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1 t '-. 1 y ' I '3. .1 tr- Ml I II 1 J . 1 S3 V"'i avri- -A 4 SI:' j'..t - i i- -J T 151. Y ! i ' I i y A L The Greatest Outdoor Show E ver t i n - 5 . i 4 its ma Words fail to stupendous Dom'i Fail to The ReviewHigh Pointy N.;C,Thursday 8, July IgQ- v. e A r 9 9 I 0 JUL J LO Given oiiit describe cen ee and proportiQjis ee it . i - IE A - PHILIPPINE TRAVELOGUE THE ROM ANTIC ISLANDS OF THE FAR FAST PICTURES OF , THEIR. NATURAL EAST. PICTUI BEAU! r hi i m A POPULAR WINTER RESORT- BcrAii-r AN.D Mlb I UnIO oy 10 of ZZkirn a MECCA FOR TOUW5TS AND FAC. Point 5 rf ?.'(? i 4& 8: Mi4 bwoho SLUMP CLOSES - TORIES. Several factories ,in fli closed down Friday aftenv, I some, next morning, to remain .i, over tne Fourth, and for thp-CoM J tion Monday. Nearly Verv fV in the city is closing for -the hoi!?7 Monday, and several o. the f 7 ture factories, it is .understood remain closed throughout th ,' , ' part of next week. 3Tanv Q th(l iery mills close down the ni-vi this week' to remain shut for 1P ) days. Some of -them are closing T inventories, while others give ti reason a general slump in bil01r which the plants take advantage of?' instituted needed additions 0r provements. 1Ul' VMrs. G. L. Pascakl and dauber xxo. x-icu. wamer, vsueu relatives Greensboro Thursday. The Zigzag on the Way to Bagulo, Summer Capital of the Philippines. All aboard ! Let's go 1 We're start ing from Maoila, the great picturesque, Americanized Oriental city, and will travei by automobile 200 miles to the north to Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines. The trip can also be made by train We have ahead of us one of the most scenic, spectacular and thrilling auto mobile trips in the world. We will have excellent roads all the way. The Philippines are, In fact, a paradise for. autoists, possessing 3,500 miles of fine macadamized roads. The first part of the trip is through typical small towns and then across the central plain of Luzon and through several rf'eh and fertile provinces, where tropical vegetation is seen at its bst Here one is impressed with the great agricultural wealth of the Philip pines, which represents one of the East's greatest producing areas, with the advantage of immense natural re sources for the development of further production. It is regrettably true thnt even in the United States there is far from any real understanding of the potentialities of the islands. At some points rice fields, looking In the distance like the greenest of green lawns, stretch away as far as the eye can see. If you want color, if you want to feel the romance and mystery of an Oriental twilight, pass this way as the red eyed sun at the end of the dying day is slowly sinking behind the unending expanse of green fields. At first you cry out in ecstacy at the gorgeous scene. But as you ride along, your ej'es fastened on the panorama of -tints and colors, and with the im penetrably black Oriental night com ing on fast, you become enthralled. You no longer try to express your feel ings. You cannot. You realize that those now fast changing, colorful master pieces in the heavens and on the land ' scape are pictures that no man can ad equately describe nor human hands du plicate. So what's the use of trying ! True, these are but impressions, but the traveloguer considers himself justi fied in mentioning them, for they are a part of the trip to Baguio and return. Indeed, the gorgeous sunsets in all parts of the Philippines leave an im pression on the mind of the tourist that is everlasting. We leave the palms and tropical foliage and enter the zone of rugged pine. We pass from the soft, incense laden air of the warm lowlands to the crisp, invigorating - ozone of the tem perate zone, all within a few hours' time. " For mile after.mila the road now fol lows the tortuous course of a river, the road . lying in the bottom or on the rocky sides of a granite canyon. The Philippines are rich in hydro electric possibilities. This power is the cheapest power on earth. And it Is everlasting." Your" traveloguer is nei ther a prophet nor the son of-a proph et, but he predicts that one day there will be innumerable Philippine govern ment owned , hydro-electric plants in this canyon we are now- passing through. Think of the possibilities of such a project ! Today the trip from Manila to Baguio is too expensive for the average .Manila worker and his f aniily, many of t whom - may live and die without beholding the wondrous beauties of their own island of Luzon. Think of what a blessing it would be to Filipino mothers and children to feel upon their fevered brows the cool, invigorating breezes of the niountain tops, now so near and yet so far ! With the Philippine government owning its own electric railways and hydro-electric plarfts it would be, possible to bring the trip to Baguio within the means of hundreds of thousands of Filipinos, j Not orily is there sufficient power in : this river to electrify a line from Ma nila to Baguio, but to operate the street railways of Manila, light the city and furnish power for manufac- turing concerns. ' But we have now arrived at Camp. One. From this point the scenery , rapidly changes as the elevation in creases. We are traveling over the famous SBenguet road, the construction i of which through the mountains is a ; most remarkable engineering triumph. At places the road is blasted out of the solid granite. Riding on the edge of a , 100 foot precipice makes one feel like i - ten Veopl& We Pont q& Dp TO MEET- An( not Only tuat Listen . "the Pt5T who i&r Teas- vou L 1 i 4 1 - "ASSORTED NUTS IF I LWE fHHO' "fHIS TIL NEVER EVEtf CHANCE SHOE LACES UNTIL THE qrH of 3uU r c V i ifoe POOR SIMP v)ho DISCARDED HIS OVERCOfiT ANOTHE3R SHIPMENT GF FLM Jewelry Hamilton and Elgin watches, all sizes; fountaii pens, vanity cases, silverware. Sttney s Jewelry Score. "At times we seemed perilously near the jumping off place." v he is on the rim of the world. Some of the turns are so shtrrp it is .impossible to see 20 feet ahead, and we seem to be perilously near the jumping off place. We wonder if it is safe to lean out and peer into the canyon far below, and when we do we are perfectly sat isfied we are flirting with death. Yet the trip is a safe one, providing our driver has better nerves than our owl. All too soon we. -each the outskirts of Baguio, a city among the clouds, and are-rather surprised at the modern city we find it to be. In ten years Ba guio has grown from a village of huts to the now justly famed mountain re sort of the .Philippines! sometimes call ed the Philippine Simla. It is -an-doubte'dly destined some day to become a large city. Baguio ranges In elevation from 4,500 to 5,500 feet and is surrounded practically on 'all sides by high moun tain ridges and "hogsbacks" towering into the skies at a height of almost 8,000 f eeti Aside from the scenery, which is noteworthy, the great blessing of Ba guio is Its temperate climate, which is indeed a godsend to those impoverish ed, by the tropical temperatures, of the lowlands. Not only is the mountain air rich in ozone, but It has been dem onstrated to be extraordinarily free from germs of all kinds. Each yean during the hot season the school teachers of the entire archipela go are enabled by the government to spend a month at the teachers' camp in Baguio for recreation and confer ence on school work. American army i officers and their families also go to Baguio for the hot months. And now that your, traveloguer has you in Baguio, he believes he will leave you there, fr there are many interest ing side Irips to take, and, besides, Baguio Is the most delightful place for a vacation in the entire Orient. v C. H.T. CUR LINE OF RINGS, BROOCHES Lavalliers, watch bracelets, beau ty pins, watch chains, I-.mes, s-K pins, cuff-links, fobs. Post quality and selection. Stanley's Jeweu-y Store. ir'rice 5c, 5C. and $1.00. THE EGYPTIAN DRUG CO., 129 W. 31st St.. New York (Free m ;!? m:iil-f1 in"n r''itifv!2 Come in and pay that over due subscription account Don't wait until the prper stops. Iujwu m'Mi.u',ni.i' .-jUyw..liiJ.IimaWiW""1'1'1'' . i in That corns tnd bouiiy " compatilbl' i- the ciost trite of tru- )t Pl.ism 'That of the two bociily csre is U M the most to b )irsd. J;k-iser.cecs -a M no proving. TKsref., eliminate tm m no proving. c;.. That yoa can do It Ly s'nS -KSTI needs only 8 smgic . strate ti.efatt to ihe must sai'I"1'' ' ..nvinceu. Try it and you he t tauie the corn wil) t e vfl'ie- Don't ilnnk thil -btca'jse va Corn Cores." have not uc CORNEASE vul! fail iii a rioU , tded, 1 . . , it does you get yur mone y M drugj'stV or Ly mail. 25 New York. - a OUAKOK ..t. (t Cows. c'.'kZ? i "?S& in areat demand .r " f span11 1 epidemic' of - P Itest XLu'r or o bottle " - riii CO-t THE OUAKK . ynrK 1 W. 31st