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Newspaper Page Text
. if Tne Review, High Point, IV.. C. Thursday Aug. 19, 1920 (o 0 n a u u vyj Two .KiYift Farm Miles East Point An 3:00 I This valuable farm of 200 acies or more, lying on the Freeman Mill road, 2 miles east of High Point and 1 1-2 miles from Hay worth Mineral springs, has more than 2,000 feet of read frontage on this beau tiful sand clay road. Those of you who know the W. L. Kivett farm know it to be one "of the best, farms in Guilford county, close in to the city of High Point1 wfth a variety of soil, both red and gray, suitable for any kind of farm products. Foi trucking, corn, wheat, tobacco, there is no farm in the surrounding coun try equal to this one. Mr. Kivett spent a lifetime in improving, tak ing stumps out and in work in general on this farm, and a look at it will convince you of its real value. It has also has a frontage on Green street exten sion and is only 1 1-2 miles from silk mill and 1 12 miles from Green street car line. Good buildings of every description, large feed barns, pastures, wood lands, and running water on every sideof the place This farm belongs to the late W. L. Kivett heirs and is being sold for division, and will positively be sold at the close of the sale, subject to the confirma tion of the court. It being so close to the thriving city of High Point and the famous Hay worth Min eral springs, which we are reliably informed will soon have thousands of dollars spent on its development, and the geographical lay of the land, will convince you that a dollar spent in the purchase of these tracts will be the best investment you can make. We Will sell in Tracts Stiit the purchaser and on the easiest terms you have had land off ered you. Terms of sale will be announced from the wagon the day of sale. Should you want to look over the property be fore day of sale call on Kivett & Jones, Crocers, E. Washington street, High Point, N. C, and they will be glad to show you over tne property. Remember the date and the hour and let noth ing keep you away from this sale. Sale Conducted By American RealtyMction Thomas Bros , the world's original twin auctioneer ing force, Greensboro, N. C. ' Yoanis-Byerlv. Miss Lillian Estelle Younts and Guy. u. oyerij, Dotn of this city, were qui etly united in marriage last week by Rev. J. W. Williams, at the South Main Methodist parsonage. The wedding was witnessed by only a few close friends andrelatives and fallowing the ceremony the couple left for Greensboro where they left on a ten days bridal trip to western North Carolina. ' Both Mr. and Mrs. Byerly are well known in High Point, where they have made their home for many, years, ajid where Mr. Byerly is responsibly Con nected with Gilmer's, Inc. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Younts, of Thurston street.. Mr. and Mrs Byerly will be at home in this city September 11. $pliriter$1 V 9 ON THE. LEVEL- )OHY KNOW To p THE. "ASSORTED NUTS IF IUVETH80 "fWS I'LL NEVEfS EVEN CHANCE IAV SHOE- LACES UNTJU THE H OF Jui iUe poor simp vJwoi DISCARDED HIS OVERCOAT fSUffLElOGSOOti.: OQiL gM- Accept II Substitutes for 1 Tiiedford's 0 Purely E3 1 Vegetable Liver Medicine HO p.9 HIS ft A " Didn't Rest Well" Prominent Georgia Lady Suffered from Faint Spells and Sleeplessness Relieved by Ziron. F .EOPLE who get to feeling weak; every now and then, and who do not seem to get the proper re freshment from rest, sleep and recrea . tion, need a tonic to help their blood revitalize and "build up their system. For this, you will find Ziron Iron Tonic very valuable, as the tesimbny of thousands already has proved." Mrs. J. W. Dysart, lady of a prominent Georgia family, residing near Carters- tllle, says? -I didn't feel Jike myself. "I didn't rest well some nights. . 1 would be just as tired when I got uj in the morning as when I went t$ bed. I would get weak, and have kind of falnty spells at times -hardly abli to do my housework. "I heard of Ziron, and felt maybe a tonic would help me. I thought it would at least strengthen me. "I believe Ziron has done me good" I feel better. I am glad to recommend it as a good tonic." Try Ziron. Our money-back guaran- y tee .protects you. . At your druggist' JL. YOUNG COUPLE. remember that SAVING MONEY is a duty you. owe the OL.D COUPLE you will sdme time be. Insure their, comfort and independ ence by opening a bank account now We have authority to act as Execut or, Administrator, Trustee, Receiver, etc. Make up the Executor of your es tate in your will. ercial National Bank Capital $ 500,000.00 Surplus $ 500,000.00 Resources $6,500,000.00Deposfts $4,000,000.00 ? PET THE BEST, FARMER TRIENPS Buy your Feed from the High oint - Milling Company WE can sell you apy. kind of pure. Feed for either Horses; Cows or Hogs. Our horse feed is a sweet feed, 85 pe- cent, grain. Cow feed is made by the Quaker Oat People (Schumaker) and isone o the best milk producers on the market. Hog feed is our make of pure wheat feed. We can also furnish ear corn. Just received a car from the Eastern part of the state. - Come to see us. Yours truly, igh Point Milling Co, Veterans "Nine years and going yet" is more than a phrase with Dia mond T trucks. The first Diamond T was delivered to the L. Wolff Manufacturing Co. of Chicago; in Febru ary, 1911. Its driver declares that it is still ia. its prime. The L. Wolff Manufacturing Co. also bought the second. Others were delivered in quick succession to Thomas Moulding Brick Co.," Feck 8c Hills furniture Co., Sprague Warner Co., rieppes Co., ( Knisely Bros., American The maintenance records of these old veterans speak more convincingly than columns of ad vertising. Their lpw opcrating'and service riq ures are characteristic of all Diamond T's. Here's specific, detailed, concrete proof that Diamond T trucks DO last longex and cost less. Get the .point t Drop in and let us show you some exclusive Diamond T features that are money savers. . - RankmSizemore Tire M Supply Gompaoy j. i fi m -i - I: l it i 'i