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THE REVIEW, HIGH POINT, N. C. - - un. ight to To get your DRUGS and TOILET ARTICLES HONE but Registered Phat macists to fill your prescriptions Your wants will have our Prompt Attention RING DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store Central The Cigar That Leaves No Regrets, only Pleasui The combination of Fine; Porto Rican and America! tobaccos that is the culminii. lion of 30 years of experience In cigar making. Try one t Manufactured and Distributed by W. P. CLEGG CIGAR COMPANY Creensboro, N. C. MATTON DRUG CO. fresh Drugs and Toilet Articles j Prescriptions compounded by Registered pharmacists Pull line of Eastman Kodak and supplies AU the Leading drinks served We have your favorite Cigar and lobaccos MATTON Drug Company Phone 21 North Mam St R ft f tlrp I I g f I 3 8- t : a f 1 f-'-rf I? ; 1 1 1 i a ft. a If I t Navy Gets The old racing yacht America has been presented to the United States navy, or rather sold to it for $1, by a number of gentlemen who contributed to aT restoration fund. The eeremonial party is here seen leaving the yacht at Annapolis after the transfer. Was Not Helium World's Supply of Nonexplosive Balloon Gas Would Not Have Filled Gas Bag. PROFESSOR CADY GIVES FACTS Tells of Government's Experiments With Helium and Cost of Produc ing It in Experimental Stages Found in Three States. Lawrence, Kan. All the helium or nonexplosive balloon gas now avail able in the world would have been en tirely inadequate to lift the ZR-2, the dirigible that was to have been the nucleus of America's air navy, accord ing to a statement by Frof. U. P. Cady of the University of Kansas depart ment of chemistry. Doctor Cady dis covered that helium was a constituent of the natural gas of Kansas, Okla homa and Texas, and performed no table experiments in the early days of the World war in developing processes for commercial production of helium. Before the war, he said, probably not more than a hundred cubic feet of this gas had been obtained in a fairly pure state, and that was secured at a cost of $1,700 to $2,000 a cubic foot for experimental purposes. Total production after extensive experi ments by the United States govern ment probably does not exceed 300,000 cubic feet up to the present, but while the cost of production has been re duced greatly, still this cost, compared to the cost of hydrogen, commonly used for Inflating balloons, is tremen dously high. Forced to Use Hydrogen. "It is not strange, then," said Doc tor Cady, "that England used the com paratively inexpensive hydrogen for the ZR-2. During the experimental stages the gas bag had to be emptied at times to allow changes In the struc ture. Practically the only place to get the helium is from the natural gas of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, and thus far processes of reduction have not been perfected. Only 1 per cent or less of the natural gas is helium, and this helium has to be refined to a purity of 90 per cent or better before it has the nonlnflammable quality de manded for safety in halloon construc tion. "I am inclined to think helium never will come into general use for com mercial airships, if such vehicles be come common. The limited quantity of the material, its high cost and Its value in war balloons probably will make it imperative for the government to reserve all helium for its own use." Doctor Cady explained that even the best balloon covers did not prevent entirely the escope of lifting gases, and It is necessary constantly to supply fresh gas. This is more true of hy drogen than of helium, but the wast age is there, and the continued opera tion of even a small fleet of war bal loons would demand a constant supply, of fresh helium. Experiments at the University of Kansas showed that the But Country Is Full of Mosquitoes in Summer. Ladies Forced to Wear Layer of Pa per Under Stocking as Armor Plate Against Vicious Attacks of Insects. Washington. AhTska has millions of mosquitoes, but not one house fly. Tnis is the information that is brought back from that territory by Dr. J.M. drich of the United States national museum, who made an insect survey there this summer.. Hordes of mosquitoes during the Alaskan summer in places as far rth as Seward and Fairbanks, pro vide continual entertainment for the inhabitants, who, however, do not have to contend with the ravages of the domestic fly- -When the ladies of Alaska wish to thin and filmy silk stockings the Old Racing Yaeht America s!b&8iKmbhbhb9 Hi bbTbiB atiiaiaiasaisasaFas Enough for ZR-2 : : helium must be nearly 90 per cent pure in order to be safe. Similar ex periments in Canada showed compara tively small explosions when mixtures containing only 75 per cent of helium were ignited. Find Helium in U. S. The attempts to produce helium in commercial quantities in the United States date from 1916. The year be fore the English government had sought samples of gas from America in its search for helium for use in air ships. The United States was not then at war and proceeded cautiously. Dr. t R. B. Moore of the United States bu reau of mines, who had received the British communication, recalled that Doctor Cady and his assistant, -D. F. McFarland, had discovered the gas in unusual quantities in the mid-continent natural gas, and later' Doctor Cady and C. W. Seibel, also of the Uni versity of Kansas, were employed In the plans for the construction later of three helium plants in Texas. Two small plants were completed in March and May, 1918, and began the production of helium. Their output was not great, but 200,000 cubic feet of helium had been produced and much of it had been compressed Into cylinders for shipment to France when the signing of the armistice made that unnecessary. A third plant at Petro Ha, Texas, near Fort Worth, was com pleted a few days before the armistice, and experimentation was continued there after the war until halted by diminished appropriations. HAS THE LARGEST LIVING SNAKE National Zoological Park Ac quires Monster Python. Monster That Once Roamed in the Ma lay Forests Measures 25 Feet From Tip of Its Head to Its Tail. Washington. The world's largest captive snake is now an inhabitant of the National zoological park in Wash ington. It is a large regal or reticulated py thon that once- roamed in the Malay forest. From the tip of its head to its tail is about 25 feet long. This species of python grows to be larger in size than any snake In existence, and while a specimen that measured a little less than 30 feet long was once killed, it is believed that the snake now in Washington is the largest on exhibition. A special cage of extra thick glass was built to house the new python, which came from New York in a heavy wooden box perforated with small holes t. allow circulation of air. The large python did not dine on its journey, "as It only goes to dinner once in three or four weeks. But these Infrequent meals usually consist of a large pig or even a small deer or an telope, which is crushed .to death in the coils of the snake and then swal lowed whole and digested while the FLIES IN ALASKA they have to place a protective lay er of paper underneath as an armor plate against the mosquitoes," is one story that he has to, tell. Laborers wear mosquito nets and heavy gloves. Smudges are a national institution there. They are everywhere, in the interior the Alaskan summer is suf ficiently warm for swimming. But this sport must be accompanied by a ceremony. The boys construct a hut of branches on the bank of the stream, protect it from mosquitoes by a smudge, and enter and exit from the water with a mosquito-defying dash. Alaskan mosquitoes do not act as carrier of malaria and yellow fever as do those- of the United States and tropics, but they are very vicious. They literally fill the air. In one sweep of an insect-collecting net about his head, Doctor Aldrich was able to capture 110 mosquitoes by actual count. The absence of house flies In Alaska has raised the question as to whether there Is a northern limit to the house 9 4 Find Natural Gas in Abandoned Well Ottawa, Ont. An accidental discovery of natural gas at Oro no, Ont:, a few days ago, has caused quite a sensation in that district. William Neal, having bought a farm upon which a dry "Well had been abandoned, de cided to try to get water and, with that end in view, engaged the services of a well digger. After going down several feet it was found that there was gas coming up. Theold well wa stopped at 70 feet and the nevt portion was not much deeper when the gas was found. "MEANEST MAN" ROBS GIRL Takes Locket and 25 Cents From Child on Way to Store in New York City. New York. Gotham's "meanest man" stole a locket and 25 cents from a five-year-old girl. Angelina Lempo had been intrusted wlth a quarter and sent to a nearby grocery to purchase some butter. A man with a red mustache lured her to another street, telling her he knew a place where she could get the butter for nothing. Meanwhile he took the 25 cents from her, took off her tiny locket to have it "polished free of charge" and then gave her a paper to deliver to a mythical woman in a near by hallway. When she returned after a vain search for the woman, the man with the red bristles had disappeared. snake passes away the time lying partly submerged in cool water until Its next-meal time arrives. If this great regal python were a star attraction in a circus, he would probably be bally-hooed as a "boa con strlctor that eats men alive." Ae. cording to Dr. N. Hollister, superin tendent of the National Zoological park, who was chairman of the new python reception committee, most of the snakes that are shown in the "greatest shows on earth" and adver tised as boa constrictors are pythons, which are usually larger snakes. The circus variety of python is usually the rock or black species that grows 12 to 15 feet long and are found in South America. These do not compare in size with the larger regal species that are found in the Malay regions, parts of Asia and the Philippines. The Washington zoo has three specimens of the smaller pythons. The new snake has been secured as part payment for a baby hippopota mus that the National Zoological park raised last year. Most of the addi tions to the zoo are secured by ex change in this way. The new python arrived in New York from the Orient through the regular commercial chan nels of caged animal ... trading. The world's largest snake cost $2 per . pound. Its exchange value was $500, and it is estimated to weigh close to 250 pounds. fly. Heretofore, it has been assumed that the domestic fly accompanies man wherever life is possible, but Doc tor Aldrich's observation has thrown a new light on the subject. The ab sence of horses and their manure in large quantities may be a minor reason for the absence of the house fly, but climate seems to be the prin cipal one. Even in the southern end of Alaska's panhandle at Ketchikan there are salmon factories, houses and stores, all unscreened, and with absolutely no traces of the common fly. A few of the rarer flies that are found in the United States also live in Alaska, but in insignificant" num bers. Insects from the interior of Alaska were collected by Doctor Aldrich for the first time. The valley of the Tan ana river, a tributary of the Yukon, is very much like the northern part of Minnesota, and. the. region around Lake Superior so far as insects are concerned,, he has found. , Doctor Al drich's. trip extended from Seward to Fairbanks, along the route of the partially-completed government rail way. ) i : : i ' Daddy's 5dEveiiift fairy laie SyyAKY GRAHAM BOWER in i COTYliCml S VUIKN NtVtfafM mwON ' g THE LOST DOG. "Of course," said the Collie after he was home at last and was talking with the other dogs, "I don't blame some dogs for getting good and angry when they are "treatedbadly. "And so much depends on a dog's bringing up. If a dog is treated nice ly and kindly, then the dog is gentle and kindly, too, and isn't on the look out for snappy, cross people, and 80 doesn't become snappy and cross him self. "But I think that the nicer a dog can be, the better it is for him. "The reason, though, that I am able to be pleasant and friendly is because of the nice home I have, and the kind master and mistress, and because I have been brought up in a home where people are happy, and wher they laugh and where they don't quarrel. "Of course, all that makes me plescs ant and friendly. I really couldn't be any other way. "But I want to tell you about the trip I had when I was lost, and be cause the family are all so kindly with me I was kindly and friendly with other people I met. "You know I got lost. It was a dreadful experience. I really didn't know what to do. I had gone off for a trip and hadn't realized how far I had gone. And you know I'm very young. "Of course, I would have found my way home in the long run, I know that. "But it was everything to be helped, as I was! "I found myself in another small town where there wag a very fashion able Inn. ' An Inn is a fashionable boarding house, I believe, and is like a smart hotel, only smaller. Now, in this Inn, they didn't allow Hogs. "There were many elderly ladles there, and many of them were fussy. "I came upon this place, and I was so tired. I thought to myself that the people might be friendly, and so I wagged my tall, although they didn't look the friendly sort. "None of them had spoken to me, or anything like that. "But when I wagged my tail and looked at some of them politely, they said to each other: "'What a lovely dog. "I thought that they might help me, and so I wagged my tail again and "What a Lovely Doa." gave a low, friendly bark, and one of the ladies said: " 'That dog must be lost.' "Very gently I walked up near her, 80 I wouldn't frighten her, and I found that she wasn't frightened. "Then I put my head in her lap and she patted me. And one of the other women said to her: "'Why, I never saw you pat a dog before. How do you know that he won't biter "Of course that was enough to make me furious. As though dogs were all going to bite I "But I kept my temper and the lady said: " 'Oh, he is a beautiful dog and you can tell he is used to being petted. I am not afraid of him.' "And then the lady called out the one who owned the Inn, and she asked to have me fed and a drink of water given to me. "Then one of the very stylish and superior waiters brought ' me out a dainty meal and served me as though I were a fine paying guest, and called my meal 'luncheon.' "Then they telephoned about to the neighbors and others, and asked ques tions about any missing dogs that had been reported, and they found out I belonged to my master, and they helped me to come home. "In fact, I should say they brought me home, andit would have been a hard job by myself. "But I do think that it makes a great deal of difference if one is friendly. "Now, I went up to the lady and acted in a friendly fashion and she .Was friendly with me. "I've seen someone acting quite cross with my master, and my master being as. pleasant as can be, and that person will change right around and be pleasant. "But, oh dogs! It's good to be home r And the dogs wagged their tails and barked. "Oh Collie, it's good to have you home, for we missed you, sir, we missed you !" Boy Like Cheap Material. Why Is a boy like cheap material T Because both shrink from water. Are Ton A Rundown Nervous Woman ? If Ton Are, This is Most Important to You Covington. Ky. "Some years ago I had a general break-down in health, was very nervous and weak. I heard Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription highly rec ommended, so I began taking it, and in. a short time my health and strength were fully restored. I am stall enjoying good health and can highly recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the ills of women." Mrs. C. E.- Hull, 12161 Wheeler St. Beauty and Health go hand in hand. ' Do not neglect the most valuable asset you have. Go toyour neighborhood drug store and get Favorite Prescription in tablets or liquid. If you are troubled write Dr. Pierce, president Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., and receive good medical advice in return, free. VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric add troubles are most dangerous be cause of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for these disorders will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body against farther attacks. Three sizes, all druggists. Look for the nemo Gold Modal on and accept no imitation SELDOM SEE Ms knee like tola, but your bono mar hava bunch or braise on bis ankle, bock, stifle, knee or throat. will clean it off without lay ing up the horse. Vie blister,, no hair gone. Concentrated only a few drops required at an application. S2.50 par bottle de livered. Describe your caee for special instructions, and leak oifte- W. F. YOUNG, he, Sit Tensls St SsrtssneM, Keep Stomach and Bowels Right J By string- baby the harmle.purely Tef table, rnf ante' and children'ereculator. MRS. WMSIOWS SYRUP bring- astonishing, gratifying results fr geajdaej baby's stomach digest food and bowels more as they should at teething time. Guaranteed free from narcotics, opi ates, alcohol and all harmful tagredl eats. Safe ana satisfactory. AtAU Far CROUP, COLDS, v INFLUENZA 4k PNEUMONIA Mother, should keep a Jar of Brane'a Vapomentha Sslrc conrenicnt. When Croup. Iaaoeaza or Pneu monia threatens tat dehfhtful (aire rubbed veil tale the throat, chest and under the anas, will reUere the "K"frinri break coogcsUoa sad promote restful sleep. mm will nor slain ntt aortas Brame Drag Co. N. wiucesooro, m. ECZEMA Money back without question If HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt'e Salve and Soaphfail in J the treatment of Itch, Eczema, skin diseases. Try this treat ment at our risk. Sold by all reliable druggists. A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Texas EASY TO KILL RATS and MICE O.. rr-- ,1. mtmm CTt? A D Sail 2 I ELECTRIC PASTE Ready for Use Bettor Than Directions in 16 languages in every box. Bats, Mice, Oockro aches. Ants and Waterbugi testroy food and property and ass earners ot 'disease. Stearns JieetHe Parte forces these pose to run from the building for water and fresh sin . 8&c and $1.50. "Money back if it fails.' J U 8. Government buys it. The experience a man buys is sel dom up to the sample submitted. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP Allays Irritation, Soothes and Heali Throat and Lung Inflammation. The almost constant irritation of t cough keeps the delicate mucous mem brane of the throat and lungs in a con gested condition, which Boschee's Syruiv gently and quickly soothes and heals. For this reason it has been a favorite .household remedy for colds, coughs bronchitis and especially for lunj troubles in millions of homes all ovei the world for the last fifty-five years enabling the patient to obtain a goo! night's rest, free from coughing, wit! easy expectoration in the morning You can buy Boschee's Syrup wherevei mslarllrslmiass si sr sfl eSr-tl t rlrrAssflnamtnf sanefwsvfci aaewaj uav waw va v a. waMVnvavs Realities of matrimony are usual) less pleasing than the illusions of love i f Ajr Nidht and Morals JiJl!fC Hmom Stroma, HmmWn Eymm. If they Tir ejtcb Smart or Burn, if bore Irritated, Inflamed oi Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Write foi r n T 1 - v A. fl i rres eye dwiu nmm n Sfl a mi