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. PAGE FOUR lcczi::ciia:.i pcst-dispatch $ -. - tV. 'Chain Triad' i The Real Meaning of Tire-buying Economy . ',' Your car must give greater service this year than ever before. '' It speeds up your work increases your working power. The highest car economy lies in utmost service. . The most economical tires are those which will give you greatest use of your car. . That's just what United States Tires will do for i you. "f You can depend on them for continuous service, , most mileage at lowest mileage cost . Equip with United States Tires. Our nearest Sales and Service Depot dealer will be glad to assist, you in selection. United States Tubes and Tire Accessories Havt All the Stirling Worth and Wiar that Mait United States Tires Suprtmt. nut 'NokbT' 'ciui.' 5Sr 'pwi' , A complete stock of United States Tires is carriad v f by the following Sales and Service Depots: Everett Hardware Co. H. A. Page, Jr., Ford Station Cheerfulness aiw 'K1 ncKherOpittm-Morphinewtj MineraL Not nahcww. ii r.nHOI.-a PER OBNT. AVeetabtePhvatioBSifAi tifi$tAcStoaAsaMBoiwrf Oms0pa1icandDiaiTltoei tat 1 For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears Sign; the wr of 'f Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years mm TMB iMTHII MUMMV. tm M WTT. ' ; Society Contests. - From Rockingham School New The preliminary contests for society representatives in the reciters' and declaimers finals were held May 17. The repre sentatives chosen, with titles of their speeches, is given. Patterson Society: 'Philip Barton, .of Denver,' by Sudie Jenkins. "The Swan Song,' by Mary Mc- Bride. The Midnight Ride of Jenny McNeill,' by Geraldine Smith. 'Brier Rose' by Letha Haywood. The Hell Gate of Soissons,' by Lillian Hasty. 'Uncle DanTs Introduction to the Mississippi Steamboat,' by Freda Terry. Woodrow Wilson Society: 'Why We Are at War,' by Her bert Andrews. T The Eighth Crusade,' by Willie Williams. 'Flag Day Address,1 by Charles McCollum. 'Men and Memories of the South,' by Charles Brown. 'The Duties of the Citizen 'by Carl Coley. f J- 'Napoleon at the Pyramids, by William Hope. 'War Measures and Purposes,' by Jesse Meacham. This contest will be held Thursday night, May 30th, at 8:30 o'clock. The public is cor dially invited. ! Schedule for Exams. " The following is the schedule of final examinations, beginning Friday, . May 24th, for High School grades, Rockingham: Tues. Wed. Thurs Fri. Mon. 8th Hist'y 9th Eng. Hist'y 10th Fr. Hist'y 11th Eng. Hist'y Alg. Alg. Eng. Fr. Eng. Latin Latin Latin Geom. Latin DR. J. M. MANESS ELLERBE Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Omce over Ben nett's store. Hours : B to 12, lto4. Phone 22. Commissioners Sale of Land. North Carolina, Richmond County. Under and by virtue of the power con ferred upon me by an order of the su perior court of Richmond county in the special proceeding entitled J. W. Laton plaintiff rs. William Patterson defendant, I will on Saturday, the 25th day of May 1918 at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door in Rockingham offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, subject to con firmation of the court, the following de scribed lands: Lying in Beaver Dam Township, con taining 40 acres and known as the Flora Patterson lot in the division of the estate lands of D. C. Patterson. For particular description see above proceedings. This April 19th, 1918. W. R. JONES, Commissioner. NOTICE All persona will take notice and are hereby notified that the undersigned has this day sold and transferred his entire stock of drugs, goods, fixtures, etc., lo cated in the building known as Hunters' Pharmacy, situate m the town of Rock ingham, to E. G. Scott. The said E. G. Scott is liable for all indebtedness on said business accruing from this date, the said T. B. Hunter now and hence forth having no connection with the said business. , This 20th day of April, 1918. THOS. B. HUNTER. Administratrix's Notice.. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of C. H. Key, deceased, late of Richmond County, North Carolina, this is to notify , all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the residence of. the late C H. Key in said county, on " or before the 8th day of April, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All erso n indebted to said estate will please . make immediate payment " This the tn day of April, 1918. - SARAH A. KEY. Administratrix of estate of C. H. Key, - deceased. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as Executor of the will and Testament of the late Sarah E. Beck, this is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to present their claims to me or my attorneys on or before the 25th, day of April, 1919, or this notice will be pieaa n oar or a recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please 'make settlement at once. This ApriL2Sth1918. Thoa. L. Clingman Beck, Ex. . Ttvnum A Thnmaa 1 bwvw. Increased Revenue Necessary For Telephone Company This company has filed a petition with the North Carolina State Corporation ; Com mission requesting authority to advance! its rates for telephone service 1 in twelve j ex changes; for ' permission to enforce certain provisions of its subscribers contracts which will prevent waste of service and remove! an unnecessary burden from the company throughout the State of North Carolina. : We have also requested the authority of the Corporation Commission to establish a toll charge of ten cents for each call of S minutes or less, duration between Rocking ham and Hamlet. It is not proposed to change me rates for local exchange service in Rockingham. j When the rates for telephone service in Rockingham were established it was not con templated that there would be free service between Rodringham and Hamlet. The small toll charges now proposed will not in crease our profits but will enable us to render improved service between Rocldngham and Hamlet without sustaining an actual loss. The unprecedented increase in the cost of material, labor and all other expenses necessary for the construction, maintenance and operation of our properties, and the imperative need that telephone service be ade quate and efficient, has created a critical situation for us. We have not earned in the past and are not now earning a reasonable profit over and above the cost of furnishing throughout the State of North Carolina. The returns from our operations in this state were 3.81 per cent in 1916 and 3.58 per cent in 1917, upon our investment . " It is necessary for us to receive a sufficient revenue to maintain and operate our telephone property and system with a high degree of efficiency with such permanent net profit as will maintain our credit and enable us to exchange our securities, without discount, for the additional, new capital required to supply the necessary additions to our plant and service, j Out of every dollar of revenue received from our operations in North Carolina in 1917 we paid out 50.0 cents in salaries and wages. j During the year 1917 our employes in North Carolina were granted a total increase of $63,738.95 in salaries and wages, which was at the rate of $119,836.44 per year. , ; During the year 1918, up to May 1, the increase in salaries and wages in North Carolina already amount to $45,311.23 which is at the rate of $55,919.40 for the year. l j These increases were made in. an effort to aid our employes in .meet ing the increased cost of living as well as to retain their services in , order to maintain a competent force. , ; ' " j All or these facts and many others of a pertinent ; nature will be presented to the State Corporation Commission and will be spread before our our subscribers and the public in newspaper advertisements which are to follow. .,' - - We have been frank and open in the administration of our affairs in this state as elsewhere, and reluctant as we are to increase the price of our service, the situation is so critical that we cannot do otherwise and remain true to our obligation to the public and to ourselves. ! Your needs and your interests and the needs and the interests of this this company are one and the same. Solvency, of the company spells ade quate efficient service, insolvency spells inadequate and inefficient service. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY