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f Record Vol. 1. No. 9. HICKORY, N. C. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1915. Price Two Cents it 'J ALL IN READINESS FOR BIG QUARTO-CENTENNIAL Dr. Long Arrives for Event and will Deliver Special Lectures Tonight and Tomorrow Night Public Invited to All Exercises Dr. S. P. Long of Mansfield, Ohio, who will make the principal address at the quarto-centennial celebration of the opening of Lenoir College Thurs- ' day, arrived in the city today and is the guest of Professor Patterson. He will deliver special lectures at the college tonight and tomorrow night, and the public is invited to attend both. Dr. Long is not a stranger in Hick ory, this being his third visit to the city. He is one of the most noted pulpit orators in the entire Lutheran church and the announcement that he is to visit a place is sufficient induce ment to secure an audience. He re cently has been called to Los Angeles, Cal., but has the matter under con ' ' sideration. Preparations for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the opening of the college are practically complet ed, and indications point to a gala - occasion. The program is replete with interest, and there is every prospect that alumni will attend in large num bers. President Fritz has extended a cordial invitation to the citizens of Hickory to be present. The Program. The program for the day is as fol lows : 10:30 a. m. Scripture lesson, the Rev. A. R. Beck, Dallas; prayer, the Rev. E. J. Sox, Hickory; twenty-five; years of Lenoir College, President R. j L. Fritz. ! 11:00 a. m. Sermonic lecture, the! Rev. S. P. Long, Mansfield, Ohio; the Needs of our College and how to Meet . Them, John J. George, Esq., Cherry ville. I Picnic dinner on the campus. I 2:30 p. m. Reminiscences The founding of Lenoir College, the Rev. . A. L. Crouse, Charlottesville, Va.; the Rev. W. P. Cline, D. D., White Rock, South Carolina. Addresses by Laymen: J. M. Rhodes, Esq., Lincolnton; J. H. C. Huitt, Esq., Catawba; D. W. Ader holdt, Esq., Henry River; Attorney D. L. Russell, Hickory, and Attorney A. A. Whitener, Hickory. mm sieier io BE HELD IN FORI ( By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 21. State de partment officials still are conferring with attaches of the British embassy regarding the merchant ship Wayan amia detained at Newport News for several weeks by order of the govern ment when she put in from Australia with a 4-inch gun on her stern. When rules were laid down by this government concerning merchant ships carrying small defense guns to enter and leave American ports, sub marine warfare had not developed. It now is apparent that merchant vessels destroy submarines. It is said that the British government declined to remove the guns, but will not raise any issue over detention at this time. If the gun is removed the Wayanamia will be cleared. DISTINCTIVE STYLES AT REGINA Although visitors to the various milinery openings today noticed that the styles were more or less uni form, it was observed that the Regina Milinery Company was offering quite a number of distinct articles. Moth ers will notice, in the first place, that the children's hats are particularly lovely and becoming, while the styles for the ladies are equally as bewitch ing. One distinctive hat shown at the Regina was a black velvet hat lined with the new shade of pink satin, with the popular rolled back. In all the hats a decided preference is shown for the broad, drooping crown, and ' the styles in general, are the most becoming ever offered. The abandonment of the military effects, miliners say, has led to the fashioning of hats that are really be coming to all lovers of handsome headgear. One will not feel that she has seen all the styles until she has visited ' the Regina store. A IN MEMPHIS TODAY (By the Associated Press) Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 21. Evidence of a double murder was brought to light today when the bodies of Mrs. Margaret Favors, an actress, and a man partially identified as J. C. Cro well, believed to be a resident of Greenwood, Miss., were discovered in a department in a central resident district. The bodies were mutilated. The police have started an investiga tion. Mrs. Favors had engaged to hold a benefit performance for a local fra ternal order. CALVIN MOSTELLER DEAD Mr. Calvin Mosteller, aged 65 years, died last night and the burial will ? take place at Hilderbran. Several i children survive. SHOWN DOUBLE MURDER CHARGE GRAFT ON CHINESE RAILROAD (By the Associated Press) Peking, Sept. 21. Surprise has been caused in Peking by the appearance of a presidential order making whole sale charges of grafting and ineffi ciency in the management of the rail way from Peking to Kalgan, a line that has been the pride of the Chinese people ever since it was built in 1906 and which from the first days of its op eration has been remarkably profi table. The road was constructed un der the direction of Chinese engineers and has been operated entirely by Chinese, factors which made the peo ple particularly proud of the enter prise. The line is the gateway to Mon golia, displacing the camels and don keys which formerly brought wool and other products to the capital. According to the report of the min ister of communications there have been gross irregularities in the pur chase of coal for the railroad, illegal profits from merchants by railway employes. President Yuan Shi-kai's order, bas ed on the report of the minister of communications says: "It is impossi- ' ble to conceal the tact that in the aa ministration of the said railway dis ! cipline has been set at naught. The : new director, Liu Shih-kusun, of this milwsiv its hprphv ordered to effect j w -- . a fundamental reform in the adminis tration of the said railway so that a clean atmosphere may be created. He shall perform his work fearlessly and energetically, and he shall bear all re sponsibilities of his task. "Kuan Mien-chun, the former di rector of the railway, has been in the railway service for many years. Yet he has passively allowed the staff to commit irregularities and let the mer chants cheat the government without taking any vigorous measure to rem edy the corrupt conditions. There is no excuse for his fault in this respect, but as he has already been dismissed from office, he is leniently dealt with and no more is to be said about him. The recommendations of the ministry regarding the dismissal or degrada tion of the various members of the staff are approved. Some of them will be closely watched." President Yuan Shi-kai completes his order with a plea for honesty on the part of railway employes that the government treasury, in a time of fi nancial stringency, may have the full benefit of the railway earnings. "While it is desirable to select capable technical men," has says, "it is also necessary to secure men of pure and high morality." T E HAS COME TO CLOSE The Missionary Training Confer ence, held at Lenoir College Satur day, Sunday and Monday, closed yes terday. It was a success from every standpoint. Noted Lutheran church men were present and the meetings were full of interest. Large numbers atended the exercises from the city. POLICEMAN FOUND GUILTY Shot at Fugitive and Hit Innocent By stander Costs. Lexington, Sept. 21. Policeman W. L. Reed was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon as the result if a case growing out oi xne acci dental shooting of Elmer Layden, a young white man of this city, when the officer fired at a fleeing negro on the main street of the town. Recorder Critcher suspended judgment on the payment of costs and ordered that the officer nav Layden $30 to cover med ical treatment. It will be remembered that the bul let, which appears to have struck some object and glanced, clipped off the head of Layden's collar button and entered his shoulder and was later re moved from the outside of his arm. Layden is rapidly recovering. From the evidence of reliable witnesses it appears that the officer took deliberate aim at the negro and several express ed surprise that the fugitive did not have a daylight hole bored through him. But the policeman admitted that he had not taken target practice lately. REWARD FOR MISCREANTS Newton, Sept. 21. No one has been arrested in connection with the whole sale scatterment of big roofing tacks at Wesley's chapel camp-meeting Sun day when 17 motorists were victims of punctures caused by the deadly tacks. A reward of over $20 was made up on the spot for the conviction of the miscreants. Formerly such tricks were done to catch town folks, but ! the shoe is on the other foot, for ! there are more automobiles in the j country than there are in town and j numerous farmers were caught Sun-iday. RAINING CONFER NE CUTTING AFFAIR BRYAN TO BE TRIED IN COURT Although handicapped somewhat by the fact that her razor did not have a handle, making it difficult to do the best class of artistic work, Marian Hoover, a dusky damsel, demonstrated some of the fine points of an old fashioned razor yesterday. Margue rite Barringer was the object, and the 'sturbance occurred in East Hickory, where the participants live. Both have been cited to appear be fore Recorder Campbell this afternoon to show cause why they engaged in this affair, contrary not only to the city ordinances, but to the state law and the peace and dignity of the com munity. At this time Marian is ex pected to tell why she swiped the handleless razor across her whilom friend a number of times and made it necessary for a doctor to take eleven stitches. Marian did not entirely es cape herself, as the physician was compelled to take three stitches in her right hand where the razor slip ped as it was being brought to play on its victim. It was one of the worst deadly weapon affairs in a long time, and Chief Lentz said today that he had no idea Marguerite Barringer would be able to face the recorder. Another case of some interest is that against Caswell and Oscar Sig mon. Caswell is charged with hav ing indulged in too much excitement on circus day, for which the officers were going to hold him until his tem perature became lower. Oscar Sig mon, however, did not approve, and there was something of interest hap pening shortly. Both will face the charge of resisting an officer. Shanghai, Sept. 21. Two hospitals for cholera patients have been estab lished by the Red Cross Society of China in Shanghai to take care of the large number of Chinese affected by cholera. Both hospitals are under the charge of Dr. Hans Thue. Dr. Tin-Chen, one of the first Chinese graduates from an American medical school has been appointed director of one of the hospitals and the other is also in charge of a native doctor. Funds for the maintenance of the hos pitals have been subscribed by Chinese through the local Red Cross Society. CITY COUNCIL WILL City council tonight will Tesume consideration of the revised ordinances at the point reached last Thursday night when council adjourned for the circus. It is the purpose to meet every few nights until the ordinances are considered, and it may require half a dozen sessions. The question of eliminating hog-pens from the res ident sections of the city at least the more thickly populated parts was under consideration when coun cil met last. COTTON FUTURES BILL (By Associated Press.) Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 21. At an early morning session of the lower house of the Alabama legislature a bill was passed prohibiting gambling in cotton futures. This makes the Alabama law conform to the federal cotton futures act. There is already a drastic anti-option law on the sta tutes of Alabama. The primary ob ject of the bill, however, is to facili tate actions against persons violating agreements. FIFTY BRITISH ARE CAUGHT BY FIRE (By Associated Press.) Neuton, England, Sept. 21. Fifty miners are entombed in a colliery here as the result of a fire. The cage em ployed to bring workmen to the sur face was destroyed by the flames. Rescuers have brought to the surface the bodies of ten miners. DOUBTS IT. Fayetteville Observer. Hickory Record: "The difference in time between Hickory and London a matter of five hours or more makes it possible to print news here at 4 o'clock that has not happened in London." That's nothing. Ever since the European war began, the morning papers of this country (Mr. Hearst's publications, for instance) have been printing news from Lon don hours before it happened in fact, much of it has never happened up to this day. VIRGINIA BANKER DEAD By the Associated Press) Winchester, Pa., Sept. 21. William H. Baker, chocolate manufacturer and banker, died at his home here today, aged 65. He was president of the Shenandoah National Bank, -and was one of the best known business men in the state. CHOLERA HOSPITALS LOCATED CHINA DISCUSS ORDINANCES PASSED ALABAMA MINERS TO CALL ON PRESIDENT WILSON (By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 21. William J. Bryan will confer tomorrow with President Wilson. The engagement was made today at the white house at Mr. Bryan's request. It will be the first meeting between the two since Mr. Bryan quit the cabinet three months ago. What the two men will discuss was not disclosed in making the engage ment. Official Washington, however, expects that they will discuss the re cent acceptance of Mr. Bryan to go to Europe to discuss peace and that Mr. Bryan's opposition to any increase in the national defense will be touch ed upon. It has been reported that Mr. Bryan will use his influence in congress to oppose the president's proposed national defense program. It is believed, however, that the presi dent will read his program to Mr. Bryan and that it will appeal to him so that the democrats will present a united front." I (By the Associated Press) Budapest, Hungary, Sept. 21. A Vienna dispatch is published here to day saying it has been learned in dip lomatic circles at the Austrian capital that the government will not await the arrival of Dr. Dumba before nam ing his successor and that Dr. Kajetan Marczynski, former Austro-Hunga-rian ambassador to Rome, had been selected for the place. (By the Associated Press) Washington, Sept. 21. No inquiries have been made by the Austrian for eign office regarding the acceptability of another ambassador to the United States. In fact no enquif Wslftave been made as to the probable sticcessor of Doctor Dumba. The impression is given in Ambassador Penfield's mes sages that the Austrian authorities are awaiting reports direct from the .ambassador before taking any action. BULGARIA HAS MOBILIZED SERVIA (By the Associated Press) Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I., Sept. 21. "It is reported from the Balkans," says the Overseas News Agency, "that Bulgaria has declared the Servo-Bulgarian frontier a war district." It is also reported that Bul garian troops have been concentrated on the border. ANNOUNCED HERE Washington, Sept. 21. A general mobilization of all military forces in Bulgaria effective today for the pur pose of armed neutrality has been ordered by the Bulgarian government. An official announcement was cqmmu nicated by the Bulgarian government to the Bulgarian minister here today. MARKETS NEW YORK STOCKS (By the Associated Press) New York, Sept. 21. The familiar upward swing of the special stocks was repeated at the outset of today's trading, motor shares again being the special features. Studebaker opened half a point down, but soon advanced 1 to 144 and General Motors also advanced to 299. Others so-called war shares opened higher, but railway shares were nominal. THE COTTON MARKET (By the Associated Press) New York, Sept. 21. Cotton op ened extremely active and excited at the outset, advancing 11 to 37 points on a general buying movement by bulls. Stock orders were uncovered on the advance, which carried October contracts up to 11.01. NEW YORK FUTURES AMBASSADOR TO AMERICA CHOSEN ON New York, Sept. 21. Cotton fu tures opened firm and closed steady. Open Close October 10.8510.91 11.10 December 11.2511.45 11.49 January 11.55 11.67 11.66 March 11.85(5)11.90 11.88 May 11.9612.01 12.10 SAID (By the Associated Press) New York, Sept. 21. Negotiations towards the establishment of a credit loan of $600,000,000 to $800,000,000 moved smoothly today, it was said, with the virtual elimination of the matter of providing for the paying for munitions, and with an agreement not to tie up the whole sum at one time in New York. Subordination of the troubles with the question of providing a way for paying for munitions has not simply postponed a decision on this point, in the opinion of the commission, but gradually will provide for its disap pearance. Great Britain and France are ex pected to remit gold to America and will continue to sell spmritifs in rtoso markets. These negotiations are ex pected to solve the problem. As the the commission and its American as sociates viewed it, the proposition was to stabilize exchange. With exchange stablizied it was thought there would be little difficulty in paying for mu nitions. Another feature was whether the short term bonds on which the loan is to be issued could not be, made to in clude the conversion into long term (50 or 100 years.) These, it was thought, would be a favorable invest ment. COMPARATIVE WEATHER Sept. 20. 1915 1914 Maximum 90 85 Minimum 62 61 Mean 76 73 Rainfall .04 TO BE HELD TONIGHT Directors and others interested in the Catawba County Fair, to be held in Hickory November 3, 4 and 5, will meet in the Chamber of Commerce to night to discuss the premium list and other matters concerning the big event.. Secretary Henderson said to day that the directors would meet every Tuesday night in order to main tain interest in the fair and to add other features. It is the purpose -of the directors and the people of the county to make this the best fair in its history and nothing will be left undone looking to that end. THE VICTORIA CROSS Melbourne, Australia, Sept. 21. The fist Australian to win the Victo ria Cross in the present war is Lance Corporal Jacka of Bendigo in this state (Victoria.) His feat was per formed on the Gallipoli peninsula. In the trench fighting in which the troops of the commonwealth are engaged he single handed shot five Turks dead and bayonetted two others, according to the official report. E (By the Associated Press) Odessa, Sept. 21. Russian ships have sunk a German submarine which has been operating in the Black sea. DEATH OF MR. MURRAY Mr. P. S. Murray died last night at his home in Highland, a victim of typhoid fever. He was 20 years old, was married and is survived by a wife. Interment was at St. Steven's church this afternoon. E OVER TAX INCREASE Winston-Salem, Sept. 21. With a view to saving the tax-payers of Winston-Salem and Forsyth county ap proximately $25,000 if possible, that being about what the increase of ten per cent, ordered by the corporation commission on real property in this county would aggregate in extra taxes this year. Chairman E. T. Mickey of the board of county commissioners has called a special meeting of the board to be held this afternoon when the matter will be discussed in all its phases, and some action probably taken with a view to securing a re duction in the increased valuation. To Raleigh. A number of local gentlemen, includ ing Chairman Mickey and other busi ness men, have agreed to go to Ral eigh to be present at a hearing in the Mecklenburg county case. The meeting of the commissioners today will be for the purpose of securing the sentiment of the board. All of the members of the board have been asked to attend the meeting in Ral eigh and they probably will attend. The Player Piano. In the manufacture f actions for player-pianos there are 'l 0,000 opera tions from the raw material to the fin ished products and a total of 4,063 individual parts enters into the mak ing of each action. BIG LOAN TO BE MOVING SMOOTHLY FAR MEETING AUSTRALAN WINS RUSSIAN HIPS SINK GERMAN BMARIN FORSYTH XERCISED RUSSIAN ARMfESCAPES COILS THROWN ABOUT IT Von Hindenburg's Encircling Forces Too Weak To Impede Retreat of Russky's Veteran Troops German Cavalry Peform Brilliant Feats on Flanks NEWTON NEWS RELATED IN BRIEFS (By Geo. F. Cochrane.) Newton, Sept. 21. The sharehold ers in the big Providence cotton mill at Maiden, this county, will meet to morrow to formally dissolve their cor poration, this being incident to the consolidation of the Providence with the Maiden cotton mill. The combined capital of the consolidated properties will be $131,000 and the move greatly strengthens the industry. It is prob able that D. M. and L. A. Carpenter, managers of the respective mills here tofore, will be co-managers, at least until the annual meeting of the Mai den mill stockholders in March, when a new management may be installed. South Fork Institute, associational school of the South Fork Baptists, is making a phenominal record this year in respect to enrollment and quality of work being done. Under Principal Downs and Rev. M. A. Adams of the Newton Baptist church, the institution is in the best condi tion it has ever been. The annual reception of new students was an event of much interest to a large number of people. Miss Victoria Hudson of Barium Springs orphanage interested a large audience of the women and children of the Presbyterian church here in be half of the orphanage last evening. The Newton church has always been very loyal to the orphanage of the denomination. ANOTHER CHAIR ADDED Plans for remodeling Cline's Bar ber Shop on Ninth avenue are being prepared, and when the improvements are made the shop will be one of the prettiest in the state. A plate window will be placed in the rear and other fixtures added. Already a new chair and barber have been added to enable the shop to take care of its growing trade. COTTON SOARS. Rises 13 to 37 Points on New York Exchange Today. Local cotton manufacturers today made inquiries at the Record office regarding the sensational rise in cot ton, which rose from 11 to 37 points on the New York exchange. There was no telegraphic news calculated to influence the market, but' the butts seemed to have been in complete con trol. Many buyers do not see how the staple can sell much higher, but every day it continues to soar. Todays prices were the highest yet. DAVIDSON BOND CASE AGAIN BEFORE COURT Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 21. The state supreme court has received from Davidson county opponents of Representative Leonard's $300,000 road commission bill, a petition for a rehearing with the hope of overthrow ing the act which the court upheld last spring. The Leonard bill, introduced by the republican representative, was pass ed unanimously. No constituent at home thought of any such procedure and when the voters received their first intimation of it the bill was law. Davidsonians came down here and tried to get the legislature to recede but they were too late. The protestants then enjoined the road commissioners from selling the bonds and proceeding with the work and Judge C. C. Lyon dismissed the injunction. They appealed and the supreme court upheld Judge Lyon. The court was divided, however. Chief Justice Clark wrote the opinion for the majority and Judge Brown and Judge Walker dissented. Judge Clark's decision briefly held that the courts have repeatedly and unanimously held road construction to be necessary expenses and that bond issues for construction and maintenance may be ordered without special election; that the act is a leg islative one and that the courts have no right to interfere with an act which has been passed by a general assem bly through representatives' of the people. Judge Clark declares that the supreme court is not a commis sion form of government which su pervises conduct of county officials and has no right to do so. The rem edy for such is through the polls. Judge Brown contends that the court should reverse its position on the question of "necessary expenses," that the courts have gone too far. Judge Walker's view is that "neces sary expenses" means current ex penses and not bond issues which may be voted by the people. All mem bers of the court area greed that the written law is against the appellants. CARLOAD OF BUICKS ARRIVES Riddle and Menzies, agents for the Buick cars, are unloading a carload of Buicks model D-45 and they invite the public to inspect the new makes. (By the Associated Press) London, Sept. 21. Latest reports from the Vilna fighting zone indicate that the Russian army there has es caped the coils which Field Marshal von Hindenburg threw about them. Cavalry raids as brilliant as those of Sheridan and Hampton in the Ameri can Civil war threw a screen about both flanks of the Russians and at tacked them as they fled. It now ap pears that these encircling forces are too weak too impede General Russky's veterans. The simultaneous movements by Prince Leopold and von Mackensen have not been successful, after their march through the Pripet marshes. If the defenders of Vilna have es caped, Russia has cause to draw a deep breath of relief, for it is ap parent that the cautious strategy of Grand Duke Nicholas was abandoned for the moment, and that General Russky's remaining in Vilna seemed to make certain Hindenburg's success. The railroads are in German hands. The domestic situation in Russia is still a mystery. When the duma was prorogued many strikes were declar ed and in many cases the men are still out. The Zemsto conference at Moscow this week will express agree ment in the national crisis with the duma majority. It is not believed, however, that the strikes will con tinue long, as they were in the na ture of protests against proroguing the duma. The long expected offensive against Servia is said to . have begun with a strong artillery fire designed to cover crossings of the Danube and Save. The Teutons evidently expect to push their way towards Constantinople. Along the other front artillery duels continue, with the Germans returning the French fire. PRETTY STREET HATS AT SLEDGE'S Street hats made for comfort and service were the distinctive styles displayed before Hickory ladies to day at the milinery store of W. T. Sledge, though street hats are by no means all the styles being offered at this popular store. Sailor effects trimmed in white beads and others trimmed with wool en threads caught the eye at once, while a black velvet hat, with shirred crown, with red velvet facing, broad bows across the back of the upturned crown, was unusually stylish. Every lady who saw this hat wanted it. A throng of visitors came in dur ing the day and admired the offerings. The styles are more becoming than usual and, what is more to the point, the prices are more reasonable. Mi lady will not have to go far to se cure a becoming headpiece. Mr. Sledge's selections show taste and comfort. TO BRING 12 CENTS, SAYS HARDING T?q1piW Rpnt.. 21. Sneakinc before ' -'e x - x o the banquet of the Chamber of Com ; merce last night W. P. G. Harding, i southern member of the federal re- serve board, declared that 12 cent cot i ton looked less imDrobable last niirht than it did a month ago. The esti mates of the crop, he said, range from 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 bales. The financial emancipation of the south, he told the members of the chamber, is no "longer and irrides cent dream," and declared that it could be made a glorious reality. Mr. Harding said that some south ern banks had charged unusually high interest rates, but this charge does not apply to North Carolina, he said. He said one national bank had charg ed as high as 50 per cent, but that the average rate was about QVz per cent. BRYAN WILL SPEAK AT (By Associated Press.) Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 21. James A. Clark, editor of the Presbyterian Advance, received a telegram today stating positively that William J. Bryan would attend the efficiency con gress of the Southern Presbyterian church at Hot Springs, Arkansas, in October. NO STEPS YET : Union Miners Consider Asking Arrest I of Rockefeller. ! Denver, Col., Sept. 21 William i Diamond, representative in Colorado ! of the International Organization of ! the United Mine Workers of Amer- ica, asked about a rumor that steps j would be taken looking to the arrest ! of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., in connec tion with strike disorders said: ' "I have taken no such action but iwill discuss it with A. M. Belcher, j counsel for the International organi ! zation, who is expected to reach Den I ver tomorrow." SHOWN COTTON CONGRESS if J