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t 34 STATES V0TE1 un ight to ' 3 1 To get your DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES NONE but Registered Phap macists to fill your prescriptions Your wants will have our Prompt Attention 1 il J i t ENTIRE HOUSE AND THIRTY THREE U. S. SENATORS ALSO CHOSEN TUESDAY "Hi' SEVERAL FACTIONAL FIGHTS !;I Dissensions in Illinois and Wisconsin Gave Chances to Demrocratic Senators. If r 0 i ;! 4 1 fu FOR GOVERNORS IS IB 1 V1! "j I t: i-- Is .1 if. ij ' i I'ii Mil .'II 4 ft 7 .aS A' Ml If. i i Besides the Presidential election, which engrossed the attention of the country, governors were elected in thirty-four states on Tuesday. Thirty hree United States senators and an entire house of representatives were elected. Maine had already elected Frederic H. Parkhurst, republican, governor at its state election in Sep tember. Ia most of the thirteen states which had not elected were tot to elect governors, other candi dates for state office or constitutional amendments were voted upon. The gubernatorial elections furnish an . interesting situation in many states. Among these were New York, where Alfred E. Smith, democrat, was admittedly much stronger than the democratic national ticket; Illinois, where a republican factional fight fur nished an opportunity for" the election of "ex-Senator James Hamilton Lewis, democrat, and Wisconsin, where an other factional fight 'in the republican party between the supporters of Sen ators Lenroot and La Follette gave a chance for Robert B. McCoy, the dem ocratic nominee. All of the states which elected gov ernors also elected other state officers. Of the other states, Alabama elected a justice .of the supreme court, a judge of the court of appeals and other state officers. California elected justices of ihe supreme court. Kentucky -elected a judge of the court of appeals in the fifth district. Louisiana elected a rail road commissioner. There were jxp etate candidates in Maryland 4r Mis sissippi. Nevada elected justices of the supreme court and regents of the state university. Oklahoma elected a corporation commissioner and judges of various courts. Oregon elected judges and dairy and food commis sioner and a commissioner of public service. Pennsylvania elected a state treasurer and an auditor general. Where were no State officers to be elected in Virginia. Control of the United States enate depended on the result of this election. A list of the democratic and republi ran candidates voted upon follows: Senator Charles S. Thomas, who is running for re-election independently In Colorado, and James Thompson, La Follette candidate in Wisconsin, were the most important of the independent candidates. DIMG D COOLIDGE ELECTED IJ6 Without Waiting for Returns From the Western States Which Four Years Ago Elected Wilson in the Face of Pularilities f or Mr. Hughes, the Democratic Nominee and His Manager Admit That in the Solemn Referendum, the People Preferred Re publicans New York Goes Republican by Unprecedented Majorities, While Pennsylvania Gives Harding Substantia Plurality Returns From West Awaited While Harding Success in East Took on Momentum. Voters of the United States including for the first . time women in every state went to the polls on Tuesday and registered their choice for President to succeed" the incumbent, Woodrow Wilson. 7 Georgia. Atlanta. Georgia went for Cox in Tuesday's election, but the vote for RI NG DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store eneral Cr reene The Cigar That Leaves No Regrets, only Pleasure The Republican nominee, Senator Warren G." Harding, of Ohio, was Harding was the largest ever cast in White Issues Statement. New York. George White, chair man 6T the democratic national com mittee, conceded the election of Sen ator, Harding at 11 o'clock Tuesday sight. The following statement was issued by Mr. White: "The abandonment of some of the most prominent republican leaders of the very league of nations which they helped to construct has been success ful. The people have succumbed to the confusion wrought by these dis tinguished men, and to the misrepre sentation of those who were not and did not understand the league of na tions. I hope it may yet be. rescued from the political morass and be sav d to mankind. "No one has occasion for bitterness or of recrimination. What the whole people decide the whole people must accept. The democratic national com mittee abides by the result cheerfully Jf with foreboding. Senator Harding is the people's president. "The fate of Irish freedom has been settled adversely. Men and women of Irish blood have voted for the candi date who has declared the Irish ques tion to bp a domestic problem of Great Britain in which we can have no of ficial concern. With their support the American people have returned the Irish problem to Downing street. They . bave endorsed, I am sad to say, a sep arate peace with Germany." elected President and Governor Calvin Coolidge, of Massachusetts, Vive Presi dent over the Democratic candidate Governor James M. Cox, of Ohio, and Franklin K. Roosevelt, of New York, by a very large majority. The campaign was waged over a period of four Months with the demo cratic candidates touring the country presenting their cause to the American oeoole. The republican candidates did not attempt to make a personal canvass for votes by nation-wide speech-meking, remaining for the most part .in the east and middle west. The campaign was one of issues rather than men, the personality of neither candidate stirring little enthusiasm among the voters. - The democratic party made the entrance of this country into the League of Nations the chief issue, from their side of the campaign, while the repub licans presented their candidates, as not exactly against the League of Nations, but advocating a little slower handling of the question and claim ing for our government the prompt handling of conditions facing our people at home. On the face of returns showing the growing landslide for Harding, Gover nor Cox's own. newspaper, The Dayton Daily News, and Chairman White, of the democratic national committee, soon after 11 o'clock Tuesday night conceded the election of Senator Hard ing. Without waiting for returns from the west, which four years ago elected Wilson in the face of pluralities for Hughes throughout the east, the demo cratic candidate and his chief man ager conceded that the solemn refer endum which President Wilson de clared would decide the league of na tions question, American voters had preferred Senator Harding -who fav ored "staying out" to Cox, who favor ed "going in." Governor Cox, who was in his news paper office when the concession of Senator Harding was published, said he would issue no statement! Senator Harding at his hoane in Marion said he was "more given to prayer to God "to make me capable of playing my part." At midnight Governor Cox wired his congratulations to Senator Hard ing and conceded his election. The early indications of the success of the republican candidate came with the returns from the following states: Connecticutt, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachuetts, REPORTS FROM THE STATES. Following are dispatches from over the country showing results in a few of the states: Georgia for a republican presidential iticket. This result was expected be cause of the anti-Wilson and anti league of nations feeling among the democrats. The great drop in the price of cotton also cut down the vote 'Cor Cox and increased the vote for Harding. Thomas E. Watson, bitter anti-Wilson and anti-league democrat, was elected-United States senator to succeed Hoke Smith. Thomas W. Hardwick, anti-Wilson and anti-league democrat, was elected governor -without opposition. Twelve democratic congressmen will be re-elected. Maryland -Baltimore. The Maryland" campaign closed with the republicans more em phatic in their claims of victory than in a long time, while the Democrats asserted that a late tide for Governor Cox had set in and. that the state fwould give its electoral vote to the governor. The registration totals shows a remarkable gain by the re publicans. The democrats, who in past years had enjoyed an affiliated major ity of from" 35,000 to 40,000 in the state, had cut down to a lead of 17,-000. Harding to Take Trip. Marion, Ohio. Senator Harding's trip to Texas will begin Friday night Michigan, Nebraska, New Hampshire, or Saturday morning and Mr. Harding New Jersey, New .York, Ohio, Oregon, -will arrive at Point Isabel, Texas, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, near Brownsville, next Monday. He Washington, Wisconsin and Wyom- plans to spend about 12 days there ing.' - and then leave for Panama by way of . The late closing of the p.olls in the New Orleans. His stay in the canal western states, the difference In time, aone will last about a week, during long (ballots and a greatly increased which he will make a first hand study vote were the causes of the late re- of local conditions. turns from the west. Ohio. Cleveland. That Senator Harding Hwould carry his native state of Ohio on Tuesday over Governor Cox and iy so doing recreate into republican territory Ohio cities and counties that Hiave been for years democratic was Shown by the early returns. Cleve land, which was Governor Cox's stronghold in the last four state cam paigns, and Hamilton county, includ ing Cincinnati; were carried by Hard ing by safe majorities. t The combination of Finesf Port6 Rican and America tobaccos that is the culmini tion of 30 years of experience in cigar making, fry one ! Manufactured and Distributed ' by Vermont. Montpelier. Vermont this year, as in the past, went solidly republican. (For United. States Senator, William P. Dillingham, republican, was elected by a large majority over Howard E. Shaw, democrat. The entire state ticket of the republicans, headed by James Hartness for governor, as elected over the state democratic ticket head ed by Fred C. Martin. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania gave Harding a tremendous majority over Cox. The canmaigm has been a list- 1CBS ttUtlll, LiiC ucuilpViaiB, wui.cuiua republican victory for the national ticket. - New Hampshire. Concord. Although this state went tor Wilson in the last two elections, the republicans carried the state for Harding. W. F. CltrGG CIGAR COMPANY Greensboro, N. C. MAT TON DRUG CO. Fresh Drugs and Toilet Articles Massachusetts. v Boston. Democrats and republicans generally agreed that Massachusetts would go for Harding and Coolidge by a heavy margin. Estimates were mix ed because of the woman vote and the doubt as to how closely they would follow the male voters. The vote of the state exceeded 1,000,000 on Tuesday. It was conceded that the re publicans had built up better -organizations among the women than the democrats. North Dakota. Bismarck. Harding, as was gener ally conceded, won a victory in the .election by a comfortable plurality In North Dakota. Kentucky. Liouisville Early returns were en couraging to the democratic candi dates with the final result doubtful. West Virginia. Wheeling. While the tide turned to .ward the democratic ticket til West Virginia and Cox gained ground stead ily, the republicans estimate was that Harding received a plurality in the state. The socialist vote was heaviest Un the history of the state, due to un rest. It was this dissatisfaction that r?ave the republican national ticket a 'plurality, all conditions brought about 'by the war being blamed on the admin-dstration. Wisconsin. Milwaukee. In a torrent of ballots Harding and Coolidge made early gains and maintained the same to the finish. Missouri. St. Louis. Although claimed by iboth. parties till the last the returns show a majority for Harding and Cool idge Montana y Henlena. All Montana was aroused over the gubernatorial fight, with the Nonpartisan League and labor lined up for B. K. Wheeler, Democrat, against Joseph M. Dixon, Republican, former United States Senator ahd manager of Roosevelt's campaign in 1912. Illinois. Chicago. Despite the bitter dissen sion between the Lowden and Thomp son factions, returns show that Hard ing and Coolidge carried the state by a safe plurality. Wyoming. Cheyenne. Senator Harding carried Wyoming by a substantial majority. Nebraska. Lincoln. Harding and Coolidge car ried the state with a majority that was surprising to democratic mana- jgera. South Dakota. Pierre. The early returns indicate that the whole republican ticket, state and national, has been successful. Prescriptions compounded by Registered pharmacies Full line of Eastman Kodak! and supplies All the Leading drinks served We have your favorite ugdn and lobaccos M AT TON Drug Company Phone 21 North Mam California. San Franoisco. Returns show that Warren G. Harding caried California. , Cox Calm in Defeat. Dayton, O. Governor Cox's news paper, The Dayton News, issued an ex tra edition shortly before . 11 o'clock Tuesday night, conceding ,the election of Harding, the republican candidate, as President. The governor himself said he Would make no statement Tuesday night. , His newspaper however, car- j vried the election returns imder the caption, "Republican landslide Hard ing wins." Price Drive to Continue. ' Washington.-The department of Justice will continue its drive on prof iteers "wherever and whenever found" regardless of the dissolution of the fair price organizations, according to to, accept it. , a statement issued last week by 'Rob ert Tv Scott, assistant to . the atorney general who formally announced the disbanding of the fair price commit- The campaign against exorbitant prices' has been of "substantial bene fit to the averaea nftlznn' Sinntt Mandate Offered to ltly. sv Rome. The Tempo "says it under stands the mandate for Armenia has been offered to Italy, which is dispos- ald. Almost a New Congress. Washington. A new house of representatives- and slightly more than one third" of the senate was chosen in Tuesday's general election. While the presidential campaign has eclipsed all others in interest, the congressional fights received much attention. Historical Magazine- Revived. Williamsburg, Va. In January, 1921, the College of William and Mary will revive the publication of the William and Mary Quarterly s Historical Maga zine, which was. Conducted for 27 years by Drf Lyno G. Tyler, former president of the college. The maga zine was acknowledged to be a stand ard authority on all-matters pertain ing to Virginia history, due to the wealth of historical and genealogical matter which Dr. Tyler personally con Paul Defers to People. Lucerne. -Acceptance of the Greek throne by 'Prince' Paul depends entire ly upon the wishes of the Greek peo ple, he told the Greek minister to Switzerland, when informed verbally that the Greek government considers him called to assume the duties Of sovereign. He declared that only in the event the Greek people did not wish the return of King Constantino and excluded Prince George, would he accept the offer made by the govern ment. s . - ' National Banks Prospering. Washington. The 8,157 Rational banks of the country reported a gross revenue oi $i,iuy,UUU;UUU, or 24 per cent of their capital for the fiscal year ended last June 30, said it statement by Johs Skelton Williams, comptroller of the currency. This, Mr. .Williams said, was a new' high record. Only five banks went Into the hands of receivers during the year, a record exceeded only by that of the year before, when there were no failures. 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