Newspaper Page Text
. , , -' - . ' ' " 1 . i-1 s.Z- - J 4- ill!1 T l " r - i It Pap. To Reaci In this paper as wellaa the Other news matter. In these days of the high cost of living ft means a saving of dollars and cents to you. -Be wise and read the various ad VeTecdmbend our cavertiV: : . . ers; to our rea3ers ind r brge: ilMWiiii i ii i Jr W L with our advertiser. 7e fietea W and appreciated bu tha, ,rs M ofpuplc who k,,, fourths of tho tooMM fc,A PU.J oring people. Pol. 26, No. 46 AND STILL THEY COME TO A GOOD TOWN : LUTHER REED COMPANY TO (JO TO HIGH POINT. - Being unable to find a building in Greensboro suitable for housing its factory the Luther Reed company'! Fall River, Mass., and Pawtucket, R. I., manufacturer of loonKxeeds, Tues-" day morning decided to locate its fac tory in High. Point, according to Sec retary C. W. Roberts, of the chamfee of commerce, who for two weeks has been endeavoring .to find a place for the enterprise here. ' - Mr. Murphy, "representative of the company, in the city for the piirpose of locating the factory and starting its operation, told Mr. Roberts that he and his company were 'favorably im- pressed with Greensboro and desired r Funeral services were held at the to do business in this city. His com-Lriends' . church Thursday afternoon pany did not want to have to wait un-Mat 4 o'clock " by the Rev, Samuel L. til a new Duuamg coma De erected, however, and therefore had to go where floor space was already pror. Mr. Roberts stated flhat, with Greensboro out of the y running for this enterprise, the . company - consid ered High Point and Atlanta, deciding Tuesday morning in favor of .the for mer. It was with a great deal of re luctance that the chamber of com merce secretary saw his prospect slip through Greensboro, but, seeing that to land it was an impossibility under the circumstances, ne recommenaea High Point as the next best place fori the enterprise, and the recommenda tion was accepted. ARCHDALE BASEBALL TEAM VERY SUCCESSFUL. - . -- . -v . .- S ' The Archdale team won another same from the High Poin Silk Mill club, Saturday. The -game was a solid affair, a "score of 18 to, 1. The Archdale club has won 90 per cent of the games played this season. - - Saturday; "July 31st, the Archdale boys went to Davidson and took, two pretty ganjes from the Denton club. The first game 11 to 0 and the second 3 to 0.' The second -game was fast and the full excitement from the .be ginning to the end and Archdale piled up only three runs. - . BIG LAND SALE-. ..7, On Aug. 21 at 3)0 p.m. a large portion of the well known Kivett farnx,2 miles M this city, will be divided in 5 and JOi acre tracts and sold at public auction by Thomas Bros. There are some 200 acres to be sold. Music by goocT band and valuables distributed to spectators Here's a wonderful opportunity pre sented you. Be tbere. MfSS AVA NEESE JORDAN BRIDE OF W. C. KING. Miss Ava Neese Jordan and Mr. W. r jzrr wfo nniptiv married Au-j ust 5, at the home of . Rev. J. Leon-. i n.. -,4. t I ara, me ouiciaxuig imi"sw;i, oi, a ington. Only a few friends .were present. t ' - : The bride is the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jordan, of New Salem, near Rahdlenran, but for 'the past three vears has been in High Point, vhere she has been serving as head the High Point hospital. She .nurse in is an estimable young lady and has many friends -throughout the state. Mr. King is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King, of Seagrove. He is con nected with the Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Company here and is an enterprising young . man.. During the war he served nine months with the National War Work Council, at Both the bride and gproOmo-meTJewt. scores of friends who shower them with best wishes. " r They will make their horde in" Ashe- bero. HIGH POINT FIREMEN WIN SEC OND PLACE. High Point firemen won third prize in the chemical contest between teams of various fire departments over the state at the; tournament at Fayetteville Wednesday. Asheville first place, while Kinstoa woh' sec- OV.C. i. . ' ? ;!....-''" ' ' High Point also won second, place iii hose contest. , - ' - . '. ' -SURGICAL CLINIC FOR HGH" POINT. ' The clinic will open nr Friday J August 20, ,and continue through' Sat--"relay, August 21. Flm street school will be clinic headquarters and Dr. - he in charge of the' hos pital. The state will furnish . twenty more cofs for use at this .time, with instruments to, be used fbr the treatment of the throat. " Five nurses rom the state board ' at Raleigh, wiU he in attendance throughout the two ''.v session . ; . . .... T '. V".-; Miss Pi at will be remembered as the assistant of Dr. -Cooper,'; stHt-. PhysicUn, who ; recently" ; dldsuah splenu id work here, " as ' he pf the; dental clinic. -' V . - ??T" OF MRS-HEDGECOCk: ...Mrs. AAsah Catherine Hedgecock, one of the' oldest pioneers of Guilford county, died Wednesday Afternoon at lex, J;ome west of the city at 5 o'clock, followiirg .a .prolpnged'lness of sev eral months. ?' - - Mrs. .Hedeoock was t the daughter of John and Achsah .Carter, and was born on, September .5, 1839.S She was married . on : December " 19, -1861, to David M. . Hedgeeock, who died on June, 18, 1904L To the union wete born Ave children, four of. whom are now living. She is survived by two' daughters Mrs.. Lou Hamilton and Miss Emily Hedgeeock, : two sons, VVilliani .P. Hedgeeock and Joshua E. Hedjgecpck, all of this community, and. one brother, , N. M.' Carterr of rutnrle,-.. Okla. The deceased was -a v faithful member of the Friends 'church of this city. Haworth Burial was made in .the family plot at Springfield. Labor body will?. meet here 1921. The North Carolina. State Federa tion 'of Labor, in session at its an nual conyentoin in Charlotte. Wednes day, decided upon - igh , Point as - the meeting place for the federation- in 1921. ' - - n The session in Charlotte lasted for .three davs. and adioiimptf Thursrfav afternoon about 5 o'clock, following the election of officers for the ensu- ing year.wrk;h resulted as follows: W. F. Moody, Raleigh, president; W. A. -Thomas, Salisbury, first vice-president; 'Mrs. Nellie Pressley, Asheville, second viee-president; C." G Worsley; Aslreville, secretary treasurer; J. F. Barrett, - Asheville, organizer; C. . F. Pilley, Raleigh, sergeant-a t-arms.- Opposition to the 'proposed, repeal of the present primary laws ws void ed ina resolution adopted by a large vote. In the resolution ' the attempt to repeal the primary laws was" consider ed , "an attempt to literally disfran chise 90 per cent of the qualified voters of the stater a direct attack upon the laboring people and. or ganized farmers for the part played by. these two big forces" in thev recent primary campaign." -r - " ; ' The. federation went on record as favoring the j&ie of Jtha,Astralian J ballot sypstem, -urging-rts-ailoptlon as a protection against coercion of the labor vote. ' - NEWS FROM TRINITY. Miss Emme Culbreth and 2 sister, Miss ; Lou Waeorier, of TJhonJBSville, have been visiting relatives in. town. Fred Pavne has just returned front I a week's trio to Columbus, Ohio.", ; Miss Beulah Wagstaff is visting Miss Sadie Reddiok. - - . . Mrs. Tvndale has returned from a isit to the Fair Grove section. Mrs. L. u. Johnson and tamiiv ex- Pect to move in a few days to High Point. ' . Point. Rev. Mr. Elliott preached Sunday night to a large congregation. v ' The high, school will start now in about six weeks expecting & full school, s, Miss Eleanor English has returned f rom Hillsbdro. She is with her rela- itiyes in nd around. Trinity, Mrs. W. H. Hayes delightfully Vi- tertained the members of the Book plnh Fridav . afternoon. A delicious salad C4urse;was served by the host- ? , ess assisted Dy- misses uoryuiy wu and Ruth .-Haves; vs.- ' " - .4. Miss Nell Parkin, who has been vis iting in North . Wilkesboro and Winston-Salem, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pepper and Miss at Wriehtsville Beach. IVtiss; Dorofhy Wood has returned from Spartanburg, S. C. : " : Mrs. Moore Campbell, of Harris burg, Pa., is the guest of her sister, Miss Effie White. . : " . Ashford Parkin," of - 1-um.bertori, is visting hisparentSif Capt f and" Mrs. Parkin.: rr-"--v-j-: : :;',5:f;' , VALUABLE REALTY4 SOLD TO HIGH POINT Y. Wi C. A. W Ith Consider atf on of $7,000, It Leads Trades Shown fay v Deeds Filed With County Register. -"W High Point; real estate featured the trades shownby deeds-turned over to Ree ister Robert ; H. tWharton at . the couithouse' Tuesday, the . biggesjfe; deay being, that in 'which "George H- Croweli sold .to the YbungWomen's Christian association of the Furnitufe City, i a desirable : piece ' of propery ' on the south .sjdeXof , East iJreehe streetjf or Th e other Hfgh Point trades .were: to see Drsl Reaves and Reaves; , -' Mis Cora McMastef, of Hillsboro; is the guest , of her .sister, Mrs. F.' Erj Steed- . - , Rev. Mr; : Fink, evangelist for the Western-North Carolina" Conf erence, is assisting Mr. . Thompson in the meeting now in progress at Concord. ; Mrs. Mollie .Skeen , has returned from -a visit to Mrs. E. McK. ,Good- winr of Morganton '. ,' "H"s.Vi-- '. - - v.:;v' - v - - - - - - OF -INFOKEIATION TO ALL HIGH POINTERS PUBLIC -SCHOOLS TO OPEN CP " - f EMBER 13TH. - Lilst x of Teachers Show Bio Increase Sin -Force High PointehdolstaS ... -the 'Forefronts-- 5 S Pubfic . schools in the cltyYof Hish VolnT will -'open Monday; September, 4i, witn an. increased 'faculty by 13 members,, preparatory to rooeiving t ine mgnest enrollment - in the history or the -.-schools, c The fcatatys has , al ing the number, of teachers employed fn the schools in the city from 56 to 69. Of this .numberV 40 have been secured from,, outside of High Point. r Several innovations" will be made in the' teaching force and in the equipment of the school. - A Spanish teacher has been secured from Porto Rico. He is,, a" man who has been reauy Deen selected and is announc- ra.' , Ay -Fraziet, cltyt seventh ed below. .Anincrease is shown' inig:r' de.';i,i - . ' the teachers for the whites. of rais Ik'Grimes Ada connected with the public. school sys- i Blairriicipal; Iiss Luna-Cox, city tern of tne island , and who is a good i first; Miss Elva Strickland, city fiVst; English student, being a memberrof f V&t Georgianna ?;Bird,: Thopiasville,' the Artists and ' Writers, club, and j K.:'C first f MlssJ Sallie J. Bond, .first; having won 'five .Imedals in literary MlssJ5araH Wpod, -Randleman,- N. C, contests. The high school faculty I stond ;Missr Blanche Stoneham, Mo has been revised gnd" increased so ' Ittsk-t Va. -second; -Miss. 1 Helen A Rey; that the ' High Point . high school may iflildSJfcrEy second,;, ;MissAgnes Dod this year be. accredited by the asso-; Sai? tJldnst6n-Salem,' N.' " C:, ''hffd elation, of 'Southern, colleges1 for the 1 grade ".MissMary-Martln J)anboiry;;Nfcv first times"Ince Its establishment. , - j C,ihird. grade jMiss , Eva - Warren, "Manual training under the supers ! Bturtihgton; : N. C, fourth graded Airs. ! vision "of Ralph Knight will enter a era woodworking machinery hits' al ready been ordered. This has been iuade possible' by the. generous spirit of ; a;numberi of thex manufacturing plants of thocity;' according ' t k statement ' . from Professor V W. xSM - Marr, superintendent of -the schools. L An additional - sum of ;f f OOu will be spent for , more equip ment for? the wood . working" depKt- meat and lor tne mecaanical drawing i ti equipment. , . ; . . v P!lm .trwt snWl rriTl Ko full th first a. .mi 'th-.jmMM-'w..j?"o:JBl,wo-'V ,uuusc' A ' .mm;- v, k-mwv-. r' j-?r- pacitymeansv the use of 16 -rooms, and an enrollment in that . school alone of iaa -t scliools will be lialy overrun. IfThe overflow, of students from the Park street school, which '.will be used ast a four room .building until January 1, will have to be cap4 for at the Main street school, and ' four double ; sec tions will have ,to be provicfed to care for the 1208 students that must go to Main street school. Grimes street school , will also be overrun. The Park street school, situation will cause the Grimes school building, to have at least three double sections and serve cbout 500 students about 150 more than the seating capacity . of , the Street' school in its present condiUonUlJaeS Harris and .wife returned is about 160, but the ; school , must be made to serve 350 students, until the remainder can be completed .and make room for the enormous enroll ment. The Park street , school build ing will be completed bj January 1, it is confidently expected, and willhae the best school -building in 'thfe city, accommodating over 40 students. ' v .According to Professor Marr," pros-, pects for a fine year in school are most excellent, and in spite of vthe necessity to have crowded conditions at the firsts of - the "year, ? he ' thinks that the year will in all be very, sue cessful The list of : teachers for. this year follows : - :; .. . " " : W. M. Marr, superintendent. -Mrs. R. F. J. Johnson, .primary su pervisor. " ' :.. - '-"v - Miss. Gene y i ?ve Moore,music super visor. ' - -. '.. ;; ' v 1 High ScihooiIi Mr Water, pnn-, cipal, Russiaville, Ind. ; , Henry Grady Owens, city, English ,and' athletic di rectbr; Ralph G. Knight, manual training and mechanical drawing; Jamestown, N. Y.;" Chas. Deshazo, science ; Miqtiel Angel Tomel, jajas, Porto Rico, Spanish; Mis.s Frances Morris, MOcksville, N. C. ; Miss Eula Wall, Winstori:SaIenv -N.", C., iLatin;, Miss Mary Mendenhall, city, English ; Miss Jesse. Thompson, city, mathe matics iand history ; Mrs. R. E. Ran- sOhv city, history ; Miss ' Ethel Icard! Blairs, S. C, French; Mrs. Lidie P. Horton, Greensboro, N. C, domestic science ; x. Miss , Rena. erry, Kittrell, C., " mathematics;,, Miss Annie- H. JfcoafaJJLynchbt " -Main Street." SchoolMiss Elizabeth Fox, Henderson, NN. C, first-grade ; Miss Nellie"Duadas, city-firstgrad6; Miss Elizabeth Mansbn, Kenbridge, VaV second grade ; Miss ' Anhabella King; city, second; Miss Lettie Sfnlth, third; Miss Lass! 3 Morgan Candler, N CV foufth; Mi ' Nellie Muse; city, fourth; Miss Margaret Owens,' fourth; Mrs. A.-RMyatt. .city, vfifth;j: Miss Agnes' Mc Adams) ialibury, N. C.P sixth grade; Mrs.. A. M, Richardson,' city, sixth;' Mrs. Lewis. . "McFarland, jcityv sixth; - Miss- Lulu Smitheririah,:; city, seventh grade ; is.s Mattie B Gunte.r. Sahf ord, N. : CSBventh grader . ; mtn Street 'School -4-C.S"A Smith city, principal ,-Mfss Gay Pugh, Madi- sonville, Va.; first gpaaemasa " - '' - - :".""i' - - " '" Mv Smith;- - Birmingham, AIa.V first graae; -tMisa Ida s;,Owens Elizabeth City, N; -C.7 first -grade'; Misa-Hannah iiouonian, .vvopdjand NC.; Mrs: T- . .Saundrs:- city second - -grade y juiss eriruae Hughes, Latrobe ,Pa.7 secona . grade. Miss ' .Annie Pegrairi, York, C.,. third grade; tMissLillian Proffitt,- Buld ,CreekN- N. - C; third grade; ,Miss lUuth' ,tyi'cker, EIou - Coh lgeN.' Q- fourth grades 'Miss.JDaura Cooper, China Grove. N. - C. -fourth" grade; jMiss, , Sallie -Ratclifte, Altama- navr, NVC., fifth grade;-.-Miss Mary Hicks . Spencer,4: Nr-C.,-."fifth , erode r Miss Clayton Oaks'city, sixth ' grade ; w miss ;Uynthia,,Garrett, Burlington, N, C?f sixth grade; -Miss Irene M. Pugh, M&d.igQnville, w ya.,- - seventh grade ; vir, ;-jity, principal; .Hiss Luna Eiunders; city; '.first grade i-Mrs. Inez Lewis,, ctty, ;firs; , M-iss jEuna Wallace, (StdiyJ.VC:; " first Miss Carrie Lowe; tityv second: Mfss Evelvn Gallant. I Charlotte, N:C second; Miss . Inez McGlohan: Clifton. N:- third .una - iui .city.' xnira. - . - s Park" -Street' - School Miss ' Emma ; L6na . Htd ton;-';'; city,: - fourth grade: Fairview Street,. '(Colored) Ossie Dav?sV principal ; Sarah E.- Davis; city, first grade;:-: Lizzie Dorsett,v pityi -first I grddCTeralrals second grade V.'QpheliRobinsonj-city, ! third grade.4 fkM' - .yW" .4.: Leon lsdersbaiwaal .Fayettevpie, :n. -rt.-. --4.ti- 3 W f viWU. iraesLoi,mWtime, of Mrs.,- X. V. Wilsonh -Lindsay- street; M fm& Mrs.' L, r-R. Terry, i are t spending: Thursday morning.' " ' 7 ' Roger Ogborn, of Kernes ville, spent Thursday evening in' this city with friends. ' ' .:v:vr- ' 9 Miss Gladys Hatley, f High Point, and Mrs. A.'K. Hatley, of Greens boro, left Thursday evening for an ex pended trip: north. They rIll visit New York, Baltimore,; Pittsburg and Harrisburg, Pa. , : - - v ; Cr Mfss Odessa Poole and Miss Ann iuniayleft5;Thursday at' noon-rfdr a two weeks trip to Moore county, where they will be the guests of rel aSvesj'r1-;.:.'.-. '"'S . :;'r' 'v ..' Thursday morning from Moore, county wnere. they have been spending a short .while. : ,: 'Billy.. Bivens, of Greensboro, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. . Terry. : ' '. y ' , T J. Smita and familyr of this city, are -visiting .relatives; in Stokes .county. . ; v;.; ;;;,;..; - F. B. , Lindley, accompanied. . by Dave E.N Ridge, have returned to High Point after. a visit with JMr. Lindley's parents hearSiler City,"; .' r 'Miss Hess Weaver lis J.o arrive - Fri- dayi night ' from Winston-Salem and was t!he wee-end guest of . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Weaver, in Roland Park. Clyde, Coxof Ashboro, who under went an.: operation at the local hos pital Tuesday morning is rapidly im proving, it; was announced this morn ing. . - . ' ' .; ' ? Mrs. Callum and daughter, " Mary of Greensboro, 'returned Thursday- to their hohie.:: after a' short visit with Mrsti J. W. Harris in this city. " " : '.: ;S. F,: Brown and C. B. Hay worth, to A. M. Bray,., lot on the west side of South Hamilton street, $900 j; ; r 5 ' '?' '-t-- I'-r. ': -- '.' - I I .A 1 A Vvasnt au.4 Vli $6,000 iS,VOTED CQLQREp. SCHOOL Ooard Reaches Agreement, With . Kep: resentatives' of v Friends -Board of ; i v At a call, meeting of : thecityi sclhpoi J uyaiu iuursuay.nigaxr wnen memoers , of the board' met withM. R.Taber.and i-ttunard, representinsr-the 'New York bord 0 Friend's,' it was., voted to give ' aQ appropriation - of , $6,000 to tire society Jf or- the purpose'of con ducting, the colored - graded teidhool. which the T'cityVruns 't irir conjunction withthe Friends' normal; school'here. -.Auceroing xw tne terms s of -v the agreement the $6,00(L is tobe'used to ; pay' teachers and r to nieet geneta'l running ' expenses $400 -of the- amount will-be paid tithe reight, leacners rempioyea. f ors the, enrollment of 350'Ce students, there. ";The remainder will ; go- -to - general. ex penses. The rcity 1 superintendent ot schools is to ,liave authority . 'over the teacners ;and 1 each- of thenT is ' reauir ed to have, by October .1, at least ah ; The agreement of i with the' Friends for the .use of ' the -, school oates- back to 1896, when the "graded schools of. High ' Point twereJ organized. wnen tne city -started to make provision- for its ..colored "children; Pit was found .that thefe was room 'at th High Point Normal Industrial school for, the public school for colored child ren.: Every year since then the board has reached an agreement with the Friends, for - conducting v the: schoof there.-" - i ; is. -- --V A I. 1 -. ... 11 ! ' 1 J.i -,l 1 " I. i PIRTHDAY PARTY, 1 . .7 1 -Miss' Dorothy Latham Stamey Monday evening from 8 to 1 0 enter tained her young friesds aa birth day party if being her. 14th birih dayl ; The color scheme- of pink arid white was carried ou t in the decorat ions aridrefreshroerits;. consisting of block.cream, uakes and mints; the birthday cakef being lightect with 14 pink - candles.; There were, three rngs Jri thisakef the diamond ri'&ft 1 w iuua nutc ruis iuu iiiuir nui' 10 I Miss MarviElixahpth Tjnm rfJamft I-- - - r'TTT --7 -'0 ' ."Tf i rv rr. r:.-. --fwuv. graph helped to-enliven and make Wa 'HU'u'. i -It 1 Li affairMlss Stomer received many -f . i-ii- LX)INGS OF CITY COUNCIL i ' Ordered band stand erected on city lot on N Main street.. Refnoved trash cans; boxes and all such articles from the main streets. , " v Forbid parking or storing of cars on E. Washington and Commerce from Main to Hamilton on both sides. Ordered all cars comingin to Main frorrf any of the streets from Eng lish to Commerce to come to a full stop before entering Main street FARMER NOTES. , Mr.. Raymond -Nance, 'of Wadesboro, accompanied by his little nephew Bernard, spent several days with home folks here last week. : .. Miss Kate Dorsett has returned from a visit to Mrs. I. S. Kearns, of Badin. . '- ' 'v-;-,' -- L Mr.- J. C. Plummer and family left on the 4th for their new home ' in High Point. ; - J": - Mrs. J. 0. Kearns v is in the High Point. hospix:whereiheAha an op erations one day " last xwee. She' was doing well at the last report. '. Messrs. L: M "and Lewis Kearns; made a business trip ; to Greensboro last week. :t ' . V.:h : .;. '- . ' " Mr. and Mrs, Jordan Hill and Mr. Rufus- Hill, of" Petersburg, Va., were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. CVH;Hill, last week. :i Miss Dorothy .Hubbard, ' of Wash ington, - D C, is spending her vaca tion, with home folks at Farmer.; : . Among :the visitors, at Farmer for the,; meeting on .Sunday last were : Misses Lulav and- Edith Spencer, Ma bel and Ila Morgan, and TEula Par- rish; of High, Point, Cammie Nance and Lillie Chandler, of . Denton, Mr. Elbert v Kearns. of ' Greensboro, , Miss Bessie iidorean and . Mr. Joe i Morgan, of Caraway," and Mr. and Mrs.-Moody Nifong, of Davidson county. ' r ' ' : ; Dr: " and Mrs., Hubbard were m Greensboro on Monday of -last week, Eugene Seafiraves made ; vthe ed- itor love him more bv bringing him anice - watermelon Tufsday fter nbon; It sha.was jgood Geher r ? " MarionlKeith: chiet of police jot Hi6h Point in 187Q was in the city today renewing old acnuaintances ! He holds aceipbm A. Odell secretary and treasnret at mat time. Mr. K.eHh lives m Greensboro; - :s;-- B. ' Wilson to Elbert vvuson, three, acres near the city, love and af- fection. , -i-' ' PauT Stamey has returned ; "from a week eiid tripto Lakeviow. j y '; V"r j: idof to Ei;: FV Owen,: lot on filair)street, ?100 and other S consider- atioa&i o:: : ; P- ''xl :C?iz- :' ' - . - - - 't T'-'-t--- "i- ; "ti'Z' " um mum personal JNDOTDERVISE NOTED:, Miss LUcretiaBuuch. . of Windsor . 4 Is 'visitaig ;in High Point; "where she - ' is-'the guest of iher sistert - Mrs." J: D.- . Sitterson, at the4 latter's" home Steele street. : Mrs. -Sitterson Oias but M.yij, , iturnea - irom : month s- - visit with . relrls ;in, , Windsor, rhereV she, was ; joined, . immediatelv prior to her return to High Point, by. avir ainerson. -v - ; ' . rs -Miss. 'Lucile Goldstom, 5 accompani ed - ; by nef sistery Ina returned Thursday - - to-High Point. The -Misses Goldstom ' ' havebeen-- ;spendingthe; past two ' '" weeifs.w Waynesville4where- they.: iave een guests at Oak Park. Inn. : iMontgomery to A. C. Montgora- yx j fwwi ty uu tne east side or King : atrptri, approximately ?2,000. ; ;v r Geo.-T: Penny.-to Jessie E. OuyIot?" ' in, Moon plat," U.450.' : r v - . Geo.T. Pennyto CV, Lassiter, lot in , Moon plat, '$1,500, Zl' .. ' W L. ,Mellichampe to J. -Rf'Mont-r- gomery, property on the easrtslde of King street about $2,000. ' ? W.,F. Carr; of Durham, spent a-' shorts while in" High, Point Thursday on business."-' ' ,s I ' Mrs' Julius V. Cranford. of. GrPpni.; boro, 4s visiting her f?s.f pr TUra r . r' Muse; 7 . ' v - - . . , Married?-Miss Fmiry Brooks, . at 1 tractive and -popular vdaughterfo- Mr. and Mrs. .W;.D, Brooks, $o: Shu- : '' bal Kifkman 'well and fnvnrshlv - known, Saturday evening at' Lake Junalaska, ; , - , : Mr. arid Mrs; ,0. . H. BumOa and daughter Laura' Ada of .Tulsa " Oklahoma spent a few : davs ': her - iisi ween visiting relatives. NEW PAPER AT THOIIASVLLE. The. Chairtown News 4 is the name, S ', of a new paper at Thomasville which; X ; has; already iissuedvtwoweekly. edi--'1 tions uriderf the editorship rof H. G: V Wes t. ,Tbe'- , seyen-coiumn sheet .containing news of:,local''.Wrid Igenralinteres't' in the,-'. c m n y-Arn-s?e,lt' 13 Publlshed- , anhouhces that its .ournoses eill be to : ' ' teU : the; -newsi-of -Thomasville and sur- , ; territorvi trial " news ,; representing activities twres msriLUtea is a column nt- inrn- among me employes ot the ' various -r factories of the place. The paper' comes with the advan tage of not having a patent inside Press, work is not done at Thomas ville, but at High Point, where, it is understood the composition is als done. ' ' ' ; v. : " Although the owners of the paper are not announced in the first edition, it is rumored that the Messrs. Finch of the. Thomasville Chair Company are interested. TRINITY BOOK CLUB MEETS. The . Trinity Book Club met with Mrs. - H. H. Hayes on Thursday of": last week and it was indeed a most joyous and delightful occa'soih. . ' When the members had assembled . and greetings exchanged, the hostess together with her daughter, Miss Ruth Hayes, served t3e guests with punch. - ' ; After the business session was con. eluded 'a 'contest' was the. pasttime for . the .afternoon. A box of candy was given as prize, which was won by Miss Bertie White. : A delicious salad course was served by Mrs. Hayes, assisted by Misses Dorothy. Wood .and Ruth -Hayes'.-' ' v Those .present were: Mesdames M. V. Andrews, Bruce Craven,W C. Massey, " W. F. Elliott Misses Maud -Phillipsr Bertie White, Frences-Woed and Nell Parkin. , At, a missionary meeting held Wed- . nesday afternoon of last week with Mrs., J. C. Pep per, of .Trinity, - it was -decided to Jiold a missionary rally on August 12th. - Plans were made and committees appointed. . Iced tea , and sandwiches were served. Miss " Nell - Parkin has returned to her home , at Trinity after a visit to - North WilkesbbrO and Winston-Salem. ' 'Mlss.N'Be;ulahiNorhient.'lias' returned . 'from theJsummer school at the univer-" . sity. I- , Z . ;- . -. - Joe- Parkih,"after spending his vaca- Uipn at ther home of his ' father and mother, Capt. and Mrs. J. Parkin, re turned last week to. North Wilkes bpeo to resume his , duties -with ; the Brame Drug Co. ? ; ; : . Mr., and "Mrs. 3. C. Pepper and Miss Jewel' Perkin have 'returned from 1 a weeks' visits to Wrightville beach. Miss Margaret McConneH, who .has been' visiting Miss Frances" Wood, of Trinity; , returned Jast . week to. her home: in-Asheville. 5 v " ' ' ' Mrs. Herbert- Ballance and Mrs. - J. M." Alfbrd recently ytsited Mrs. Car penter, of -Trinity. - -Miss Dorothy, Wood has returned to her Jiomeatr Trinity after r :visiting Mrs; Jennirigsi- at Spartanburg, S. "C. Mrs'. .: J. Moore Campbellof. -Harris-burg Pa?, is visiting her, sister Miss Effie White, nt ytrinityv , .; i; , ! . Ashford Parkin came, up from Lum- berton last week to icn( with his ' parents spenanis vaca-t -at Trinity. - ,r - ' - -A r- ' . - r - .:?--,--,. j i -i