Newspaper Page Text
Littleton Female College. Splendid location. Health mot Hut water Wat Electric tights and ether Bandera improvement. 240 boarding puptia last year. Hije standard of srnutaraup, culture ana social ore. cwrenrnraunry aavanurn in asusse. vaaesd course in Art and Elocution. Business ColWe. Bible, and Normal courses. 1 Hcwlia record nut surpassed. Close personal attention to the health and aortal oevetoprnent of each pupil. Unitonn worn on ail public orcaaw CHARGES VERY LOW. U Annual Session will begin on Sedtember lWo. 1907. For catalogue. address REV. J. M. 1UIODES. Pdent, LITTLETON, N. C. If You Want YOUR DAUGHTER Te have a good home and good heaitlh. with rood Influence and thorough Instruction, tend her to Davenport College Department of Musk unexcelled. For Catalogue address CHAS. C. WEAVER, - - Lenoir, N. C. PIEDMONT HIGH SCHOOL. "Moat htaruly ito I rvrom mend th. araM4 tt all who hv. aua uJ iWuirhtra to e.liK.1.. Chaa. I Tnjrlur. f mllrnl Sat. Kumt Coll. Oa il sldM I mw mdrnoM f patient. paln ukine labor. Ikunxuik arhoUrahia and marira xftfuuvv .unity. j. a. iarii., rroi itin. v. at ruit. "Th. In.trnclloa It thorough and tha InduenrH aurruaadliur th. pupil U srlln. t P. TrrUway. "Ia mv opinion lhr Is no HlKh Srhwil In thin part of lb (wintry doing better aud more Ihorolujh wura. K. 1 . wrliu, Mrmlwr to 4 otutrvwa. -Th. beat ud ehMUMl arhool I. to Stat. U. kooa. Naatbrr ot 1)H ut the but preparatory arhoola In the State." Cleveland Star. Daar Sir- Th. voune men who have come to the 1'nlv.rv.ltv trow the rie.taHit High Srhuul have tatan a ftod tnl In their ctae. and have duoe faulirul and vaU.faetory ra. Very truly youra. KrauuU P. YenaUe, Pn-aiuVut. Thla arhool la tltualed In Cleveland County, at the loot bill, uf th Blue Kids. Mairnlfl aentarenery. Mineral ater. No malaria, fplendld eoatnunlty Not a laHim in the ounly. hvrd at actual o.t. Iut year the averaire eot of board waa l vn per month Tu ition 1 to la. Itoou rent metier month, heasloii opens Auicut Mil. for Uluittratrd cam liarue, walte to W. D. BURNS, Principal, Lawndale, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Norma and industrial college. Regular Courses leading to degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of Ann, Bachelor of Science-, and a new course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Music. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., f 170 a year. For free-tuition students, f 1 '-'.'). The Normal Department gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special dagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers and Graduates of other colleges are offered a one-year special course in Pedagogy and allied subjects. The Commercial Department offers practical instruction in Stenography, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and other business subjects. The Departments of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruc tion in Manual Training and in such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Music Department, in addition to the degree course, oilers a certifi cate course in vocal and instrumental music. To secure board in the dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 13. The fall term opens September 18. 1W7. For catalogue and other information, address J. I. Foust, President. Greensboro. N. C Insurance and Real Estate Announcement. IMPORTANT. The interests of the People's Bank and the Savings, Loan and Trust Company have been consolidated, and the for mer having been converted into a National Bank, it became necessary to make a change in the Insurance Departments of the two institution. They have therefore been consolidated, and will become one under the name of "The Insurance Department of The Savings, Loan and Trust Company," W. M. Gordon and N. C. English, Managers, and offices at The Savings, Loan and Trust Company's. We feel that the change will be a great benefit to our customers, unit ing as it does the splendid companies of both old agencies, with experienced men to give the business close attention. This Department will do a General Insurance Business; Write Fidelity Bonds; Buy and Sell Real Estate; Handle Real Estate on Commission; and Collect Rents. All business intrusted to us will have prompt attention and will be ap preciated. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, Savings, Loan and Trust Company. W. M. GORDON and N. C. ENGLISH. tlr. Nattoa Takes a Turn in Char lotte. Chariots Chraakrte. Ul Mr. Carrie Xatiooeihorted twice and sold little hatchet several tiniM in Charlotte Teste rdT. She ia a stirring speaker and a a Data ntl eouseiiueoee, a saleswoman of no mean ability. Her denuocia lions, gesticulation and enthusiasm at the court house yesterday after noon and last night were sizsliug in comparison with the weather, which was strictly summer. An enormous crowd heard her at night People came even from the cvuutrT to get a rlwir of the wo man who flashed like a streak of lightning at Wichita, Kan., seven vearsairo. The folks elbowed tbeut selves iuto standing room ia the stuffy court bouse to see ner niarcn in with her little satchel tilled with hatchets and Carrie Nation liters ture, aud then, after giviug her a hearty cheer, some of them mopped their foreheads aud twisted tuem selves cut to let newcomers have standiug room. "Well, I saw what sort of look ing woman she is, anyhow," they would say before going to the mov ing picture shows or to the park. And duriug all this time, Mrs. Nation was exhorting. She was telliug the people about Carrie Na twu. ".Nearly everybody has nearti I INIVERSITV Vof North Carolina. I 1789-1907. Mead ol the State's Education System. DEPAOTT1ENT5. College Engineering, Uraduate, l-w, Medicine, Pharmacy. Library contains fj.UM volumes. New water works, electric lights, cen tral heating system. New dormito ries, gymnasium, Y. M. (.'. building, library. :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 7J2 5tudents. 74 in Faculty. The Fall term begins Sept. , P.KI7. Address FRANCIS P. VF.NABLE. President, aiArm hill, s. o. Trinity Park School A First-class Preparatory School. Certificates of Graduation Accepted for Entrance to lA'ading Southern College. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. 1 Eucultv of Ten Of ficers and Teachers. Campus of Seventy-live Acres. Library containing Thirty Thous and Volumes. Well Equipped Gym nasium. Hijrh Standards and Mod em Methods of Instruction. Frequent Lectures by Prominent Lecturers. Expenses Exceeding ly Moderote. j Seven Years ol Phenomina! Success. For Catalogue and other informa tion, address H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C. IroQiQg Made Easy Long Felt W&nt Supplied. if' I ' .'A-. V.: :f-a A Cool Room to do Your Work. Saoothiag Iron Hmmw Co., Manufacturm, Sumter, S. C. The above cut illustrates a Smoothing Iron Heater, which is some thing new, and the only thing of the kind in the United States. Descrip- . . . ... a,, i i : l : .i, i i i Uon Made Ol HO. vj sneet iron, very ueavy, size over an u in. uy 10 m be 161 in. hich and weighs 10 pounds. We are placing them in thousands of homes. They please all and cost only a trifle, $ 1.98, and pays for itself twice a season. You do your work in half the time and twice as neat It works just as successful outdoors ta inside, with chips, bark, corncobs or coal, at a cost of a penny or two a iar: and for heating tea, coffee or serving warm nourishment is a conve nience for the sick room and general home use. There is nothing better which costs you so little. Two thousand homes need and want one in tne county. Address all communications to n. K. MULLTS. County Agent. Phone Na 3, Sincerity Exchange. Unionville, N. C Route No. 2. r USMMM j The Siloes Co. Now is the time to buy a new buggy. We have just received several car loads. Come and let us show you through. Solid car load of famous "Old Hickory'; wagons just put together. Remember: If you can't pay cash, we will credit you. Tl)e Siloes Go. TRINITY X COLLEGE Four Departments - Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and I-aw. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all depart ments of science. Gymnasium fur nished with best apparatus. Expen ses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to study law should investigate the suerior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. For Catalogue and further Infor mation, address D. W. NEWSOM. Registrar, Durham, North Carolina. 120-Ac re Tract of Land for Sale In Lanes Creek Township. By virtue of an order and decree of D. A. Houston, cleric of superior court of Union county, N. C, in exparte proceedings instituted by the heirs at law of B. A. Parker, de'e, I will sell, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Monroe, Union county, N. C, on the 29th day of July, 1907, st 12 o'clock, for cash, the hereinafter described real estate, which consists of two contiguous tracts, bounded and de scribed as follows: 1st Tract, beginning at an elm where the oki corner stood by a hall bush on the west side of Cool Spring branch and runs with B. C. Ashcrsft lines along the various courses S. H7 W. 20chs.; thence N. 87 W. 4.70 cha. to a stake bv a rum and P. O. on the south side of said road; thence S. IK, W. 12 chs. to a stake by a gum and P. 0.; thence S. 71J E. 25 chs., the dividing line of lot No. 1 and kit No. Z, to an ash by an ash in the branch thence down the various courses of said branch to the beginning, on the west side of said branch near the big road, containing forty acres, more or less. and being the land deeded bv G. B. Brewer and wife to B. A. Parker by a deed dated iztn day liee., ikm, book 14, page 4ri2, to which reference is here by made. 2nd Tract, beginning at an ash by an ash on west side of Uml boring branch. and runs the dividing line of lot Noa. 1 and 2. N. 711 W. 25 chs. to a stake by a gum and P. O.; thence S. 1st W. 24.25 cha. to a dead R. O. by two P. O., Wil liam Perry's corner; thence with thedi vision line S. 52 E. 14.50 cha. to three pines; thence 8. 75 E. 16 chs. to an ash by a over cup oak on the west aide of said branch; thence down the various courses of Cool Sonne Branch to the bermning, containing HO acres, more or less, being the lands willed to Jane Morgan Parker, dee'd., as will appear upon reference to book of Wills in the office of the clerk of Superior court of Union county, to which reference la nereby made. This the 19th day of June, A. D. 1907. JOHN C. S1KES, Commissioner. ftedwlns Sikea, Attya. Administrator's Notics, Having qualified before D. A. Hous ton, Clerk of the Superior Court of Union County, aa administrator of Eu- mrj Minion, deeeaaeo, una is to noury aU persons holding claims against said intestate to nresent the same to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the IHth day of June, 1908, or this Ktiee will be pleaded in bar of their riotery. Parties indebted to said estate will pteaae make prompt settlement This the 18th June, 1907. Tub Savings, Loan TsusT Co., Admr. F.unicev Uinson. Deed. A. U. Stack, Attorney. something about Carrie Nation," she said, "but nobody has ever beard the truth about Carrie Na tion. They have said that I am ridiculous, that 1 am a fanatic, aud that I am crazy, but I waut to tell you that I am doing that work iu the world that God mapped out for me when I was cotisecratetl the work that nobody else ran do. "Yes, they have made all man ner of fun of nie, but today the policy of Carrie Nation is the jhiI tcy that the world need. 'Every nation welcome but Carrie' U a sign that they place iu Western sa loons. Why do they do tbi? It is because they are ahead of every nation but Carrie Nation." Mrs. Nation rovers a wide lield snd forgets ceither the hi-h nor the low in her discourse). She makes prohibition the central point, but she diverges iuto all di rections aud rallies all i-Issm-s and conditions of uieu under the main tent Kepublicaus are as 1-ad as IVmocrats aud Presideut Roose velt is no worse than Col. ISryan, but the man w ho believes iu teui perauce is the man after her heart. And she likes the poor man, too. "I was readiug today something in one of your papers about the Governor of your State," she said, "aud I waut to tell you that be is the right sort of a mini. lie talks prohibition aud he believes iu pro hibition. When he steps down from his present, olliee 1 want you to give him something better; 1 waut you to send him to the I'uited States Senate." Mrs. Natiou deals in a most in teresting maimer iu reiuiiiiM-eneeA. People remember her principally for her hatchet slinging proclivities aud they like to bear her paint iu words some of her eerieuc'S. "When they placed me iu jail once, ' sue reuieiuierel, "tne cruel man who slaniuied the irou door in my face saw tears in my ees aud he shouted to his associates, 'She is humbled now because she is cry ing.' Hut I shouted back to tlicui that I would never give up my light aud when they let me out 1 would make hell howl. Then it went all over the country that Car rie Natiou had cursed. They tlid this to make a wrong impression ou the world as to my motives iu life." Many cople alio went to the court house last night tliroiiL'h curiosity remained throughout the sermon. If the impression in Char lotte as general before yesterday that Mi's. Natiou is course, unre fined and a joke, that impression does not prevail with many today. She talks fluently, uses gisid hug lish and thinks clearly. Hie is an agreeable surprise. After the discourse Mrs. Nation sold a large numlier of her little hatchets. She returned to Salisbury early this nioruiug. The Fourth in Wadesboro. t'harliitlellrrver. A party of congenial spirits, all of whom, with one exception, were traveling men, were talking togctlt er in the lobby of the liufnrd yes terday afternoon. The "Fourth" was being discussed and many were the stories told, line of the mini ler hud speut Imli'iietiflt'iioo Iay in Hickory, another iutireensltoio, a third in Lincoluton, a fourth in Salisbury with Aunt Carrie and the rest at dill'ereut points. "My Fourth was spent in Wades boro, the capital of Anson," re marked one of the iiumlicr, "and for the si.e of the town and the uumlier of people, was the most hilarious and all round lilorious Fourth I ever experienced. "Such shooting and yelling I uever before heard and hoiw I uev er will again. The little city, a beautiful place, was tilled with ne groes from early morning until late at night They commenced coming in at daybreak aud started to drink ing as soon as they arrived. The procesniou to the jail began early in the day and continued until I dropped oft asleep late iu the even ing. The guard house, a compui a lively new building, was soon tilled and the county jail was pressed Iuto service. That, too, was crowd ed before dark. The local police officers were busily engaged in marching drunk darkies to the city lock-up all day. It was an unend ing procession. As fast as one was disposed of, here came another. So great grew the number of pris oners that the officers were forced to carry the overflow down to the depot aud there lock them up in box care. After nightfall, there were druuk negroes lying around in almost every back lot Ex hausted with the heat of the day aud sleepy from the effect of the liquor they had imbilied, a nuinber dropped on before they could reach their wagoua and leave towu. I venture the assertion that no city in the State celebrated the Fourth as did Wadesboro. As for darkies, uever before have I seen so many. They were present in great crowds. They took absolute possession of the principal walks aud in many places filled the streets. About the doors, front and bark, of the eight or nine saloons, they were gathered like bees about a hive. A few white people moved about here aud there but not many. The negroes bad it all their own way. Three big box cars were required to hold the over flow." Constipation. For constipation there is nothing quite so nice as Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They always produce a pleasant movemeot of Ins Dowels without any disagreeable e Ifect. Pries 15c. Samples ire. English Drog Co. Mr. Benjamin 5. Duke, the mil lionaire philanthropist of Durham, who had already give large anus of money to educational iastita tious of the State, especially to Triuity College, has added another douation. This ia made to the North Carolina eonierenrw of the Methodist Episcopal rhan-h, South the gift Ineiug Looisborg Female College, hich is situated at Louis burg, in Franklin county. This college was purchased a few years Interesting Items of New a. Dr. James Itiuwiddie, for sixteen years president of Peace Institute, Kaleigh, died at the home of his son iu California last Tuesday. It is aunouueed that the biggest attraction at the State fair iu Ral eigh iu tvtolvcr sill lie Willuuu J. LUyau aud William Cody, better known as Rutlalo Hill. Four nieu uear Newliern sought 1 shelter iu a house trout a thuuder ty. tut) Mr. Washington storm Tuesday snd lightning strut -k ,ukr fa,u. f Mr. R X. Duke, sud wrecked the and killed wm, jt s about to be sold for one of tuem. 1 here seems to be au , ,vi,t. It ia now nrtwnted lie Mr. unusual numlier of deaths from j s,,u p,, j ot.r tna, it may be iigmumg lumuguow me wme tuu niaiutaioed for voung women on a J1-- footing with Triuily College for Five hnudred soldiers, members' young men. This gift ill add of the second South Carolina aud:Uiuth to the educational advant first Kentucky rcgiiiicutsiiicarupat , ages of the young somen of North I the JameMos n exiHwition grounds, 1 uioiina. Thursday night became riotous, Hrart failure occasioned bv ex threw off all discipline, ran over.j frint j, lajjieved to have : : . . ,..i : . . i . r coucesnionaries, taking charge of shows, and shell the I owhatau guards intervened, a riot follow ed, several N'iug injured. Will Fesperuian, a traiee per former, sas M'lioiisly injured at Salisbury by falling from a ole forty feet to the ground. At a pub lie exhibition he attempted to stand 011 his head 011 the pole aud lost beeu the cause of the death of Mr. sud Mrs. J. II. Merritt's little eight year-old sou, at the home of his parents near Piueville, Monday af ternoon, suys the Otiserver. The little lcllow, with several com pan ions, was playing out in the barn yard. Due of the cows, a rather vicious brute, doubtless enraged by the children's actions, started to ll is balance aud fell like a dart, wards them, shaking her bead and lauding ou bis head. The accident , acting as if mad. All ran aud was witnessed bv a thousand or 1 scrambled uuderneath the fence. more people. Fespermau is a The little Merritt boy was behind Rowau county man. the rest and was the last to escape. Mr. J. W. I la i ley, chairman of the executive committee of the A ut i Saloon league, reports that a live campaigu has becu started in He rolled under the fence, but did uot get up. The other children, k now ing t bat something was wrong, gave the alarm. A physiciau was Governor Glenn opened the cam paign for prohibition in Asheville last week and was introduced by Judge Pritchard as one of the ablest men who ever filled the guberna torial chair. Bad tick headaches, biliousness or constipation are quickly relieved by DeWitt't Utile Early Risers. Small pill, sore pill, tsfe pill prompt sod pleasant ia action. Sold by S. J. Welsh and C. N. Simptoo, Jr, 1 1.... .1.. f..ll.. F.i, . -1.1.. f i, , Bliuillliioe.1, utll luv lime iciiuw van .deiiton to rid that town of its teu : , . .. , ' . . , : . . ,, . 1 . i ueao. 1 ut rt viriv uu uiutscvuii iiib . !.i .1 I: T, . "J body and it is believed that he died ami stiiiii ittu tiiriv a tew tiitni . , . t ago, when there was sno or l.iKHi 01 ,rlK"u lieople preseut. He predict that Mr. Clarence II. Foe, editor of the good old towu of Kdentou will . the Progressive Farmer, left yester day on a tour or the Southern States, representing a syndicate of 1 11 i.-., (.... .1;.. . ! --... .1 ' daily papers and two leading Amer 1 1 a .41 -mi 111 vniiiiuiii in wmmilih . 1 .... .r .1 -. . loan niapfcztneft, to pro pare a series uii vnci uiv ntituuii t;i uu- uniuiiii: 1 - . 1 1 a, r' A.u.i .....! in- tin. luut ii,.!. I 'f articles ou the development of Ti.i..,.i ..r .. 1,. 1, ....... i the South. The coming of the cot . 110 p..,.,,. v. , 11,1011 linn mr 1 . ... . ,. ell .u tuu Hint to uitf cuiiou ueiu, tue at a day uot far distant be freed from its teu saloon. the rounds of every town that has' bid for the school, and it was an- j iioiiiiccd that the decision would be; given out last Thursday, but thej hoard did not decide and put oil the , agony until the loth of the mouth. puzling tjuestiou of immigration, the irrepressible negro problem, child lalor iu the factories, an I frage restriction, the educational revival, the development of our ......... .....I ftl.A M....,,. l,,l.. oil tl...., .I...1 biiu v.uii-1 viu.n, tur nunuvi ,1111111. inn- nil i inn.- ifiii.r., mill .- i . i i il. Kiluwil ! live ..iv....l ,ul iK'ProveiiHiit iu, the I....1I....I n.onev for i. r. i.. ana. iftIuK political panorama - all M'iise that produces pain. Governor Iluylies of New ork ! to make a study of each. Mr. these things are fraught with in lioihu. i nrnwiur ami it ia liia tmnuiuji and Woodros- Wilson, president of Princeton I Diversity, serethe ora tors of the day ut the joint Inde H'iulence Day celebration ami lirsl annual reunion of the lineal de scendants of t he signets of the I h-c-laraliou of Independence at the Jamestown exposition duly 4th. The reunion was held under the auspices of the Thomas Jell'crsou Memorial Association, of which former Secretary of the Navy Hil ary A. Herbert is the acting presi dent. On account of their unproier re Poe will visit Columbia, Charleston, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, liaton Itouge, Jackson, Birmingham, Nashville, Frankfort, and Little Jtock. Bad Burn Quickly Healed. "1 am so delimited with what Cham berlain's Salve has done for me that 1 feel bound to write aud tell you so, says Mrs. Kobt. Mytlnn, 457 John st.. 1 1 a 1111 1 tun , Ontario. "My little dauKb ter had a bad burn on her knee 1 ap plied Chamberlain's Salve and it heal rd beautifully," This salve allays the ,ii iiiiiiitnt ,11 1111 11 1111111 uin-i iv-i 1,1 ... .1 : ... . .,. ,. , ,, ' 1 r' pain of a burn almost iiistsutly. It is it,.. ,,, ... eio.u "" ". ocg.o 01 ( for ae by Lng,i(h Drug Compl; ,Fu. p., linn. if; 111 1. 1 ,, iimiu, nili'l sny. his wife to death, then went to his brother's house und killed him. The slayer then went to Mi. Lamm's store and got twelve dol lars Mr. Lamm owed him. He told Mr. Lamm he had done what he intended to do; asked him to take charge of the farm, sell the mule, Joseph Dawidawski, formerly a Catholic priest at Plymouth, Pa.. has applied for admission to the Lutheran Missouri synod. A Wonderful Happening. Port ltyron, N. Y, has witnessed and if anything was left to give it !"w,of the "'t remarkable cases ol to his children. He theu went j healing ever recorded. Amos F home, packed his grip, kissed his children mid told them goodbye, saying they would never see him sgaiu. He changed his mind, how ever, and surrendered to Deputy Mu in ford. King of that place says: "liucklen's Arnica Halve cured a sore on my leg with which I had suffered over so years. I am now "." Guaran teed to cure all sores by English Drug Company, it.ic ragliSr-$IL!ER Ms irj-im :-r it i - 11 mi KING The lightent running ball bearing shuttle machine on the market Price $20,casn Manufactured for and guaranteed by ..The.. W.J.RudgeCo., MOSROK, N. C. llf it to see the BE5f 11 Yon can be sure that It It the best, because we'll show yon the tnaide. You don't have to Judge by outilde appearances stone, as 70a wyuld If yon shopped elsewhere. It is impossible to make any better thaa The Stearns &Fostek Aattress (Oar aneva S'. acaataa, leafe tm a.) BK ftlmr webs, form the Sine snow-white downy felts ot which It I built. Not a particle of anything but new, clean cotloa goes Into sny Stearns ft Fitter Mattress, Don't be satisfied by seeing "opes ead" Samples, aor eves aa opea samp.e mattress. Ws'U show you the Inside and outside of tht Iden tical tnsl tress yoa bny. And we'll let yoa try U tiaty sights, IreeH then if you are not satisfied, will promptly retura yoor Baey, Could anything be fairer thaa ttitt? Nut a lusury, bat a necewlty ia aU households. Come In fcday delay maas regret oa your park, T. P. DILLON The Charming Warns ia not necessarily on of perfect form and features. Many a plain woaaa who could never serve as aa artist's model, porssrsses those rare qualities that all the world ad mires: neatless, clear eyes, clean smooth akin aud that sprightlinesa of step aud action that accompany good health. A physically weak woman ia never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful complexion. Guaranteed at English Drug Company's. Sta. While in Asheville last week Governor Gleun went to the jail to visit James Kucker, a negro sen tenced to be hanged for an assault on his six year-old stepdaughter. Aa the Governor left be remarked: "Jim, you are in a bad way. A mighty bad way. Iton't depeud too much ou what 1 might do. I don t know what course I shall pursue. Y'on had better make sure of your election in another world." Long Live the Mngt is the popular cry throughout Euro pean couutries, while in America, the cry of the preseut day is "Long live Dr. King's New Discovery, Kiug of Throat aud Luug Kerne- dies!" of which Mrs. Julia Kyder Paiue, Truro, Mass., says: "It uev er fails to give immediate relief aud to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mrs. Psine's opinion is shared by a majority of the iuhabitauts of this country. New Discovery cures weak lungs and sore throats after all other remedies have failed; and for coughs and colds it's the only sure cure. Guaranteed by English Drug Company. 50c. aud f 1. Trial bottle free. The creation of Ie county, which was submitted to the ratification of the o pie, was endorsed by the voters last week almost unanimous ly, aid Lee becomes the ninety eighth County of the State. Sau fordand Jonesboro, w hich are close ly adjoiuiug, make the county seat. The Doctor Away from Home bea most needed. People are often very much disappointed to find that their family physician is away from home shen they most need his servi ces. Diseases like cramp colic and cholera morbus require prompt treat ment, and have iu many instances proven fatal before medicine could be procured or a physician summoned. The right way is to keep at hand a bot tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoes Keinedy. Nophysirian can prescribe a better medicine tor these disease!. By bavins it in the house you escape much pain and suf fering aud all risk. Buy it now; it may save life. For tale by English Drue Co Federal oflicers trying to sub poeua John D. Rockefeller ami his brother, illiam Rockefeller, to carry them to court to testify in the cases that the government is prose cuting against the Standard Oil Company, could uot find the lsys. Hut after awhile the old man show ed up and will testify iu court. Old John D. has been iu the bush before this when the officers want ed him. COTTON GIN HACHINERY The PNEUOATIC ELEVATOR tor handling cotton Is the best thing there is for that purpose. Your cotton should be CLEANED OF LEAF, TRASH AND DIRT which lowers the price of It. It should be put up in NEAT BALES. The machinery should be the SIMPLEST and EASIEST to oper ate. We furnish the PNEUMATIC ELEVATOR under the Murray patents the HURRAY CLEANING FEEDER and a DOUBLE SCREW PRESS Our outfit does all these things and iff the simplest made. We build THE ENGINE that goes Ith it and are responsible for the whole. Write right now. LIDDELL CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. IRK MULLIS, Ciwll Engineer, Phon41. Wisom, N. C. OrtlAratfof PmtWnry In Rurvryti' fruitt oar if lhf iftitn r.llrfc in N O. Twu rrt isrrtfiitNt in kilwftr, HuuwijjsfJ tuiti tmtm W. B. HOUSTON, SURGEON DENTIST. Office up stairs, Fitzgerald Building, Northwest of Courthouse, Monroe, N, C, MI.Hbal.1LD.. MONROE, N. C, Solicits the patrouage ol the people of Mouroe and surrouudiug conimuuity. Calls answered in dsy from English Drug Store; at uigbt from residence ou Church street. Phone No. 48, DR.K.S. GREUN. DENTIST. Offices in Opera House building. sr'Phone ISM. When there is Ilia sliehleal indies. tion of imheehtiou. heartburn, flatu lence or any form of stomach trouble, take a little Kodol occasionally and you will be a Horded prompt relief. K0J0I is a eomnound of vegetable acids and contains the juices found iu a healthy stomach, Kodol digests what you eat, makes your food do you good. Sold by S. J. Welsh and C. N, Simpson. At the 4th of July celebration at Hickory, Dick Watson, a young white mau, was instantly killed by the falling of the pole of the bal loon as he was assisting to raise it Nearly all old fashioned cough syr ups are constipating, especially those that contain opiates. They don't act just right, Kennedy's Lasalive Cough byrup contains no opiates. It drives the cold out of the system by gently moving the bowels. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as msple syrup. Children like it. Sold by S. J. Welsh snd C, N. Simpson, Jr. DR. B.C. REDFEARN.t OKNT1ST. Charges reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Office over Rudge's Hook Store, KONROE.N.O. Will be at Marshville, N. C, on first aud third Mondays ol esch mouth, and at Matthews ou secoud and fourth Mondays. Pboue 23a f 1905 1907 POWERS S RARRILL STRAIN I'ggs for hatching from Single tomb White Leghorns. Phone 7. P O. Hoi i First Prizx Winners AI. L. FLOW. Commissioner of Deed, for South Carolina, In Morti Carolina: also 1 Justice of lit Peact for UdIor County, and NoUrj Public for Hortk Carolina. :: :-: Special attention given to taking Af fidavits, Acknowledgement or Proof ot Deeds, Mortgsges, Contracts, liillt of Sale, Powers of Attorney, Renuncia tions of Dower and Inheritance, Dep. ositions, Writing aud Probating Deeds, Mortgsges and all other papers, issuing Stste Warrants, Claim aud Delivery and Attachment papers, Civil Sum mons aud tha Collection of Claims, Office at M. L. Flow Co.'s Store east ol courthouse, Monroe, N. C. The Keeley Cure. Do You Know VYhat It Does? It relieves a person of all desire for strong drink or drugs, re stores his nervous system to its normal condition, and reinstates a man to his home and business. For Full Particulars, Address Tbe Keeley Institute. Greensboro, North Carolina. Correspondence Confidential M Jj&.M QM Pf "Put a Little SUNSHINE fS in Your Home" SUNSHINE Lend a Cheerful, Clean and Pure at mosphere to the home. Make old, worn Floors, Furniture, Bric-a-Brac and Interior Woodwork of every ff description look new and attractive Made by ajJlj 10 Rich and Beautiful Colors. Easy to Apply C. N. Simpson, Jr., Druggist.