Newspaper Page Text
Neither Satisfactory. Edwin whicli'll we see? There's r.n awfully fr.nny Charley ChaplinVat the Bijou. You'll split, your sides. Then there's "Shrieking Souls' at the Scarehead. It'll make your hair stand on end. . ; ;; Angelina Can't you think of some thing else? I'm wearing ? my new georgette waist and I've just had a permanent wave. - , Cuticura for Sore Hands. Soak hands on retiring in the hot suds of Cuth ura Soap, dry and rub in Cu ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment with tissue paper. This is only one of the things Cuticura will do if S':u. Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes. Adv. English Women in Wit. On of tlm best-known women In London's newspaper world, returning from Birmingham by train and en deavoring to make shorthand notes en route, was hopelessly interrupted by a man on the opposite seat who per sisted in shouting his political opinv ions to an acquaintance in the farthest corner, says a writer in the London Evening News. At last he used a phrase containing the word "damn" fliui turned to apologize to the lady for using such a .word. "Don't mention it," she replied, sweetly. "I have been mentally using the word for the last hour." And the newspapers of the other passengers rustled through the laugh ter of their owners. INVENTIVE GENIUS ROBS CALOMEL OF NAUSEA AND DANGER Doctors Favorite Medicine Now Purified and Kenned from All Objectionable Effects. "Calo tabs" the New Name. What will human ingenuity do next? Smokeless powder, wireless telegraphy, horseless carriages, colorless iodine, taste less quinine, now comes liausealess calo mel. The new improvement called "Calo tabs" is now on sale at drugstores. For biliousness, constipation and indi gestion the new calomel tablet is a prac tically perfect remedy, as evidenced by the fact that the manufacturers have au thorized all druggists to refund the price if the customer is not "perfectly delighted" with Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime with a swallow of water that's all. No taste, no nausea, no griping, no salts. By morn ing your liver is thoroughly cleansed and you are feeling fine, with a hearty appe tite. Eat what you please no danger go nbont your business. CaJorabs are not sold in bulk. Get an original package, sealed. Price, thirty ive cents. (adv.) Proper Pride Necessary. Pride, like laudanum and other poi sonous medicines, is beneficial in small, though injurious in large quan tities. No man who is not pleased with himself, even in a personal sense, can please others. Frederick Saun ders. MOTHER! ''California Syrup of Figs' Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each " bottle.. You must say "California." Adv. If a man itches for fame it prob ably keeps him scratching. WARNING 1 The name "Bayer" is the thumb print which identifies genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 20 years and proyed safe by millions SAFETY FIRST! Accept only genuine "Bayer Tablets of spirin," which contains proper direc tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia -t Colds, Rheuma tism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and for pain generally. Strictly American! Handy tin boxee of 12 tablets cost but a few cents Larger Package. Aspirin la the trad mark of Bayer Manufacture of MonoacUIcacldeatar of BalloylieaoM DEPENDED; UPON IT 20 YEARS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Has Been This Woman's Safeguard All That Time, ' - Onjaha. Neb. "I have used Lydia E. PinkhanrsVegetable Compound f orover xwenty years for fe male troubles and it has helped me very much, l have also used Lydia E. Pink ham's Sanative Wash with good re sults. I always have abottleof Vegetable Compound in the house as it is a good remedy in time of need. You c a n tmblish mv testi monial as every statement I have made is perfectly true." Mrs. J. O. Elmquist, 2424 S. 20th Street, Omaha. Nebraska. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are constantly publishing in the newspapers of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound to restore their health. To know whether Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you, try it! For advice write to Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence. , - Psychological Moment. "Do you mean to say that an old- timer like you feels uneasy when called upon to make a political speech?" "Yes," admitted Senator Sorghum, "though I won't say it's exactly stage fright. You never can tell when everything might have gone your way if you hadn't happened to spring the wrong epigram or funny story." Puts Will n You Easy to Get Strong Everyone wants more pep and sure ly needs it' this hot weather. Hot weather takes awy the appetite and makes one feel listless, lifeless, miser able, even when you have a strong stomach, but for those who have weak stomachs, it is really a dangerous, trying time. Be on the safe side this kind of weather and help nature all you can, by taking an eatonic tablet about half an hour before you eat and one or two an hour after you eat; it will be of wonderful benefit. Eatonic sim ply takes up the excess acids, poisons and gases, and carries them right out of the body. With the cause of the trouble removed, of course you will feel fit and. fine full of, pep all the time. Eatonic will cool feverish mouth and stomach and give you a good appetite, even in hot weather. Get a big box at your druggist's for a trifling cost and let eatonic help you for a few days; then you will never be without it. Adv." He Kept On. "Why are you staking out a lot here, my man?" "Gonna live here." "But you can't live here. This Is the great American desert. It's too dry." "I can't see that it's any dryer here than anywhere else." Louisville Courier-Journal. For speedy and effective action Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot" has no equal. One doae only will clean out Worms or Tapeworm. Adv. And Yet It Was Tough! A woman famous locally for her ducks sold -one to Brown, her neigh bor. But it proved particularly tough, and as Brown had paid a big price for the bird he called on the vender without delay. "What do you mean by imposing such a duck upon me," one of your neighbors?" he inquired. "Why, was there anything wrong with it?" , "Wrong ! It wasn't good at all !" "Well, it ought to have been," re plied the dame. "It won the first prize at all the poultry shows for 11 years In succession!" 55 an "unbroken package" of U Why, what is this patient entrance" into nature's deep resources But the child's most gradual learn iing to walk upright without bane? w hen we drive out from the cloud of steam majestical white horses Are we greater than the first men who led black ones, by the mane? ;:- E. 1. Browning. WAYS WITH FRUIT, v Before the cherries are all gone, yon may provide si tasty relish by canning: Cherry Olives. Fill tf jar with well washed,' firm. ripe, large, good flavored cherries without removing the stems. Half fill the jar with cold -water and fill :o running over with good vinegar ; add one teaspoonful of salt to every Dint. seal as usual. These cherries are especially good with meats. Raspberry and Currant Preserve Take six pounds each of currants and sugar with eight quarts of raspberries. Pick .over, wash and drain the cur rants. Put them into a preserving ket- tie, adding a few at a time, and mash Cook one hour, strain through a double thickness of cheese cloth. Return to the kettle, add sugar, heat to boiling point, and cook slowly twenty minutes Add one quart of raspberries when the sirup again reaches the boiling point; skim out the raspberries, put in a jar, and repeat until all the raspber ries are used. Fill the 1ars to over flowing with the boiling sirup and screw on the tops. Preserved Peaches. Peel and cut In halves sufficient peaches. Fill tho cans, packing as full as possible, then add granulated sugar to fill every crev ice; seal and put into a hay lined -foole. deep enough in the ground to escape rrost. In the spring when the frost is gone, dig them up and you will find the most deliciouslv flavored Deaches A pit or two left in the peaches adds to the flavor. Be sure to mark the spot where they are buried, or the whole garden may have to be spaded to nnd them. Green Apples and Onions Fried Slice two or three medium sized onions very thin: nut to cook with a table spoonful of anv sweet fat. When soft ened add a pint of sliced green apples unneeled. Add a little water, susai and salt and cook until the mixture is well browned. Serve as a vegetable with steak. A DINNER FOR A HOT DAY. For a beginning to the warm weath er dinner there is nothing more re freshing than the fruit- cocktail With fresh ber ries, cherries. v melons or citrus fruits one has a great variety from which to choose. A most dainty fruit cup may be prepared as follows : Cut the edible centers of mushmelons into balls with a French potato cutter; arrange them in the glasses; have b6th fruit and glasses chilled. Pour over a sauce made from Canton ginger, using some of the sirup and a tablespooful or two of the chopped ginger for a "half dozen glasses. For those who do not enjoy the ginger -flavor, make a mint sirup and garnish the glass with a sprig of fresh mint. An orange sauce with the mint is another good combination. In fact one may use any sauce at hand. The pink heart or watermelon cut in balls and served with any desired sauce is another attractive dish. Chard in White Sauc. Cook the midribs of chard until tender Hien serve in a white sauce or with a drawn butter sauce as if it were celery or asparagus. This makes another veg etable dish and one which Is very wholesome. Chicken With Asparagus. Cut up a chicken and stew until tender, saving the broth. Cut up the chicken and keep hot over hot water, not to lose its moisture. Cook a bunch or two of as paragus in the chicken broth, saving the broth and later cooking noodles in " i . . ii the same Drotn ; in mis way ine sea soning of chicken and asparagus will season the noodles. Prepare noodles by ' adding flour to beaten egg until thick enough to roll out, then cut in strips and, after standing a few min utes to dry, cook them in the broth. Have all hot, put a layer of noodles on the serving plate, .over this a layer of cooked asparagus, then a layer of seasoned chicken; serve hot. Celery salt pepper and salt are used for sea soning. Celery is used In place of the asparagus in a dish called warmein, which Is most savory when prepared according tV directions, using at least three bunches of celery to one fair- sized chicken. Dentist's Mem'orial. Tt is far cry from the powdered hen-bale seeds, the incantations and pain, the gold rings and ox teeth of tho ' forgotten past to the work of a modern dental surgeon, but like his predecessors in the profession, thf iriAriprn operator leaves hehind hin his -monument. It may be a crosf of gold which he erects to his memor? as a product of his mechanical skill or mayne ne ua uijii mr- wmmm--. of the world the secrets of I'enith.ov the esthetic value of a pleasing Exchange. Net Contents 15Fiiiid Dfaelan . i ' : , llJ ' lf-. ... - a ifi 4 w4 J! Gfi..M mm WJ I 111 T'HItf m tar tingtheStamacfcs aiBowetsrf . irMMj ThcrctylomnlMcsH 1T T t I Ih 1 W I neither upiam, jworpu' MS Pumpan, lotJMASalt Worm Said PaHfitdSagar Id site 13 mi . v. joUftcc anfl . '"If m MCBKrATOGoRa- 3'; i K Exact Copy of Wrapper. Terrible Tortures No Sure Relief Until the Cause Is Removed.' - When the blood -becomes in fested with millions of tiny dis ease germs that attack the skin, then the fiery irritation and in tense itching will remain with you until these germs are removed from the blood. Genuine relief therefore, can only be expected from a treatment that goes right to the seat of .the i YOUNGSTER MADE WORD GOOD Though, as It Turned Out, It Was at the Cost of i Some Personal ' Discomfort. Marshall, tho is five, lives in a flat building. He is a real boy and although he has a rear yard and a sand pile in which to play, his mother has more or less trouble keeping him off the streets. A neighbor saw him across the street one morning arid the next day called his attention to the fact that he was out of the zone map ped for him. He was one of the busy ones about a vegetable wagon. "Yes," he said, "I had to get some sings." The next morning he asHced his mother for the market basket. He immediately disappeared and soon re turned, accompanied by the vegetable man. In .the basket were three pounds of potatoes, a box of berrie's and two cantaloupes. Mother had to settle whether she needed the goods or not. At any rate, Marshall made his word good with the neighbor that he had to get "some sings." When ques tioned by the same neighbor about his shopping expedition he said: "Yes, and mother spanked me, too." A Clue. "You said the suspected moon shiners gave you a clue by singing. What was the song?" 'Of t in the Still-y Night " i . .5.. fl mi , II Twenty Five Years of Success proves that the originator of Fostam Cereal. was building upon a sure foundation when he devised this most famous of all cereal beverages. Where one used it in place of coffee, in the beginning, tens of thousands drinkt today and prefer it to coffee. ; Healthful, delightful to taste and satisfying to every one at table. Postum is now recognized as coffee's ' one and only great competitor among those who delight- in a coffee-like flavor. '. ' Sold everywhere by Grocers Mado by Postum Cereal Co., Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan 1 Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. If either would ; be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you thatjBaby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. - A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to-your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? 'Don't be deceived. Make, a mental note of this: It 'is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CAST0R1A GENUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears the Si THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NIW YORK CITY. From Itching Skin Diseases trouble, and strikes at its cause. Such a remedy is S. S. S.f the re liable old blood purifier that kills the germs of disease, and sends a new supply of rich red blood coursing through the .veins. S. S. S. has been used success fully in some of the worst cases of eczema and other sktn 'disor ders. For valuable literature write to Medical Adviser, 108 Swift Labo ratory, Atlanta, Ga. j POET'S WORD GOOD ENOUGH Student Was Absolutely Satisfied Without the Necessity of See ing Any Proofs. A good story is going the rounds of Princeton about Prof. Alfred Noyes the English poet." Professor Noyes, it is well known, likes very much to read his works aloud to his friends, and at, Princeton, with so many young men under him, he is usually able to gratify .this lik ing to the full. . The other day Professor Noyes said to a junior, who had called about an examination: "Wait a moment. Don't go yet. I want to show you the "proofs of my new book of poems." , But the junior made for the door frantically : 'No, no," jhe said.j "I don't need proofs. Your" word Is enough for me, professor." t Rich Find In an Old Dress. When the personal effects of the once-famous dancer, "Rigolboche," who died recently in Paris at the age of eighty, were sold at auction, an old silk dress was knocked down to a second-hand clothes dealer for a mere song. On examining the garment the purchaser found concealed in the lin ing a bundle of French bank notes' to the value of ,$1,060. Fob3 1 Signature of Strong Hint. Henry's father owned a rolling mill, and generally took him out to see hla favorite superintendent on Saturday. One Saturday morning, however, his father was in a great hurry, and failed to say anything about taking Henry with him. The little fellow stood It as long as he could, but finally sobbed. "Daddy, when you see Mr. Perry (the superintendent) will you please tell him that I'm awfully sorry you forgot fo take me with you?" Acid Stomach. Heartburn and Nausea quickly disappear with the use of Wright' Indian Vegetable Pills. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl St., New Tork.--Adv. His Favorite Time. "Wouldn't my little man like to go jand visit grandma in the country?' asked his mother. "Yes, mamma, if the chickens are ripe now," replied the six-year-old. Boston Transcript. 6 Bell-ans Hot wafer Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Cuticura Talcum is Fragrant and Very Healthful Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c. TalcniB 25e. Uli far 5C Yttrt. FOR MALAJtIA, CE21S ARD FETQ. Alt ru GeaertI Streutheaini TuJe. At All Dm Stem) KING PIN CHEWING TOBACCO Has thai oood licorice taste youtvebem loohnq&r. BLUAL THE EASIEST moat economical way of blnlng yon wash. Pnt np In 10c and 96e package. Send for trial package. Agen' wanted. Btaal Oualeal MO W. SSStfc St . I. T.Cttf FRECKLES COSmVELT RtMOVED by Dr. wncM. :1a Oi.ta.nt Tan tm.nt dromWt or hw ft Or. CM. Brr Co. 2975 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM BemoTeaOandrnfl-StopaBatrlaillnsJ Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair wiww ! uoior and boo. and f l.oo at drnnnsta. Htaeox Chem. Wkg. Patchotme. K.T. HINDERCORNS Bemorea Onrna. CaWr lonaes, eto., stops ail pain, ensures comfort to to', feet, makes walking easy. 16c by mall or at DroaH Klsta, ilisoox Cliemioai works, fatcbogrne, 2C Z. J , If addicted to the use of rMORPHINEn laudanum, paregoric or opium in any form, hare your physician treat you with Manine. -Write for' literature. MANINE PHARMACAL COMPANY 2843 OIie St. SL' Loina, Efa. FLORIDA FAVORITE A fine 8c ci;ar, goo& aa many for -10c; delivered smokers by par cels post. 50 for $2.60; 100. $5.00. Remit Postal Money Order to. T. W. Helm Clear Co.. Panama City. Florida. ReSfldf V-- 4 s8 "V