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DARLING BABY FARM LIVESTOCK Children Cry For BRIGHTENS HOME Children's Laughter a Pleasing Sound Contents 15Fluid: 2s III 1 1 I II I I lit I IHIIIHI 1 IM III llllllllllllll n sin v-vn WM2$s Altftfntn Pa T mmIa r to tell you what Lydia E. DOUnd has (?nna fn ma Wt ix children die almost at uirui. rrom one nour to nine teen days is all they have lived. Before my. next one was born I took a dozen bot tles of your Vegetable Com pound, and I can say that it is the greatest medicine on earth, for this baby is now four months old, and a healthier baby you would not want. I am sending you a picture of her. Everybody says 'That is a very healthy looking baby. ' You have my consent to show these few wjruuay. Mrs- Mrs. janssen'a experience of interest to childless wives. Millston. Wis. I want to give you a word of praise for your wonderful medicine. We are fond of children, and for a considerable time after we Ire married I feared I would not have any. I began taking Lydja E. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound, and it strengthened me so I now have a nice, rtong, healtfay baby 1 jeiy "ttle at childbirth, and I give all the credit MTT" twwuuuwvj .t mgniy. mrs. H. H- Janssbn, Millston, Wis. Mrs. Held of Marinette, Wis., adds her testimonial for Lydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She says: Marinette, Wis." I was in a nervous condition and very irregular. My doctor advised sn operation. Mv husband brought me one of your booklets md asked me to try Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame m weakness so that I now have a healthy baby girl after having been mar ried nine vears. I am glad to recommend your medicine, and you may use my letter as a testimonial? 'Mrs. H. B. Held, 330 Jefferson St., Marinette, Wis. There are many, many such homes that were once childless, and are now blessed with healthy, happy children Because Lydia E. ESnkham's Vegetable Compound has restored the mother to a strong and healthy condition, as it gets as a natural restorative for ailments as indicated by backache, irregu larities, displacements, weakness and nervousness. Women everywhere should remember that most of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones they are not caused by serious displace ments or growths, although the symptoms may be the same, and that is why so many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it acts as a natural restorative. It fan be taken with perfect safety and often prevents serious troubles. Therefore if you know of any woman who is suffering and has been unable to secure relief and is regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask her to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it has brought health ind happiness into so many homes once darkened by illness and despair. Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women " will be sent to you free noon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkhara Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information. Ankles, Fistult, Reduces Strained, Puffy Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Boils. Swellinzs: Stoos and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cots, Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a SAFE ANTISEPTIC AID GERMICIDE Does not blister or remove the airand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use. 12.50 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case Sot special instructions and Book $ R free. iBSORBINE, JR., analeptic liniment for SEsaMed. re- ka Stnlni, Piinful. Knotted. Swollen Vein. Concea led only a few drop required at an application. Price S.2S per bottle at dealers or delirered. I. F.YOUNG, Inc., 310 Tsanlt St.. Springfield. Skin Tortured Babies Sleep Mothers Rest After Cuticura bp 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c,Talcafs 25c. Lack of observation is almost miraculous. A man will go through life saying "have saw." FARMERS ARE WORKING HARDER And using their feet more than ever before For all these workers the frequent use oi Allen's Foot Ease, the antiseptic, healing powder to be shaken into the shoes and sprinkled in the foot-bath, increases their efficiency and insures needed physical com fort. Allen's FootEase takes the Friction from the Shoe, keeps the shoe from rub bing and the stockings from wearing, fresh ens the feet, and prevents tired, aching and blistered feet. Women everywhere are constant users of Allen's FootEase. Don't get foot sore, get Allen's Footase. - More than One Million five hundred thousand pounds of Powder for the Feet were used by our Army and Navy during the war. Sold everywhere. The man who sees no good in others is no good. CAUSES FOR -RUNTY ANIMALS Replies to Questionnaire Show In ferior Breeding and Poor Feed, ing Are Responsible. (Prepared by the United States Depart merit of Agriculture.) More than 800 replies have been re ceived from practical stock breeders and owners in response to a question naire sent out by the United States Department of Agriculture in an effort to determine the cause and possible means of preventing runts in live stock. The large number of replies, department specialists say, indicates the interest which stock breeders feel in this subject. Some of the' ques tions asked in the questionnaire are: "From your experience, in wbat classes of live stock do the most runts appear (cattle, hogs, sheep, etc.)?" "In what stage of an animal's devel opment does runtiness appear chiefly? "In your experience what are the most . Blood Is the Sap of Life; You grow by good blood as a tree grows by sap. Rich blood, robust toan. Good sap, sturdy tree. Keep the blood healthy and wholesome; Poor, impoverished blood cannot nourish the body or remove the waste as nature intended. When your blood is impure, itching, flaming skin eruptions often reak out, and your body Keep It Pure gets run down and weak easy prey for disease. To be safe, keep the circulation wholesome. For this S.S.S., the famous vege table blood remedy your druggist keeps, is excell ent. Start enriching your blood with S.S.S. to day, and write about your condition to Chief Medi cal Advisor, 838 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Take This Seven-Day I Stop Suffering ! MALARIAL ununt iii au w w Guaranteed Money Back if It Fails to Cure riTRF ANfiPLASMA A Positive Specific for Adults and Cluldren TASTELESS! NO HABIT-FORMING DRUGS AntipUsm. contains no sJctTWJHSSZ quinine or arsenic. Made from Wsainsand tww Our -l , Kt .verv physician who nae oto . 7 r . , 'Am in bUlK - tnea AniipiMiw markable testa ana Pu""r"rn titrations made in Southern States last summer show no malaria cases we cure - X . w Hou.ton St.. New York. N.Y.. nd 3, Wm U Malaria In.uranc, at a cost of $2 Modem Example of Poor Breeding .ind Inferior Care. practical methods of preventing runts?" "Does it pay to raise runts to market size?" "To what extent would your financial returns from live stock be Increased If you had no runts?" The replies thus far received show that inferior breeding and poor feed ing are jointly responsible for nearly two-thirds of the runts among live stock, and Indicate that at least 7 per cent of farm live stock is commonly in the runty class. Detailed data on the times when runtiness appears, financial losses caused by runty stock, methods of prevention, when it pays and when it does not pay to raise runty stock are now being prepared by the department for distribution to the public. GET FIGURES ON PUREBREDS Bureau of Census Completing Tabula tion for States Not Yet Shown In Reports. On account of the great interest which the United States Department of Agriculture finds has been shown In census figures of purebred live stock in ten representative farm states, the bureau of the census is proceeding with plans to complete the tabulation for the remaining states. This work Is receiving the hearty co-operation of the United States Department of Agri culture. Live stock specialists of the department regard such figures as very valuable as factors in production problems, and as indicating develop ments in the improvement of domestic animals in this country. It is understood that the final census figures pertaining to purebred live stock on farms will be available at the same time the general live stock fig ures are furnished. It Is thought that this will be some time during the com ing summer. Breeders and breeders' associations interested in this work have already indicated their apprecia tion of the value of the figures thus far available. It is the first time in the history of any country that accurate figures on the total number, of purebred animals on farms have been complied. CARE AND FEEDING OF STOCK Vermont Live Stock Owner Say Cause of Runts Is Due to Neglect Dur ing First Year. In contributing his experiences on the cause of runty live stock in a re cent inquiry conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture, a Vermont farmer urges greater care in the early life of domestic animals. "When people can be educated to tne proper care and feeding of stock," he declares, "the runt will be- practically wiped out. The reason, perhaps, why there are not so many runts in pure bred herds as In others is because the man who cares what kind of stock he keeps cares enough to care for them better." He concludes that one -of the principal factors in the cause of runty live stock Is the man who has the care of them the first year. SWINE SAVING PROPENSITIES Animals Pick Up Scattered Grain in Fields and Use By-Products of the Dairy. A bog wil1 Slean In graiD fieIdS for the scattered wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn; etc., and also uses the by products of the dairy, sim milk, but termilk, and house slops, and makes them into pork. Also the fallen fruit in the orchard Is converted by them Into good pork for the butcher. Also other thrift is shown through various other natural saving propensities of tha bos'. xt r-.rTTOT -.1 PER CENT. AVtAhk Prcoaration&rAs - 1 ;i thoFood bvBettla- ThcrcbvPromotin DK nhoorfu t ness and RcstC Onlum. Morphine no Mineral. Not Narcotic derma, i A helDtuiKenwcu ana revnw"-D laciwIeSinattre Job CBHtftCdHWfflt IVErv iyiy Special Care of Baby. That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Yet it is more" reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. - A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT 18 AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CAST0RIA GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Copy of Wrapper. Si THE CINTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. The Difference. "Have a cigar?" "No den't smoke uow." "Sworn off?" "Nope; stopped entirely." Tar Baby. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine W Not Onlv For JNtKOMlTH' Chill and Fever Chill Tonic But a Fine General Tonic Wards Off Malaria and Restores Strength. Try It , wtito Artfcar Pater C.. X-J If sot Mid by Beware! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Tako. Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As pirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicyllcacld. CATS CONFINED TO "RANGE" Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL Chicago Man Reports Success in Novel Plan for Keeping Pete From Straying Far Afield. Another western idea was adapted to city uses the other day when a south-sider, who once rode the range on. the Colorado plateaus, staked out his cats to keep them at home. The plan worked fine and now the feline animals get the air every day at the ends of tether ropes. The cat owner found that every time he opened the cellar door the pets made a break for "the open, fre quently staying away for days and returning with blackened eyes and scratched hides. He thought of the tethej plan, but the first trial was not a success, as the cats slipped the nooses from their necks. He then evolved a semi-hobble plan and tied the heavy string to one of the cat's hind legs, attaching the other end of the string to a stake driven in the back yard. - This system proved effective and now every day three of the cats take their exercise around their tether stakes. Chicago Journal. Extremes. "Extremes meet in the Bermudas." "Huh?" "Lilies and onions." The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles, the enemies of life and looks. In use since 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Look for the name Gold Metal on every box and accept no imitation AUTO ACCESSORIES SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES Write for FREE Weekly Bulletin and learn hw you may save $ . Tipton, E. Brooklyn, Baltimore, Md. GROW HIGHLY PRIZED COTTON Virgin Islands Produce Long-Staple Variety That Is Almost Extinct in the United States. Cotton raising has become one of the principal industries of the Virgin islands, Uncle Sam's newest territorial possession, according to Bulletin No. 1, Sea Island Cotton in St. Croix, of the Virgin Islands agricultural experiment station, just issued by Hhe United States Department of Agriculture. Sea-island cotton, the much-prized, long-staple variety which has been ren dered almost extinct in continental United States by the boll weevil, is the basis of the Virgin Islands industry. The area devoted to it, while as yet small, produced an average yield of 1,000 pounds of seed cotton to the acre in 1919 and 1920. One of the plats at the government experiment station produced at the rate of 4,450 pounds of seed cotton. Stomach on Strike 20 Years Eaton lo Settled lit "Eatonic is wonderful," says C. W. Burton. "I had been a sufferer from stomach trouble for 20 years and now I am well." Eatonic gets right after the cause of stomach troubles by taking up and carrying out the acidity and gases and of course, when 1 the cause is removed, the sufferer gets well. If you have sourness, belching, indigestion, food repeating or any other stomach trouble, take Eatonic tablets after each meal and find relief. Big box costs only a trifle with your druggist's guarantee. WALL BOARD Cheaper Than Laths and Plaster Rubens Wall Board keeps the home warm in winter and cool in summer. $4.25 per 100 Square Feet 10 sheets to the bundle, in the follow ing sizes: 48 in. wide by 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 feet long This Wall Board is just the thing; for that Job where economy Is necessary. Wrttt for Fret Sample and Our He Price LM RUBENS PAINT ft GLASS CO. RICHMOND, VA. First League of Nations. Dr. E. A. Bates of Cornell university is campaigning in the Interest of In dustrial education for the Indians. Dr. Bates asserted the Iroquois created the first league of nations 'when they organized the powerful tribes known as the "Six Nations." Pesky Devils Quietus P. D. Q. P. D. Q., Pesky Devils Quietus, Is the name of the new chemical that actually ends the bug family Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ants and Pleas, as P. D. Q. kills the live ones and their eggs and stops future generations. Not an insect pow der but a chemical unlike anything- you have ever used. A 35, cent package makes one quart and each package contains a patent spout, to get 4he Pesky Devils In the cracks and crevices. Tour druggist has it or he can get it for you. Mailed pre paid UDOn recetot of nrice hv the Owl Chemical Wks, Terre Haute, Ind, HERE Is a HOG REMEDY Which Is Guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back. It removes tbe worms and promotes a healthy condition and growth. Send the SDBB SHOT BHMBDT CO., Inc., Ayden, N. C, stamps or money order for 11.00 and get a package by Mtnrn mall. Reference: First National Bank, Ayden. N. O. Jl Gift from Nature's Storehouse The delicious, crisp granules of the wheat and barley food GrapeNuts contain all the natural up-buildr ing values of" the grains, including mineral salts so essential to health. A food equally well suited to the requirements of young and old, "There's a Reason for Grape Nuts Sold by grocers everywhere FLORIDA Producing FARMS of)0 and 40 acres. Cleared, Fenced and all Ready to Plant. Fine for Early Pota toes and trucking. 2 and crops a yeari only 30 miles from -Jacksonville the great marketing and shipping center. Good Roads, Schools, Churches and Stores. Thorough in vestigation invited. Send for our literature and easy terms of payment. FLORIDA FARMS & INDUSTRIES CO. Green Cove Springs, Florida IF YOU ARE FIFTY You Need Dutch Herbs FOR WHAT AILS YOU God grew them for yon we distribute them, 25c and $1.00. Sold under guarantee. HOORNBEEK & CO. Distributors 23 Central Ave. NEWARK, N. J. KNIFE-PISTOL Pocket knife for every day us3, pistol for emergencies; shoots 22 shorts. Sent C. O. O. nostoaid for S5.25. Pay for it when you receive it. Guaranteed. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Send this ad. with your order. L. E. POLHEMUS CO. Hardware and Firearms Dept. 8. FRECKLES mm W. N. U.f CHARLOTTE, NO. 29-12te A i r