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Newspaper Page Text
. ,' f i H. it ft; XTAXSMi AvtVI j . - - . i i , , ii iii r ? w: - at Equalizing Fund. County SupL of Education: . A preliminary estimate shows ' that the Equalizing Fund will be sufficient this year to provide a term of 16 days, or slightly less than 16 days, in addition to' the term of 80 days, provided by county funds. 4 Your county, therefore, having provided a term of 80 days may ; expect to receive ' an apportion' ment for teachers' salaries in ac cordance with Section 4 of the Equalizing Fund Law. for ' an extension of term of between 15 and 16 days. " . The work of cheddng ' up' the Equalizing Fuj d practically finished, and we expect to: have the State Board officially review the work and finaily apportion the fund March 1 or 2, at which time you will be notified of the exact amount of your apportion ment VnVl'tU. Yours very truly. , J.Y.JOYNER, y'lV'l Supt Public Instruction. House for Sale or Rent For sale or, rent, a 2-story 7-room dwelling, lights and water 1-R.L. Steele. 5 The IuSs in eliminate1 hy the ScU Stutiat REMIHGTON Tht Sitf Starlit pmtt ar lUt Hmm mf "G- fata Mf hH4 Utttrt. YOUR typirt dotra't bar to wteh th mach ne. Sh fast kHM on typing. Instead oi dozen hmlti per letter, th Self' Starting Keys give dozen flying starts. The time thus tared Mounts to from IS to 25. It psys for the machine. To learn more about tfcis time-iaving invention, write for deteript tive folders, Address below, or 'phono SELF STARTING REMINGTON TYPEWRITER tEMTNGTON .TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Iaoorporatad 229 South Tryon St, Charlotte, N.C ti-rik -.v-i vvii. D I Twef.s OALtty ct'WWATibt!s.Ttp. Buffalo, n.v. I Q) f ii" We Have Been In Business Long enough, at least, to know that if we satisfy you we may expect to S hold your trade. We are willinglto go any reasonable length to hold your trade so you mayldepend upon getting satisfaction in every deal with us. We have more at stake in this matter than you may realize. Anyway, we guarantee you satisfaction, always, at this store. Come to see us. 7 n-rOTIBAIUlG HKAI I II f W - QMtai en Health. Hytle ea4 Pa-Wallo. ef .-- Jr SlLli ToTtreatment oi Kohrtdwd ceaae wlU be eteetpteij 111 .. " . 1 J ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' : '' ' there it a tingle Ufft e!ty Is America where twenty-Are per cent ot the phy ilclant ,rei , not hopelewly behind timet, thoufh perhape apparently pros perous, pernapa acuaiiy proeporou n a builaeaa aense. ,. A man hut atnT In the COnntlT well aa In the cKyi Tho country doc tor may rlslt the eUnlct ror apeewi work Just aa readily ae the city doc tor. Do not lot tie glamor of the eltyr blind yoa to the facta. The man do ing a hard country practice may not ham the exterior Mm of a City DhT- alelaa, but aader hit old mud-flecked clothee beau a heart at true a any? and attar alL tt air be that hit reach exterior la bat a mark of the refed honeaty. and hicn-miaaeaneae witaia. Tb Doctor In Tbe SH Town 'MWe have only three decton here that one could conault, and none of them understand such cases." A Thla sentence, or something like it appears rather frequently in leitert coming from renders who reside In the country or small villages. It there la any difference In the pro feaslonal ability of the doctor In the amaii town and the doctor la the city, I hare never bees able to detect It . to fact, apeaklng aa a cKy doctor, my tmnresalon is that the doctor In the small Tillage averages a few points higher than his city colleague 1" b0- itv. no matter whether the aty man la a hospital or dispensary staff man or not The else of a city does net ae termlne the nrofesslonal ability ot lta doctors. I need not mention stereo- tvned illustrations of thla fact. , They are so common that mention it un iiAnMaarvl - A doctor in a amall Tillage may haye the same tehoollng. the tame medical .wtotv affiliations, the tame test- hnnba the same medical journals, la font amn means his City colleagues enjoy in keeping abreast ot medical progress. One can una xearnii now vonv. dnine- a larce and lucrative practice (business wonM he the right in the citr. Personality, affahll- L . anHai aetivttr. flnaaolal bacilna in " a great many tecum vmmw.w pioficlency ay van up ano nora a paying practice. . ; I know man TUlagee.. aad entaU towns wAere the entire medical pre f.inn la ealted In sclenUflC work, marchiac in the Tea ot medicine, tuny fuuiiait on the Terr beat and latest Af Mm art. And I dOUSt tt if I M 131 r O I You will make every acre produce its ut most in food crops, cotton and tobacco, all greatly needed by our country. You will best -serve your country and yourself by fertilizing each acre liberally with WKW MED VSTEER El M II - i A A naaav " ' I UlUU II U DltANP g 11 &'9S&"iTPAYS TO USE THEM" There is a national car and labor shortage. Delay Is dangerous. 1 i?j i;a ' H II II 11 II r I Ji w 5i7iinn :mmriLizH3 :: '::r, qiJIC Manufactured by SWIFT & CO. FERTILIZER WORMS , ATLANTA, GA. CHARLOTTE, N.C. j a wawiivw nuanwf Aiuanjp bawiaiiBf miniiuiei Minuuaiq we WILr.TIIJGTOM and GREENSBORO, N.C CHESTER and COLUMBIA. S. C. UimtWi SUU I . V': FOR SALE BY -'' t.-- ' ; s t ' ; JOHNi L EiV ERETT, RocldngKam Cj f4 y raaJreeoy TWEEDLEDEE AND TWEEDLEDUMV The woods are fell ef eetmtry dectora who can give card and sendee te ewr etty areehrea. The woods are tnO at eeaitry dectora m can ajve cards and apaaVae to our city brethren when It ooeaes t' making a aeleattte diaganstt er ap plying the very heat ef Oiatmt. Dent be deeeived by nete aaoca, It pou are. flret dabag yea knew name suave oeaek will aaive yen ta hie clatchea. et naaterlal ateaaeittr. HI HEAJIHISWEAUHb.. HFAlTHf11" L STATE BOARD 0! Use Efoiafea Of a Case Of I Queatlons on HeaUb, Hygiene ana Hauneuoo ev general merest w vur will be anamred in these coiemtu or by mall . If Bddreaaed to this offloe or to the state Board of Health at Raielah and eeoompanled by a etamped. addreseed envelope. Me diacnoats er treatment of Individual eases ,wtu be nttenptad. ttrdaiy daosarotts, and be was eom Bit ted to a noapUal tor the Insane at 90 yeara. ( I know the elcehte didnt cause the Insanity. I knew the poolrooan didat I know the mUttnry achool dlda't. I know Hoke feoBen, kflnd parent didn't Jack aejarMd bit tnaantty ia a arhlnh fti ntttrlT oommon affiOBg oar bright yowat awn. He eootraoUd, ItyphUia. Bet I insist that otgafwts were a strong predisposing oaase. The poeh- room aseoolaOone wewe aaothec. tock Jack Jeaet n an only son, with parents in moderately good circum ntancAi Jark.-bfilna: an only eon, had his own way too much at home. There were no brothers and staters to dispute It, and the parent loved to give Jack the beat of times. When sixteen, Jack began to get along badly wjfih ate aobMl work. Ot coatee, th safe eel was to blame. So Jack's parents seat hh away to a private military oebooi. It waa the making ef Jack. Te trst Cortetmas vaoatlon home showed that He was dressed Woe a magaattM clothing ad. And when Dad wasn't around lack generally had a objaret stuck to hit under Up. Ateo, be fonnd considerable pride in hanging eat at a cigar store and pool -room down town, or standing in the doorway Metering to the elevat ing conversation ef the young gentle men of leisure who congregate In such placet, and comment so: Interestingly about passing lades. jack' second ettmmer borne found him a full-dodged lad. He was what the bors en a "wfrehetaner." Be bad .iu thai made 'em howl at the tenter ef an . And now ijannnu rihiririo'- gM poo! room. He was the admiring crowd everyvahere he smoked aader Dae aM. SkoMhr baser she sbfrtl hcitsay ta- cation Jack eaane bom ML" AB tm IftilMt. Jaek w Tory oaretaea to bis BsjStag nmmm watch ewWag'Bd Mr people, and aaaaMd hie booti eoMmaarana. tlw .dootwe wetej adiattrta- tatta brsravesL'Ji aiedTeaticH. But ao , Jack kept growing worse. - atine JACK HA.0 MIS OWN WAV MUCH AT HOME. TOO t "Wat. n boy finds K resort to tebaceo there I some thing radieaUy wsoag." , over-taduhjeot parenet were another. Had Jack been warppea into una, not physically, but morally, by his fv than, whan be first began to disagree with hi teacher; bad he been kept away from the poevoon gang; aaa ha henn kent at bom aader bis par- onto' eyes (supposing they were not Hindi, to etemoa as that to boy BatgM bawe stMggM through , aad Kewapaper parsA9ets -eftea apla ajiainbn abewt the tpesmooic of hagMatares and mblte er to eHBMBato the eajarex the pe-fls ef yevth, bat there I sesitr a fMy MOWt X. waea a be Braea ft aeoeeeary to reset n Uhe BaMette, tobaeeo, In bis formative Is oertahrty soatsUiing to pieces: wronsiy be grew poe- radreafrjr wreog with bha.