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i IS In 7 ' S f fi i i A i is ii if: II n 7 The Review, High point, IN. C, Thursday -Nov. 4, 192Q The Hish ROint, V (Member of the worth Carolina Press Association . ...- 1 .- .No. 106 North Main Street r'ublication Office.....?. lSsued Eyry, Thursday Morning by ; W. L. Stamey, Editor and Publisher bloom, .any color will; ret first prize t)f,':. 60 and a second of $1. To ithe best vase . of old fashioned flowers willi be "given" as ' first-prize and abox qf stationery from Mann ' Drug-' com pany will be given as second. o line Year! Nine Months Subscription Rates o nft " Six Months HI? l!o0v Three Months 1.00 .50 Telepnone Number 275. Aflvertisinr Rates made knownupon "application; 11 notices and adver tisemeopJractedfor a specified time will beUnserted and charged tor until, ordered DUL ar made for "Cards of Thanks" Kes"u5o"n;eof : ' JVrUe-Ups and all .Miliar nouces,- tlmes is glad to receive short letters ni ; importance nd will publish them. We require' the name of .iter DLg i for our protection, but will not print his naine -if so requested i ' v ' : ; . . :V v ' - :-t 7' : "-:-."-' v, . How's This . , We offer $100.00 for any case of catarrl tnat cannot e - curea, by idAJUUc CATARRH MEDICINE. ' HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is tak en Internally and acts through the Blood on' tne Mucous surfaces of the System. Sold by druggists for .over forty years Price 75c. Testimonials free. P. J. Cheney '& Co:. Toledo. Ohio. ; ' m ; ; ,. i , ; V 'HIGH POINT. J.C , THURSDAY. NOV 4, 1920 PLAYGROUNDS FOR CHILDREN. Committee Expects to Establish Many Playgrounds in the City. ' Playgrounds for all. High Point chil dren is. the object .of the playground committee appointed by tlfe city coun cil and head by. Councilman W. L1 Stamey. Plans for the establishment of Hig'h Point's first -playground were com pleted last April when an order was made for playground equipment; to be riPiivpr'fid in this city. The order was Bronze medals were also awarded by the commission to the foliowing: " Charles - E... Sanborn, , 12 Spruce street, Watertown, Mass., . attempted i P. - M. the following described property. to save E. H. Chandler frfcm drowning same twiig in the City of High Point, Gnilford .. . - .- - - -,. i. lnnnt' . . at Ocean Bluff. .Mass., setem&er, o. V NOTICE OF. SALE C Under aridxby virtue of the'powef , contain ed in a certain deed of trust inade by .H. Ring and wife , Ida Ring toVi A. J. Idol .trustee for the 22d Seritsof. High PdntperpaualBuild ihg and Loan Association, on (he 7th day of April, 1919, and recorded Jn, Book 314, Page 45, in the office of 'the 'Register of Deeds of Guilford County defa.ultjfor ninety, 90, days having been nude in" tbei payment, thereof, accerding to the-terms of said deed of frusta the unpersigned will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash on the premises, at the intersection of Willowbrook and War streets High oint, N. C. on - Thursday, the 10th day of Dec, 1920, at 2 . . SALE NOTICE North Carolina, Guilford County.-. ; i By virtue of an order of Superior court of Guilford counry, entitled C. N. Brown, admr, of J. H, Crokerv de ceased, the undersigned ommisson? er,wili Nov. 20, 1920, offer for sale at rTjublic auction upon c nV Urination by. the courts tbe follow ing described property situate in the Citv of High Point. N C Guilford county, being lot No 7. on E. H. C. Fields subdivision, described as re corded in register of deeds ofiBce for Guilford county in I Greensboro, N. C. division Jacob White property, lot of same duly recorded in said office The above described land is very valuable, it having many cords of food wood growing on the lot. It is a very valuable building site. The sale will be held upon the premises ixov. 20, 1920, 12 o'clock, noon. - C N. BROWN, Commissioner M. H. STONE. Atty. o21 4t 1917; Li. Worth, 55 Harrison avenue, North Abington, Mass.. saved .Francis W. Geloran at railroad crossing Oc tober 20,' 1917 ; -Alexander James Campbell, aged 69, Mt. Sterling, 111., saved Bernice iM. Kirkman- from diowning August 8, 1918; Walker O. County AcMcining the lands Jf P. L. La wson, J.R. Skeen, H. A.. Pierce and others; beginning at the intersection of Wiliowbrook and Ward streets, thence about east with Ward street. 89 feet to P.' L. Lawson's line 29 1..2Jeet to Skeen and Pierce corner; thence south 85 degrees and .JO minutes west S3 feet to Wil lOwbrook street; thence about south with lapsed well March 20, 916; E. E. held up on account of congested traf fie conditions, but part of; it has al- rwdv arrived and the last shipment Drummond, ; Hampton, ; Vat saved two has left the faptory, Mr. Stamey an- girls from drowning January 11 1918; nounced today. The fourth shipment .viniam A. Calhey, Sylva, N. C, saved is expected to reach High Point the two boys from burning house October last of the week and following its ar- 27, 1917; Gertrude M. Merrill, 43 Brat rival here an inspector will come here tie street, Arlington, Mass. saved Ruth from the factory and see to it that it f lsenner -noni being killed' by a rail is properly put together. 1 roadtrain December 20 1918; Milton The first playground will be estab-! M. Chappell, 323 West Adams street, Liey, .jiaaison, ua., auempua io , anJ bei ,ot No 4 n the of j R Skeen v6v j-v ana H. A. Herce. Whh-n man i rprnrM in Plat book . Page. This the 3d day of Nov.. 1 920.' V. A; J. idol, Trustee. 22d series of High Point Perpetual Bldg.and Loan Association DANGERS OF A COLD." lished on the vacant lot at the corner of North Main and Church streets. However, it will not be the only play- Muncie lnd.. saved Edward D. Winder from drowning January 22, 1918; George W. Billings, Plippen, Ark., at- High,iPoint People Will Do Well to Heed Them. Many bad cases of. kidney trouble result from a' cold or chill Congested kidneys fall behind in filtering the poison-laden blood and backache, headache, dizziness and disordered kidney action follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Doan's Kidney Pills at the first sign of kidney trouble Follow this High Point resident's example: . A Spencer, 300 Hobson' St., says: "Some -time ago 'I suffered from kid ney trouble. I think bjeinjr out in the ; open a lotr catching cold arid its set tling on my kidneys caused my trou ble. My back was sore and wnen I bent over it was a strafn on my back and I could hardly straighten.- My ground in High Point if the plans of .tempted to save Virginia L. 'Hayes the cit$ council -are ' perfected. It is J from being killed by a train," Aril 2, the intention of the committee to es- i 1919;. William P. Clark, Camp Meade, tablish playgrounds at each of the Md., saved F. T. Duckworth trom rcliools .of the city and the playground j drowning, Morganton, N. C, July 16, on North Main street will be the cen-i9i6; Veronica Clougherty (now Mrs. tral, playground. The equipment there , Rufus J. Morton), 65 Walnut street, will represent more than $1,500 of the j Atlantic, Mass, saved .Daniel Davy city's money. : jfrom drowning' August 1917; Ira A cannon recently procured by the , Burrell , Pamplin, Va ., rescued W. Harl council fom the Varf department has i rison and W. D. Nix from well filled arrived in High Point and was placed j with dynaonite fumes at Marble, N. C, on the citylot on Torth Main street. , Semntember 18. 1915: Charles Tewi Titioi-o hoc hoon enmp rli!?11SSiOTl in : rr ' j . m-i , a. ,. . ti- " p,vt 7h r to the ao- - , f . S ' "l Savea uo" kidneys also acted irregularly and I F' t nf a JavCTound commiS"' girl 'from being killed by had headaches, too. I started using pomtment jf a p ayground raftroatrain in Chicago February 16, Doan's Sidney Pills and after I hal sion, but whetner it will be done re- 1918. Elbert w Davis, 1539 Bonita taken one bo mv back felt stronger mains for the city council to decide. avenue - Berkelev Cal -avPH viotr S oacK ieit stronger t fa eoM havo fnvnrpd veuue' owKeiej, iai., saved Victor and . my kidneys acted regularly. Councilmen it u, s aid, d P . Casmat f rom drowning. Emerald, when I don't feel just right now, a the lldef ,effr the c?tr but :C1' May 31' 1917; Sarah Anne w doses of Doan's always stralgh en m playground work for the c.ty. but 120 East Boerger avenue, Fort Wayne, me iid"- s - r?-ent-?n TknwnTthe sSt -" Katherine B. deary from 60cf at aH. dealers., teraiilburn tahzat-.on is not known at the present. drowning at Cjt fad August Co llfrs Buffalo N Y V. The belief was freely expressed to- 16 191?; Lloyd b, rj'ers, VelSSS! ' ' " ' day that such an 1 1" CaL. saved Joan N. Johnston from CHATTEL MORTGAGES For sale Pnift 12' 19191 Cora 5c ech; 35c doz.r 2 doz. 60c; 50 for Lme one Dreahim, 14 years old. 4716 82d treet, ' $1.00. REVIEW OFFICE name one. Portland, Ore., saved Gordon Law. the grounds of one of the schools of ""' u avf ne. the city It was purchased through Seles, Cel., saved N. Marion Wood. fJ ine cuy. w 1 from drowning at Redondo Beach, Cal., A Vae playground committee. July l7. 1919; Marriana T. Goldsmith M For C' 0 rime m ' ' . i - I ."V 6letestt: 99 Stops Corn Fain instantly and He moves Them Completely. Whether your "pet "is on top or between the toes, no matter how big or how small or how tender" three drops of "Gets-lt" will liftlyou right out of your misery. mmmJmmmm' t " ..,.' i i "ii v t ir Th Only Way to Cure a Cora im to Remove It, with MGto4tM Ton will laugh to see how quickly your corn lets go its grip, how it curls right u p and dies so you can lift it off with your fingers. It's folly and nonsense to pare and trim a corn trying to ease its pain when "Gets-It" will easily rid you of It entirely. "Gets-It is fold at all drag stores and costs but a trifle.- Your money back on re quest. Mid. by 22. Lawrence fe Co.. Chicago Sold in High Point and reeomraended as the world's best corn remedy by J. A. Hart Drug Co. , Ring Drng Co. and Ramsay Drug Co Go BRONZE MEDAL FOR JOHN KIRK- ff3 Bast Lake, Decatur, Ga.. at- MAN WHO DIED TRYING TO SAVE GIRL. v i tempted to save two girls from drown- l I ing July 13, 1916; Charles Gregory ; ITi mm a rplafpn Mrs Knla. Burnett of I iHemmer, aged 14, 77 Wheeler street. ! rv Tlaltnn fla "T wna thfn and High Point Man Lost -His Life , at "1 ? ' i7 yS ! feIt ted a" the tlma J V f -'-.wj M-r l U M-m joroan, aged. 13, 212 South Third street, Wilmington, N. C, saved N. I TfltTo KNv. xr . . . ; liaucm ivccious irom urowning at i "I was weak and run-down, Wrinhtsviile Beache July Last Year Medals Also Awarded Carnegie Hero "Commission nthai Mnrth Car. ilC W I a k I I W V mm m mr - - ' w w . iina Cases of Heroism. !. wrigntsvllle Beach, C, July 17, Pittshnrffh. Oct. 29. Ten persons,5; kl wmfl nf them mere boys and one a ' .?llver medals were awarded to the ; o-i-ri atn.nher-lost, their lives in roiiowing: Grover C. Hunter, 707 D XT OtTlrtV 5.1 If deeds of heroism which today were - - I "8 ' axtempi-, ym I i WM i ,inn at its regular fall meet- juue io, xyis-Mary Held I didn't rest well. I wasn't My ever uuugr. x isew, uy this, I needed a tonic, and as there is none better than-1 ' oH Trt oo irr T - TV. rt. a. . i recognized by the Carnegie Hero Fund - 1 warier irom !to rnrrnlor fall mftfit- O UUC J.O, XtfXol' jVlH,ry 'XieiU- camp, 168 Pine Grove avenue, King- j jsiJ ing here. . Thirty-three medals-Vere awarded by the commission which, in addition to minor financial, appropriations, rec ognized seven heroic acts rby appro priating $10,000 for the education of those responsible. An additional $10, 000 was applied for the liquidation of indebtedness. and to other worthy pur poses for heroes. Tne young woman was Karin "S. Lundeberg, 19 years old, of 12 Cbadwick avenue, Hartford, Conn. She .was drowned in the Farm- ington river while attempting to save Evely M. Anderson, July 5 last. A . silver medal was awarded to her fa- " ther. ( v , . . .'. . - ' "; . To the others who lost their lives bronze" medals .were awarded in each case. They were: , . " Leo Daniel McCarthy, ' 400 Cobb street, Johnshurg, Pa., drowned while trying to save Robert t E.v Henretty, October 17, 1919 ; , Roy Kenneth Davis, age 14,. 2518 West Jefferson street, Louisville. Ky., drowned while trying to save James Alexander, September -4, 1919; Harold Oren Kenneth Arn, age 12. Flushing, Mich., drowned ' while trying to save Merrill 12.' Allen, . December 2. 1917; Frederick John Metzler, 26 Gerhon street, Pittsburgh, Pa., drowned while trying to save Christian M.lug, July 5, 1920; George H. Abel, "age 18, 2640 Fulton street, Brooklyn, drowned while . trying to save Herbert: E, Vogt, July 28, 1918; ' Lawrence C Simpson, 317" Washington street, Bluefield;; W. . Va., drowned "f while trying to save Adrian A. Loyd, Kingsport, Tenn., June 24, 1917; John R. Kirkman, High Point, N. C, cTrowned while trying to save Annie E. Burktieimer, ' atV Wrightsville .Beache, N. C, July 24,' 1919 ; John James Sulli van, 433 Kaufman place, Indianapolis, lnd., drowhedv while trying v - to -save two negro boys at Indianapolis, March 2, 1920; Emery O. Cotton, Enterprise, Ala , drowned while trying to save Mildred Dowling at Geneva, Ala., May 0) Ull Z u ston, N. Y., saved Mary A. Geoghegan i auring explosion of hand grenad"es in factory at Port Ewen, N. Y., Novem ber , 1918. ' ' . if a lA i v ii r tKt& Elm and pay that over due subscription account m Don't wait until the prper stops. Z, 1919.. ANNUAL FLOWER SHOW TO BE HELD THIS WEEK. Wesley Memorial church will be the scene Thursday - and Friday of .this who lost her life ;eek of the annual flower show fes- nviu stageq Dy tne Ladies' Aid So-; ciety of the Methodist church. This, is one .of - the. most elaborate affairs ! gracing the social calendar for the fall -season and comes ohce every year, j lhe, usual .bazaar and, dinners will be features it the two-day event and all , indications ar that the exhibits will be most brilliant of the history cf the festival. It is the desire of Mrs. ; O. E. Kearas, as chairman; of me oazaar- reature, that all articles to be .sold during the two' days be sent, not later than Tuesday t to her iesidence on Washington street. , Miss Venetia Smith; director of the chrysanthemum show, has been hard at work jon her feature of the- delight ful affair and has met with" splendid' results in the matter ot premium con tributions. Her prizes, already.., donat ed by leading business houses of the city, will tie awarded as follows: ' For the best collection of 25 blooms, first prize will be $ld second prize, $8; third prize, mirror; fourth prize, $5. For. the ' best collection of one dozen any one color, first prize is $5; second prize, $2.50. For the best col lection .of one-half dozen white blooms, first prize will be $2; sec ond prize; $1. 'For the best collection of oifl-half dozen red blooms, first prize'Wlllbe $2; second prize, $1. For the best collection of "one-half dozen pink blooms, first prize .will be $2; second prizer $1. For the. best collec tion of one-half dozen, yellow blooms, first prize, $1 The best collection of 4 blooms, anyaftlor, will be awarded first prize of $1.50 and a second prize .or a bottle of perfume from Hart Drug Company. The best single' I The Woman's Tonic ... I began using Cardul," JfJ continues Mrs. Burnett Tt better and ate better. I took four bottles. Now VtxC well. reel just tine, eat and sleep, UA my skin is clear and I ave y gained and sure feel that Km Cardul Is the beat tonic ever made." ... ; . ; .. Thousands of other women TinvA frtiirxl r.ar1ii1 Inof a a Mrs. Burnett did. It' should IA . At all druggists. A.E. PU T R E L L Special Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company rJp-to-date Contracts All that is desirable in Life Insurance Phone 3544 High Point An assort six TO WHOM SHALL I p6 FOR EYE EXAMINATION? Go to an OPTOMETRIS! Op tometry la recognized by law in '44 states, ' several' Canadian ' prov inces, as well " as in. many, "other countries. . , ; We i suggest .that it .will be ' to' : your benefit to go: to- a member 'of the Associated OPTOMETRISTS of America. - There are many good reasons why you will get the most satisfactory service - from at Incm ber of this Organization. ; - ; " DRS. ST ALEY t Optometrists Eyesight y Specialists . " J Upstairs, Stanton-Weich Building men! of las and Electric Heaters leady - : Phoned 2700 Drop in and look at. outline or have bur , salesman - call and see, you. - ' ' .' North Carolina lie Coihp 27 South Main Street Phone1 700 Pub. any TGie pirate is SUB! On Exceptional Values in Underwear. Regular $2.00 , and $2.50 values to go - at 75c to 95 Boys' Hats, regular $1.50 to $2.50 val- ue8 J'f SO at...-T.75c to 95c Good grade sheeting, special at, per yard 9p2C One lot of Sample Shoes fpr the whole . family, regular $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 yalues. to go at r-$2.48 and $2.98 The , The Underselling Store County Trading Store 118 E. - Washington St. Orph eum M eatre Watch for Big OpeniDg Show Monday, Nov. 15 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM s,. Wednesdays, Fridays Monday Which A Safe Bank in to Bank your Money ! To the Farmer, Laborer, Business man, or capitalist ,we extend a hearty request to place your mon ey in this bank in the Checking or Savings department. We pay 4 per cent, interest on Savings and take an interest in our ci'stomers. ',V .: - mm BAN MM CO. :, Basi H. Hedgecock, Cashier D V Y GKOCUiETT Be sure you're riht, and then go ahead: 3t is the bus- iliess of this bank to help you to be always rigbt : 7 in your moneys matters. The man who is ; : 1 A right is not afraid. ; ?ae hoviaBaok Trust Co. Re 1 V' A. m