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PAGE THREE ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH 1 fi You Can't Rub It Away; i f Rheumatism is in the Blood Liniments Will Never Cure. If you are afflicted with Rheuma tism, why waste time with liniments, lotions and other local applications that never did cure Rheumatism and sever will? 1 Do not try to rub the pain away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain, and go after that. Remove the cause, and there can be no pain. You will never be rid of Rheuma tism until you cleanse your blood of the germs that cause the disease. S. S. S. has never had an equal as a blood purifier and scores of sufferers say that it has cleansed their blood of Rheumatism, and removed all trace of the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your drug store, and get on the right treatment to-day. If you want spe cial medical advice, you can obtain it free by addressing Medical Director, 23 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Hamlet Opera House HAMLET, N. C. One Night Only, Tuesday, Oct. 8th lius Mill's Minstrels 50-Comedians-Singers-Dancers- 50 WITH Arthur Deming Jimmy Wall Jack Kennedy Rags Leighton Eddie Gurton Eddie Horan James Baradi Al Fontaine Carl Graves Wo. H. Hallett Fred Fredy Francis Brennan Saxo Quintette and 34 Others. The great and only GEORGE WILSON. Direct from the New York Hippodrome. Watch for the big street parade at noon. Positively the best show seen here in years. Balcony prices 50,& 75. Lower Flower $1.00, $1.50 Tax Extra. lV Seats on Sale at Roys' Pharmacy Hamlet, N. C. Continued from Page 2 Size About 9x4x4. Crust -Uniform golden brown, crisp ' crackly and smooth. i Taste and odor -bweet nutty flavor and odor, no suggestion of sourness or taste of yeast. Texture and Oram-1 ender but not crumbling, fine mesh of equal size throughout. Moisture slightly moist, yet springy and elastic when pressed lightly with the finger. Color -Creamery white, not snowy white. Lightness Well raised, equally light throughout, absence of heavy spots or streaks, not heavy tor size. Entries for individual things: Steamed brown bread 50c, graham bread 50c, corn bread 50c, corn meal muffins 50c, biscuit, using half white flour and half flour substitutes 50c, dis play of war breads to consist of not less than three different kinds, 1st $1.0U, zna 75c, display of war cakes, to consist of not less than three different kinds, 1st $1.00, 2nd 50c, exhibit of sponge cake. not iced, or ginger bread 25c, exhibit dried fruit pie 25c, exhibit pie, with any preserved fruit filling 25c, exhibit sweet potato pie 25c. school lunch, considering balanced ration, preparation, neatness of pack, kind of container 50c, peanut Dut ter, homemade 25c, unfermented grape juice, homemade 25c, scuppernong grage juice, homemade 25c, cider vinegar, nome made 25c, molasses or sorghum, home made 25c. mince meat, homemade 25c, corn meal, homemade 25c, small mill wheat flour 25c, section comb honey 3l.uu, extracted honey 50c, display fruit pre served in honey 50c, display cookery in which honey is used 50c, display dried fruits and vegetables to consist of not less than three kinds and one pound ot each $1.00, display vegetables preserved in salt. Brined or dry salted, to consist of not less than three vegetables and one quart of each $1.00, display home raised vegetable seed, to consist ot not less tnan six kinds 1.50. hreless cooker, home made 50c. flv trap, homemade 50c, roller tray, homemade $1.00, dryer, homemade $1.00, house dress, homemade 50c, cap and aoron. homemade 50c, soap, home made 25c. Home Butter and Cheese. Score card for judging homemade butter. Flavor 45, texture 25, color 15, salt 10, finish, package 5. iotal iw points Explanation of score card. FlavorMild, distinct, sweet, clean, free from rancidity. Texturegrain or granules, appear ance like broken cast iron when mass is broken. Color Clear, bright, golden yellow. SaltCompletely dissolved, uniform throuehout whole mass, not too salty or lack of salt. Finish -Package, neat, clean, attrac Hv anncarance. Homemade country butter, one pound 75c, homemade cottage cheese, one pound 75c. Special Group Displays. TTvViihit rannpH fruits and vegetables. three quart jars to be selected from the following: String beans, soup mixture, peaches, pears, apples, or berries, 1st st nn 5nrf $100. Exhibit "reserves in pint jars or in 12 oz. jars, four jars to be selected from the following: rig, peacn war strflwherrv. eherrv. orange marma laHo rinrer near. 1st $2. 2nd $1. Exhibit isme in ninr nr No 5042 iars to be select- " "... . ' : . r: ed from the following: macKDerry or demherry, raspberry, strawberry, ng, noarh riamsom. nlum. 1st $2. 2nd $1. Pvihif nirHos in ninr iars or in 12 oz. WAIUl. J- .' " w - f J - jars, four jars to De seiectea irom me following; Cucumber, onion, watermelon rind (sweet) sliced encumber, chow-chow, Dixie relish, pepper hash, 1st $2, 2nd $1. mm mm mm mmmwmmm I We will win this war Nothing eke really matters until we dot i 77ie Flavor Lasts DEPARTMENT D Canning Club. Mrs. John Sandy Covington, Director. Tn firot nr Kprnn.-i vpriV eirls makine host pvhihit in class of 12 sauare jars, six 5042, six glasses jelly, any kind, 1st $2, 2nd $1. 1 o third, iourtn ana nun ur trirl making best exhibit in elass of 12 square jars, six 5042, six glasses jelly, any kind, 1st $2, 2nd $1. Best single jar Continued top of Page 6 66 Years Success The Wonderful Record of Dr. Thacher's Liver Blood Syrup. Are you patriotic? Of course you are, but are you buying Liberty Bonds from a PATRIOTIC STANDPOINT - "TILL IT HURTS?" THIS WEEK FINDS Stephenson Go's Ready-to-wear department better equipped to fill your every want than it has ever been before. New shipments coats, suits, silk and serge dresses, sweaters, bath robes, outing gowns, baby coats and caps, Bootees, muslin underwear, etc. A beautiful line of silk drop skirts in any desirable shades, attractively priced at $1.98, $2.98, $3.98, $4.95 and $5.48. Our stock of bath robes include the various colors and styles that are sure to please, priced at $2.48, $2.98, $3.98, $4.95, $5.48. A splendid assortment ladies' and children's sweaters, saques, etc. 17 Busy Belk Stores Sell it For Less. elk Co. ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Ki ervice and Those medicines which live for even 1 quarter of a century are exceptional, and continuous use for over two-thirds of a century is indisputable evidence of wonderful merit. Dr.Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup iame into existence in 1852. and from that time to the present it has grown in the confidence and estimation of its yearly increasing number of users. Through all these years it has steadily grown in popular favor. Its wonderful building up power is shown in the experience of Mrs. C. E. Chadwick, Seale. Ala. "I was all run itnirn n health fib A flftTR. "Welched only 104 pounds and getting worse every day. x Degan me use 01 ui. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup and today, I am thankful to say, I am in rirfect health and weigh 155 pounds, attribute my good health to the use of that most wonderful medicine. I armly believe there are numerous sur fartnir Twnnin that could be sound and well by the use of Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup." If you need atonic, or a blood purl- flcr.lf TTMir liver (a nut. of order, vour uv. J u J u. ' - - I stomach troubles you, or you are con- try Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Sumn Tt I a vegetable and eonnot possibly injure any one. It has been oi wonaenui oeneni w umurs, therefore should command your attention.- All dealers in medicines sell and will recommend it. S. Biggs, Druggist. o Hi .2