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, I THE EE VIEW, HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA 1 " i rffik- , , ... . mm, i a jo . if fa '!?: Li i In , itiw Uk:1- NrT.-A PRH GENT. 1 .r. Aw;t(MnAfisndBaas a c 1 tyi. neither Opitiffl.HorpIiincnor J . - L. !feSiill ft For Infants and Children. " Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of A ffij' Use VJ.' For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. 0) urn I. miian riTfiTiti 3 Sample Submitted. Visitor Are you good at your work? I am very particular about the way my hair is cut. Village Barber Well, I'm reckoned fairly decent; but, if you like, I'll do one side of your head first so that you can see for yourself. Der Brummer (Berlin). Naturally. "Why are you lashing yourself into such a state of excitment?" "Because I want to get off the beat en track." If a man will stand being petted his wife has no earthly use for any other pet animal. For snore than Forty Years Cotton Growers have known that POTASH PAYS More than 11,651,09 Tons of Potash Salts had been imported and used in the United States in the 20 years previous to January, 1915, when shipments ceased. Of this 6,460,700 Tons consisted of KMMT which the cotton grower knew was both a plant food and a preventive of blight and rust, with it came also 1,312,400 Tons of pen imtt AMUME SALT which has the same effects on Cotton, but which was used mainly in mixed fertilizers. Shipments of both Kainit and Manure Salt have been resumed but the shortage of coal and cars and high freight rates make it more desirable to ship Manure Salt, which contains 20 per cent of actual Potash, instead of Kainit, which contains less than 13 per cent actual Potash. MANURE SALT can be used as a side dressing on Cotton in just the same way as Kainit and will give the same results. Where you used 100 pounds of Kainit, you need to use but 62 pounds of Manure Salt, or 100 pounds of Manure Salt go as far as 161 pounds of Kainit. MANURE SALT has been coming forward in considerable amounts and cotton growers, who can not secure Kainit, should make an effort to get Manure Salt for side dressing to aid in making a big Cotton Crop. MuiFiisitte ofi PottaisBi 50 percent actual Potash, has been coming forward also, 100 pounds of Muriate are equivalent to 400 pounds of Kainit or 250 pounds oi Manure sail. These are the three Standard GERMAN Potash Salts that were always used in making cotton fertilizers and have been used for all these years with great profit and without any damage to the crop. The supply is not at present as large as in former years, but there is enough to greatly increase the Cotton Crop if you insist on your dealer making the necessary effort to get it for you. j HMD HARLEQUIN CABBAGE BUG INJURES CROPS Attacks Cauliflower and Various Other Vegetables. Brussels Sprouts. Showing Character istic Feeding Areas, White Spots on Leaves, Due to Attack of the Harlequin Cabbage Bug. and the accumulation of rubbish", us ing' trap crops of mustard, rape, or other early crop, burning over in fested patches and fields, and destroy ing the insects by means of a hand torch and other mechanical measures, a the best methods of control, ac cording to Farmers' Bulletin 1061, Harlequin Cabbage Bug and Its Con trol," recently issued by the united States department of agriculture. The first appearing bugs should be killed before they have a chance to breed, or if the fields become infested later the bugs should be destroyed late in the season so as to leave fewer to survive the winter. Co-operation with others who grow cole crops is an absolute necessity In dealing successfully with this pest. The newT bulletin may be obtained 'free, as long as the supply lasts, on application to the department. RIGHT TIME TO APPLY LIME If Badfy Needed It May Be Spread on Winter Wheat in Spring and Lightly Harrowed. The best time to apply lime is when land is being prepared for wheat in fall. It should be spread on tile plowed ground and harrowed in. Liming corn land that is to be followed by a grain crop with clover is also good practice. If lime is badly needed it may be spread on the winter wheat in the spring and lightly harrowed in. It will not be as effective as if it had been put on last fall but it will help some. If clover is to be seeded with a spring grain crop, lime can be applied when preparing the land for this crop. The precise amount of lime to use in each cafe can be determined only by chemical means, and the various methods for determining the lime re quirement of soils do not always yield uniform results, says the United States department of agriculture. Fof the farmer the response of the clover crop is the best test. By liming a field at two or three rates and leaving a strip unlimed the farmer can get clover to tell the story itself, s a I general ruie, wnicn is userui? as a starting point, two tons of ground limestone or one ton of burnt lime an acre will put most land in shape to grow clover. DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETING Soil and Crop Sendee Potash Syndicate H. A. Huston, Manager 42 Broadway Ner York Improvement .Must Continue to Come Through Better Methods and Procedure. Marketing machinery is a product of evolution ; any Improvement must continue? to come gradually through better mthods and procedure and not through setting up instantly a perfect ly efficient and automatically operated new marketing machine. Market ex perts in the United States department of agriculture point out that the work er In the field of marketing can assist in the development of better market ing practices just as the worker In the field of production has assisted, and is now- assisting, in the Improvement of general practices. GET HONEY FROM DANDELION Not Considered Strong Enough Argu ment to Continue i Growing Plant Too Freely. Beekeepers have found that the dandelion furnished the bees some honey In 1919. But In general this would not be a strong enough argu ment to continue growing the plant as freely as some do grow it. LIFT CORNS OFF IT DOESNT HURT First Appearing Insects Should Be - Killed Before They Have Chance to Breed Clean Up Old Stalks and Rubbish. (Preif&red by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The cabbage crop of many states suffers severe losses from the ravages of the harlequin cabbage bug. The affected plants wilt and die soon after attack as though swept by fire, hence the name "fire bug." This bug, which al$o is called "calico back" and "ter, rapin bug," also injures cauliflower, kale, turnip, radish, and other cole" crops, and after destroying fields of these, attacks various other vege tables. Several generations are pro duced each year. ; Cleaning up the cabbage stalks and other remnants as soon as the crop is off. preventing the grrowth of weeds With fingers! Corns lift out and costs only few cents IDi1 mm EfHf? pah (fiinoir mm J'Dodson's Liver Tone" is Taking Place of Dangerous. Sickening Chemical, Say Druggists Pain? No, not one bit! Just drop a little Freezone on that touchy corn, Instantly it stops aching, then you lift that bothersome corn right off. Yes, magic! Costs only a few cents. Try Freezone! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard com, soft corn, or. corn between the toes, and calluses, without one particle of pain, soreness or irri tation. Freezone is the mysterious ether discovery of a Cincinnati genius. Adv. Order Filled. "Did you see where some woman complained because she had to pay $1 for a glass of lemonade?" "Well," she asked to have a lemon Handed her, didn't she?" Every druggist in town has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel. They all ,glve the same rea son. Dodson's Liver Tone Is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people h know it." Dodson's Liver Tone is Der- sonally guaranteed by every druggist who sells it. A large bottle doesn't cost very much but . if It fails to give easy relief in every case of liver slug gishness and constipation, just ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pU tasting, purely vegetable harmless to both children and a&rESm Take a spoonful at night and wake feeling fine ; no biliousness, sick IwaodQU ache, acid stomach or constipearf53 bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause convenience all the next day like lent calomel. Take a dose of calmaofiS today .and tomorrow you will nT weak, sick and nauseated. DonT: a day. Adv. Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin com fort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all usesshaving, bathing and shampooing. Adv. One resents being bossed by his neighbor, and just 'as much by a thou sand of his neighbors. We want you to see the Dixie Razor and try it thoroughly, After trial if you was tat 11 sena us ana we wui send you a fine 51.00 razor none iree. 11 yon oisij Want it return to us. Fill out blank below and mail to us. The rJtzcr will be aasai you Dy return mail. DIXIE MANUFACTURING CO., UNION CITY, GEORGIA, Sflld nei Dixl Rsinrnn mncianoioiif fn1linATS 1prIpr TPt AT. Tf nntiafru-torv I will (umr) Bpecial .factory price of $1.96. If for an reason I do not want it I will "return it to you at the end ri! tiny. 11 x seep razor ana pay zor it promptly you are to send me a iXNUi i&AZAJtt nunci r tuu. g!as NAME. P.O.. STATE. R. F. D... SOLD FOR 60 XEJSS& For MALARIU CHILLS and FEVER Also a Fine GenKn Strengthening SOLD BT ALL DRUG ' THERE HE STANDS! GRAND old "Bull" Durham. He belongs in this . country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a more familiar figure? For over half a century Bull has been part of the landscape; the tobacco he represents has made millions and millions of friends. You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. - r GENUINE j LJ 1 m J-? Lyj Ljx LfTJ Z A ULJ i ' Mlk I Ti With UIL. paper you (