Newspaper Page Text
1 Hickory If ORB m m Mr,-- V Da a r. waem 1 UTA vol ; ' HICKORY, N. C. FRIDAY EVENING SEPT. 29, 1916 Price Two Cents RIAL CHANCELLOR FRENCH D P.. ASSAILS GREAT BRITAIN MAKES BIG s That Country is Germany's Most Obsti Enemy Says Every Available Weapon II be Used to Bring Her to Terms Dramatic Speech. M Associated Press.) i London, Sept. lii), Cor- TSfrvo until victory is ,-Yhstatr was told yestcr- , , lor von Bethmann-IIol- rg to the full text of h i li was published here. r declared that this . -;it as made Germany's vr than last year. :!uik upon CJreat tfltain ! that that country was , one international anar- .'ther and was after all no; obst'nate enemy. mi statesmen," he said, . hesitate to use against cscry available instru- .-It' that would really shor- ,ir --such a statesman irired" the chancellor de- nil thv chanct'lor ex- . will not be permitted to i ' while her houie is burn in .ist first extinguish the iha'nVlor had conclud hstag adjourned until UKON DROWNS IN A WELL AT SPRAY NATIONAL i RAC E STILL VERY LO RECORD t, 29. One of the most uv'denta that has ever this section occurred at Paul F. Darron late Tues- n when John, the eight of Mr. and Mrs. Barron in the family well. A was drawing water while :iv'ni ahout the well ' ecu rig the least danger upon the covering and way of a decayed plank' I t i'kip'ated thc lad to f the we 1. It required quarters of an hour to iv to the surface. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, Sept. 29. Brooklyn and Philadelphia arec lose to a tie in one of 'the most exciting finishes seen in mary years in the National League. Brooklyn has the advantage of a tech nical half game, but the Phiiadel lhias are closer than that in percen tage, because they have played more games. Brooklyn and Philadelphia will play today and tomorrow and then Brooklyn will end the series with New York. Philadelphia will end the series by playing six games w th Boston, who still has an outside chance. 1 1 the American League Boston is 2 1-2 games '.n front of Chicaco. hav ing dropped back half a game yes-' terday by losing to New York, while Ch'cago and Detroit were idle. Bo.iton now has only to take three games out of five remaining games to win the pennant. (By Associated Press ) Pans, Sept. 29. Three "German aeroplanes shot down in two minutes and a half by a stop watch in the sec ond exploit of Lieut. Georges Guyn emeyer. Incidentally Lieutenant Guyenemer, who is known as "king of the aces" fell 10,000 feet but was un-1 hurt. Guyenemyer went ito the rescue of a French machine wh'ch was hard! pressed by German machines. He brought down two in 30 seconds. He was looking for a third when a shell burst under h'm, and sent his ma chine crashing downward. "I gave myself up for lost," he said, "but after fabing 5,000 feet I thought I would struggle all the same. Suddenly, something hanoen- ed and my speed d'minished, then tnere was a resounding crash and a violent sheck. When I recovered my wits, I wa.-s in the midst of the frag ments of my machinei and practi cally uninjured." AIRMAN MEN WON'T Mf BOYS AND GIR IN NEW YORK IN JUDGING STRIKE CONTEST LS ANGLO-FRENCH TROOPS GAIN MORE TERRITORY GOLD TO EUROPE MAY FOLLOW uad'o am I I (By Associated Press.) New York. Sept. 29. Labor un'on officials who attempted to organize a general strike here and in Westchester j county in sympathy with the striking street car men refused today to ad-j m l defeat and still claimed that near ly 200,000 men were on strike. j They announced, how.evfer, that ef forts to call out others will be post poned until Monday next. The most serious disappointment suffered by the labor chiefs was the action yesterday of the allied build ing trades with a membership of 100, 000 and teamstejrs with'' 20,000 in postponing a decision on the strike issue. ' The strikes in trades outside the street carmen include about 10,000 brewery workers and machinists. . NAT L. SIMMONS OF CHARLOTTE A SUICIDE Mr. und Mrs S. II. Fara- :'!.tcr. Vfthy J .'nr.": rare Com ..!! a one-ten Kissel Kar - A. A. Shu ford Mill DEATH OF HICKORY MAN Mr. Wyatt Haas, formerly a fire man on the C. and N.-W. railroad with his home in Hickory, died in Bristol, Tenn., last week. He was ra sed at Granite Falls and had a brother in Lenoir and a sister. Mrs G. E. Flowers in Hickory. He left his wife Mrs .Sallie Haas and little son Frank, three years ago. He was of a rovingd isposition and brought great anxiety to his loved ones. His wife and child have been living in the home of Mrs. M. E. Henkel ever since he left home, and they have the respect and sympathy of many ex cellent friends in Hickory. Mr. Haas was bur'ed in Bristol. Belgians Print Papers Despite All Efforts of German Authorities A.mi.'.a FmO " I Ihe editor of rWjlta Sent 29 The Bel- and attics, while the editona rooms, r.,m,nt authorities here business o'.-' a nee .1 - at rh P ' n (i i ,, ...1 i- a ciitw nhpilpd b ree information of the rcij,;unl( smiles down derisively at pptarance of patriotic 'on Bissing's vain enoris w captuic lirussels anc! through-, the editors. i r f ,a r0r La Patr.e is another of these secret i defiance of the uer- T4. -,,n,i,a nnW its , , , i newspapers. n. and despite all the tjtje tnat jt is a ''non-censored jour- ierman military ponce.; nai, appearing now, wnere ,f che mysteries of the; it pleases." Another ime i . T i i t is in t he secona year vl yuu.ia on of how , " tterness of thi3 paper is shown rs can be pub ished, in a standing line carr ed at the head tneir tariuui-'' of its euitui aia, iv. - :,.TYynru on hnur TrlPV Lftrmans oa uti wci " '-i"" '.wavs" A recent number snowea and circulate the papers. th Germans "en route for Calas" by i prce of 50,000 marks wa of tne yser river, with the bodies i .r a. t V'.non eniHiora slaughtered bv the , ,.t it k,cpS on "PPeaHnsWan, '"JVr. samo. Several of the f th t it printg what are said to have. cengored journals dare not and can- t number gave the ... .. .1 l. Dram Asnmth in tne y;,,r hard labor others to j ong" declaring there -:-ven years, and a woman,.' . . nQ ce until Belgium was i'v-hcu 1 m (By Associated Press.) Kansas City, Set. 29. The conven t on of the American Bankers' Asso-i ciation is expected to close here to day after adopting resolutions, elect-' ing officers and agreeing on the place of meetirs next year. "Heavy exports of gold from this country to Europe may follow the close of the European war," said Paul M. YTarnburg, vice-governor of the federal reserve board in address ing the association here today. Mr.' Warnburg appealed to the bankers to forearm by increasing their balances with the federal reserve bank. Charlotte, Sept. 29. Nat L. Sim mons, 43 years of age, a prominent citizen of Charlotte, committed sui cide at his home here on East avenue by shooting himself through the tem ple with a .32 calibre pistol. His wife had just left the room, where he was lying on a sofa, when she heard the shot. She rushed to find him with a hole through his right tejnple and a smoking revolver in his right hand. Mr. Simmons had been in bad health for two years and was subject to pe riods of despondency at- times, but no one suspected he contemplated seif-destruction, although he had said on one or two occasions to friends "something seems to teil me to kill myself." YOUNG WHITE WOMAN ARRESTED IN HICKORY Chief Lentz this morning arrested a young white woman who was found in the vacant Chinese laundry build ing on Ninth avenue, she saying she had come to town last night. Chief Len'tz is moving to pull the place, to gether with the man who are responsi ble for it, and there may be some ex posures in a short while. JAMES H. SOUTHGATE HAS PASSED AWAY papm ngrave V, a. I tors -I and n th vi'r ' th- ' kpt m fitter "ints ''' n.-orship whatever. r ropy - office: Not being handy ' 'ablishfd address we are a movable automobile cel- (T.y Associated Press.) Durham, N. C., Sept. 29. James Haywood Southgate, 57 years old, at one t me candidate for vice-president of the United States on the Prohibi tion ticket, and one of the best known men in the state, died at his cabin near University Station in Or ange county at 1 o'clock, according to a telephone message received by re latives this afternoon. He returned to his cabin in Orange county Thursday afternoon after a day spent in this city and apparently was in good health. MARKETS :t:tmiiimmmHnt:mmmttmm COTTON FUTURES (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 29. The cotton market opened steady at an advance of seven points today, with Decem ber selling at 16.13 and January at 1G.20. The market soon turned easier on realizing or scattered liqui dations before the end of 'the first hour. The market closed steady. Open Close October 15.82 15.88 December 16.10 16.11 January 16.20' 16.16 March 16.36 16.33 May 16.55 16.50 Wrheat I$1.40 Cotton 15 'i !iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimuimmmmt DEPUTY WAR MINISTER THE WEATHER FRED GERMANY For North Carolina: Fair tonight and Saturday; much cooler tonight and on the coast Saturday: frost in the extreme western portion tonight fresh north west Winds. "T A 1 1 r , ('-rr.iv i years, and a woman,; fce nQ peace u'ntil Belgium was ru ns, to five years, i r The editorial was headed: that a supposed editor' 'Teuton pirates and Vandals" -kii nouisnanpra are J-ia the German autnor-i :9L rion. There trouble is ended, the , Weekly Review of the o fol'owing day more prcnch Press, giving articles which with a cartoon mak- have been 1 ptosecuuon. annear. with hand- of these secret Pa" gome engravings and colored maps, r furos'tv. Free .: tv, nelcian story as against has eiven the most: the German. , , .hwiti. romDaring favorably: patriotism, submit- ith those from the official press bu- hip whatever. rcau at Paris and unaon. , " therel clastic, from zero it- jg wen done, showing that there 1 u -Kio tyi pn to gather the SlSrlS S put Tt in shape The sheets, mechanically, are even better than those issued at Pans and Lon vwino' there must be a large - i ... u:.iuu"'?"un,''.. j...i;,.tinff nrocess 1 nnnis: iiusmess u'" and first ciass uui)m""k , 'i. rman domination, we somewhere beyond the power of tne s,d our advertising pagej Cenn.n. to dwejger th lve3 do our patrons to keep ineir i.nM fv,;s w0rk is aone, u T1(JL . M.I- O.I it is simply lncomprenenD nu w - th'9, editing, publ shing, printing, rir ".vn Dore'H Scenes in Hell, the innumerable books and -mon and children in ar- out eW"Pf"' accomplished v an, ram pled down by a a prer,s s ervice, can lice Grrman helmet, the face in secret wJG erm '-r bo ng evidently meant straining Xeheads of editors. It r i lie Kaiser. Another err- pr;ces on the neaas tQ be an ' -1 "Love's Chagrin" showa takes courage and mgen "n R ising, the military ! editor in Belgium unu ' nt Brussels, trying to find tions. (By Associated Press.) Berlin, via London, Sept. 29. Gen. Von Wandel, deputy m'nister for war, has been dfismiissed' from the war ministry, according to an official statement given out by the German government today. CATHOLIC ELECTED L BRITISH STEAMER LORD MAYOR ONDON SENT TO BOTTOM (By Associated Press.) London, Sept. 29. Lloyds an nounces that the steamer Roddam has been sunk and that 11 members of the crew have been landed at Valencia. Mr, Homer, county agent, has issued the foil-owing to the boys and girls of the county: I We are to have a boys' and girls' ( dairy cow judging contest at 'the f air again this fall, and have $40 to off er as prizes to the four best judges. ; Our county is and shouldb be the leading dairy county of 1;he s,.ate, but much depends upon the boys and , girls as to our future success In dairy ing. If you expect to be the lead-j ing dairymen of the future you must prepare yourselves. One of the first steps is to know how to judge a dairy cow. . In order to give the boys and girls ' of the county a better knowledge of i the dairy cows, we will hold two dairy judging schools. The first wi 1 be held at the Dulih Duliy Farms on September 30 and the second at R. L. Shuford's farm on October 14. Every boy and girl in the county is urged to attend these meetings. We will besrin work at 9 a. m. and trust that everybody will be on hand at 'ch"s hour. Bring your lunch and come prepared to spend the day. : Both Forces Press Forward in Big Drive for Pe ronne and Bapaume, the British Being Short Distance From Goal Serbians Re pulse Bulgarians, COL OLDS TALKS 10 HICKORY CHILDREN Col. Fred A. Olds of Raleigh, well known correspondent and writer, de livered a short talk to the school chil rh cn this morning. The colonel, while a favorite with cveiyoody, is a special friend of the j from Bapaume towards (By the Associated Press) New drives made by the French l8t night and tl;3 British this morning re sulted in the capture of addit'onal ground in the Somme drive, London announcer?. The French gaTn as reported in the afternoon Paris builet'n was effected between Freg'court ar r! Morval on the Peronne-iT?!aptumc( road north of Rancourt, where the wedge being driv en into the German line between Ba pauma and Peronne is almost at its sharpest point. Th? r;-v7 ground won by the Britisk as reported by London lies something more than a quarter of a mile from LeFers on the Pozieres-Bapaume road. Th's nlace is about S 1-2 ITm which the ER BIG DAY (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 29 Thef mature of today's eai-ly stock market was the extraordinary demand for prac tically all. the iron and steel stocks. United States Steel rose to 120 5-8. Exceptf or steel and other promi nent stocks of that class, the - issues have participated only in a minor ex tent in the remarkable activity of the past .month. Today's operations, how ever, were so w'de and extensive as to place that group in the foreground. Gains in the forenoon ranged from one almost to five points in. United States Steel, Lackawanna, Crucible and Gulf States Steels, Colorado Fuel, Great Northern Four, Ameri can Car and American and Baldwin Locomotives. Extensive profit taking shaded ga'ns before the end of the active trading. . Realizing sales had but little ef fect on pr'ces. Buying spread un t' it took in some of the "'j-ar brides" and additional equ'pment issues. Rails also asserted themselves to some advantage, especially Union Pacific and eRadlng. By 1 o'clock a total of 1,250,000 shares had changed "hands. ch ldren and wherever he is known he is loved. In Raleigh many years ago he organized the "Sunshiners" and carried boys and girls every sum mer on long hikes or took them to camp. That was before the day of the Boy Scouts or Camp Fire Girls. Colonel Olds lias been tramping through the mountains. He went into Wilkes county, where he was called on to speak for good roads and schools, and then turned his foot steps towards Grandfather mountain, Boone and Blowing Rock. He ar rived in Hickory late yesterday after noon, and the first thing he did was j men ot Teutonic allies have been made to accept an invitation from Mr. A. J prisoners and 600 cannon and 2,500 M. West to throw his hook into the ! machine guns and mine throwers have Catawba. j beep, captured. ! There was frost every morning fori Around Petroseny and Hermann- tour days at Boone, Colonel Olds said.jstadt in Transylvan'a the Teutonic al- British in this sector are pressing. The captured territory comprises a de fended farm. On the Macedonian front the Bul garians have resumed thfeir efforts to drive the Serbians from their po sitions on the Serbian border in the re gion of Lake strovo, but, according to Paris, this attempt failed. The Russian general staff an nounces that since Gen. Brussiloff be gan his offensive 420,000 officers and and he had a fire to get up by. It wasn't tropical down here last week either, but tjhe weather mocif'ated considerably in the last two days. lies and the Rumanians are engaged n b'tter fighting but with no impor tant result havinj? been attained hv I either side. The situation in the Do- At the North school Col. Olds waslbrudja region is unchanged. presented by Supt. Mcintosh to thei On the Macedonian front Paris re school as a man of wide travel and j On the Macedonian front Paris re- experience, and one always to be re membered in North Carol na for his enthusiastic interest in history and his love for children. Col." Odds spoke to the children about his re cent trip to Mexico, and for twenty minutes held their rapt attention. Later Col. Olds accompanied Supt. Mcintosh to the colored schol and spoke to the children on a trip which he made some years ago to Africa. He stressed in this address the great advantage the colored man enjoys in this country as contrasted -to the ad vantages he would have had in Africa, and appealed to the colored children to make themselves law-abiding re sponsible citizens of their state and nation. It was the intention of Col. Olds to visit the other schools of the city, but his limited time was entirely taken up before he had time to visit the South school and Claremont. He promised to return some time during the fall season and visit these schools. He spoke enthusiast:cally of the playgrounds that have been recently constructed and declared, that mi Raleigh the playground was one of! the greatest boons imaginable, both' to the parents and the children. SMALL BOY DIES OF FOOTBALL INJURIES (sssjj paiupossy -9) Waycross, Ga., Sept. 29. Palmer Bosworth 14 years old, son of Mrs. W. J. Eve of Tampa, Fla., died here today of injur es received yesterday during a football game. His skull was fractured when he was tackled by two boys, spectators say. The boy with his mother was vis iting relatives here. This is the first death from injuries from football reported in this section this year. ROOSEVELT LEAVES TO ports tne repulse of Bulgarian at tacks on both sides of Fiorina. There have been bombardments by the Brit ish of pos'tions of the allies, of the central powers by land batteries in the vicinity of Dorian and by warships in the Aegean sea. Aside from an infantry attack by the Austrians in the upper Cordevole valley, which Rome says was repuls ed, only artillery duels have taken place, in the Austro-Italian theatres. Greece's entry into the war on the side of the entente allet has not yet beer, announced. An unofficial dis patch from Athens gives the text of the proclamation of a divisional gov ernment in Crete by Former Premier Venlzelos and Admiral Coundouriotis which declared that if the king should decide not to take the lead of the national forces "it is our duty to do the needful thing to save the country from the threatening ruin." SUFFRAGISTS PLAN AMENDMENT DAYS MAKE SPEECH (By Associated Press) London, Sept. 29 Sir William ITenry Dunn was today elected lord iv. ay or fo London. The new lord mayor will take office in November will ze the third Roman Catholic lord mayor in recent years. The Roddam was a British steam er of 3,200 tons gross built in 1912. She left Barry, Wales, on Septem ber 3 forSavona, Italy, and was re ported at Gibral.iar September 10. DR. WOOD TO RETURN N01NCREASE (By Associated Pres.) New York, Sept. 29. Theodore Roosevelt leaves this afternoon for Battle Creek, Mich., where he will de liver tomorrow his second speech in the campaign. Republicans and Frogressives will unite to entertain him. After delivering his address, Col onel Roosevelt will return to New York. He plans to leave on his western trip in the second week of October and will speak in several western cities. PARALYSIS CASES WILSON WIL (By Associated Press) 1 New York, Sept. 29 The ep'demic of infantile paralysis wanes slowly. Today's health report-gives 26 new cases for the 24 hours end ng at 10 a. m., which is the same fifure re ported for the two previous days. Deaths reported number 12. PO L MEET T ER AGAN times get better. I'hic address: Care of Ger r'i"idor at Brussels." ' i. Ksue of Free Belgium n by Raemaker, adapted CLUBS TAKEN OVER (By Associated Tress.) London, Sept. 29. The, N national liberal: club and; lhec onstittitiona;! club, two of the most widely known London clubs, have been commanded for war administration purposes. Both buildings are close to the war and the ministry of munitions. L'ke all the clubs fo London these two have suffered such a large de crease in membership through the war that the action of the govern ment will inconvenience only a hand ful of the older members. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aber ne'.hy, a daughter. Dr. Ia. Wood who has sold out his dentistry business to Dr. G G. Scott,1 announces that he will be in Hickory for a month yet, when he will go' away for five or six weeks in the hope of recovering his health. He ex pects -to return and may engage in some other business. "But I'm a Hickory man" Dr. Wood added, "and am coming back to stay." Teachers' RecePtion From 3 until 5:30 tomorrow after noon the club women of Hickory will be at home to the school teachers and patrons of the public schools at the residence of Mrs. J. Worth Elliott. I The Record is requested' to announce that formal invitations were not is sued, but that the public is given a cordial invitation to attend. GERMAN CRUISERS OFF FOR PHILADELPHIA ('S33JJ pajmoossv ff) ! Long Branch, Sept. 29 President; vT hon today arranged to have con-j feverces with newspaper men which j vs. a feature for the first two years, cf his administration. Through this medium he is expected to discuss pol itics freely. When Pres'dent Wilson was inau gurated he began meeting the Wash intn correspondents, but .d scontin ued the twice-a-week meetings when the foreign situation bacame acute. (By Associated Press.) New York, Sept. 29. The Nation al American Woman Suffrage Asso ciation announces the designation of October 7 and October 21 as Federal amendment days, and on those days, suffragists all over the country will mark the progress and status of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment with fitting public demonstration. On October 7, public meetings will be held by the suffragists of the lo cal organizations at which will be giv en the first reports on the canvass of Congressional candidates. The can didates' views on suffrage will - be read, suffrage speeches will be made, and the voters urged to support the men who hav dteefcred ifor .equal suffrage and who have promised their aid in getting the Federal amendment through congress if they are elected. The anti and non-committal candi dates will have another chance, how ever, to receive the endorsement of suffragists. On October 21, a second series of meetings will be held, and all candidates who have experienced a change of heart will be advertised accordingly. On this day, also a suffrage tableau will be staged, sym bolizing the political status of wo manhood in the various states of the United States. The first of these tableaux wflii beg iivfn in Central Park, New York City. Photographs of the tableau will be made and sent to the presidents of the state organi zations, who will model their demon strations after the original one as planned by the National Association. MAJOR GOTHRI EILL AT HOME IN DURHAM TO BEGIN SERIES OF SERMONS SUNDAY NIGHT (ssaij pe;eioossy eq; a) Norfolk, Va., Sept. 29. The Ger man interned crusers Prirz von Wil helm and Kron Prinz Eitel Fredrick loft. Hsmnton Roads this morninjr for Philadelphia. The change of base was because there was insufficient room at the Norfolk navy yard. Hub Bell, a young negro boy wanted for breaking into the Cali fornia fruit store, has been surren dered to the police by his mother. Rev. A. L. Stanford Sunday night will beg'n a series of sermons on the ''Four things most detrimental to thej cause of Christ in the community. Last Sunday" he asked h's congregation to give him the'r opinions as to the four things most, detrimental and from these he will preach. Like other ministers, Mr. Stanford has been ask ed a number of times why he did not discuss n ore practical subjects and he has allowed his congregation to judge these things. (By Aseeeiated Preea.) Durham, N. C, Sept. 29. Major W. A. Guthrie, one of North Caro lina's foremost citizens and especial ly well known as a corporation lawyer, s ill with paralysis at his home in th's city and physicians hold out lit tle hope for his recovery. He has been unconscious for several hours. Mrs. Cleveland Whitener and Mr. John. Whitener, who left Catawba some years ago, are visiting Ifrs. W. P. Rhoney in the county. .