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The High Point Reyieyv (Member of the iNorth Carolina Press Association.) . V Publication Office (ssued Every Thursday Mprning by W. L.. .No. 106 North Main Street Stanley, Editor and Publisher One Year ... Six Months Subscription Rates v .1$1.50 Nine Months . .75 Three Months ..$1.00 ; -.40 Telepnone Number 275. Advertising Rates made known upon application. All notices and adver tisements not contracted for a specified time will be inserted. and charged ror until ordered out. - . ' . . . - Free News matter only. Charges are maae ior jarus oi xuaus, resolutions of Respecc,". "Obituary Notice," Personal Write-Ups," and all cxmilar notices. - . 0 TL Review at all times Is glad to receive short letters concerning .mat ers of importance and will publish them. We require the name of sviter m.D9 signed to article for our protection, but, will not print his name if so requested. ; , - HIGH POINT, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1920 EGYPTIAN KE0ULA-TOH TEA Const ipatlcn and 5Stoma ch Disorders ; Price 25c, 50c. and $1.00. THE EGYPTIAN DRUG Cd. 129 W; 31st St.. New York (Free sample mailed ifponJvniiKil ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF FINE . Jewelry, Hamilton and Elgin watches, all sizes ; fountain pens vanity cases, silverware. - Stanley's . Jewelry Store. . - " OUR LINE OF RINGS, BROOCHES La valliers, watch bracelets,, beau, ty pins, watch chains, knives, stick jains cuff links, fobs. Best quality ana selection. stamey s Jewelry FREE TREATMENT FOR CHILDREN Dr. S.-L. Bobbitt, free dental clinic for school children between the ages oi six and 12, sent to High Point. by txxe state board of health in conjunc tion with the recent inspection, of school children of all ages, has been busy continuously during the past v.e.'ic he v has been here, according to reports from his office located at tue graded school building on South Main street.- The,, object of his work is to clean the children's testa and teach them the value of taking care of them. He also does dental work in the nature of amalgam fillings" in permanent teeth. Dr. Bobbitt who has been a v-jT? successful dentist during his years of pra-ctice in thii state, is one of a number of skilled men employed I y the state beard of health to carry en its work of correcting the defects cf school children of the state. During the recent examination of children, over 90 per cent were found to have defective teeth. Dr. Bobbitt will rer main in High Point, which is the last town he will work in the state for the .est of this month, and it is the de sire of the school, authorities to have every child inschool between the ages cf six and 12 either sent or brought to the school building tar an examjna- j tion and for such for.nd necessary w morning service. . The first concert by the chimes was given Saturday night from 7:30 NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. On account of the high prices of newspaper and all other printing office supplies, we are compelled to raise tfce rice rof The Review: On and after August 1, 1020 the price of The Review, will be $2.00 a year. Until August 1, any and all may pay up and pay m advance just as far 1 Womeii ! Here is a message to suffering womsu, from Mrs. W. T. Price, of Public, Ky.: "I But tered with, painful..., She writes. "I got down with a weakness in my "back and limbs...! felt heloless aad di.'V 3 couraged ... I had about glren up hopes of ever being well .again, when a friend insisted I . ' . Tako Si. ml n rt f I pi: to 8:30 o'clock, by Harry Metcee, of- ahead as they like at the old price of ticial chimer for the McShane Bell Foundry of Baltimore. They were also rung from 10:30 to 10:55 Sunday morning' from 7:30 to 7:55 in the evening, and again JVIonday. Morning Service at Eleven. The Bells 10:30-10:55. Organ Prelude "Andante Expres sio" Admondstoune. $1.50- After that date,: hpw- JOAO a year. 0 S$ sq IIJAi iib o; eoud an; year. . , ; The date you are paid to is marked on your paper vthis week opposite your name. U For example: If you are paid to Jane 1919, it ' will be designated on your paper thus 310. 'A $2.C0 newspaper today means Call to Worship "The Lord is in I less to the editor than a $1.00 a'v-par His Holy Temple." Hymn 19 "Come. Thou Fount of Every Blessing" Robert Robinson. Apostles' Creed. Prayer, concluding with the Lord's prayer. - Anthem. "Lift Up Your Heads" Emerson. ' Responsive Reading Psalm 34. Gloria Patri. Scripture Reading. . Offertory Organ Solo, "Melody. ' paper even three 3rears ago. V HIGH COST OF NEWSPRINT HITS PAPERS HARD BLOW. How the high-price of newsprint paper "hits and hurts" all around i frnm the ritv rlnUioa t n tho rmiriT ! . X l . , . . . ... weekly newspapers is shown in tft?s r?.wme' s jew-- "y btore sM.s all me naraevanh from Th Tiftnn nn tand"ard makes of watches and for less -Diggle. in M Woman's Tcslc I began Cartful. In a short while I isaw a marked difference. . . I grew stronger right along, anlt cured me. I am stouter than I ;have been In years." If you suffer, you can appreciate what It means to be strong and well Thousands of wo men give Cardui tha credit for their good health. It ehauld help you. Try Cardui. Atall druggists. E-7S from The Tifton, Gazetta: "During ,the past week. The Ga zette has paid out over $500 to be exact $06 (.tb, ror newsprint paper. Antnem "How .Love Are ray And that is Ipss than thrpn mnnth Dwellings." Smart. supplv. A fevr years ago. that money Sermon By Bishop Collins Denny, Uvould have paid for enough paper t6 lutely free, the expense being carried bl the state board. It was also announced last week by the graduate nurse who is assisting Dr. Bobbitt. that on or about the first of August, 'an infirmary would be open ed fcr the treatment of tonsils and adenoids. All school children, irre spective cf acre, will be treated at this time. A local specialist in this line, Dr. J. W. Austin, has been secured by j the state board of health to perform the operations. This treatment ' will be given free to children whose par ents are unable to pav for the service but those who feel able will be re quested t3 pay the sum of $12.50 for the operation. Collections will be in that time, and it i$ ?ity of the ir- c "targe of one- cf the nurses, and the names will not be disclosed regarding whether payment is made. Statements given out by the board of health say that a large percentage cf the defects in children can be cor rected by proper care of the teeth or bv treatment for tonsils or adenoids. The attention of the High Point citi zens is called to the effort that is be ing made in behalf of the school chil dren, and parents should remember that the success of the undertaking is largely in their hands. oi Richmond, v lrgmia Service Dedicating the Cb'me. 1. "Praise God from Whom All Blessing Flow" (By the Bells). '2. Assembling oi" the members of the Ladies' Aid Society about the . A work as may be auar. ;eh i done abo 3. Introductory words by the. pa.v of presentation, read to 4. Sentence by the ladies. 5. Sentence of dedication, ay Bish op Denny. 6. Dedicatory prayer, by Bishop Denny. 7. "Raised between the ear l and heaven." (By the Bells.) Hymn 7S "Holy, Holy. Holy, Lo:d God Almighty." Reginai I Ken -.r. Benediction. O rga n P os 1 1 u de-, ' 'Marc h " La coy. Evening Service at Erit. (A Union Service, wit.i the follow ing congregations participating: Fust Presbyterian. First Methodist Pro-innrt Thf Atlanta Pnntitntion last a year. Although newsnaners cet more money for what they have to sell, it is costing a great deal more, to produce it. And the advance in price of newsprint is- no greater in propor tion than the advance in all other things going to make a newspaper." That's the far-reaching ail-affecting newsprint situation. Here "and there, throughout the country there are pa pers that have been forced to suspend because of it. But while it has fallen heavily on all publishers of news papers, it has brought into clearer l'ght than ever, the loyalty of the people to their home papers. Thev are standing by them, as they should. and aiding their editors in keeing their home pabers up to the high water mark. And the people, in thus standing by- their home newspapers, are helping. themselves and the towns in whose upbuilding a live daily or i weekly, newspaper takes the leading than you can order the same, quality considered. We .are distinctively headquarters on watches. How's ThJs? iWe offer $100.00 for any case of catarri that cannot be cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en internally and acts through the Blooc on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. ; Sold by druergsists for over forty years. i Price 75c. Testimonials free. . F. J. Cheney & Co.. Tloledo. Ohio. TIMBER DEEDS For sale, 3 for 25c; 75c doz.; 50 foi $3 00. REVIEW OFFICE. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Standard Bred Buff Orpington Eggs or Hatching. Prices reasonable. Ap y to Claude A. Smith, Phone 3296, Ugh Point, N. C. CHATTEL MORTGAGES For sale 5c each; 35c doz.; 2 doz. 60c; 50 for S1.00. REVIEW OFFICE. brarcl of health at that . planned that: the capa; GERMANY WILL DISARM. Germany last week, in conformity with the unanimous decision of her cabinet, signed the portocol for her speedy disarmament firmly insisted upon by the allies. Chancellor Feh renbach and Dr. Walter Simons, the foreign ministers, affixed their signa tures to the document which was drawn in the exact farm submitted by Marshal Foch and Field Marshal Wilson, the allied military chiefs. The signature was preceded by a notification from Dr. Simons, on be half of his government, that in sign ing the protocol Germany did not give her consent to further occupation of German territory which only . "had been given by the reichstag. Premier Lloyd George said he quite understood that point of View. The question of further occupation in the event ' of Germany not observing -the stipula tions of the treaty and protocol, how ever, was one for the allies to deter mine, and not for the German parlia ment, he declared. The protocol was signed in a small room adjoining the conference cham ber at Spa, Belgium. 4 Chancellor Feb renfcaeh and Dr. Simons signed first. After laying down the pen they bow ed to Mr. Lloyd George as though say .ing: "Well, that disagreeable busi ness is finished. Mr. Lloyd George bowed courteous ly in return. Herr Gesler, minister A of defense, was not present; but he voted earlier in the German cabinet council for signing the protocol. It is now generally accepted that tha conference will proceed rapidly with the other business on its program. testant. First Reformed, Friends', Woman's Iemorial Evang-siictl Lih ti'aii, .vfoiii S:reet M. K., and Wesley Memorial M. E.) The Bells 7:30-1:55. Organ Prelude "Evensong." Johnston. z 11,, 11111 J. 11VJIL -fV llllilbj King" Charles Weslev. Prayer Bv the Rer. J. II. hardt ,;uriem "Send Out Thy Lisht." Gouaji. Sc -'pcure Reading. Offertory Organ Scfo, "Chans jn Da Soir. ' Frysinger. Solo Miss Edith, "My Soul Is Athirst for . God." Han 'l. Sermon By Bishop Colliuo Denny. Prayer By the Rev. .Samuel L. Ha worth. "v ?f Hymn 492 "O For n Closer Walk with God." William Cowper. Benediction. , Organ Postlude "Marche Religio se" Read. AFTER FIVE YEARS. DEDICATION OF CHIMES BY BISH OP DENNY CONCERT GIVEN. The order of worship of the two services conducted by Bishop Collins Denny, of 'the Methodist church, at the Wesley' Memorial church, on North Main street here Sunday," when the bells recently purchased and just installed were 'dedicated were an nounced Saturday by the pastor, Rev, W. A. Lflmbeth. The dedicatory ser vice for the bells took place at the EVERYQNE can have abundance of Thick, Beautiful, Glossy Hair 7 Sutherland Sisters Hair Grower Grew this Hair - High Point Testimony Remains Un shaken. Time is the best test of truth. Here is a High Point story that has stood the test of time. It is a story with B.mi- la Point which will come straight home to many of us. Mre. Chas.;:Lee, 423 So. Main St., gave the following statement Decem ber 21, 1914: "Some years ago I was" in a pretty bad state with my kid neys. My back ached and throbbed so at times I could hardly endure the1 pain. My back was lame and stiff and I could hardly straighten up with out supporting myself on something. I couldn't turn over in bed, .my back was so sore and morning it was al most impossible for me to get out of bed. My kidneys acted irregularly and I felt all run dowp. I tried ;flif- ferent remedies but d'idnt get good results until I used Doan's Kidney Pills. After taking a few doses of Doan's, I was relieved and two boxes gave me wonderful results." v On July 23, 1918 Mrs. Lee saidp "t still recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as highly as I did yhen I gave my rormer statement. Whenever I hear, of anyone complaining about their kidneys, I tell them to use Doan's." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the snrrifi that Mrs. Lee had. Foster-Mil burn Co., ivitrs., Buffalo. N. Y. EORBIDDEN-TRFSPASS STHM.C- FW sale on heavy cardbdard, 25c doz.: 50 for 50c; 100 for 85c. RE VIEW OFFICE. WANTED Several good transfer knitters on fine- guage misses hose i nV... Ort ,1 " r r I pay ou U15. UUZCIl Oil 51ZC V. DOX 314. Statesville,.N. C. Naomi Sutherland " SCAX,P CLEANER, the Great Dandruff Remedy. It removes the dandruff germ. For Shampooing:, it has no equal. . If You "Value Your Hair and Its Beauty Try SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS Once Why not now? "-. For Sale by all Druggists and Dept. Stores Seven Sutherland Sisters 242 BRADHURST AVE., If ."Y. CITY A.E. FUTRELL . Special Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company rJp-to.-daie Contracts All that is desirable in Life Insurance Phone 3544 High Point Optometry is the Efficien cy Engineer of Eyesight , If your business is out of kilter and the cogs of your commercial machine do not work properly, you call in an efficiency engineer to true up the balance. 4 Optometry is just exactly that to poor eyesight. Optometrists are specialists in the minute mea suring of vision. They are the logical specialists to whom ap peal should be made when your sight is out of kilter. They are the only specialists who specialize in the measure ment of vision and the supplying of proper glasses. JRS. STALEY Optomertrists- Eyesight Specialists - Upstairs Stanton-Welch Building - Goal is carce lid Wk Buy Coke Now While the Prices are Low. ' By placing your orders now you'll get the benefit of the following low prices which will prevail for only a short while. Lump coke $10. tori; crushed coke $12.00 ton. t- Drop in and look at our line or r teaye our salesman " call and. see North Carolina Pub He Service Comoanv - J . 9 27 South Main Street 'Phone 700 V USE THE DIAL CORRECTLY! A few people are failing to get their connections satisfacto rily and are ringing wrong numbers. Study our instrurtw" ior i iie use oi inc uiai as given in our latest directory and ways call these new automatic numbers, never the old ones al. North State Telephone Company L-r r-. Tim ivx M v $"" - - v it X JsX xs X X xx x x -.- XXXX XX XX Iain &n$raved7lif ferns Quality in wedding rings as understood to-day takes in mc than mere intrinsic value. Everybody is looking for desii for finish, the effect of workmanship. ; ' n '. Right are the qualities that set O-B 7edding Rin-ts ar-rt from the ordinjary wedding rings that one meefs with O-B Vcd dmg. Rings ai"e offered in individual satin-lined boxes, a refinement that will appeal to you at once. ' ' ""llfcr-t You need presents for the best man th hnVioom; -j perhaps the ishers. Come .in and let us show you our 6-B Line. ' j fetamey'sJewIry f -xv m m . - x ; X v Xx vxx xx X x v ? xs Vs-x - - AV -r i - 7 1- inn in -x-.--A J X X x XX X N N X X X x xx x , vx r t x X x" fc's vxx x-. x,x x itx fu ' -V vX t XN Xx V xx x xx x THE edera! Reserve System was created primarily to stabilize finance and strengthen the business, industrial and farming in terest of the country. Through our membership in this vast Banking Sys tem, each individual depositor of this institution is directly benefited. We cordially invite new accounts. MEMBER FEDERAL SYSTEM Bank of E. Reams, President J. H. Adams, Vice Pres. Commerce K A. M. Rankin, Vice-Pres. H. L. Newbold, Vice-Pres. G. A. Pollock, Cashier A. M. Richardson, Assistant Cashier Which A Safe Bank in to Bank lour Money ! To the Farmer, Laborer, Business man, or capitalist we extend a hearty request to place your mon ey in this bank in the Checking or Savings department. We pay 4 per cent, interest on Savings and take an interest in our customers. HOME IX Basil H. Hedgecock, Cashier ID BANK S TRUST CO$V jLS VOW 7 VL IK - - - . . A' V Y OCKETT SAID: Be sure you're right, and then go ahead. It is the bus iness of this bank to help you to be always right in your money matters The man who is right is not afraid. actiovia Bank & Trust Co. Capital and Surplus $2,000,000.00 Resources $30,000,000.00 DEPENDABLE SERVICE r