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THE REVIEW,. HIGH POINT, N. C. Made Mo Well and Strong " ANOTHER WOMAN WHO IS THANKFUL FOR PE-RU-NA "I baretsJEen aerial bottle of Pe-ra-na and find It a gml benefit. Ihadpalnsln ny stomach and bowels, toot br thaaseof Pe-ru-na and Maa-a-Un, I an well end troeg sgaln. X always keep a few bottles is (be bouse," Mm. Osoab Gbat. Mrs. Gray" experience is fust u .Miite as good a remedy for other organs aa It laK Pe-ru-na is a woj lor everyday ilia. Stadia nf (ha or coughs, colds m rm - M i nee that Pe-ru-ae, stomach, bowels or .and nasal catarrh, hare in the house BUt w - - - . Vaseline TaMetf ? Umdi i Sold EvcihewJ Re$US.Pat.0tt. PETROLEUM JELLY For burns, cuts, sprains and all skin irritations Relieves dryness of scalp. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES State Street coNcweTtD We w York Seif-made men never cease to praise their makers. DIAMOND HAS MANY VIRTUES But According to Superstition the Gem Must Be a Gift to Person Who Wears It According to snpersttiion (and to fact, also), the owner of a diamond is lucky, indeed. The diamond should be worn upon the left side, for it is of greater virtue there, for the strength of its growing is toward the North, that is the left side of the world, and the left part of a man when he turneth his face toward the East. He who carries a diamond will have strength and manhood ; it will keep him from harm, especially from broken limbs. It will give him vic tory over all his enemies if his cause Is righteous. It will keep him from strife and riots, and is a talisman against enchantments. In fact, if an enchanter tries to work a spell upon the possessor of a diamond he will find it will work upon himself instead. No wild beast will attack the diamond owner. It heals all manner of mental troubles. If poison be brought near It. the diamond will become moist and sweat. In order to be of the greatest virtue, the diamond must be given freely instead of being bought. A Feeling of Security You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such & medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of -Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in tea spoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad der troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On aie at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. HAD NOT BEEN ON HER MENU True. "Why all this stuff about Henry VIII?" "I dunno. We've got plenty of newer scandals." Scotswoman Might Reasonably Be Ex cused for Not 'Knowing How to Cook the Confetti. 0 aansaannsi A traveling fair had visite3 the little country town, and a fete had been ar ranged, and a flower show, and every thing pointed to a very gay day to be enjoyed by all. Farmers from far and near were ex pected to come hito town, and much trade was expected to be done by the local tradesmen. One of the leading shopmen went to the nearest city to buy a supply of stuff to sell during the fete. His wife stayed at home to 'attend to the shop in his absence. The first thing that he bought was a quantity of confetti. He sent that home by carter overnight, and. wired to his wife as follows: "Am sending 100 pounds of confetti Watch for it. Next day he received this wire from his wife: Confetti is here. How do you cook it?" Glasgow Scotsman. Careful. "Did you tell your wife you had a new typewriter?" "I did. I told her I had a new type writing machine to write a machine, mind you, and I made it doggone ex plicit !" Richmond Times-Dispatch. Why should you follow a crooked path f Often a cowpath has been allowed to become a village street, and as the village expanded, tradition has made the winding way an expres sion of a cow's will. Habit is always forging chains to enslave us, so that what has been found bearable by the fathers is accepted by the sons. Who cannot recall the coffee-pot Mother put on the stove early in the morning, warning us not to let it boil over? As children, we were not permitted to drink tea or coffee, because it would stunt our growth or make us nervous and irritable. When older, however, we craved a hot drink with meals, and custom gave us our tea or coffee. Finally upon the instructions of the doctor. Mother gave up her tea and coffee. But that meant nothing in our young lives. Our vitality was then strong enough to throw off any ill effects. But our time came, and we learned byex perience that we could not drink tea or coffee. When we had it for breakfast It put our nerves on edge. When we drank it at the evening meal, we tossed about in wakefulness most of the night. And then we found Postum, a pure cereal beverage, free from the harmful drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee. We liked the rich, satisfying flavor of Postum -and also the better health which re sulted. And, too, we were surprised to find how many of our neighbors had made the same dis covery had learned the value of nealtfc first. Postum comes in two forma: YZZjt made instantly in the cup by the addition of boihagwate Postum Cereal (in packages of larger J22K prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocers. Postum for Health There' a Reason" UVE STOCK NEWS PUN TO AVOID HOG CHOLERA tghly Contagious Disease Can Often Be Prevented by Using Sim. pie Precautions. (Prepared by the United States Department - oi jvb ricunure. Recently an instance was brousrht to the attention of the United States De partment of Agriculture where hor cholera appeared almost simultaneous ly on the farms of six out of the eight members of a "threshing: ring." The infection on all six farms was traced to the premises of one of the members of the "ring," whose hogs were sick at the time the threshing was donte on nis farm about 10 days previous. The owner of the sick hogs failed to recognize the nature of the disease, and in his eagerness to care for his crop while the weather was favorable. he delayed calling a veterinarian until after the threshing was finished. As a Hyperimmunizing Shoulder Injection. result he lost over half his hogs and the infection was carried to his neigh bors' herds. It is a common practice for fairness to borrow and loan farm implements and exchange labor when they are threshing, shelling old corn, filling silos and hauling stock and grain te market.' Farmers are advised to read Farmers' Bulletin 834, Hog Cholera, especially the discussion of modes of infection with hog cholera. "Threshing rings" are quite popular and no doubt under present conditions crops can be handled speedily and economically in this way, but the dan ger of carrying hog cholera from in fected hog lots should be kept in mind and precautions taken to avoid it. In the Instance cited the thresher was set in the hog lot, although it was known at the time that some of the hogs were sick. It is much safer to thresh grain in the field and avoid driving into in closures where hogs are kept. If driv ing through the hog lots Is unavoid able, the members of the "threshing ring" are advised to rinse their shoes in a disinfectant and remove their overalls; also wash their horses' feet and legs and the wheels of the wagon with the disinfectant before returning to their own premises, and especially their hog lots. Hog cholera Is a high ly contagious disease and often losses can be avoided by using the sjmple and easily applied precautions specified. PROVIDE SHELTER FOR SHEEP Animals Need Protection Against Dampness as Well as From Cold During the Winter. For the benefit of farmers who are wintering a flock of sheep for the first time this year, the Nebraska Col lege of Agriculture offers the follow ing, suggeslons: A good well-venti lated shelter is necessary, not so much for protection against the cold as against dampness. The fleece will Vppn the sheen warm if it is dry. A good shed open on the south will serve the purpose until lambing time, when a warm barn is necessary if the weath er Is at all cold. After the corn is shucked the sheep can run In the stalks in good weather, with corn silage or alfalfa fed in limited quan tities. A little fodder may be fed In stead of silage, but sheep seem to do better where some kind of succulent feed, such as silage, roots, pumpkins and the like Is a part of their ration. Very little or no grain Is needed up until a week or two after lambing. FINISH CATTLE FOR MARKET Farmer WIH Find It Profitable te Practice "Feeding" Before Offering Them for Sale. It Is customary for the farmer who has only a few head of cattle to sell them to the local buyer, and after being shipped to some central point, and after passing through several hands, they are sometimes eound on the farm of a neighboTwho makes feeding a business, being finished for market. In a series of years the farm er who feeds makes more money than the farmer who does not feed. While there are losses on the operation some veers, there are big profits other years. On the average of years the operation The Kitchen F Cabinet Copyright, 1921. Western Newspaper Union. Failure is, In a sense, the highway to success, inasmuch as every discov ery of what is false leads us to seek earnestly after what is true, and every fresh experience points out some form of error which we shall afterward carefully avoid. SEASONABLE FOODS. The Chinese cabbage or celery cab bage is a tender white vegetable -which lends itself nicely to salad combinations. Luncheon S a I a d. Shred in matclilike strips some tender celery cabbage, add to these tart, ripe, good-flavored apples, also cut ln"strips, and enough fresh red, sweet pepper to add a note of color as well as flavor, with one-fourth cupful of black walnut meats. Mix lightly with mayonnaise dressing and serve with cheese sandwiches. Custard Nut Pie. prepare a cus tard pie as usual, using a pint of milk with three eggs, sugar and salt to taste, with nutmeg to season, then add just over the top as it goes into the oven a cupful of black, walnut meats cut in coarse bits.. The" meats will brown and make a delicious crust Over the top. Neapolitan Macaroni. Mix two cup fuls of cooked macaroni or spaghetti with one cupful of medium thick white sauce in which one-half cupful of grated cheese has been melted. Spread this in the bottom of a deep, glass pie plate well buttered. Lay over the top uniform-sized, ripe tomatoes cut in halves, pressing them slightly Into the macaroni. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, dried buttered crumbs and cheese. Bake In a hot oven until the tomatoes are soft but not broken and the top a rich golden brown. Vegetarian Mince Meat. Take eight medium-sized apples, one-half cupful each of almonds and walnut meats, one-fourth cupful of fried figs, one- eighth cupful of citron, one-half cup ful of currants, one teaspoonful of salt, two cupfuls of brown sugar, the juice of two lemons, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one-fourth teaspoonful each of mace and cloves and one cup ful of sweet cider or fruit juice. Chop the apples and nuts, put the dried fruit through the meat grinder, mix all the Ingredients and cook one hour or un til the apples are soft. This recipe makes enough for three pies. Seal and keep for some time In glass jars Not to the swift the race; not to the strong the fight; Not to the righteous perfect grace; not to the wise the light; But often faltering feet come surest to the goal; And they who walk in darkness meet the sunrise of the soul. A thousand times by night the. Syrian hosts have died; A thousand times the vanquished right hath risen glorified. Henry Van Dyke. A WORD TO THE COOK. There Is vastly more responsibility resting upon the person who is wife, mother and cook, -fhan the salaried cook however well equipped and "efficient she may be and able to shoulder respon sibility. We are told bv those who study household efficiency that we should have a well-defined plan for the meals of the day. for a week ahead, If possible. But we have all had many experiences where well laid plans "gang aft aglee," so it Is well with good plans to be able to stretch them to meet -any emergency It is important that the family be fed on well-balanced meals; this may not be-done at every meal but if the day's meals balance the results are as good. The food should be so pro vided that there is never an over abundance of any one food principle, like starchy foods, meats or sweets. Meals should be prepared in regard to the people served. Children and old people need easily digested food, often served more frequently than to those in the prime of life. An office worker cannot digest food that is needed, relished and wen digested by a man working in the open. An in valid needs food of especial prepara tion and attractiveness. Do you strive to save your strength as well as time and material In the preparation of food? For example. If making a white sauce for cream toast, save out a cupful or make a little ex tra for the next day's dish of maca roni or escalloped potatoes. Prepare enough pastry for three pies and put the mixture In the Ice chest. It Is better if well chilledf In many homes the bread Is mixed at night when a strong arm of son or husband may do the hard mixing, and in the morning It takes but a few moments fo make it into loaves and get to rise. Some cooks who are clever at sav ing time have the salt and pepper mixed In a shaker and one turn of the wrist does the seasoning. This same method may be used with sugar and cinnamon when one uses It often for coffee cakes and cinnamon rolls. Put the mixture into a small flour sifter for convenience in using. WRIGLEYS "After bbsbsbbssi m m a .asssfl HL Sl m mm mi lum 1 M Every Meal milllllllllllllllllllll Next time you want to concen trate on a piece of work Just slip W astickofWRlGLEY'S 5 between your teeth. If s a wonderful help S in daily tasks and sports as weiU E KV'JiKfUVlk ! Hi HI Ml I!! !H '!! m !H HI Mi Hi Hi HI Hazards disappear and bard The Flavor Lasts Places come easy for WRIGLEVS gives you comfort and poise it adds the zest that means success. A great deal for 5c SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT 1 3 The Right instinct. "Come, Dorothy," said her father Impatiently, "throw your doll on the bed and hurry or we shall be late. "Daddy, how can you?" reproved the child. "I isn't that kind of a muvyer." Boston Transcript. NAME "BAYER" JS ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear, iff You See the Safety "Bayer Croas.'' If you want the true, world-famous A-spirin, as prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one years, you mnst ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" is stamped on each tablet and appears on each pack age for your protection against imita tions. Advertisement. Mutual. Revenue Officer I don't know what to make of it. Home Brewer I didn't either. YOU CAN SAVE 5ftPJ By recovering y cut old auto top frame yourielf . We make t nene recover, n At all mti and - models of car. Any 7C and up person that eaa drive a .). f J Parceb Part Ml mSSTwfS mmd ood.1 SmXar t veer emr nd w. w anal Ml our eAalecne wMB ewnplM ana qw LIBERTY TOP THW CO., KING PIN PLUG TOBACCO Known as ithatgoodkind,, Cfiy it and you, will know why wmm. k a i n-A POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr iw c. 176 Mlcniamn At W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 45-M2U, ' in mr for CROUP, COLDS, PNEUMONIA 4 'Take COWAN'S Laxative Cold Tablets and rub your CAeaf wan COWAN'S Rub-it-on tonishe9 HPHAT advice was given me by my family A physician. Cowan' Rub-it-on has helped me bring my children through many severs attacks of cold and croup. "Bob's case of pneumonia taught us to always keep a bottle of Gewsa't handy in the medicine cabinet for an emergency. Now we use Cowan's when the very first symptoms of cold or croup appears. It is such a simple, effective remedy you just "Rub-it-on . Your family physician or your druggist will recommend Cowan's Rub-i t-on. He can tell you of several families In your neighborhood who would sot be without Cowan's Rub-it-on. It penetrates quickly, does not stain the clothes. Get a bottle from tout dealer today. Three sizesi 30c, 60c and $1.20. Roanoke, Va. GOWANS 1 la profitable.