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&0CZX3GIIAIX P03T-MS?ATCh PAGE NLNK Conservation of dress material was urged upon women and they adopted narrow skirts. Now the railroads are finding fault because owing to narrow skirts,the trains are delayed an average of seven teen additional seconds at each stopping place. , A Matter of Education. ; ' : (Contributed) , . ' . ... ' A prominent women in a large western city served nut oleomargarine 'to her ' family and at a dinner to which ahe In cited aome . frienda ahe also served the 'same product She informed them of thia and further said ahe could not af-, . ted la butter at itas present price. ; , One man among her guests knew the , , value of butter and proceeded to tell her" ' the difference between vegetable fata and ' milk fata, as has been discovered by Dr. i Mc3ollum and others. He infohuod her . that milk fat, from which butter fa made, contained substances essential to growth ar.d that they were found in other fats commonly used in making oleomargarine WOOD'S , ANNIVERSARY Seed Catalog Gives the fullest and most up-to-date information, not only about Seeds that can be MlantMt to vftdvantacre. but also about crops that prom ise CO give we largest pruuu during the coming year. OUR -40 -.YEARS' . aTXPKRIENCE, and an equipment that la Unsur passed .Iff this eeuntpy, oi quallsa advantages for' sopplylnj , thi kit 0 Film zsi Garden Seeds Write. fo Catalog and mess of vRAM end 0L0VIR SEEDS, r " 'SUI OATS,' BUD CORN 1 ' and SEED POTATOES. - Catalog Mailed Free on .Request. T. .W. Wood & Sons, EEOlMEN, Richmond, V. Per the Best of Oardent, .PLANT WOOD'S. SCKPS. tJT,-7j 14 . .... V . .. .V . , Express speed for'letters Uno stops The Self Starting Remington dears the trades tor ezpreai , speed on all correspondence. No fecal stops for switching A the carriage. The switching is sutomatic instantaneous, v'j. This Remington invention, fully protected by Remmgtoa patents, nukes every typist a taster typist, because it forces more automatic speed out of the machine itself. ! Its i J per cent, to a J per cent, dme-saving helps put today's letters through today. Fortunately, we have bees able to accompfiih thia great dme-saving wittoot increasing the price of the machine. ' The Self Starter feature U buOt into and fouad only ha 1 SELF STARTING REM TYPEWRITER Grand Prit-Ponama-Pfic Expedtim . If yoo wmt to tec the (roteat ibrnm In conropaodfacs . typevrritm, we ihall be U4 to demomtntc this new Remlnfton machine on your own work. Write or "phone tofcy. DocriptiTe foUen mailed on Kqucat. liEMDVGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Incorporate! 229 South Tryon Street Charlotte, -t North Carolina. For Thirty-Six Years ACME FERTILIZERS Have Successfully Maintained Their Reputation For Supremacy Highest grade materials, scientifically combined, perfectly manipulat ed and alwaya In splendid mechanical condition; assure you that you do not experimenS when you buy ACME. When you buy ACME you know what you are getting and with whom you are dealing. , ACME brands sre the result of thirty-six years successful fertilizer manufacturing, pro duced by an independent home company with intimate knowledge of the oil. crops and conditlona in the territory which they seive. He ACME COMPANY is in close personal touch with its customers. It customers, trade and all matters connected with business receive the close personal attention of its officers who are the owners and managers of the Corpor ation. There is no "higher up," you can call upon and be upon intimate terms with those with whom you deal when you buy ACME. f -. . The ACME COMPANY has an ample supply of all materials, includ ing potash. There are no better potash brands than these manufactured by 'the ACME COMPAFY. Our soils need patash an our potash brands t are so manufactured as to give an ample supply of high g Jjf ' ater-solu-" b!e potash for all soils and conditions. . If your dealer cannot sell you ACME, see our nearest representative or write us direct We wish to serve you. ACME brands are sold and recommended by reliable dealers and are manufactured only by the ACME MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ' f AtflNDEPENDENT HOME COMPANY. ' v WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA n ra r (Red Steer Brands) a vo Proven Their Quality En th Field They have maintained highest rank for many years. Our customers say they are the best In materials used In care in manufacture In crop results. Be sure you get the besiWIFPS. Formulas for any crop on any soil We believe that most soils are becoming sadly lack ing in Potash. We can supply any desired percentage of Potash. Labor and cars are not normal yel Order Swift's Fertilizers early &nd be sure of your supply. .99 5f ZnTILIZETti t lj ' M J-.l flit 4 . f It Pays to Use Them Manufactured by: SCTFT and PPAMY (Fertilizer Works) S&les Office: CHARLOTTE, N. C. ractorisM lVilmlnston.N.C. Craanabor, N. C. Columbia, S. C sChaatarrS.C John L. Everett- ROCKINGHAM, NORTH CAROLINA Notice To B. Steen: You will take notice that at a tax collector's sale for delinquent taxes tor tne year ai t, tne unaersignea am on the 6th of May, 1918, purchase one lot in Marks Creek township, Richmond cpunty N. C., the same being listed in your name for taxation, and unless you redeem the same by paying the taxes and cost on or before the 6th day of May, 1919, we shall apply to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. Board pf County Commissioners for Richmond County. Notice. ' To W. C. Long: You will take notice that at a tax collector's sale for delinquent taxes for the county of Richmond, State of North Carolina, for the year 1917, the undersigned old on tne otn oi may, ivio, nut-rhao 91 arm nf land in Rockineham township, Richmond county, N. C, the same being listed in your name ior taxa tion, and unless you redeem the same by paying the taxes and cost on or oeiore fh Rth iliv nf Mav 1Q1Q we shall aiiolv to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. Board of County commissioners ior Richmond County. Notice To. Mrs. A. G. McKeithan: You will take notice that a at tax collector's sale for delin quent taxes for the county ot Kicnmona, State of North Carolina, for the year 1917, the Undersigned did on tne otn oay ox May, 1918, purchase three acres in Rock ingham township, Richmond county, N. C, the same being listed in your name fn. favatinn OflH linllM VM1 fpdpP.m the IV! IHAIIUI1 f same by paying the taxes and cost on or before tne btn oay oi may, isus, wc auau apply to the Sheriff ot Kicnmona county for deed for same as the law provides. Board ot Uunty commissioners ior Richmond County. Notice. . To Elizer Chavis, estate: You will take notice tnat at a tax cra- l-tr'a mam inr Anmlnt tavpS for the county of Richmond, State of North Car olina, for the year 1917, the undersigned did ontneotnaay oi May, iio, hui chase 100 acres of land in Wolf Pit town ship, Richmond county, N. C, the same being listed in your name for taxation, and unless you redeem the same by pay ing the taxes and cost on or before the 6th day of May, 1919, we shall apply to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. Board of County Commissioners for Richmond County. faves fnr tiSo rnnntv nf Richmond. State of North Carolina, for the year 1917, the undersigned did on the 6th day of May, 1918, purchase 40 acres ot lana in won Pit township, Richmond county, N. C. the same being listed in your name for taxa tion, and unless you redeem the same by paying the taxes and cost on or Detore the 6th day of May, 1919, we shall apply to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. Board or county .vximmissioners i Richmond County. ' . Notice. To J. M. Smith: Vnn will take not re tnat at a tax coi- eia fnr ttlinmipnt tnYfi for the a mu county of Kicnmona, state oi iNorui Car olina, for the year iyi I, tne unaersigneu did on the 6th day of May, 1918, pur chase one lot in the town of Rockingham, Richmond county, N. C, the same being Is at A1 in vnur nam for taxation, and un less you redeem the same by paying the Hvn. onH mat nn or hpfore the 6th dav of May, 1919, we shall apply to the Sher iff of Kicnmona county ior aeea ior mit as the law provides. Board of County Commissioners for Richmond county. Notice. To Mrs. J. C Wroton: I ou will take notice UuL ai lector's sale for delinquent taxes for the county of Richmond, State of North Car olina, for the year 1917, the undersigned au, .. ?th rtw of May, 1918. pur chase nine lots in Marks Creek township, Richmond county, . c, tne same wui listed in your name for taxation, and un iocs vmt riHrm the same bv oavinB the taxes and cost on or before the 6th day of May, 1919, Ve shall apply to tne pner iff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. " Board ot county conunissioiiei. un Richmond County. 1 " Notice. To W. L. Hurley, estate: You will take not that ot tav i-nlWWs sale fnr delin quent taxes for the county of Richmond, State of North Carolina, for the year 1917, tk. ,inlirciimAr1 HiH nn the 6th dav of uni uiiuw..i5w - ioiq nuMknu twA lnltt in tn town may uw, - ' of Ellerbe, Richmond county, N. &, the same being listed m your name tor taxa fiAn .nil unlAes von redeem, the same bv paying the taxes and cost on or before tk. c.u J., r.4 Mav 1Q1Q we shall nnnlv U1E ViU ymJ v J , 1 rr to the Sheriff of Richmond county for ;:cd fcr same as tne law provioes. Board of County Commissioners . for Richmond County. : 1 WATSON-KING CO. . Funeral Directors and Embalmers. ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Thones: Rjs. 217 or 1C3; oTice 33. V Notice T.'UllMn1 1U LJUIMH .T.wt"'-"-. t vnn win taRe notice tnat t a tax collectora sale for delinquent taxes for the county of Richmond. State of North Carolina, for tne year ivu, tne undersigned did on the 6th day of May, inia AO( iirrM in Mineral yi i n. uuiuuns h -------- Sorinoa township. Richmond county, N, C, tpe "same being iistea in your name .'..vatinti mH unlenft vou redeem the soma hw novinir the tTM and COSt OH Or before the 6th day of May 1919, we shall apply to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. Board of County Commissioners for Richmond County. Notice. Tn I C. Wrntnn: You will take notice that at a tax collector's sale for delin quent taxes for the county of Richmond, State ot North Carolina, for the year 1917, the undersigned did on the 6th of May, 1918, purchase two acres ana two lots in Mat-Ira Opek tnwnshio. Richmond countv. M r ths came heins listed in vour name for taxation, and unless you redeem the same by paying tne taxes ana cost on or kfor-A tho Rth riav nf Mav 1919. we shall U.vr.w m.w w - - , -- onntv tn the Sheriff nf Richmond count V "ft" J " . : . , for deed tor same as tne zaw proviaes. Board ot county commissioners for Richmond County. Notice To Mrs. S. W. Covington: - You will take notice that at a tax collector's sale for delinquent taxes for the county of Richmond, S ate of North Carolina, for the year 1917, h(j undsrsgined did on the 6th day of May, lata, purcnase one lot in Kocxingnam, Richmond county, N. C, the same being listed in your name for taxation, and un less you redeem the same by paying the. s end enst on or Deiore tne otn ay """" wa shall atjnlv to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. Board ot county commissioners ior Richmond county. T Notice To W. P. Bennett . . . .. .You will take notice tnat at a tax collector's sale for delinquent taxes for the county of Richmond, State of North Carolina, for the year 1917, the undersigned did on the 6th day of May, 1918, purchase 4 acres oi iana in mams Creek township, Richmond county, N. C the same being listed in your name, for taxation, and unless you redeem the same by paying the taxes ana cost on or oeiore the 6th day oi May, we wuui vi" tA tk. Qh.riff nf Richmond countv for deed for same as the law provides. Board, ot county commissioner, tor , -Richmond Gounty. Notice. To A. D. Spivey: You will take notice that at a tax col-' lector's sale for delinquent taxes for the county of Richmond, State of North Car olina, for the year 1917, the undersigned did on the 6th day of May, 1918, purchase 15 1-2 acres of land in Mineral Springs township, Richmond county, N. C, the same being listed in your name for taxa tion, and unless you redeem the same by paying the taxes and cost on or before the Cth day ct May, 1913, we snail apply to the Sheriff of Richmond county for deed for same as the law provides. i Board oi county commissioners ior Richmond County. . t , DF. J.M. MANESS ELLERBE Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Umce over Ben nett's store. Hours : 9 to 12, I to 4. Phone 22, , ... Notice To L. C Chavis: s You will take nofice that at a tax collector's sale for delinquent We Are Ready I To turn out that job of Drintina wherv ever you need it. i Our Prices Are Eight Administrator's Notice. Havina ntialified aa administrator of the estate of the late Fetzer Lentz, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said decedent to present same to me, auiy vennea, on or oeiore tne ta of February, 1920, or thia notice will be rktt In Kar nf heir twiwM.k '' All who. are indebted to said decedent will please mane immediate payment . mt . .. . m p r I nis, January io, ivvt. : : . J. W. Lentz. ; Notice. : f In Superior Court North Carolina, Richmond County. E. a Morris, Plaintiff. -'VS. H. S. Morris, Defendant To H. S. Morris: Take nntire that nn the 5f?th dav ' nf February, 1919, at 12 o'clock M in the law othce ot cnas. c simms m tne town nf Pat-n well tTniinrv nf Ramwf-11 State nf South Carolina, before Chas. C. Simms, tt.A in WillllllBaiuiici, uic unuciwgiicu 111 ,.nc the deposition of W. A. Haynes, and others to be read as evidence for the plaintiff In the above entitled action, t t- ; - .1 : i .1- - f- : . court oi Kicnmona v-ouniv, : nortn Caro lina, and you will further tr notice that it tna taxing vi uie eaiu . ' iiiuniaimi completed on the said dav m will be continued from day to u, is completed. This 4th day of January, 191 .). v E.B.-?.toiTis. V' . . plaintiff.