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I Pays In this paper as well as the other news inatter. In these days of the high cost of liviair it means Mi-.-' I'Mt efs; to bur feadefs and . urge To u saving of dollars and cents to you Be'-wiso and x-ead the various ads tfipm f n fn cava moBey; by trading -LA ' i jSj a to a Army of IliTBrealp for Justice BUSY SESSION IN COURT THURS DAY Several Defendants Before Judge Kirkman for Infractions of the Law Clyde Murphy -and Fred Murphy, white men, appeared in municipal c ourt Thursday morning - in . answer to t lunger of the larceny of 'the' auto mobile of Charles Valch, of this city. T:iri defendants vaived examination r 1 Judge' O. A. Kirkman bound them I " w rUBlw. 111 a Slau sior- :iver to Guilford Superior court under j f .r PalQg room.- What at first bond in the sum -o$ 1,000 each. j looked like a bad fire was soon uu j. r. LaPradV white, was found der control by the . good work of the r-ritv of a cnarge oi: contempt oi 1 irart and -a fine-.of$50 and the costs vie; imposed. Thetdenfendant is al- vecl to have usedj insulting language ?;) Judge Kirkman: '1V: . j. L. Johnson, plead guilty jto a . hnrge of using language calculated to bring on a breech o the peace and AVI s fined $50 and the. costs. v Tussey, ne-grpj&ead "guilty to ; nf snfifirKri arid was finp.d i the costs. je! Dorse tt, negro' was: convicted of ! a chn'rge of assaulting his' wife, LiUie rkci.T -Rti nf rvincs thA . costs his case. Xicholas ' Michael was triad and crancy. -A. noi pi us was wrcu izi mv case of K'-nest. KeanedyV indicted for a similar offense. . x Garsy . Abern'athyy- n Egress, was found gu'iity of ah assault. Charge, judgement was suspended upon pay ment Of tht; eOStS. - - Alma ne?;ress, was fined ?5 A 1 A . 1 ' ' il nhii the cos's when convicted c chaise of ,dii--rderly, conductr r.3,ir?fl ' Jtm "blead iruilty to a chanre Of 'fr ianguage ' calculated ' bnng on fc-ach ofMae peace and ' 13 fine plu3C3sts was imposed. : n,M&i uPi'hifftR ! -MPQERRY. i A The funeral Mil R. iLineberger, .a W . j V . - 'Chesaneake and IT - oh.-o railroad. who5died Tuesday ' In a j Vewport News-: hospital as a result of injuries receivedon April 1G when he. n tvi o frxi-h1 trin. was held Thursday morning. Interment was Dmkon,t ftrays r.ha-nel. Members of both lb e Greensboro , and Newport News lodges of railroad j trainmenook part, in the servfees. rhP following members of the New-; IllaUC IU IUO l,tU.V.J ' " ort News lodge served, ns pallbear-1 TS William Suttle, H. L.. Alien, . Proctor, L. C. Wash,.. J. A. Mull--arn, slid Lr i. Irby.T Members of ir Heel lodge No. 594..BT., Greens ro, were honorary pall tearers. as lows: Messrs. Coble, Coe, Brame. ith, Hinshaw and Fruitt. nPAl s IN DIRT HERE. I "here was continued activitT in the in Winston as well as a calico club, j 'ford realty market Thursday as the best suits for boys and men cost aled by the number of dee-ds 'filed $15 .and calico dresses $12. This will ! registration at the county court- not reduce the high co-st of living at j - in Greensboro. Here .are the : all. These goods will just soar high Point deeds filed during the 'lay: r. The only way to reduce the high A Brookshire and wife to S. E. ' cost of living is not to buy them. : and wife, property on Hamilton Le't's work our old clothes over instead consideration about $2,500. of buying new ones and this, will do ' . i j.i : .Inn ' r KrVncr Tiirn ! e Test Furniture company -' Keerans, property in this city; -ration, $2,000. V Andrews and wife to W. F. property in High Point, con "on, $900. Creer and wife to W. F. Tay nerty in this city; considera " ,0. Trubb, High Point man who -sday tried and convicted in superior court at Greens--. charge of advising the use ne to cause abortion, Was -entenced by Judge Shaw to m of not less than one year - than five years at bard la ctate prison. Notice -of ap--aven and a $3,000 bond ' alleged to have advised r, pretty 17-year-old girl to take the drug after he - : have abused her. iTED. NUTS' f4i that His KiD 2C Fire Slondav Nignt on Mfm Street . Fire Monday night in the second story of -the J. C. Welch building on South Main street cairsed a loss of from $15,000 to $20,000. Jarrett Stationery Co. on the first noer suffered considerably from wa ter and smoke, while the Clegg Bil liard parlor was also drenched with water. Theipper'floors were orrn- Died as furniture show rooms and much ot the furniture was damaged "icuicu. Penny Bros, will sell the property on Last Washington street, known as the Perry estate, April 24tW. GRUBB FOUND GUILTY BY JURY Jake -Grubb, a white man of this city, was found guilty of advising the U!,e 01 mecucme tor . abortion. , The crime for which he was con- icted is Punishable by imprisonment ,"oor m xne state penitentiary maximum term 01 ten years. However, the court may be disposed to some wnat lenient in its punish- mem. i Several months ago Grubb was given a, hearing here in municipal ; court. Probable cause was found by Judge O. A.Kirkman, who ordered i t.iat the defendant be held for the j higher court, under bond. t Grubb was 1 ir. dieted- for -advising Mary Garner, ! pretty 17-year-old High Point girl, to ! her. .. , The court began the trial late Wed- nesday afternoon Until lata THiurs- uay aiteruuun it was eugageu m iu hearing of the evidence and the argu- verdict of ' gu'ilty way returned jTursday afternoon by a Guilford coumy jury. Liocai iiuuiuevs aiy"- X T 4. A. n a n m ed in the case. The mother of the girl was one of 1 the strongest witnesses against the j defendant. She told of the attention ; Grubb paid her daughter, of his con-j fession, of his paying a sum of money j 10 neau 011 . i6ai , tho .stetMta cf bar daughter short-, afterthe enme is alleged to have ; t?en commuted . . , , , , f Uplifting and eievaling. the Ghaiitauqua. HIGH POINT, ROUTE 4. (Bv Mary A. Clodfelter.) " They have organized an overall club more wau auyiums wo ua .ae1 hign cost of living. rne writer v.fll join in a sugar club, net to buy any more till'the prices come down. It was reported in this section that Thomasville merchants are asking 50 cents a pound for sugar, but we guess this is only an exception. We can do without sugar and we are not going to pjy the prices asked now. "Mr. Jarvis says -he will join a bare footed club that will bring down the hig'i prices of shoes. It was only last wee'i that a young man went to Win ston to buy a pair of shoes and a mer chant there asked him $28 a pair for them, and at another place they 'asked him $24. Later he found out that the wholesale price. uu - . Threatening only $8. Now who is making the tgiu;-"- money? It should be stopped. No ; sa em Qf miniature parks, shrub wonder the good Lord sends so muca - walkwavs wm be developed. ram ana nan mm oii -1 n mc . the order cf the ! the order tne Planting corn is day. , . , The health of the commupixy is gauu . i J at present. . . r niodfelter and son Oakus rnt to Thomasville Thursday evening nf last week. Thp writer and Janie - Clodfelter called to see Miss Lou Hine the otner evening. .She was not feeling well, m fact, she has been sick for the past two years. A brother and children of High Point, came to see Mr. land Mrs. L. F. Clodfelter. Mr Eusene Clodfelter and Roby I Clodfelter called on their father and mother Sunday morning. Wilmer Clodfelter spent a few days time. Stamey's Jewelry Store. orr A TlTTiW T'TTiR'RITn Ma wTth her grandparents, Mr J last week and Mrs. Y . wedVli. . .. ttt . Ti,i.0Tnv M.SS Hines I Ws wife suffered a stfoke of pklarysis CTCSMargkrttMSee called to, s,e due to the.shock, relative, were also the writer md family Thursday j ade1Copelana ls surTiTCa, In addi ning of last weeK. widow and other relatives, j. mv,Q vjkt7-i'Pixr .Ti'ii u s many readers in this section. A great event in High Point's career, Cnaotanqtia. Hisi Point, iwm 11 " jj . Qoriedy Success . . ; Nea Ymk Cqst - A plot so .full of amusing complications and sur prises that m is one con stant gale of merriment from first to kst. l ite si Mfs II oil a wager 6th Night Season Tickets $2.75, Plus lOTas Medpatla Cliaiitaiiqiia I Jisf One of 15 IREDPATH CHAUTAUOUA li - J) J R Smalt BUfidleS r i W. A. Bass and E. A. Hatcher were business viSi lors in Greensboro Satur day. J. W. bmita' was among me number tending the Greensboro-High Point ball game .in the Gate City Saturday afternoon. R. C. Stone, of Greensboro, was a business visitor here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shields spent Sunday in Grsensboro, the guests of friends. O. A. Rothrock, of Lexington, ws among the business visitors to this city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Moser, of Ashe boro, spent Friday afternoon in High Point. ' H. I. Coffield and B. R. Thurman have returned from a business trip to the eastern part of the Mate 7 SHERATON HILL IS BOUGHT BY CLARK. One of the most important real es- tate transactions of recent weeks in High Point became known today when it was announced that S. C. Clark had bought ths Sheraton Hill residential property from C. B. Overman arid ethers. The consideration was $20, 000. According to Mr. Clark, work will be started at once in developing the Sheraton Hill property along the lines that have made Parkway, also, devel oped bv Mr. Clarke, one cf the most , - aV1o .p-ntial sections in tne "-'J " - Colonial Drive will be, made the prm- street Qf new d elopment. ThP. nl an of the street is thoroughly l IIC LJACtX. w-w w hnnlevard nrooer being only .30 feet wide to prevent speeu- ill wv.- " - i ing, cositiy upKeep auu uu&l, vmr. both sides vill be a 20 foot parkway, ; including a four foot ganolithic waiK. oT,nnQnTi TTin ii ocntea m luc .ctv nf ,th citv. and is Qf most deairabi spots for residential development. T. J. COPELAND IS DEAD; WIFE IS ILL. v T. J. Copeland, . brother-in-law of J. E. and J. A. Marsh and Mrs. D. N. Wel- : born, a former resident of High Point, 'died Friday night" in a Boltimore hos- ta.1 J. E. and J. A Marsb lfVait- urday for Baltimore to attend the fu- , i 1 , o Von ill wnen mr. vopeiauu vv a,a oatv.. by two sons. See our wpnderful line of jeweiry, and we can save you just lots of money a - CN-am oir'.e Towplrv RtOVP " Wh6ie its guaranteed 3 buy j iurfifths of th " - A Thurs day , May 3 mtv off 01 veracity Big Attractions i ; !$ecure your Tickets for ca Week. :"-S AP tEN F t E L1 1 S DE A D Mjs. Mary Ellen Sappenfield, years of age, wife of HA. Sappen - field, died Friday morning at-9:30 o'clock, at her home, 310 Thistle street. -Greer attacked her and she had to j wating work done place - the busi Tubarculosis is attributed as the run to avoid him. Her father and ness with 'her and she will see that it cause of her death. - mother also testified for the -state. J is attended to. Many over the county a rd f oftsht and : annreciate her kindness in this mat- --L I a . OJUUSUIICIU Wt UUIU ILL LJlI. V.tJ county, being a daughter of J. J. and Susan Millington. She-was a consis - tent member of Green Street Baptist The 'funeral was held from the homo SiiT,flav nftprnoon at 3 n'nlnrlr Rev. J. E. Lanier officiated and inter- ment followed in Aakwood cemetery, Deceased is survived by her hus - band, two sons, Archie and Alfred Sappenfield, one daughter, Miss Viola Sappenfield, and a brother, John T. Millington, all of High Point. She was the sfep-mother of the . following children, who survive: Curtis Sappen - field, of Marietta. Ga .: Fred 'Sappen - fiold'and Mrs. Necla Crawford, of High Point, and Mrs. lnta, Ga. Dora Appling, of At- LOCAL DELEGATES NAMED. FOR MEET The annual meeting cf the Women's Missionary societies- of' ithe M. E. churches of the western North Caro lina conference, convening May 4-7 at Morganton, N. C, is one of the most enthusiastic gatherings of this nature fivfir hp.ld. j Del tes in large numbers are in !attendance and High PpJmtt at which place the 1919 conference was "stag ed," isrepresented there as follows: Woman's Missionary society Wes ley Memorial; Mrs. W. S. O'Neal president, with Mrs. W. H. Townsend as delegate. Daisy Davies society, Wesley Me morial. Mrs.-W. R. Morrow presi dent, with Mrs. Jim Reams a delegate. Young, Woman's Missionary society Wesley Memorial ; Mrs. J. W. Wilson, president and district secretary, .with Mrs. H. W. McCain and Mrs. W. D. Brooks as delegates. Young People's Missionary society, Wesley Memorial; , Miss Shelley Thomas, delegate. Woman's Missionary ' society of South Main street M. E. church, Mrs. M.. P. Vail as" delegate. A big event jaext week, is the Chautauqua. .- ' " That was some land sale Monday, of Willoubar Terrace. It takes the Penuy Bros to deliver the goods. J. B. Sweard and sons are conduct ing a dairy farm. . - - . -. . ....... . . (, goods sold in High Point the laboring people 1920 Valuable Music Box Proper ty Goes Up'in Smoke EjectoFile Company's ' Place y stroyed and Southern Rail I. way Is Blocked. De- With a losg of from $100,000 to $200, 000, the Ejecto-File company's plant here was consumed about noon Thursday- when fire of undetermined origin was discovered' by an employe of the plants '.' ' v;" When' the firemea arrived the flames .were making remarkable headway and a few minutes later the building a two-story wooden structure, had been burned to the ground. ' Fifteen freight cars, left standing on a siding adjacent' to the plant of the Ejecto-File company, were ignited and one of these was destroyed. 'Most Of the - cars .were loaded with lumber, fourteen were1 damaged . in varying degrees. , Traffic on the main line of the Southern railway, was cut off for near lyfi three hours when the rails were bent as a result of the intense heat. It - was after 2 o'clock in the after noon -before either north . or south bound trains passed High Point, and, then they used side tracks. - The Electro Gile company was en gaged in the manufacture of fillinai cabinets, victrolas, phonographs' and cabinets for phonograph records. iEvery piece of- machinery-was de stroyed. " 5 ' ! It was impossible for "the firemen to secure anv direct pressure in figbt- rr th.o flomos nwinff to th& distance of the building from the nearest water j charge pn which he , was tried, guilty ! hydrant A long line of hose was j of assault on a female, guilty of sim-LTMino- amoral froiffht cars and a ' Pie assault, ' or. not guilty. The 12 large quanity of lumber were saved as a result of the efforts. nf the. fire- men. The fire was one of the. largest that has visited High Point in a number of years : f : . ; GREER, SENTENCED ,TO EIGHT MONTHS, APPEALS. U S Greer, of this city, was Friday ! afternoon found not guilty cf a charge ! of assault with intent to commit rape on a young married woman of this . - - 1 1 X citv. However, he was iouna guuty of assault upon a fem'ale and Satur day Judge Shaw sentenced him to eight months in the state prison. No tice of appeal was given and a $2,000 bond arranged. i" trial held the interest of u crowded courtroom for several hours 'the defendant in her own home. Af - iter she had resented it, she said , J. ll'C "Oii " " , cross-examination oy. counsel 101 c ' defense was sharp at times. Greer was represented by T. J. Gold and L. . T5 ixmivflTns loai attorneys. 1 I ''Greer is a young married man and non ducts a SXOCery " SXOre uu. uitrcu street. The defendant's wife and i small son were in the courtroom whrte ' the trial was in progress. One of the ! character witnesses placed on the ! stand by the7 defense was Mrs. Greer. i PARRISH DIES OF INJURIES IN j CRASH. ! James Parrish, of Randolph county, ' died Friday mgnt ai w-w ' the High Point hospital as the result of injuries received on April i an automobile in which he and Frank I tATT- Tho nrmrviral . witness was i The cemetery here needs cleaning HERE lt,i : wi, n -Vmi i-Eha.f. .n. 1m 1 Afp; orv ' 1vnMV?.wifia .ffosatame ,Men- -r .1 r it- ! r i i . li n ia v . v . . i i v j " t - - . h nrnnpr nroDOSal was made xo uer uy clennail Will au.emi bu. -v.iic mvv". Yates, of Denton, were riding, was day. . struck by Southen passenger trkin Mr. and 'Mrs. John Hedgecock visit No. 137 at ,a crossing at Thomasville. j ed at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. W. R. Mr Yates is also at the hospital in puts Sunday, a serious condition and it -was report:-, j M. B. Hedgecock was the guest of ed that little hope is entertained for i a. C. Davis Sunday. his recovery. Mr. and Mrs Fred L. Hedgecock Mr. Parrish was 26 years of age and j and family spent the week-end with was 2 farmer. prominent Randolph county He was a son ol Franklin and Cora Parrish, who now reside fiA "Rosidps hi tarents ne is I survived "by his widow ! our brothers. and five sisters and four brothers. Splinters 55V? ' WAS" am -A ; I .eAGL ""r ' - v SJJif? WAS" A ' t. SlSO.aYear fiiven Eight Months on tle fioads TRIED- HIGH-POINTER FOR SERI OUS OFFENSE. A Acquitted' of Attempted Criminal As sault, Found Guilty jof Assault on Female. U. S. Greer, High Point white man! charged with assault with intent to commit rape upon a young white mar ried woman of this city, was fotind not guilty of that serious offense by a Superior- court jury late Friday after noon, but ; was convicted of . assault upon a female. The trial of Greer, who is himself married and. who runs a small store in the furniture city, held the inter est of a crowded court -room for a couple of hours. Tne principal wit ness was the prosecutrix who said an improper proposal was made to her by the defendant in her own home and that after sh showed her resentment she was "attacked by Greer and had to run to avoid him: Her father and mother also testified for 'the state. The case was hard fought and cross examination by counsel for the defense was sharp at times. The defendant's wife and four-year-old son were in the court room while the triaLwas in progress. One of the character witnesses put. on the stand by .the defense after the jury had ren dered its verdict was Mrs. Green One of four verdicts, , Presiding Judge Shaw told the jury, could be rendered the defendant could' be ; fourid either guilty of the serious I men trying the case deliberated but a : snort wane oeiorts auuuuui,xu6 linding. - NEWS FROM TRINITY. Mr. Lowe, who used to live here, died in High Point, and was brought here for burial. ' - v Mrs. Lillie Alford, of Greensboro, with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Bal- j iance, spent the day in town Wedens- j day. They came in :their car. j Mrs. Weeks' is getting ready for her j annuai fitting to Edgecombe and other , - j Eastern counties. Dr. Stanton was in town on profes sional business last week. Good many of us. can'.t afford Irish potatoes at "five dollars per bushel. The Old Singing School was . played at the schoool building last week. The i proceeds will go for the new church. Miss Mendenhall has; looked after tho cemetery for a long time-and any one , Mr ir ter. -;. Mrs. Hannah 'White . went to High Point ont, day last week. We have not yet learned whether j the new church will be of wood, brick OT . SXOue. Can't get much sugar here now. Only one store keeping it we learn. Very few hace done any gardening at all. It has rained too much. No fertilizer to be found in town. Don't know what we will do unless more comes in. NEWS FROM KERNERSVILLE RT. 1, (By Nellie Davis.) Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierce of High Point were the guests of her pa- , rents, Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Davis Sun- hsr sisiter, Mrs. .raimer, at vy wo ' vine. N. C Tho TxrrHnr snpnt the week-end of last week in High Point with her sis ter and aunt. Everett Davis and J.- B. Sweard and. son, Gray, motored to . Greensboro Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Momtsinger and family visited at the home of "Mr. and Mr" J.gP- Home: Sunday. Mrs. Highfielday of (Liberty spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Welf orn. ' The people of this section have or ganized a Sunday school at Delane cheol house and have fifty-five on roll i and expect to have more. The writer and Mr. and Mrs. L. L Davis motored to High Point Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Deby 'Slutter was buried at Ab botts Creek Friday. Mrs. Frank Tise was buried at Spring Hill last Wednesday after noon. .. ' The farmers of this section are very busy, preparing land for corn and to bacco. , This news is from the Maple Grove Farm section, four milee north of High Point. , Stfmey Jewel ry Store snV.9 all the standard makes of watches and for less than you can order the same, quality considered. , We are distinctively Headquarters on watches. . . t 1 . ... 1 xx- J" A 'U vMnffAa. -1 1 i 4 I!" IMI i 1 I'll-. hi. 1 2. I . 'i i ! s i t. y f