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The High Point (Member of the Worth Carolina Press Association.) v No. 106 Nprth Main Street issued Every Thursday Morning by W. L.. Stanley, Editor and ruDiisner Publication Office.. One 'Year Six Months Subscription ' Rates $1.50 Nine Months . - . .75 Three Months ..$1.00 , .40 Telepnone Number 275. . - T)4f msiio tnnwn uDon application. All notices and adver tisements not contracted for a specified time will be inserted and charged lr FNewf matter only. Charges are made' for -Card. T ThanKs -Resolutions of Respeci." "Obituary Notice," Personal nte-Ups; and all W'miTireIRe1vCfe3w at all times Is glad to receive short letters concerning "mat ters of importance and will publish them. We require the name of TTViter lo be signed to article for our protection, but will not print his name if so requested. ' ' HIGH POINT, Ni C, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1920 THE SPECIAL SESSION. All signs now point to the first week in August as the date on whicn tne special session of the legislatunei wm assemble for ihe purpose of fixing the new tax rate under the revalutaion act. The rate will be lowered to such a point that the returns undies the s new values will not "be more than ten per cent in excess of what they were last year. While the tax commission has not given out any figures on the inortnsprT values, they have assured1 the public that the values will be TO A FIVE DOLLAR BILL. many times what the old values were, Crinkle, crinkle, little bill; and the tax rate will be lowered pro- Goodness, gracious, you look ill! portionately. - , Are you losingall your power? For instance, the total property You seem weaker hour by hour. value under ilua old system was about a nniinn Tnllars. Should the new i values show four billion dollars, the Vot ratp will be lust one-fourth of what it has been heretofore. ever knr&w what it contained . This course was both unfair and inconsist ent with their high office, he declared. Mr. Hoey also reviewed a number of : democratic accomplishments in laud atory manner. "If Mr. Morrison is nominated for governor I promise him that I will make 1 ten speeches for his election for every one he ever made for me," said. Mr. Hoey near the close of his remarks. NOTICE OP SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in an order of the Su perior Court of Guilford County, North Carolina," in a special proceed ing, now pending, entitled "J. H. Fer guson et als, Ex Parte," the under signed commissioner will sell at miblie auction, to the highest bidder or cash, on the premises, at 12 o'clock nooni on the 24 th day of July 1920, the follow ing described real property, to-wit: v Lying and being in Guilford Coun-f ty, North Carolina, in High Point Township, adjoining the lands of "WV J. Armfield, Marion Williams and others and bounded as follows: Be ginning at Marion Williams corner' in W. J. Armfield line East nine poles to a. public road; thence North 105 poles line; thence line to the be- SayslH? Tessa laij? to Marion. Williams , li Souln-lilijBa.sstraiglJt- line gmmngfcogyamg three acres more or less. iiscw This 19th dayTof. June, 1920. C. A. YORK, Commissioner. ; Qessalts, 'Twl Mm Ulna! Phil pet.-of this place, writaa: "Fire year ago I vu taken irlta a vain in my left sid. It was right . under my left rib. It would cotamene with an aching and extend' up Into my left boulder and on down into my back. By that time the pain would be bo revere I would hart , to take to bed, and Buffered usually about three days ...I suffered this way for three rears, and cot to bo a mere skeleton and was so weak I could hardlystand alone, tfrs not able to go' anywhere and had to let my house work go... I suffered awful with a pain in my back and I had the headache all the time. I just was unable to do a a thing. My life was a misery, my stomach cot In an awful condition, caused from taking so mucn meaicxno. I suffered so much r pain. I bad just about given up all GOOD ROADS BILL. It is very probable that the North "Now that prices are so high, I'm sol tired that I could die. I just circulate all day, No one dares put me away. When the evening board is set With the fruits of fathers sweat, My small voice is hushed and still- Carolina Good Roads Association.i l am in the butcher's till. which has been the chief advocatia of a big bond issue better roads in the state, will not insist on new road leg islation at the special session of the general assembly this summer. The condition of the financial situation, &h,o. inhiifltv of contractors to get coal ! and rock which to carry out con- j Though you're weak, I love you still I m m m aba And no matter where I go, People disregard, I dont seem to count for much 'Mongst the profiteers and such." I Bill, take heart, your luck may change, I'll admit the times are strange. tracts already let aad the decision that it would not be well to attempt to tamper with the present road law until the 1921 session of the general 'assembly are the causes for the deci sion of the association not to ask for new road legislation. It is probable, however, that the present legislature will be asked to appoint a special committee for the I purpose of studyng tne roaa neeas 01 the state and drafting a new law to be submitted to the f 921 session. Crinkle, crinkle, little bill. FAUST U. S. TRENCH COFFEE MADE FOR U. S. BY BLANKE CO. St. Louis Times; May 18, 1918. The C. P. Blanke Tea and Coffee Company, of St. Louis, Mo., have re ceived another large order from the ! Government for 250,000 cans of Faust Instant Coffee This is the second large order received from the Govern ments three weeks. Each can is to contain sufficient coffee to make 100 cups, or a total of 25,000,000 cups of coffee. In the trenches this coffe will NOTICE. North Carolina, . Guilford County. -In the Superior Court. Winnie Barber, vs. James Barber. ine aerenaant a Dove named y will bopea of our getting anything to help units uuuet; mat an action enimea as KpLS. , ; above has been commenced in the -su-j Oae day . a B&tfiday Almanac was perior court of the State of North F-thrown sa my yard. After reading. Carolina, Guilford County, to -obtain l.w;wxunoniais 1 aedded to try Car an absolute divorce noon the ermindfi am :SO thankful that I did, of adultry and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county of Guilford on the 4th day of July, 1920, and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief .de manded in said complaint. This 28th day of May, 1920. W. W. G ANT, for I began to Improve when on the cdoond bottle...! am haw a. wall I ; woman and feeling fine and the cure nas seen permanent for It has been I will always praise and reoommend CarduL" Try Cardial today. 13 74 '" - ' ': I 0ICO Howard, $100 Catarrh la a local dlaeaa sreatly i&fia nd by constitutional condition. It thorotoro requires constitutional treat ment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDXCINB Irf taken lntarnaUr and acts through the wiiuci aim uy vniuc w "c jwwci iwmiir -figi, tULLits a CATARRH IfKDICIIfjS NOTICE OF SALE destroys the foundation of ths dlsaase. gvsa the patient strength by Improvlns a sonoral health and assists nature la aomr its work, fioo.oo for any casa of Catarrb that HALL'S CATARRH hsuicipid xaus to euro. Drug-gists 75c, Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney ft Co.. Toledo, Ohio. ea in a certain fleed of trust made by A M. Idol, guardian of W. F Harveil and Alma S. Harveil, to V. A. J. Idol, trustee for the 20th Series of the High Point Perpetual Build ing and Loan Association, oa he 2nd day of April, 1918, and recorded in Book 301, Page 2 54, in the office of the. Register of Deeds -of fiiiilfnrri Pnnntv 1faiilf fr nirtAv Oft .1 o ir c having been made in the payment thereof. TIMBER DEEDS For sale, 3 for accerding to the terms of said deed of trust, 25c; 75c doz., 50 fol $3.00. REVIEW tne unpersigned will otter tor sale to the high flF-FIfTF esc oiaaer lor casn on tne premises, co Willowbrook Street, High Point, N. C. , on Saturday, the 10th day of July, 1920, at 2 P. M. the following described house and lot, same being in High Point Township, Gnilford County, in the City of High Point, adjoining EGGS FOR HATCHING. Standard Bred Buff Orpington Eggs or Hatching. Prices reasonable Ap- ly to Claude A. Smith, Phone 3298, Beck and others and High Point, N. C. the lands of C. A. bounded as follows: ,5S55. 2" .Tf! of CHATTEL MORTGAGES For sale running in a western direction with said 59 ??chL3Ac.5!?-Z? 2de. 60c; 50 for NOT A FIRE IN 58 YEARS. An invitation, Cominissioni&r "Young - be known as Faust V. -S. Trench Cof Beck's line 180 feet to a stake; thence In a gl.UU. KL V1LW Ut t lUt. southern direction 60 feet to a stake; thence is inclined to accept, ccrmes nn a let ter from a gentleman in Rutherford county, who states that besides own- fee, the name appearing on all cans The Government is buying this f ormv of coffee-, as- it is only ecessary to ing a town in tne oouuiry, u uui, nmer n.ue soiuoie conee not had a fire, in 58 years. He sees ; powder to make a wholesome cup of to it that all trash and litter is kept 1 coffee. The Blanke company reports out of the houses, hack yards and that on a previous order received streets of his town, and his precau-; from the Government within a period tion of having fire extinguishers con- j of ten days they were able to deliver venient had saved it from burning for export 960,000 cups of Faust In four times in the past ten years. He stant Coffee. This is a record for the has water wonts in nis store ami m Diaune piani. i ne oraers were re- to an eastern direction 180 feet te a stake on FORBlDDEN-TREfePASS SIGNS the west side of Willowbrook street; ' thence ' For 8Sle OD heavy cardboard, 25c doz.; 50 for 50c; 100 for 85c RE VIEW OFFICE. in a northern directfon with said 'street; 60 feet to the beginning, containing 10,800 sq. feet, more or less. -This the 8th day of June, 1920. V. A. J. Idol, Truste. 20th genes High Point Per petuai Bldg. and Loan Association. AFTER FIVE YEARS. High Point Testimony Remains 'Un shaken. Time is the best test of truth. Here is a High Point story that has stood all homes, pure, cold, sparkMng water ceived by William. Fisher, vice-presi-4 HoinT wh ,1 .7' , i. w mritrr frvxm . moiintain dent. . a Pmt whIcn come straight home from a mountain dent nearby. His church, community hous.3 and store are built of stone, and besides being a fine fire prevent tion booster, he commends the In surance department work, asks for more bulletins and literature for his people' and concludes with a cordial invitation to thje commissioner to come to see him. Another fire and accident preven tion auxiliary is the Young Peoples' Safety Leagues, organized in the schools.- There are about ,2,000 of these leagues in the state, with an en rollment of 30,000. They make regu lar reports to the department each year, and many of them are very in teresting. One of the latest is from the Durham high school, in which the secretary, Ralph B. Puller, Jr., relat es that during the school year just closed, Safety First posters had been placed in all machine shops and schools of Durham, every one in the high school was an active member; and the league was then participating in a city wide campaign for safety from accident, fire, etc. HOEY SPEAKS FOR GARDNER. Clyde R. Hoey, congressman from the ninth district, of Shelby, delivered an address in the graded school audi torium Friday night in the interest ot the Gardner cancidadcy for governor. Mr. Hoey pent most of his time in telling why he thought Gardner ought to be nominated, paid his respects to J. F. Barrett and officials of the Farm ers' Union, declaring most of the lat ter are republicans, nu assierted that Gardner carried all important labor centers 4and the important agricul tural counties in the first primary. He declared that to ' have answered the questionnaire would have meant pledging Mr. Gardner. Referring to the charge that Clever land has too many office-holders, he asserted that Mecklenburg had more office-holders than any county west Of Raleigh. He named the lata presi dent of the university, president of the : North Carolina railroad and the assistant district attorney among the number. "I gave them back the one they gave me," ha said humorously in referring to his refusal 4o stand for re-election to congress. ''' - t v Briefly, and in it.? manner, Mr. Hoey discussed national issues. Unit ed States senate, he said, was suppos ed to be jurors to try the case of the peace treaty, yet, heY said thirty-nine of the senator jurors signed an agree ment to defeat the treaty before they COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as collector of the estate of Duleenee F. Payne, deceased, this is to notify all persons having cairns against the said estate to ex hibit the same to me for payment on or before the 25th day of May, 1921, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All "persons indebt ed to the estate are requested to make prompt settlement of the same. JOHN S. MICHAUX, Collector. May 25, 192fr. EVERYONE can have abWance of Thick, Beautiful, Gloety Hair 7 Sutherland Sisters Hair Grower Grew this Hair HI' mm at Dora Sutherland SCAXP CLEANER, the Great Dandrnff Semdy' Jt J,!"W the dandruff irerm. rot Shampooing", it has no equal, Yoti ValueYouf Hafr and Its Rrsatity ' Try seven Sutherland sirs Once-rWhy not now? . , -For Sale by all Drunists and Dept. Stores Sevefc Sutherland Sisters 242 BRADHDRST AVE., IT. T. OTT to many of us. Mrs., Ohas. Lee, 423 So- Main St., gave the following statement Decern-' ber 21, 1914: "Some years ago I was fn a pretty bad state with my kid neys. My back ached and throbbed so at times I could hardly endure,-the pain. My back was lame and stiff and I'could hardly straighten up with out supporting myself on something I couldn't turn over in bed, my back was so sore and morning it was al most impossible for mo to get out of bed. My kidneys acted irregularly and I felt all run down. I tried dif ferent remedies but didnt get good results until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. After taking a few doses .of Doan's, I was relieved and two, boxes gave me wonderful results." On July 23, 1918 Mrs. Iee said: "I still recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as highly -as I did "wheff'I gave my former statement . Whenever I hear of anyone complaining abyut their Jkidneys, I tell them to use Doan's." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy -eet Doan's Kidney Pills'the same thati Mrs. Lee had. Poster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. -' - metry is the Efficien-j cy Engineer pf Eyesight If your business. ia out of kilter and the cogs of your commercial machine do not work properly, you call in an efficiency engineer to true up the balance. 1 Optometry, is just exactly that to poor eyesight. "Optometrists are specialists in the minute mea suring of vision. , They are the logical specialists to whom ap peal should be made when your sight is out of kilter. They are the only specialists .who specialize in the measure ment of vision and the supplying of proper glasses, 7RS. STALEY Optomertrists Eyesight Specialists Upstairs StantonWelch Buildinfl7 WANTED Several good transfer knitters on fine guage misses hose pay 30 cts. dozen on size 9. Box 314. Statesville, N. C. A. R FUTRELL Special Agent Northwestern EIntnal Life I Ihsnrince Company fjp-to-ate Contracts AH that is desirable in Life Insurance Phone 3544 High Point Coal is s Buy Coke Now While the Prices are Low. v , By placing your orders how you'll get the benefit of the following low prices which will prevail for only a short whiles Lump coke $9. ton ; crushed, coke $11.00 ton. in and look at our line -or our salesman call and see have yc. North Carolina Pub Service Comp 27 South , Main street Phone'700 any NEW AUTOMATIC TEtP0NE SYSTEM Will be completed during the month of July, barring accident and the change from manual service to automatic will be m T immediately thereafter. Full directions for the use of thedM will be published before the cut-over and the directory of n numbers will be mailed each subscriber fseveral days in T vance. aa- NdrthStateTercphone Company Quality in wedding rings as understood to-day takes in more than mere intrinsic vslue. Everybody is looking for desism. for finish, the effect of workmanship. ' shi. Right there are the qualities that set O-B Wedding Rings apart from the ordiniary wedding rings that one meets with. O-B Wed ding Rings are offered in individual satirf-lined boxes, a refinement that will appeal to you at once. . You need presents for the best man, the bridesmaid and ' pernaps the ushers Come in and let us show you our O-B Line. x ( Federal' Reseirie-ystem was created primarily tostabilize finance and strengthen the business, industrial and farming in terest of the country. Through our membership in this vast Banking Sys tem, each individual depositor of this institution is directly benefited. We cordially invite new accounts. MEMBER FEDERAL SYSTEM - Bafffc of Gomiiierce O. E. Kearns, President. A..M. Rankin, Vice-Presi J. H. Adams, Vice Prs. H. U Newbold Vice-Pres. G. A4 Pollock, C5ashier A. M. Richardson, Assistant Cashier A Safe Banli in Which to Bant fonr Money ! To the Farmer, Laborer, Business man, or capitalist we extend a hearty request to glace your mon ey in this bank m the Checking or Savings department. We pay 4 per cent, interest on Savings and take an interest in our customers. M01E BAMIN Basil H. Hedgecock, Cashier r - m - . -capttaIN T. H E YARD STIC K Your Savings account is your Yard Stick of Brogress. It may be easy for you to be . too optimistic or too dis couraged, according to your temperament. But when you: look at your Savings account book you know exactly where you stand. Wachovia Bank 1 Trust Co. Capital and Surplus Oyer $2,500,000 v Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent - V