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m : 1-1 jar v a m i - i i ! . m I II tl 11 II II 'II II 11 i II ti - mn II . II 1 1 .11 ..- !. 'ti at . .. It 'II II - I i mm mm - m mm wm ... ' mm mm mm . ... . mt .m m . -r . m m m mm mm mm II 11 II ' A II . Vs IV V- J M IVj i I IVt II IN- tVlUi II fl If - - III . T - , - '.. am Of Mlor 5CESOH : '' Anniversary Prices All Kinds of on Notions Sheets, PillowCases from 3c to $8.75 and comprising a large line iomper Cloth, !Z?Xhy 25c CdoocI MattlheSSs. Tocktag . i Heavv Plaids aoid ; Shirtiogs. t o 45 c 18c to 33g D omestic and Long a oth 19c to 29c Anniversary Prices in Silk Department in Messalines, Taffeta, Crepe Crepe de chine, Pongee, Tezzo silk, wash satin, Georgette crepe, from , 98c to $2.85 . All wool goods, revised to present price of $ool. Black and navies in in most all qualities, 54 inch silver and goldtone cloth at - $3.69 Also French serge, -storm serge, copen, wool poplin, storm serge 98c, to 4.85 Sheetings in light percales, heavy sheeting, AAA , Cherry Mountain and Mohawk bleached sheeting, lOc to 79c. Other sheetings at low prices. Cotton Goods That Remind us of 1 0 Cotton Days Staple Apron ginghams at 15c, Cotton dress plaids 55c, winter dress ginghams 59c quality for 38c. White .Devonshire cloth 45c, Applewren oress gingimms yc. jDianKeis, ail wool wnite DianKets $lo.2iD. and plam blankets, from $2.98 to $7.75. Fancy E F I- R D lj)epartment S - ' 11 '" wwmrr 1, - .t.--. . . ' 'Mummmmm I y - . .. . , 9 5 tore : -- RHMF cinri m.. DALE ROAn c.,..7l,E ARCH. I inability to fin as a fPrtPrai cnaale road the reason Toitn S1? the failure in paving th'e JQr more than two miles of roaL ?Uy tog from the city liml Randolph county line near ZcL i the W. C. Boren, chairman Se of county ' commissi p,. : 6 board' t6 J. Elwonri Pnr tvt- a letter that R. G. Lassiter, now e paving the road toward Thornf-i,10 has the contract signed to W T e the Archdale road na ?m 011 ishes the present work and that contractor is of the opinion that tT two projects can be finished bv tI uary 1, provided cars can be 8ecuS wr uie transportation of material. there hjas been muoVt rH... ." pro commissioners to abidp which sundry " citizens consid and con on the faii,, on lonp-rs to nViirla c romise f they enma HfU i i A, Q M y Promise madp and fhio dic.non i. . vuiu mpvuosiuu aas $2,000..000 issue of bonds tn k . m on in late Novemner or early Dece ber. The explanation of Mr. Boren t Mr. Cox will serve to put some lieu on important items that must v . sidered, regardless of what ha w" pened in the past. Mr. Cox, in hig statement, asserts the Archdale road to High Point is the most important one in the county: a feeline that who have regarded the slowness in ,ne action oi tne commissioners n tantamount .to holding something over their heads to make them vote right have long since shared. IQ just. ice to Mr. Cox, however, it should be stated that he has never expressed that view; his expressions are con tained in the following statement: "High Point and especially the community just south of town a naturally very much interested in the construction of the hard surface road to Archdale. It is well known that recently a committee from our chamber of commerce, the Commercial club, the Rotarians and the Kiwanians appear ed before, the county commissioners in behalf of this road, and while I was a member of this committee I was un able to be with them but understand they returned satisfied that the com missioners intended to build the road as soon as it couW be done. I after wards went to see W. C Boren, chair man of the board of county commis sioners, promising that the Commer cial National "bank would assist the county in financing the proposition. He again' told me that this matter had been -.favorably passed and gave me reasons for the road not having been built before. . Several times there have been communications in your paper with respect to this and I thought it might be of some satisfaction to quote from a letter wmeu i ictcucu Boren, a ""few days ago. He writes -r. r-, -n rTO - " "As explained ot ,yon whe here 1" think it would be a mistake to begin the Archdale road this season of the year, as I am sure it could not be finished before some time in the spring. I did all t possibly could to get this Archdale "road in as one if the federal aid projects, but could not do so. Had it notj been for the fact romnelled to take aa- l vantage of the offer of the government to pay 50 per cent on tne roaa from Greensboro and the '2 miles to ward Winston and the Thomasville road , beyond High Point we shoulfl not have built a single mile of hard fhio vpar: We had to ac- cept the government's offer by July 1 or lose it. It seems tnat a many people about High Point do not understand this situation. I have al ways considered the Archdale road rrom .Migh Point one or tne most im portant in the county and it would have been completed before the other loads mentioned had we been able o get it in as a federal aid project. We were compelled to do-this other work or lose : the government's appropria tion of 50 per' cent.' "Mow 1 siihmit that the commis sioners did right in : complying with the government's t wishes and securmt, this appropriation. At the same time T think wa should uree our comniis- RioTiftrs tn cnmmfince on the Archdale road just as soon as the Thomasville road is completed, regardless of the time of the year. "Mr., Loiter, the contractor, in forms ,tn p. that he has? siened contract to commence work on the Archdale road just as soon as he can complete the Thomasville road and he u stated that he thought it possible to complete them both by the first of January if he could get empty cart. which to ship the material. . . I would be glad to join otners nfttition to the commissioners to begin on this, .Archdale road just as soon as the Thomasville road Js roTrmYAterl rpsrardless of the tiine rf tha tear hnnrl 'ediifl or anything else as I ffeel that to High Point it is the most important road: m w ford county. ' "r thought thn tliiff letter from Mr. Boren to me might clear the situation a littre bit is my reason for tnis muni cation." 5 ' OUR LINE OF RINGS, BROOCHES Lavalliers, watch bracelets, Deu ty pins, watch chains, knives, sticK pirs, cuff links, fobs. Best quality and selection. Stamey's Jewelry "How's This? t m We oflfer 1100.00 for any case -of catar that cannot be cured by HAJ CATARRH MEDICINE. TT . tav. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE I Is i en internally and acts tbrough the i BW on the Mucous Surfaces of the .System. Sold by druggists for over forty yeai Price 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. ' - . . - ' - -. . ' . -. - V