Newspaper Page Text
. S "ALL THE NEWS ; $ v. u;-" -'5., 10 PAGES I S Most of the Time, and Most of the News all t f THIS ISSUE. g. $ the Time." .smsmmS Vol 1, No. 27 ROCKINGHAM, N. C, THURSDAY Afternoon, JUNE 6, 1918. V $1.50 PER YEAR Officialf Tabulated Vote of Democratic Primary for Richmond 1st, 1918, as Published in Post-Dis patch :ii J :i. j-J 1 1 H 1 1 V!i til ill! ii til! i - stwUNo l ' 21-14 40 5 0 0 61 45 19 0 13 13 0 45 6 43 6 1 . 44 401 5 0 , 1 39 0 44 0 50 ;gt::::-::-: . . n ?li .... jtj i g i S ii ! M '! f fl) t SI 'v '-BllfelJJ . in iJii II lllliilllll i - w5M.i.....-:...:-- 13 22 83 '20 u 92 3 43 u 93 27 23. 9 11 73 551 36 42 65 ; ? ' tr if M fiS 7 fi S 6 S 8 14 26 3 36 26 57 o' 44 48 13 43 13 13 40 26 15 24 78 5 22 12 , i" Ltt "'" 131 110 110 124" 0 74 36 116 89 3 54 1 111 105 I 87 S 40 W J9 J83 U2 ' 12 70 50 W - TZZZZ -mWi "ml- "Wf-Wi-m lll-p lebles-T? TBTIBl'm'&T!BmWm 5i8-7T7"3T4l25?,lS5l3? 399 I. I.I " PRB1ARY RESETS Results of Democratic Prim ary Held June 1st A Sec ond Primary : for Sheriff and Two Commissioners To Be Held June 29th. NOMINEES: Clerk-rJ. A. McAulay. ,." .1 Register R. L. Johnson. House W.N. Everett Vl Commissioners: B.F.ReynoIds; , H. D. Hatch, J. A. McNeill, (2 to be chosen In a second primary.) Sheriff no nomination; second primary June 29th. ? ; i, Second Primary June 29th: (Make Crws Mark in Square Opposite i Name Voted ForJ For County Commissioners (Vote for Not Over Two.) JAS. L BALDWIN DR. W.L. HOWELL 1W.CAPEL n.d. Mcdonald . For Sheriff . , " (Vote (or Not Over One.l Q.rl Mcdonald. j. r. bennett The Democratic primary was held in Richmond county last Saturday for the nomination of officers for the November , 5th ' election.' The Republicans- did not hold a primary inasmuch as there were no contests.. " 5 Never has a quieter primary been held in the county. The vote was light, about two-thirds of the vote of two years ago be- ing cast About 35 votes were sent in by absentee voters. The highest vote cast was for Sheriff, the total vote being 1445, 1420 was cast for Clerk, 1419 for House, 1415 for Judge. ; ' J. A. McAulay was nominated for Clerk of Court by a majority of 272 over T. L. Covington and H.C. Abbott R. L Johnson was nominated for Register of Deeds by a major ity of 526 over Joseph Gibson and R. V. Ussery. , W. N. Everett was nominated fdr the House by a majority of 547 over Martin Freeman and Mallie Hines. -' . -There was no nomination for Sheriff. Fdur Candidates in the f race, with J. R. Bennett, of Eller- be, leading with 443 votes, with R. L. McDonald, of Rockingham, a close second with 437 just six votes behind. Carl C. Shores was third with 399, and W. F. Long fourth with 166. A second primary is therefore necessary to decide between Bennett and Mc Donald, this primary to be " held June. 29thni$h. ; : :-' ; ins nght lor county commiss ioner 'was equally close. B. F. Reynolds, the retiring Register of Deeds, led the field of 14 candi dates with 1257 votes. The next highest was H. D. Hatch, of Ham let, with 823 votes; the third was John A. McNeill, of Roberdel, with 737. votes. These three hav ing a majority of the votes cast, are nominated. Woneottne re maining 11 candidates had a ma jority and so were not nominat ed. Therefore a second primary (June 29th) is necessary among the next four highest to decide which two shall receive the nom ination. These next four Jas. L Baldwin 643, N. D. Mc Donald 518", Dr. W. L. Howell 479, J..W. Capel 404. For any of these four to participate in a sec-J ond primary, the law requires him to make a request in writing trf the Board of Elections within ten jjays after the first primary. Unless the candidate makes such a' written iuestjltne' specified he fedebanedfrpm, par ticipation therein. "ITriJtoi going to press the Post Dispatch has no certam knowledge that iaftfbur will be candidates, but the pre sumption is they will; the sarte thing applies to the Sheriff. In the judgship John T. Ben nett led Judge W. J. Adams in Richmond county by a majority of 179. (Further judgship vote is on page 4.) : At the head of this page is a full tabulated statement of the votes bv each precinct for the various! candidates. It would be well for those interested to me this fqr future reference. NEW CALL ISSUED Orders Issued for Entrap ment of 15 White and 7 Colored Men to Camp. " Orders have been issued for the entrainment of 2000 white men from North Carolina to Camp Jackson during the five-day period beginning June 24th, and 1000 negroes for Camp Taylor, Ken tucky, during the five-day period beginning" June 19th. During this period a total of 200,000 men will entrain throughout the Nation. The number of white men or dered from Richmond county to entrain during the week begin ning June 24th is 15, and the negroes to entrain during Jthe five-day period , beginning June 19th is 7. The names will be published next issue. Montgomery is to furnish 21 white and 2 colored; Moore 26 white, 7 colored; Anson 12 white, 17 colored; Stanly 36 white, 7 . rnlnrfyfc Smtland nn white. 9 colored; Union 11 whitest colored; Hoke no white, 5 colored; Chath am 18 white, 9 colored; Randolph 19 white, 3 colored. -The order from headquarters is to the effect that if a local board is unable to fill its allot ment from within Class 1, it must broceed to select such men who had been tonporarilyJheld , back on agricultural or industrial grounds, as in its judgment can best' be spared. COMMISSIONERS MEET Commissioners Met Last Mon- 1 dayi Jurors Drawn for Two July Terms of Court Tax Levy Made. School Election Ordered. The county commissioners held their regular monthly meeting Monday, June 3rd. . ( Jury Lists:. j The jury list for the civil term that begins June 17th was drawn May 6th and published in the Post-Dispatch May 9th: The jury list of 24 men for the civil term that begins July 1st was drawn, as follows: Ed Blalock will be thus raised. However, no poll tax is required of any soldier and this will decrease the taxa ble funds somewhat In this tax levy is not included the special levies for the 25 special school tax districts, which range from .0 cents to 50 cents on the $100. The tax levy, itemized, is as bllows: ' ; t i a General State purposes... $Q.21 State pensions.:. State schools... County schools.. -.-,.,. , Special county schools County purposes. County bonds & int.. . County pensions. County Home bonds County roads John Swink C. C. Taylor S. S. Steele G. A. JeHkina J. JTBenhett J. M.ruton WLG.Lowry G. L. Kelly W. Terry W. Baucom W.T. Tally , The jury list of 36 men for the criminal term that begins July 15th was drawn, as follows: Primary of June 3rd, 1916. A comparison of the primary held June 3rd, 1916, i of interest ' Two yeara ago the vote for Sheriff was 1841, as against 1445 this year, or 396 lesa votes. . Two years ago for Senate, W. N. Ever ett received 1567, A. D. Scarboro i86 House, A Baldwin 1213, M. C. Freeman 523. Sheriff, H. D. Baldwin 1234, E. Shaw 84, R. L. McDonald 523. Register, B. F. Reynolds 1522, P. S. Covington 252. Treasurer, J. R O'Brien 645, C W. Davia 548, G. A, Patrick 358. W. L. McKenzie 158. Coroner, A. w..mun im, en i. Green 590. . Congress,' L. D. Robinson 1196, U. L. Spence 502, H. B. VaiWr 40. Commissioners, Dr. A. C Everett 1273, J. R. Bnett 1140. J. A. McNeilr 1089, N. D. McDonald 1073, Jas. k Baldwin 1028, H. E. Gibbons 792, W. A. Gibson 718,. G. A. McRae 593, H. J..Roger 612, J. C. Covington 443. -1 7 Negroes To Go To Camp. The following 13 negroes will be called to report here about June 19th (exact date will be announced next issue), out of which number 7 will be selected to go to Camp Taylor, Kentucky: 1065 James Bland 88 Ed.Stubbs 280 Preston Chambers 745 Ora Baily McKinley s ,1035 Will Covington 1427 William Leak 1506 Jerry Grant . 1585 Edmond Ellerbe .1611 Tom Johnson 1647, Norman Seagrove . 1762 Wra.J. McKay . : 1769 VWillie Nicholson -1811 James Watkins Cotton, spots, closed today ai 3020, July futures at 2621, Octo ber futures 23.59. Going up little. - ' W. E. Covington M. V. Bolton W. L. Boone M. A. McKeithan , H. A. Watkins, Dr. E. S. Davis . : J. C. Morgan R. G. Huggins J. Frank BuUer J. D. Hasty Ed Morrison W.H. Craven POLLTAX: State pensions.. ..$0.12 Gen. Co. Schools - 150 Sp. Co. schools .45 County pensions .06 County Home 09 County roads 1.00 County purposes .32 D. F.Gurlev Will O. Ellerbe ; S. C. Gibson Robt A. Wilson J. M. Thomas W.T.Meeks R. P. Clark - ! ' J. M. Dockery a W. Walker R, A. Easterling B. G. Martin P. S. Covington L. B. Buckshaw J. D. McLendon H. Fairley Long A. M. Gibson B. F. Steen . S. O. Bauersfield W.J. Freeman O. H. Hinson J. T. Haywood E.M. Phillips EdBaxley . R.R. Little Sandy Smith M. S. Parsons John Dunn ' W. C. EJlerbe Sam a Terry' E. A. Allen ShawDawkins J. A. Marks 1 W.J.Goodwin W. C Nance " CG. Pepper J. P. Gibbons Total poll $3.54 An election was authorized for Zion School District to be held July J3th as to issuing ah additional school tax of 20 cents on $100 and 60c on the poll. New reinstration to be held. A full notice is on page 9 of this issue. Judge W. F. Harding holds all three of the above named terms. Ordered, that Will Home, Min eral Springs,be granted a perma nent exemption from payment o: poll tax on account of physical disability. - Ordered, that $5 be appropriat ed for burial expenses of George Steele, colored, an outside pauper. Tax Levy: A most important matter trans' acted, was the arrangement the tax levy for the ensuing year, As arranged the levy will be $128 on the $100 and $3.54 on the pol an increase of 10 cents on the $100 and 30 cents on the poll, over the preceding year. This increase is fdr the countv schools, and it is estimated that $9000 additional .04 .02 .20, .15 .19 .08 .02 .03 .33 Total .$128 On page 4 can be seen a new department inaugurated this issue by the Post-Dispatch. It is for addresses and letters of Rich mond county men who are in the military and naval service. Send the paper letters from the service boys, with their change of addresses. ! Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been issued during the past week to:; "Thomas Talmage Cole and SallieTom Marks, white, issued 30th. . V Jesse Bethea and Elizabeth Manning, col., issued the 1st. James Austin Edwards and Mary KathaleenWhitlock, white, 1st. ' Clinton Adair Whitlock and Mary Elizabeth Moore, white, 1st. Joseph C. Bell and Cora Bell Brown, white, issued the 3rd. Mr. Benton to France. : Rev. Bruce Benton's application for admission as a religious work- , er in the Y. M. C A work in France has been favorably pass ed, and he has received notice to hold himself in readiness to report for duty overseas upon receipt of a wire. v OOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO 00 oooo THE SEED Of SUCCESS I o o O o o o O O O 0 "if you want to know whether you are going to be a SUCCESS or FAILURE in life, you can easily find out The test is simple and infallible. Are you able to save money ? If not, drop out You will fail aa sure as you live. ' You , may not think so, but you you will. THE SEED OF SUC- CESS IS NOT IN YOU." . Habits are seed. Each brings forth of its kind. Do you want to "Drop Out? Then take care that you sow the SEED OF SUCCESS.' " U,..-,1 LEARN TO SAVE. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Andrew Carnegie is quoted as saying, "Get the first thousand, and the rest will be easy." Have you accumulated your FIRST THOUSAND, young man? If you haven't start today by opening a bank account In the ONLY SAV INGS BANK in the County. Money in the bank gingers vou un.' It crives vou confidence. If a business opportunity offers, you have the CASH. Everybody knows that MONEY 0 makes MONEY. d You will find that a BANK BOOK is your best friend. 0 0 0 0 0 0 deposits. i . . . . . t ; " . ' - This Bank invites you to become one of its MANY 0 depositors. f OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OO 000000 o 0 O 0 0 o o The Richmond County Savins Bank Rockingham, N. C- v O ( OOOOO OvVVVVWyVyVv vvvvvvvv '''''' ' ' '.')'" ' ' ' " " 4 "V''