OCR Interpretation

Rockingham post-dispatch. [volume] (Rockingham, N.C.) 1917-1965, March 07, 1918, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068736/1918-03-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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vai: No. i4.
$1.50 PER YEAR
. delinquents:
Registrants Who Failed to
. . Return Questionnaire ; to
Be Raced in Class 1 and
" Name Reported to Police
Authority. l'
. - There are 231 registrants who
tailed to return their question
lf naires to the . Richmond county
exemption board. By such fail
ure, the law automatically places
, ' them in Class lf and their' names
are turned over to the police
r authority with orders that they
V be brought before the exemption
board. ":' ;!:'
Accordingly, the names of the
.231 who failed to return their
questionnaires to the Richmond
county board were on Feb. 28th
turned over to Sheriff Homer D.
The failure of these men to
return their questionnaires does
not necessarily mean that they
intentionally and wilfully failed
to do so, but in all likelihood
v many of them simply tailed to
receive such questionnaires, due
to incorrect -postofnce address.
However, this is not the fault of
- 'the government, and in no way
' releases the registrant from lia
y bility. - ,u
The law applying to delinquent
registrants is as follows:
A JThe names of person who fail to re-
Wn their questionnaires or to report for
physical examination when ordered to do
I so shall forthwith be sent to the ' local
? police authority with a request immedi
i atejy to yisit all such named persons and
I ' to bring them before the local board.
. . Such names should at the time they are
repored to the police be also reported to
the press with a request for publication."
The following are the names
" of delinquents. They tan receive
their questionnaires by applying
at once to the local exemption
board; if they do this at once,
: they will not be prosecuted, as it
is not the desire pf the local board
or of the government to take
' drastic measures until it is cer
tain the men are wilfully evading
the draft The names posted on
February 28th were:
Artemus Easterling
William McCrae
John Eaple Sparks
Thomas Little .
Archie McCummins
Cole A. Miller ; 2
Turner Chavis '
Edmond Ellerbe
Robert Brice
John Robt Webster
Rogers Samuel
Mae Blrkhead
Vance Parker
Lige Johnson
Geo. W Lee
Jasper Walters
Simon Boyd
Ernest Kelly
Geo. W.Washington
WW McPherson :
Dennis Boone
Veater S. Huneycutt
Walter Lee Speight
rWill M. Turner
Fayloney Fuller
Rich Jackson
Chat. Benson
Jesse Ellerbe
Henry Ratliff
Eugene Wall
Laurke Montague
Edward G. Edwards
Early Patterson
Clinton McLean
Geo. McNeill
Arthur F. LeGrand
Mack Brown
Norman Ledbetter
Henry Smith
Ray Long
Ashley Thompson
Thomas Adams
Peter Smith
Oscar B. Austin
Walter Dockery
John Taylor
Walter Lee
Robt. Nichqlson ' .,
Oscar Redwine
Perry Hayes
Zachary Smith ,
Luther Hailey
S. W. Spencer
Wm. Neal Thomas
Frank Collins
Chester Ellerbe :
Uarence McCall
Haywood Blakeley
Thomas Tyson
"Tillmore McRae
Will Crawford
Luther Monroe
John McKay ' .
Lonnie Robinson
Locke McNeil ;
Isaac Crawford
Will Patterson
' Edward Thomas . .
Oscar Goldston '
Will Alston
Frank Johnson
Thomas Martin
Foster M. Wiggins
Stetson Armstrong .
..James Pride
Robert Smith
Jas. Hinton Hall
David Robinson
Will Thos. Haywood
Wm. C Thompson
J as. E. Henderson
Lee Ingram .
JohnBethea t
John L. Kennedy
Henry Evans 1
Sidney J. Kelly
Richard Robertson . Wright Coe i ; ,
James Simons ' William Toomer v
Haywood Glasgow Frank Ingram .
Ebbie D. Quick -r Daniel Cherry
Ernest Wilson' ' Alex Graham
MosbyLWatklns Wm.T.Maner;
Steve Hampton , Dave Price ,
Willie Sbepard f fWlUiam Simons
James Durham . Henry Lee
' Lonnie Merrit 'Alex RaUiff -,
Lee Home Bonnie Wood
Wm. H. Wadsworth Charlie Mean
Alex McSween , , Lennon Brayboy
Norman Terry James Leach j -James
Smith 1 Robt L. Ryhne :
Horace Robt Cagle Wnu Alonro Quick
John H. King
Mark Lewis
' Richmond Lee Lisk
Jas. Carson Crowder
John White
James Johnson i
, James Edwards i
t Andrew McDonald '
. Wash Hunter v f
James Polk ?
t. Luther J. brant ,
; Joe Jenkins
Dan Holland
Albert YateS
George Monroe
C.i S. Revels
, Walter Poston
Solomon Webster
Sam Stevens . , , .
Leas Harris ,
John Cameron
j English Peterson .
..John Cole
Henry Powell
Bruce Webb Outlaw WUlie Wells
James PaulSherron Pete Suinpter
John McKenzie Lonnie Smith
Joseph B. Deaton James Young
. Paul Rusher , aU .i.Willie Smith m
Robert Zinemon'. Dave McLaurinr '
Lee"arrisoa "':; Lawrence Bennett
Ed Green Weldon H. Lockhart
Jenkins Wormack ' Thomas Terry t
WaiLowry""-'",sSam,Walla -Joe,
Nicholson" ' HillJard Reed " ?
' Clayton E. Lowry , Charlie S. Williams '
Paul Cooper Claud Young '
John Ledbetter David Billings '
VXdwsrd mat ..I'RJchafd McDonald;
Noble Truesdal Moses Coleman '
Cary Thompson
John Wilson '
Robert Wall
Alexander Knox
James DeBerry
Jimos Covington
John Patterson Davis
Jerry Buchanan
Coward Cole
Jim Covington
Boston Covington
John LeGrand
Geo. W. Ingram
Jim Kennedy
Jake Crump
Carl Sweatt
Alex Huff
Sidney Prevard
Ben Miller ..
Columbus Leak
Edwin J.KeUy
Dan Washington
Marion McCrummin
Lewis A. Holborn
Sing Adams
Will Smith
Asher Matthews
George Crawford
James Smith
Berry Little
Richard Rogers
John Calhoun
A.M. Reddick
Kelly Loftin
L. D. Snuggs
Will Pearson ;
George Collins
Kelly Wilson
Hood Bailey
Frank McLean
Charlie Smith
Peter Scott
John McCuIIum
George Williams '
Lonnie Shurd
Coleman P. Caudle
John Harris
George Covington, Jr.
Jesse Williams
Elbert Johnson
William Little
Arley Barton Cooper
Isaac Bonds
Sank Covington
Sixteen Pages.
" This issue of the Post-Dispatch
contains sixteen pages, the ad
ditional eight pages containing
display matter relative to the
War Savings Stamps campaign.
The business men who made this
special issue possible are:
Six cotton mills, Roberdel,
Entwistle, Pee Dee, Hannah
Picket, Steele's Mills andLeak-Wall-McRae.
Everett Hardware Store.
Henry C. Wall
E. B. Liles.
West Bros.
Richmond County Iusurance&
Realty Co.
Leak & Marshall & Parsons.
H. A. Page, Jr., Ford Service
W.S. Thomas.'
Marriage Licenses.
" During the past week the ioV
lowing secured license to marry:
Chas. A Hudson and Doran
Evans, white, issued the 21st
Clifford Buckner Gibson and
Mary Ida Terry, white, the 23rd.
Wardell Kirkland and Claretta
Carter, coL, the 23rd.
Van B. Covington and Ina
Louise Biggs, white, the 23rd.
John Covington and Loyie May
Turner, coL issued the 24th.
Oscar Little and Clara Stanback
coL; issued the 28th.
Joseph David Beam and Annie
Louise Brooks, white, issued the
2nd. ' .
James Dozier and EstelleHomes
col, issued the 2nd. f - 1
Wm. Stanback and Ozella Stan
back, coL, the 2nd.
" Angus ' Covington " and Zeal
Berta Hinson, coL, 2nd ; .. , ;
Wm. Ewing and Dora Tyson,
coV2nd;,Vj'.i; i
Lonnie Vance Chance and Alice
Russell, white. 2nd. v -
Cornelius tfollock Bundy and
Lena Belle Gibson, 1 white, the
5th. 5 ' '
Henay B. Grant and Florence
Inducted Into Serric
Seven young men from Hamlet
appeared before the Richmond
county exemption board Tuesday
afternoon fairly "itching" to get
into military service. They were
anxious to join Capt S. W. Tun
nel's Ambulance Co. 317, at
Camp Lee, Virginia, and after
much telegraphing and long dis
tance phoning they secured pap
ers inducting them into service.
Accordingly they left Hamlet
Wednesday morning, for Camp
Lee. The young men are:
M. C Fowler
E B. McNeeley
M. D. McDonald
AC. Gardner.
43 Men of Class 1 Examined
Wednesday, 6th.
The following 43 men of Class
1 were called to appear here for
physical examination for Wed
nesday, March 6th. Of the 43
called, only 28 appeared, 15 fail
ing to respond:
Chester S. Bostick
Wm. F. Hutchinson
Ernest Heard
Jas. W. Ross
Henry Martin
Thos. J. Hadden
Johnnie Thomas
Peter S. Long
Alex McKenzie
Lewis Medley
Early Jackson
Josh L. Phillips
Ora B. McKiniey
Walter McAskill
Hayes Mainor
Jule H. Caddell
Neaby T. Simmons Lacy E. Ballard
Jaa. C. Green Jollie Collins
Walter Ewing - . John Robert Hines
PtosNicholsoa . v James Para
Luther Harris "
Calvin Williams , :
Charley McRa '
Thomas Little v
Willie W. Johnson
Norman Seagrove
J. Albert Crowder
Neal B. McCorkle
Tnrnie (Tommie) Puunbers '
Oscar1 J. McKay
.Hilery H. McKay
James Charles :
John L Yates
Edward Johnson
Carl Luther
John Powe
Wiley Nicholson
Jury For Criminal Term.
The county commissioners last
Monday drew the following jury
for the criminal term of superior
court that convenes April 8th;
Judge Harding will preside.
H.C. Campbell
J. D. Misenheimer
H. C. Petty
W. A McDonald
Z. V.Williams
Ed. Warner
W. 0. Rivenbark
J. C. McQueen
W.S. Crump
I. Goldberg
J.H. Collins
M. B. Nicholson
CD. Russell
T.C Chandler
; W.N. Everett, Jr.
J. W. Stutts
G. W. Coggins
- A.E Nicholson
Geo. S. Steele
John L Everett
Monroe Warburton
S. W. Odom
S. F. Myers
'AM. Palmer
A B. Welch
Van Thomas
W. B. Covington
G. 0. Yost
W. D. Smith , ,
) ; M. W. Nicholson
? CharUe Covington r ! . .
, E. A Lackey
' : Archie L McNeill
I I . Like a Lamb, t
T March came in like a lamb,
lasttFriday being' balmy and a
typical Spring day. Coming in
like a lamb, she'll go out like
lion- and Easter, too, comes on
16 White Men Sent to Camp
Jackson Wednesday Morn
ing. This Completes White
Quota of First Draft. ,1
Richmond county's white quota
of the first draft is now completed
with the sixteen young men who
were sent to Camp Jackson Wed
nesday morning. The 16; had
been ordered to report here at 4
o'clock Tuesday afternoon; this
they did, and they were presented
with testaments byRev.MrJIalL
Also, Comfort Bags were pre
sented them.
The squad left Rockingham on
the 7:20 train Wednesday morn
ing, Joseph David Beam, of
Hamlet, was placed in charge.
Wm. E Marsh, who was already
at Columbia, was not required to
report here,and he met the squad
when they reached Columbia at
noon and completed the incre
ment of sixteen.
The 16 to go were:
Joseph David Beam, Hamlet
Lonnie J. Butler, Hoffman
George P. Fogleman, RTiam
Henry A Black, R'ham
Walter Lee Collins, R'ham
Laurince Chavis, R'ham Rt 1
Leon Everett Peddy, R'ham
Manly F. Haywood, R'ham
Wm. E. Marsh, Columbia
Horace G. Shoe, Entwistle
Elby Cranford, Ellerbe
Walter D. Odom, Laurinburg
Robert F. Linker, R'ham
John W.Gibson, Hamlet
Wayne Dawkins, Entwistle
Wm. L Gay, R'ham Rt 4
Library for Rockingham
Carnegie will give a building if a site is
secured and a maintenance fund
assured. Next Tuesday will be
v "Library Day" when $1500
be raised by committees.
Several months ago a number of our most progressive
ladies seriously considered the need of a library tor our commun
ity. They held a meeting and decided to work until this library
was secured. The outcome of this meeting was another meeting
at which 100 good books and $100 was donated. While it was an
excellent beginning it was far from what was necessary sot they
decided to make a bolder effort and secure a Carnegie Library.
Through the efforts of these ladies, Mrs. Blanton,
secretary of the State Library Association, came from Raleigh and
addressed us on 'How to get a Carnegie Library.' At this meeting
we organized a Library Association, the resolve of which was to
get a library for Rockingham.
A community is known by its churches, schools and
Eublic institutions. Can Rockingham afford to do without a public
ibrary? The Carnegie Foundation will give us a building if
we will furnish the site and provide funds for maintenance. Rock
ingham will not miss this opportunity. (
Will some public-spirited citizen give the Library As
sociation a lot to build on? The Everett Estate has been so kind
as to offer to give us a lot in the northern part of town. Mr. Gore
has offered us a lot on Washington Street but it is too small We
can also get a lot from the Great Falls M'f g. Co. We appreciate
these offers but it is not to the interest of our community to locate
the library on any of these lots. It should be more centrally
located, probably near our school building where it can be used for
reference by our students. We should secure this lot now. If no
citizen is public-spirited enough to contribute a lot we should buy
one. .". ,.v. . :-i
Our citizens are so anxious for a public library that
they are not going to wait on these public-spirited citizens or the
Carnegie Foundation. They want to start a public library right
now and have it in operation by April first It is going to take
$1500.00 to do it. Are you going to nelp? You will have the op
portunity next Tuesday! Five committees have been appointed to
see you on the morning of the twelfth instant. We are going to
have, a whirlwind campaign on that day and raise this money. Let's
have a library so that we can go into the intensive cultivation of
the minds of our boys and girls. And in the future years we will
be known by the brilliant minds of pur citizens as well as by our
many cotton mills! ; 5 s ;
County Commissioners Meet
The county commissioners held
i Equalizing Fund.1 I the regular monthly meeting last
v , ' lMrwi1-av 4 .
, The new county home was for
mally accepted from the contract
or, A D. Dumas, and the
Superintendent and inmates will
probably move therein before
Apnl ist .The contract price
was $17,500, and the home is a
credit to the county. The Post-
Dispatch will give a more detail
ed description of the new proper
ty later.
The contract was let for three
sections of Steele bridge, to span
the sections of the thorughfare
leading from the Jas. A. Leak
place to the river. The county
pays $2600, and private subscrip
tion furnishes $1000, of the $3600
contract price of material.
It was ordered that the road
from Roberdel No 2 be worked to
the Rockingham Bennettsville
highway, a distance of about three
fourths of a mite.
The apportionment of the $447
432.85 State Equalizing; Fund
among the counties of the State
to bnng the school terms up to
the limit required, was announc
ed Wednesday. The apportion
ment showing the number of
days by which the term is ex
tended shows Richmond county
given $3,515, or 15.2 days; Anson
$3,448.50, or 15.2 days; Mont
gomery !K2,473.80, or 15.2 days;
Moore $3,957.70, or 15.2 days;
Stanly $4,039.90; Scotland $2,-
Liberty Loan Committee For
A meeting of the County Com
mittee for the ThirdLibertyLoan
campaign will be held at an early
date to adopt plans for organiz
ing the various townships and
otherwise preparing for the
great drive which will begin
about April 6th the anniversary
of our entry into the world war.
The members of the Commit
tee for Richmond county are
C H. Morrow, David Easter
ling, N. H. Jenerette, L H. Gib
bons, John W. Butler, B. B. Far
tow, A J. Little, D. A. Parsons,
J. F.Diggs, Hagood H. Brown,
L S. Covington, B. F. Reynolds,
Mrs. Boyd Gasque, Rev. Z. V.
Roberson, L J. Bell and Isaac S.
London. '
W.,L Parsons, Chairman.
Mrs. McKimmon To Speak
Mrs. Jane McKimmon, of Ral
eigh, State Demonstration Agent
will speak at the courthouse at
Rockingham Friday, -15th, at 3
o clock. Every , dub member is
urged to attend, and the public
invitedMrs. John Sandy Cov
ington. ::'; 0'
A resolution was passed by the
Wisconsin legislature this week
censuring the stand taken- re
garding the war by Senator La
Follette... A. pity , the . Senator
could not be retired from public
At the Star Theatre
Friday, March 1 5th one day
; only ' -
Pathe The Little Patriot" in
reels. vThis is one of the
best pictures that you will ever
see, and we wouldhke to say that
we would like to see au 5 the
School Kids come out as the star
that plays the leading part is
Baby Marie Osborne. This is
some show tor the money and
the price of it is 10 and 15 cents;
so come out and see the little
girl. Star Theatre. - ; :'K
Danger - Beware
March Winds and '.
"You've been told."
Yours Truly A
Notary Public Insurance on any
thing insurable. -:
1 Richmond (
1 Capital
Savings Bank
of Rockingham, N. C
I . ..$
Surplus and Profits. .
18,750,00 j
Assets . ; . .
4 per cent Interest paid on Deposits, ?
,. . , ;, ,, , j, ...... x Compounded' Quarterly. . f
Since Organization, this Bank has paid its Depositors
" Interest amountinj to $37320.0 j T
- 1 . s i jj.a
vice rTesiGcnr. a
:..V,;-." .'.'..Cashier. V
fUftv nvst HaTc formL i '
W. L rAK3UXN3,
: W. L SCALES,!... r.;.

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