OCR Interpretation

Hickory daily record. [volume] (Hickory, N.C.) 1915-current, September 11, 1915, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068423/1915-09-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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i. A unique feaKu
be the dairy judrin? contest
whith prizes of $20, $11: an'! $8 vill
e awiflrded to the boys or irrh um.er
8 years of age; who are niosc profi
lent in h?V;,-t o picking out the Rood
Joints o. il : rows. This is expect
ed to be an ttonal feature worth
yhile anj V ' 'department or nu:
iculture hahiiifrii)ialf tne premium
money. :,vV?'V
I Free 'Affcr actions.
I While the fair will be. representative
4f Catawba "products and enterprise,
thnn nnvthinifclsej. it is the JMJJ'-
pose of tl,e directors , to, afford plenftyi
of wholesome amusement for the yisKj
tors here during fair weoK. piprmng
but clean exhibits will be perrmttea
show. 'The aeroplane, whitii' ixas
played such a prominent paiit'the
(,'reat War, will gie two flight etgry
tlay Wednesday, Thursday ,-nd .Fri
day, Nov. 3, 4 and 5. . Secrttirr J Hen
derson is in correspondeiiee with an
?iatien cjftiapy, aud expects to close
4 contra ;soon;4; Qtlv.-r nnounce
ientj s WViaeiaen,i;:be iriaile
i - r' Have Become Faroa. ' ,
I During recent years ijkkurjr',, and
Vtawba coutity have become faigbua
Iroughout te United State aaa
insult of the 'dairy and creamea rf
.ustries, in which Catawba is ledln'af
he south. Tit; cooperative idea ; to
i in t successful operation
of dairies, creainerics and kindred ln-i
'dustries is the same idea tnat naa
'propelled the fair." In this organiza
tion are to be touna me men wnu
We brought Catawba forward, and
Hickory has been thi central point in
- this wheel of progress. Concrete ex
amples of t!i?soj remarkable aclileve
inent.s will be oki e:;hibition in Hick
,u.. Un nrtiAnrta rf the hills and
fva'ilevs of CataVb;i county are clls
'nlaved before the eyes of thousands
early in November.
Officers and Directors.
TV,n rtfTifra jinl directors of the Ca
tawba County Fair Association fol
low President, John W. Robinson; Vice
President, N. W. Clark; Secretary, a.
C. Henderson; Treasurer, J. J. Wil-lr-l
Directors: J. D. Elliott, John
W. Mauser, Enloe Yoder, S. E. Kilhan
r.n V. Risanar. J. W. Shuford, II. C
Lutz, H. P. Williams, L. M. Bollinger,
W. R. Lutz, W. J. Shuford. District
Vice-Presidents: H. P. Lutz, Newton:
B. A. Vhitener, Maiden; Homer Lit
tle, Oxford Ford; Garland Settlemey
er Granite Falls; James R. Hf"
Connelly Springs; Henry F. Elliott,
Catawba; R. W. Starnes, Taylorsvd e.
Amusement committee: II. r
liaim, H. C. Lutz, J. L. Cilley, N. W.
Clark and K. C. Menzies.
.. . w: f:sv
(By the AwcrtM -frou)
rri9. Seut, ll.-WiniatnrSi?.ffui9t
than. 'old-friehd were w."",u vTnei1
i I
the end -tame. His d"c, inrs-;
Inez Stinet, was expectel r, LVT
Now YmA.' Simple funeral service
w ami irom
wi:l be held here.
vuteu before
tenlay afternoon
fancy, ,
f "Targe of afE. i set
4 . L ' . . .
lemniinir Tn naanu r. a vi
.riri r it;. -ui j j '.riven
1 j .'riven four
months on tho rona ttA appeaiea,
i'V,. Imore
v- mine near uttmyj
was atended by Presictf:
Graham of
the university, May W
A. Graham,
Dr. Clarence Poec Prof. E. (J. Branson
of tte State P- 1
and W. C. Croay
era'f UniAtJThe
ers'f VW .Hie laiineis umuu i
big factor in the movement
When the interior decorations of
the First National Bank were com
pleted last week, Hickory was able to
say with truth that this city had the
handsomest bank building in the state.
There are more costly and more im
posing buildings than the First Na
tional, but there is not a strictly
bank building anywhere in the state
that begins to mVure up to the local
institution in attractiveness and beau
ty. The artist's eye may be seen in
every line, figure, stone or column.
IRv t.li AaarMi&ft PMmT i.-fMA--f
Paris, Sept. 11. Last ;Aight(sa
day. There have been furtherp-
ticularly violent artillery engage
ments in the department of the Meuse
and along the front in Loraine.
(l'.y the Associated Press)
New York. Sent. 11. Count Von!"
Bernstorff, Gorman embassador to the
United States, emphatically denied to-
day that he had attempted to use i
James F. J. Archibald as a message,
.n view repeated assertions ty
4 cini
w owiw, ion state vur
gave Mr. Archibald a sWWd. or i
eaH anything to him. i thouzO,1 .mPre ?n .tnat- . . J ,
had rnide that plain in Washi
"1 dfci not attempt to use
oaia. tnieny oecause I
it sae to do so."
E. W. Si
1-1 (UUVlll,
Ur, AiAt
sejjf , ! pi rn
nd Boston
??fcloVe behind with .265 and
respectively. Foster. Boston.
won 18 and lost 6, leads the pitchers.
Captain Doyle has again battea
himself into the lead in the National
League with .327. St. Louis leads
1" bMtinitho.-.257' Cincinnati
lfiada ;n fno mha-r Ovt,o KocQs
tunica iicai wilii .ij'i. uuvie aiso
215, while Cravath of Philadelphia
leads in run's scored, 76. Carey, Pitts
burg, with 34, leads the base stealers.
Mamaux, Pittsburgh, won 20, lost 7,
leads the pitchers.
Bennie Kauff , Brooklyn, with .35'J.
leads Federal League batters; Magee
in runs, with 82; Ki-xiif, with 43, leads
in stolen bases. Alien of Pittsburg,
leads the pitchers with 21 won and 9
5" ; So-- v
(By the Associated "'ross)
Washington, Sept. li. Secretary
Lansing today expvea.sei tne view.
that the United States is now facing
the question of whether it will per
mit a court of arbitration to decide
the matter of submari; e warfare. Mr.
Lansing refused to comment on ttt
position the United States will take.
He admitted that, after sifting tne
evidence and affidavits of passengers
and officers of the Arabic, a conclusion
had been reached, but. tViprp was noth-
Ling toi ndicate that any one had seen
a submarine. ' .',v ... 1
O'er 4,000 students already have re-
gistered at the University of Nortn
Carolina, this being the greatest re
gistration dunng the first weak in
its history. It is believed that the
number will bt-. increased to 1,200 be
fore spring.
Raleigh, Sept. 11. A member of the
Corporation Ccmmissuon said last
evening that definite' .official profit
n..-,;o i'o , i . - -
' "
commission in .4r.
by county taxtr" ina....
have been rcehej . f rQm not more
three apla the commis-
sion has :jnadily one change m.
' i ,-
whichd been an increase consider
Is th" purpose of the commission to
tanii firmly for the percentage of in
crease 'announced. There has been
ejraonaV'but unofficial letters regard
ing fccreaseSreceived from quite a
number" osth 'counties involved, but
official f effcfoiSrtieductlon of in-,
creates in percentages, made only by
the Panama' ''Canal?;NBs faucSwra
nps wmcn were wamiwjiypiai
. Jl.' iT
at the terminals pasgrk j
a ays arranging11
son at
school, has returnee
Hundreds of Hickory people appear
ed to 'be 'r almost as interested in the
aptfj.nce of the Daily Record as
theJJIjbrce itself, judging by .the num
ber who called around at the office
just before press time. And this ij
to indulge in a little hyperbole most
likely, because a part of the force
wevked all night, and mo-CXof it has
pot 'in about eighteen hours a day
tor the last two days.
- s The new paper encountered the
usual difficulties. The up-to-date press
refused to deliver the goods last night,
until two or three pressmen had coax
ed it a bit, and it was early this
morning before the right sort of
persuasion was used. When the lit
tle fellow did get to going, however,
it hummed.
Outside of the rush of ads which
were gratefully received and which
everybody in the office hopes will
r.ever grow less the force got along
fairly well. The linotype has got the
right motion, and can turn out many
columns of new type a day. In a
few days at least everything will be
running smoothly.
Mr. Herbert H. Lowery of Newton
was here yesterday.
(By the Associated Press)
New York, Sept. 11. The cotton
market opened firm at an advance of
10 to 12 points higher in the early
tradwig -on, higher ; Liverpool cables, re
portJ of -more active demands for
pot cot.ani V -rowing prwiA890" of Ptoffice Clerks, de
Uon 'to r,xJ ; - tioI.poM??irn:!S
'mi ixi .i ir-i. .. . . i 1 m .B.iin'.i A.JL u is. . -m
houses again ere active buyers.
: ' -.)5..'j
New York, Stpt. 11. Today's stock
market developed no features. In the
early dealing investment issues were
neelected while war specialtis mani
fested reactionary tendencies, Stude
baker declining more than 2 points.
Crucible steel was heavy at the out
set, but recovered. United States
steel changed hands in large blocks
at small fractional losses. Chesa
peak and Ohio made small gains.
New York; Sept. 11. Cotton fu
tures opened firm, Oct. 10.22; Dec.,
10.45: January. 10.74: March. 11.03:
May,, 11.30.
v.uvvil L1VOCU DUCOUV.
10.12:1 December. 10 45
10.64; iMarch, 10.94; May, 11.19..
-TT-M . i.,- J 4VA..MffnAiAtQfi'.Ha liuuuiLUua twin oaiu 11c iiii;iiucu
aUDeai irom
b fretted ths fall
Judge Cline was gratified- at tH
pression of the Yanceyville-' Sentinel,
1 ! I .! ' . " 11 i . - . -V. - J
l puDiisriet. j Laewen cuunty, .i f.n aa
vocated hiri. for governor; " . , ; :Jge
said today .that he was,-ftfi;' I..was
being e'.evaved a little tewf ?t.'The
Winslon-Salera. papery 'jps:. z ; )um a
rot u of applause tor the manner in
which he handled the nor t sensational
case that has Itesr trkj4in that sec
tion in many esxf I --"
The only aviv:'i e- didates for gov
ernor on the-Pecratie side are Attorney-General-
jj IVjsW. Bickett of
Franklin county end Lieutenant-Governor
Elisha L. Daughtridge of Edge
oral county.
(By the Associated Press)
New York, Sept. 11. The Anglo
French commission rested today after
its somewhat strenuous activities yes
terday, and the members and their
wives prepared to spend Sunday ai
an Island resort.
Sterling exchange rates were un
changed at the opening, but fagged
at the close. Pound sterling rates
ranged from $4.69 M at the opening,
$4.67 at the close. Other foreign
money was unchanged.
Mr. Fred
H. May of Wendell
cures News.
Mr. Fred H. May of Wendell, Wake
county, passed through Hickory to
day en route to Lenoir, where he will
engage in the newspaper business.
Mr. May has purchased the Lenoir
News from Mr. H. C. Martin and,
beginning next week, will be in full
charge. : He is an energetic young
man, ha had several years of exper
ience in the weekly field, and is worthy
of confidence and trust. Mr. May
was lured to this section by the cli
mate and the unparalled development
of the foothills.
Federal Pension System.
Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 11. Con
gressman J. W. Ragsdale of South
Carolina, speaking before the United
to work for the passage of a law which
would give pensions to civil employes
of the Federal Government as well as
to soldiers.
Frank T. Rogers was re-elected
president of the association.
Will Fire on Rangers.
Brownsville, Tex., Sept.. 11. A body
of Carranza troops who entrenched
themselves at the Progresso crossing
of the Rio Grande, 30 miles above
Brownsville shouted across the river
that they would not fire upon Amer
ican troops but would reserve the
right to fire at any rangers, deputies
or civilians who appeared on the
American side.
Sweet Potato Growers.
The Catawba County Sweet Pota
to Growers Association, with 18 mem
bers present, met in the rooms of the
jnamDer 01 owimeiw "iu
The association wvas making plai
handling the lanprop,
RobertsoftSfc ay
First Presbytean .r . ip ,
neapolis, Minn.7and
Exegetics in Seabufy x j J-hoor;
Fairibault, Minn. For.jiny years
he was at Gorbal's Tabernacle GSJP
gow, Scotland. It will be'V rare Pj
pleasure and privilege for Hickory
to hear this noted evangelist.
The City Feed Company has bought
the corner lot at 13th street and Trade
avenue and will erect thereon as soon
as plans are drawn up a modern brick
building, when the store at 1222 10th
avenue will move into its new quart
ers. Messrs. Blackwelder and Gibbs
will have one of the best locations
in the city and the building, which
will occupy a space of 40 by 90 feet.
i will contain two or more stories.
Washington, Sept. H.-Austruli' i500Q,!tff h?V Lr 1 lU; 1
, , , . . , . j . . .r the South buildinv, s ct
had not responded today to the Amer-Jth ; -.rollment of white pu?
ican demand for the recall of Dr.'' For t.ViP vnr 1flin-191R th pn-
Dumba, Austro-Hungarian ambass&t
dor to the United States. The WashS
ington officials had nothing to say re-'
garding the statement of Ambassa
dor Bernstorff in New York that he1
gave James F. J. Archibald no staie
ment or had anything to say to h!m.
(By the Associated Press)
Atlanta, Sept.: -tl. Pending the
holding of an anquest late this after
noon, officials took no action in the
death of Alf. C. Ford, as the result
of a .pistol bullet wound inflicted
Wednesday morning at his home. The
body was held today at a local under
takers, notwithstanding Mrs. Ford's
request that it be sent home early
An examination of the weapon used
caused officials to doubt the state
ment made by Ford that the pistol
fired in his hand. It was said that
the trigger appeared to have been
snapped five times, and four cart
ridges ; failed to explode when struck
by the trigger. Mrs. Ford sobbing
ly reiterated that the shot was fired
by her husband shortly after he left
his sleeping porch and returned to
the house Wednesday morning.
. . v
Maximum Temperature '
Hickory had some weather yester
day, according to the gjyernment
tnermometer as manipulated by Mr.
vjwum, tne maximum tpmnoi-Qhir,
1 , . , V .
uemg a 1 degrees, it was cool enouj
tne early morning, but it
V?,, ear
I ;4r -
few ,eeks .
jusv twelve years so a sy
graded schoj .v -s
Hickory. Ity .sonly after
struerele that ' th& move lent
ter school f aetlIHeBwas .carried
ever, tne schojL ooard-compos
such men asr.lJr. J.- L: ilurphy,
McComb, J. ?. F- Abcmethy. C.
Geitner, McCoy 'Moretz? and others
were backed by the women and the
generous-hearted men of the town,
and the North buildng was erected.
The school grew at such a rate that
it became necessary three years ago
to erect another building. The schoc
board, consisting of G. F. Ivey, A. A.
Shuford, S. L. Whitener, Dr. H. C.
Menzies, and H. F. Elliott, planned for
the erection of the South building.
Continued Growth.
The schools have continued to grow
at such a remarkable rate that
another building will have to be erect
ed before another year. For the first
week of school, this year the enroll
ment in the white school is 762 pupils,
and in the colored school 186 pupils.
For the year the enrollment will be
in-' the white schools not less than 875,
s,nd in the cJ-vjf'iO.
..... j it S ..: i - ' JS ... .....
t ..ent will perhaps reach 900.
Work Improves Also.
XtijL: figures give some idea of the
'dnvniC-l growth made by the public
schoWci? Hickory. And the improve-
",'irifijiit5n,tbe work done has kept equal
p&v Jxth the increase mtendance.
TLepoVifse of study now-overs eleven
years; seven years in ,the elementary
f rades, and four years in the high
schol grades. From the enrollment by
grades as given below it wilH, te
seen that the atendance in the upper
grammar and high school grades is
unusually large.
The enrollment by grades follows:
North School.
Grade. Enrollment.
First A. 42
First B. j 33
Third 33
Fourth 49
Fifth 50
Eighth .
South School.
First A. 41
First B. 28
Fourth .
Fifth tC.
Seventh ;. .
44 I
44 J
::::: S . v
461 J
nous than simple assault.

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