORO. ior appenui- CAPTAIN BURNS GOES BACK citis in the High Point Hospital in THE ROAD. November, has gone to Monroe, where Captain Davidson, who has been NEAR fyhe will spend the winter with her runin on the Asheboro road for the aiter. Mrs. Thomas Ashcraft. Miss Dast gx months, ta.kfnsr thp nosifinn Shamburger has been suffering from made vacant by Captain A. E. Burns, Monroe Doctrine is clearly un Brvant r-hronic annendicitis for many years who ,ft the raiirna1 fn nrtrw0 th- constitutional if Senator Lodge is cor- ' .... " . i. 1J 1 T . , . and her general condition is mucn im- Bums Casket Company, Captain Burns 4tL 111 "wjwtiuui, u. uir ea5u i nigi? i'oint mursaay on business. since her operation. sne havimr eotten this enternri?A P?tab- H,UU9, 18 uu UiBi,ute auuui lue ucwey cust leu - Tiiay ior ernap,ei School from v. hich he esciped. MONROE DOCTRINE UNCONSTITUTIONAL. D. W. r.ryant, of Greenville, is vis iting realtives in High Point. T. C. Chandler, of Atlanta, was a business visitor in High Point last week. E. T. McCay, of Durham, was in Jewel Bryant Killed and L. Injured. .4. j i- i n.,4-Am-.Vtflc nrMflfvnt OCCUr- riT-nvpfl red at the Three-Mile Curve south of writes The Courier that she realizes lis,hed and in successful operation has fact tnat f1,681- Monroe without Hill, where he goesto resume his 4hPhoro when a Ford car driven by that Randolph is tne oest coumy m turned the business over to 'Mr. E. O. " , luui ai tu uuiviwity. AsneDoro wxieu v.i, . to Congress and swore it to the j. c. NOble. ,of Charlotl L, A. Bryant, oi ewi.vii, ui m , t AUilv' auu v,pum cuius went oac . Arn.o o. Q ... name un for discussion last night lorwam m on Mhe nm on Inst TiiPsrlnv and will J J DpcuumS , c uJO xu. i6u . . u. Y orK, supenntenaent ot ing on Park Street. The structure is not to exceed $75,000. 'Council Stamey offered, a motion that. the council reverse action as to the repairing of Centennial Avenue and East ' Washington Street! -The motion was carried andt hen Mr. Stamey moved that Centennial Ave nue and East Washington Street be paved as r early s possible. The council made it clear last night tha,t it is its intention to pave the above streets. , Another very important matter f l- ! Mi NOble, of Charlotte, has been - x . . . IT S ATAwnvr vr m . - a... . a .rcvi. juwp iKrvant. a woric is ramaiv ruihk " on vtne nm nn last "iiosrinv nni will LOUiU'' : . ' t4.x:tr i.iirncr anrt arranrine n , against the independence of the South business TlPnhPW Of the OTlVer, wno wa Bin.m6 pit;yctiru& iuc ""'"o " 'J"" me.ueu iojkj iruiu usue'uoro IU . . ,j fh r.!v'a UtrVtt qtiH water rlprvrfmontcj 1 . . . , . ii. k0i nf rvra pin.iifi Txfv. t. a. . -a, American Kefmicviiics wouia 'be con-. r nn thp front seat witn nis uncie, wa.a to opu up me v,i nigu jr oinx, a position wnicn ne nas , ; . , , . , T . "a- wcuu, ui tix, , mc, xiao on me li urn- TT, nr, tiiP nronertv sidered an unfriendly act to the Uni- f, fo , fv.Qr- nftQ, o killpfl The driver, L. A. Kryuui., bui- aim xvcij- najmviw. i?clu iui mure uiaa a quarter oi a cen- ., . . ... ICIUIUW "" . . uinH nf rrptp,r in thp Tilnnta of thp Kineu. ine uiivci, . k w.i, nnArtv nn Rim- ; ted States. While this did not pledge dowo r,a . ent kind or meter in tne plants oi tne fered a broken arm ana oiu u- Knowu ? c - .lu. our eovernment to a declaration of , " - .- city. It was pointed out by Mr. York ries. A lime sister ui - ( - , was in the car, but was uninjured. : Mr. James H. McCain, who has ; neon RECENT REALTY DEEDS IN CITY. W. R. Bryant and wife and four in the High Pojnt hospital for several , . rVnvtTTnlpt be- moplrs has returned. It is said that . ennaren were m a ' . . . . , .Following are High- Point realty when W. suggested that the city adopt a differ- uci uumu w&ic a ew days with friends in TTi'rrVi Pai'ti - ' llJU -A. UXU ta ...... . . . . ., war, yet it was an act of war in event T ' ei, . -that it is essential tnat tne city, it .it xjvwcy vciuguii, ocuviius ocv- ia- tft navft o. nrat class water denart- of a certain contingency. Former it hind and overtook the wrecked car. his condition is mUch improved The Bryant family were moving from Lewisville to the STewart place near Jackson Springs. The trucks carry ing their property had gone on ahead and the nartv was traveling m must have another kind of V He said it would stop - the GETTING SEVERAL RECRUITS. j'week hi the county Greensboro courthouse at 1 " t - ' TTT T TSi. SAT. lJ President Taft says most emphatical- "7 . &" . 1 . ment- . 4.1. v. t t.T i j family during the Christmas season, m.t. ly that the League of "Nations does A , A , , . ' meter. Ur-nnfpr.0 TpC impair the Monroe Doctrine but 1. fcW w leaKage. Action on tne matter was ue- . SUme niS WOttC. fprfod until next. mfwHn?. whfrh will DUCllgUlCUS 11 lUtUUgUUUk LUC WU11U. . . - It will be seen that the iMonroe Doc-; Miss Janie Edwards, who has been be held the third Tuesday in this trine rests upon no acts of Congress spending the Christmas holidays in month, and the manufacturers will be and upon on treaty. It is mere 'decla- High Point with her parents, has re- extended an invitation to attend and ration of the President without the turned to Williamston, where she will express their views on this matter. The lo onflM -of the onpbrtunitles" V-w w ,n.iM, t w support of his cabinet or Congress. resume nr 8iuu. m1M ,u meters, it is sam, win cost uu, put The Bryants not being acqua mteu w i - and " L aZI V All Americans practically regard was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. those present at the meeting last night my arouna oneiu ; " . . . iwft ; . 00 Q .tnni,,manfo1 E. A. Edwards, who expects to spend. are of the oninion that the mam, far. rf thOTTl WGre UIcLK-IIIK a.Uiiiw.- oooi flo-n l TTnitol flHr) WallrkTire! nf : iwj.wxix iui,uui6. no a. j.u.uuaxxi.ui.m . . - - T . . Vi . wuj., v.u.v. wimtx viiU.. . onmi. 4imA thoro mfth rolafivAS .41l' 1, nn4.. T, 4- -., 4..- - - Uctmont TJiv, iDrt?r,f tmt,n, a QT. principle oi government oi almost as l"Cia wc t""'" cuuu6" -v yy ' x fn: Asheboro All men secured by him either in Graves. H. M. Palmer. T. H. Welborri. i mucn importance as the constitution ine pany icimi. Hi r;t. SIdnev L. Leonard and wife, to D Sergeant A. Castle,-local recruiting L. Adkins, lot on Kearns street; con W 4CX Z5 VXCVD , , . . A " a i &avc mat JHiern pointers weic ioi 1 ocn Ar in rwrtaRfi tne irUUtt-S. wmcr, ... ; aijri tp-xiuv. the mad and driving rapi the curve was the cause of the acci- many ..I!' to ' Asheboro where the body of the young man was prepared for burial. Point or ther towns in this dis- n a. Garrett and John Henlev. tract itself. Yet we have a condition of af- VI 111 II I I 1 0 A A II kjv, ' . a m a, ai . . rrihv desire to trict are credited to "the Greensboro in tWs township; consideration, $250. ralr,s m America wnere tne benate re Mrs. O. L. Willis . and daughter, Grace, of lAtlanta, are visiting Mrs. . . . .. . . . OV. KVK-rr rT-Vki. TlTliiQ rolr Qtroot . . ,. f.n. H f. O . 4 .M nnr.A.... L3UC7XLV VUXUaib. YT UlbC UUrtt t.Vt.. t-..w ----- - .. , f.ffio Serfreant -castie s name a w C. Kearns and wife to 6. L. J"iA colucu"' x" aDia-, fAyiess tiifii giativuuv - - ir gratituae to tne namC8 of other recruiting raVis. lot on Hamilton street: con- "on with other nations to resist any the county who helped tnem m officers who enlistee: a large number Bldt3ratlon. $475. . attack by one nation upon another un- great distress. Courier ot -;of men during last year. ' ! Home Banking , company to J. M. til all peaceful means for averting Thursday. . i .nta- ttWIi Pointers have Mat th pws int nn wilinwhronk Rtreet war shall have been Exhausted. There FURNITURE BUYERHERE. inpnt furniture xxo i' ""x a ..tohnson. for service- (a?ier of Gaiax, va., reuuuw - 1 1 J .. a-ka-TY-C JAMESTOWN RESIDENPE DESTROYED The heme oi Joe Smith at Jamestown, been accepted in the United States $io and other valuable considerations, is no real, reason, why Mr. Lodge and was destroyed by fire this afternoon." A fire army during the last few days: Harry F. Montgomery and wife. James bis associates take the position they j trucK went down and helped to save adjoin- A do. The real reason for their conduct i 1US property. ! league auu wiic, o . v-i in the Robert Upton, and George wif e, J. Harper Ward and Rpin medical department, Monolulu, gene Lewis and wif e to B. Ai Welborn. t-v: 'wnTOiman for service in tract of 111 1-2 acres in High -Point anu juiiu . . .. . :panama , w township; A?500 ana otner Tpaffue and ao. xne -real reason ior tneir conouct wife, Eu- ld because they are opposed to Presi dent Wilson. SEAT UNOCCUPIED YET. Washington, Jan. 10. Victor Fridav nierht after several High Point on business . onn inn ii . . a. j m. . .. valuable HIGH POINT WINS. !r.:.,0 .li.nnnliflH for-,m,MAratfrnR . . i M I . rl'h a TniKlWllHK w xaij vvumv In an interesting and cioseiy cou-, ..,rnirat 0f physic? dis- Florence W. Harriss and J. W. Har- ger, representative elect from tested game of basketbal in ,tne arm-, Raymond Ridge, C -ton riss to Frank Wineskie, lot on Jor- cry Friday night the local high school abi "Jnd Mayfield Fur- dan street; $10 and other .valuable team defeated Churchland by a score.. Wells. Carl Kiser ana , a yi considerations, cf IS to 12. - gurson. , - Ber- MU CH ATTEL. MORTGAGES For sale for the meter provided the city will install. Each manufacturer is invited and urged to attend the next meeting. The city manager was "authorized to secure a new automobile, for the -police department. That department now has a car, which is in bad con dition, and the council authorized that the old car be Csold or traded if pos sible. , The city manager, read a ; letter from Firei Chief A. B. Horney, jn s which the chief" said the fire alarm : Mf4 5C each; 35c r0Z.; 2 doZ. 60C, 50 for,'SVRtem was in bar! nrdr rA T-ort,0 $1.00. REVIEW OFFICE. ed that some action be taken to re pair it. The matter was turned over R. L. Koonrtz, charged with obtain-i to Superintendent York ' waukee on the socialist ticket, was lng money under false pretense at Two petitions for extension of sew denied a seat in the house today for Greensboro, was given, his liberty Fri-'jerage were . presented but action was the second time. , day y the State, taking a-'nol pros. deferred until next meeting. - lis 'mi ' ; Hi ii;!' Ii; : ,1 : It v