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Newspaper Page Text
" ir 1 Review HIgH Point, IN. C; Thursday Jan, 22, l020 - : "MMHUV I .. . Bk. lyoiii.''iDiiniia THEN GET OUR NEW YEAR IDEA Co et m OF wm JRoof ;Ydiir People that do-not own their homes daily are taking orders to move To Which Glass Do You Belong ; x ' ' ' Giving or Taking the Moving Order OWN YOUR HOME IH 111; and pay that over due" subscription account Don't wait unfit tike: ; paper stops. ' High Point asurance Real Estate Company Real Estate and Bonds Phone 818 y - High Point A.SHERROD, President W. R. MORROW, Sec. & Treas W. CARSON BURNS, Mgr. Ins. Dept. That we do the very best line of Commercial Printing and at reasonable prices. Give us your next order and let us prove oui assertion. Bear in mind, we want your business, and we pro pose making ourselves de serving. Are you with us? NEWSPAPERS ARE NECESSITIES. A newspaper is a necessity, but magazines are not, according to the announcement of the United States de partment of labor. In making up the budget of $1,057.55 a year for single men, the department allows $8.40 for newspapers and nothing for maga zines. . ' " . ; The budget bureau says: "The reading of a daily newspaper is so customary and desirable as an incident to intelligent citizenship that f01 m A dDU iriMinmnimmfcdW 6ood-eaf Serviee Statio Complete Line of Tires, Tubes, and accessories. Belting (tract or, etc.) Packing, Air, welding and fire hose. Vulcanizing. Rankin - Sizemore Tire Supply; company Wade Rankin Frank Sizemore Lindsay Building, next to Barbee Marble Yards "We Have an Attractive 20 Year Life Insurance Policy YOUR PREMIUMS. REDUCE m After 10th Year 74 After 15th Year This is equivalent to an aver age dividend of 29 per cent. Every Condition in Policy is Guaranteed Get the information on one of these policies at your age. JACK TAYLOR, Agent Under Bank of Commerce Mail Coupon Name. Dateof birth JJ..... Occupation an expenditure for this purpose may live with close- economy. Any special be regarded as a necessity. The Wash- expense along this,, line, due to vindi ington daily newspapers are not uni- vidual: tastes, would under this budget, form in their subscription rates the have to foe charged to the amusement two , most expensive costing $8.40 per and recreation allowances; ' , V . year. This amount is allowed, as the--- ' ; ' -' - ' ' -. ' ' ' ' .ta ".' OMMUNITYPIATE "No special provision is made for the purchase of magazinse, 'books and other reading matter. It is assumed that , the free public libraries can be availed of those who are seeking to u u u vyj u u u ah u u u i,iV.x. AllOth er chstnce mild it m me 14 th Series of the iedmont K & L Associa'n Began,. Jan. 15th Stock $1.00 per share. We loan you the money . to build, in about 82 months you can pay for the home. Hundreds of High Point homes were built and paid for on this plan. Call at Wachovia Bank and Get Full Details W. C. IDOL, Sec. & Treas. iedmont &DiS Associate STAHEY'S JEWELRY STORE o The Beautiful Rose Theatre Showing at all times the Best in Moving Pictures Special Attractions During the Week Watch the Theatre lobby for coming attractions You always see a good picture at the Rose A cool, comfortable place to spend your afternoons and evenings P. G. McINTIRB, Manager n n i n a 1 i il ffl n a n a a a IB! a a a mi a a a a a a a a a a a l J IMI One black Garbardine suit, handsomely tailored, size 36, originally priced $65.00 - " " " One brown Silvertone suit with fur collar, size 36, originally price, $52.00. Sale price - - - - One black Tricotine suit, size 46, and one navy Tricotine suit, size 42, original price, $45.00. Sale price - - One black French Serge suit, size 35, braid and button trimmed original price, $3730. Sale price V j - ' . Two navy serge suits, sizes 18 and 36, original price, $27.50. Sale price " " " One navy Tricotine suit, suit 36, original price, $50.00. Sale price - - " - - Three extra size suits, one black poplin, size 49 and two navy , poplin suits, sizes 53 and 57, original price, 25.00. a a a i a $42.50 29.50 22.50 24.50 - 19.50 32.50 a 8.50 COATS All Ladies' and Misses Coats are reducrd in proportion to the Suits. . 1 6pSlFlllil6I3lft . x i t ' : 'r " J- TTfc lAmt I fill ' .. N ' .' : ":-" - review Ads Knng isest jfcea m wm, i iiiiiiidngirgdnaii irJJnini I a 1 a il 1 1 .. . ; - M 1 v " tjh '- -'-'Ii .1 I j !:(- 3-2.38 . vi. ', H i i if 1 1 J li i: