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PAGE TEN EOCIHUGIIAU PCSTJ)ICPATCn aistuiw llPOLflSlo! llil.ilil.illllk LIQUIDS &PASTES FOR BIACK,WHITE, IAM,DARK BROWN OR OX-BLOOD SHOES. ElEEPYOUli SHOES NEAT A L f I ' lIlUlWiMllliA i A QUICK BRILLIANT LASTING SHINE. PRESERVE TH LEATHER. THE W.OAUtY CMMUTNMUn HOGWALLOW NEWS DUNK BOTTS, Rtfnlir Comtpoodnt Yam Sims says many of us men are in the habit of overlooking the smaller details of life, but that the gaps in a razor are to be reckoned with when they are faced. The Dog Hill preacher is being urged to start a protracted meet ing as soon as possible for the benefit of Wash Hocks and Atlas Peck, who fell from grace this week while trying to drive neighbors' chickens out of gardens. their "Government will draft brains of country," says a despatch, And we know several men who need not be disturbed about their probable exemption of course none of them live in Rockingham. Poke Eazley's dogs treed a map agent Thursday. The editor of the Tickville Tidings says every time- men want to exercise their rights as free-born citizens and taxpayers, they sit down and write a column to the paper demanding radical changes in the dog law. The weather is one of the very oldest of old institutions, and is well established along the lines laid down by nature; and yet there is a considerable amount of complaint about it, and there is not a day passes but that some body would change it if they could. "Cotton is a fool" vigorously lamented those who refused to sell when the price skyrocketed around thirty-steen cents. The Mail Carrier has been un able to make his trips this week on account of having traded hor ses with Frisby Hancock. - ' A drummer was in this vicinity last week and tried to sell the Rye Straw store keeper a bill of goods, but met with poor success as the storekeeper was getting ready to go fishing. A man went up in a balloon at Tickville last Saturday before a large audience. He wanted to take up a collection before going up, instead of after coming down but the crowd thought they would wait, as he might get killed. About the only interest Rich mond county folks have in the league standings is that in the cannon ball circuit. The Tickville train is bound to make money as it hardly ever comes in without a total of from one to two passengers on board. Sid Hocks, who attended and took part in a pie supper on Gan der Creek Friday night, is able to be up town with his clothes on. iviissnecK says many a man who is unpopular does not know why m the world it is, and the reason is right under his nose. When the time comes for the . i i .... wiia geese to wend tneir way back toward their northern sum mer homes, the sight always manes us nave a sort ot fellow feeling for the poor home-talent geese that have to be content to spend their winters standing on firct nnfl innt nnH tVipn tKio ntVior on the sunny side of the old pond down in the horse lot borne men haven t any more caution, when they happen to get a little money, than to show it to the family. Raz Barlow Saturday in Tick ville and as there was big crowd" in town he got a good look at the public He says the public is a peculiar looking lot of people when they all get together. Tobe Moseley's wife says Sec retary McAdoo, with his whole passel of jobs, can now sympa thize with a woman who has a squad of young and growing children to look after. . The Excelisior Fiddling' Band strolled over and played in front of the Wild Onion school house Monday night while nobody was around. - Silekildew, who has been ab : sent for some time, has returned home and says Hogwallow is good enough for him and that he expects to die here. Funeral ar rangements have -not yet been made. Announcement To the voters of Richmond County:- I will be a Candidate for the Legislature subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. As I am so very busy making food for the Sammies I will not be able to make a canvass of the County, and as this is to be a fight less year in politics, I shall enter into no controversy with anyone in regard'to this nomination. I have served the people of Richmond County two terms in the Legislature and during that time I have done some legislat ing for the county. I may have made some mistakes -I do not claim to be infallible, but upon my record as a Legislator I pro pose to stand in this Primary and I earnestly urge every tax payer in the county to scrutinize that record closely, and if you find that I have made good, I will very greatly appreciate being re turned. Very respectfully M. C. Freeman. Hamlet, N. C. HEALTH LAWS Parents to Notify Quarantne Officer. "Sec. a It shall be the duty of every parent, guardian, or householder, in the order named, to notify the county quar antine officer of the name, ' address, in cluding the name of the school district, of Bny person iu their family or house hold about whom no physician has been consulted but whom they have reason to suspect of being afflicted with whoop ing cough, measles, diphtheria, scarlet fever, smallpox, infantile paralysis ty phoid fever, or other diseases declared by the North Carolina State Board of Health to be infectious or contagious." The State Board of Health at a meeting held on April 17 at Pinehurst, passed a resolution, under authority of Chapter 263, Section 8, Public Laws 1917, de claring the following named diseases also reportable, viz: ; Measles (both kinds,) Chicken pox Septic sore throat You are directed to make re ports of these and others as re quired by law and regulations, to the county quarantine officer or to the local officer, as the case maybe. In this connection, I would state for your information that a very large number of the com municable diseases have been reported to this office during the winter, and even now the num ber is large. In many places these prevail in epidemic form. The law and the rules made thereunder for the control and prevention of communicable dis eases are believed to be ample and sufficient. There seems, therefore, to be but one explana tion for this condition of affairs, and that is, the law is not being enforced. If it were otherwise, this condition would not exist, nor would this letter be neces sary. The War Department views with no little concern this un usual prevalence of communica ble diseases among the soldiers arriving at the several camps, who have come from from North Carolina. The Surgeon General requested that fullest cooperation and mutual assistance be given by the Board to the Army in order to keep the soldier boys from this State free from com municable diseases. The board has gladly availed itself of such opportunity, and has therefore committed itself to this policy. In accordance with the request of the Board, the Surgeon Gen eral of the Army has detailed two officers of the Medical Corps for duty With the board to ren der such aid and assistance as may be possible for the better enforcement of the law and reg ulations, and at the same time supply the Medical Department of the United States with in formation regarding the health of the State as will enable it to better protect the health of the soldier. Three inspectors, representa tives of th e Board and the Army, will be sent to the several counties, to aid and assist in making the law and the regula tions regarding contagious dis eases more effective. Respectfully yours, W. S. RANKIN, Secretary. Dr. J. M Maness, Quarantine officer for Richmond county. OH7 PAID) 'AM of PLYMOUTH COMIC OPERA IN 3 ACTS Rockingham High School Talent ' AT : ' Rockingham Opera House Tuesday Night, May 28th, 1918. Two hours of fun. Admission 25 and 50 cents. Proceeds to be divided equally between the Red Cross and the High School Athletic Association. HOUSEWIVES House For Rent 7-room house for rent, back of Bank of Pee Dee. Has electric lights, water-works and conven iences. Rents for $15 per month. See G. E. or O. H. Hinson, at Hinson's meat market, or phone 105. Hardly a Drugstore in the Land That Does Not Sell This Remedy On the Market Half a Century. When yon are in perfect health, and are enjoying a strong and vigor ous vitality, it is then that your blood is free from all impurities. You should be very careful and give heed to the slightest indication of impure blood. A sluggish circula tion is often Indicated, by an impaired appetite, a feeling of lassitude and a general weakening of the system. It is then that you should promptly take) a few, bottles of S. S. S., the great blood purifier and strengthener. It rill cleanse the blood thoroughly and build up and strengthen the whole system. S. S. S. is sold by all drug gists. Valuable information about the blood supply can be had free by writ ing to the Swift ,' Specific Co.jJI Swift Laboratory.! Atlanta;.GaX H A D Keep a strict account of your table cost It is easy to do when you PAY BY CHECK. It is the SAFE way, and it is the most SATISFACTORY way. It is rapidly becoming the ONLY way. Make it YOUR way. !! THE BANK OF PEE DEE ROCKINGHAM, N. C. W. W. L. PARSONS, Pres. N. EVERETT, Vice Pres. H. C. PARSONS, Cashier , El R AYCOCK, AssL Cashier tmsvirs7svtwmirfm