Newspaper Page Text
Kg ( (frttfrt.tSttt(Ctt ClYourNewitsPott-DUpatcK $ "ALL THE NEWS Mnif nf f ha Tim ft ' ' Wt want TOU nUr. Sok- 2 t Most of tn news , ' icrib hi. Our m1 U S00O ' ALL THE TIMET $1.50 PER YEAR Vol 2. No. 10 ROCKINGHAM, N. C, THURSDAY Afternoon, FEBRUARY 6, 1919; IP"- 'wi,... k mmm I ITlti H M Ml M ri ' .- . , KV 71 . . 1 1 1 K I ' W vv A "I .VI it iB I - l - . . ' V . . I.IAJ0R CASUALTIES 56,592 ; Of These 39,158 Are Listed as Killed or Died of Wounds, And These May Be Largely,: Added to When The 10,000 Now Unaccounted For Are Tabulated. ! An official table of the major battle casualties of the American forces in France was made public J by . General . March' Saturday, they show that fully 10,000 men still remain unaccounted tornearly ' three months after thending of hostilities, i The deaths, missing s and known prisoners are tabulated up to Jan. 30th, for each of the 30 combatant divisions. The total is 56,592, of whom 17,434 cjassi fled as missing or captured, l .' An appended Statement shows that ' only 29 American military prisoners were believed to be in Ger many on Jan. 8th, and that 4,800 prispners had been checked up , as returned and 118 died in captivity. ' 1 To the above list must be added 1,551 from the marine brigade. ' ' ' -The 30th and 81st divisions are of especial interest to our Rich- mohd county people. - And so we give here a ; statement of killed, ; died,1 missing and prisoners of each of these divisions; and further - down is a summary of each of the 30 cdmbatant divisions: , . ' Thirtieth DiviiiiHii , ' Thirtieth Division, Tennessee, North Carolina. South Carolina and District of Columbia troops: ' ' . ' Number Killed Dead' Missing prisoners iotai - lir ..MJ-U 247 ' 80 , f Si-,- . . 0 . 388 118 ' 179 , 97 52- 0 328 ' 119 i 283 ' 91 , - ,57 " 22 453 m lJ..:'.,.-. 311 '. ' h 98 , . ' 66 I . 0 475 ' : t ' ' "" IfUckin Gun. ' - QUARANTINE LIFTED Flu Conditions Over (County . Much , Improved, Schools And Picture Show Allow ed to Fteopen. 113 115'. 113 li: !115. 9 14- 4 4 9 4 3 14 11: Artilkry. ' 0 0 , 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .t'..105 ------ w itisr 20. 1M T,otala , 1,084 ' Track Mortar. 0 f' 415 '251 '0. 9 - ffI-: EIGHTY-FIRST DIVISION. 22 12 28 16 6 15 9 42' i,m The flu conditions over the county are very much improved. Not a single case has occurred in Rockingham this week. The Eoard of Health met last Saturday night " and passed an order permitting churches to re open throughout the county on Sunday, Feb. 2nd, and schools to reopen Monday, Feb. 10th. vThe local picture show will be allowed to resume operation Saturday, tea otn, out witn the proviso that no person under sixteen years of age will be allowed ; to enter, under penalty of the show being closed. The responsibility is upon the picture show to obey this order and Keep children un der 16, out. v The deaths throughout the county the" past week have been less than for any week since last fall, only 4 dying from effects of flu.; This brings the total to 156 for the county since the epidemic started in October. The Rockingham schools, white and colored, will begin next Monday. BLUE TRIANGLE Campaign to Raise Funds for v Y W, C A. Began Today and Ends Feb. 17th. Rich , mond County Asked to Raise $150. Eighty-first Division, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida troops: Number 321 .. ,322 .. 323 .. 324 .. Killed 43 61 19 41 Infutry. Dead 25 13 12 12 Missing 6 27 3 14 Prisoners 0 1 0 ' 1 Total 74 102 34 68 MackiM Gib. DEATHS J r The Young Women's Christian Association has most earnestly at heart the welfare of the young women, and now that the war is over, hundreds of them are being turned out of jobs in Washington and other large cities. Tnese girls must be looked after, and precautions and safeguards thrown around them. The State organization needs $14,851 to car ry on this work. A canvass is being made throughout the State to secure this amount,the canvass beginning today and ending Feb. 17th. Richmond county is asked to contribute $150. The chairman of this District (sirt counties) is Mrs. W. C. Leak. She has ap pointed Mrs. Frank W. Leak as chairman for the county. The chairmen for each township are as follows: . Marks Creek: Mrs. H. D. Hatch. ' Wolf Pit: Mrs. Wm. Crosland. ' Beaver Dam: Miss Todd Arm istead. , l Black Jack: Miss Irene Parsons. Mineral Springs: Mrs. J.R. Bennett. , Steele's: Mrs. John Capel. ,1 West Rockirigharii: Mrs. Porter, COMMISSIONERS MEET Routine Business by County Commissioners Last Mon day. Jurors ' Drawn ' ' for Civil Term. Bill in t Legis lature Regarding Court house. T.;'K;:i rv. 316 2 2 1 . 0 5 317 2 , 3 0 0 5 318 5 1 7 0 13- ." ' Artillery. . ... 316 28 13 - 18 0 59 317 0 2 0 0 2 318 ............ 0 , 2 0 0 2 (' ' . Track Mortar. 306 '. ; 0 ' 0 0 0 0 306 2 I , 3 S 0 6 Total .......I. .203 86 . 79 - m, , 2 370 Division No, Killed . Died Missing ' Prisoners Totals 1 2.303 , 1.050 1,789 106 548 ' '2 " 1,383 696 813 . 73 2,965 . 3 1.901 '589 873 254 3,617 n 4 i..... 1.500 618 817 51 2,986 ' 5 970 ' 505 ' . 969 '60 ' 2,504 6 ...... 49 67 3-3 122 , 7 175 98 50 3 '326 ' ,'26 ..".I-. 1,388 660 462 354 2,864 '.' 27 1,302 - 404 . 330 ,. . 158 2,194 58 LI... 1.544 '.553 . , 1.174 619 3,890 ' 29 ...... 597 220 267. 33 1,117 '30 1,085 . ' 415 251 22 1,772 32 1.694 , 708 768 - , 43 3,213 33 ...... 632 " 261 249 29 ' 1,171 " 35 596 . 217 , . 808 112 1,733 - 36 '.- 358 116 , 393 2 869 . ..-37 658 !' 289 303 150 " 42 1.702 . . J723 , 440 85 - 2,950 ' 97 U75 . 1 552 529 - 336 . 2,692 '!' 78 '915 339 ( ' 508 63 , 1,825 v,:?9 Y 880 .' 352' 1,142 15' 2,389 . ;" Bl' I 203 , ' 86 79 , 2 . , 370 , B2 '808 324 ' " - 271 189 1,592 ' !88 ..!.'. . 20 33 .r , . 7 v , .6 . 66 ' i ".89 -I.:- 838 427 256 4 1,525 90 ' 936 327 287, 35 1,585 ''91 934 , 275 . 470 23 1,702 ",92 109 ,50 . 47 5 211 .'93 ...... 372 - 105 - 8 4 -489 ; Total 27,762 . 1U96 14,649 2,785 5692 Rockingbam (City.) d . " Sandford S, Mills, died In R6ck- ingham on Thursday night , of last week of pneumonia-influenza, and was buried in Eastside ceme tery here. He was 28 years old, and had come from another county only recently. The Red Cross attended to his wants while sick, and assisted . in his burial. His wife and child have now recovered from the flu. The county commissioners met in regular session last Monday, all five members present'' :' ; r H. J. Rogers, Wolf Pit t'wship, was released of tax on $700 over valuation real estate.' il ' Shockley Peele was , allowed $5.00 per quarter for support. C. B. Powell was refunded poll tax, 1918, being nonresident .-, Richmond county's representa- iye in the House, W. N. Everett, will the last of this week or the first of next week introduce a bill that will remove all obstacles to wards building a new courthouse; in other words, the legal machin ery will be provided by this Leg islature, and the question , of building will be up to the county commissioners. The delay here tofore in building a new court house has been due to the . legal difficulties in the way of building on a dinerent site irom the present courthouse. The following jurors were drawn for the civil term of court that convenes March 17th: Rockingbam Towmbip. Leonard, three-months-old child of Will McLaughlin, colored, died in Rockingham township Feb. 2nd, supposedly of pneumonia influenza. Claude, 10 1-2 months old child of Mr. W. J. McCaskill, died at Pee Dee No. 2t Tuesday night. The little body was carried Wed nesday to Savannah church, in Anson county, for burial. , Mitchell Ingram, year old child of Willie Ingram, colored, died of effects of influenza in Rocking ham township Feb. 3rd. V v . EUerbe School Bonds. ivrSealeAbids were opened by the Richmond County Board of Edu cation here Monday for the sale of the $8,000 Ellerbe school bonds. John Neween & Co., of Chicago, were the successful bid ders. The bonds are 20-year serial, six per cent. They sold at par with accrued interest, plus premium of $132, with the bidding firm to furnish the blank bonds. There were eight bids opened Monday. Hamlet 6000 people jammed the city auditorium at Raleigh Monday night to hear Billy Sunday,' the famous evangelist, who left his meeting at Richmond for a one ' night's service in Raleigh. Sev eral thousand people were, mass ed on th outside unable to find room within: Clyde Davis, former secretary of the Sandhill Board of Trade and editor at one time of the Carthage News, died in New York of pneumonia, following influenza, Jan. 22nd. He was at the time working on the World's work; the remains were interred in Kansas. G. W. Cole died of pneumonia influenza in Hamlet last Friday morning; burial there , Saturday. Fie was about 45 years old. One of his children died of flu Jan. 17th. Trosie Ingram, colored, aged 10 years, died in Hamlet Feb 4th of blood poison. The child stuck a splinter under her tongue about a month agot but it was thought it had been entirely extracted. However, a small particle must have remained, as the tonrr became infected and death result ed from blood poisoning. Marriage Licenses. Jan. 30th, license to Mr. Morde cai Lee Altaian and Miss Helen Glenn TownsendV' of EUerbe. Ceremony performed by Rev. B. F. Watson at Pee Dee parsonage Feb. 4th. 1 Feb. 1st, license to Will Buie and Nannie Poole, colored. - Feb. 6th, license : to Willie Goodwin and Bessie Thompson, white, of Pee Dee mill village. Readable Paper. At first glance the reader may imagine the paper is lull ot ad vertisements this issue, but noi so; there are a good many advts, but then there are twelve pages. And our news matter is divided oyer these twelve pages to the best advantage. The advts con tain, interesting matter and we suggest you read every page clear through to the Hogwallow on page eleven. New Jailor. Sheiff McDonald has appointed Josh H. Bean, ofEntwistle, as jailor, and Mr. Bean, wife land two children are moving to the jail today. Mr. J. B. Reynolds and family are today moving to) the Hinson house, to rear Municipal Building. 5000 yards if J.UV fiffinha uiiiyiiu SPECIAL 10c St:pbsGn-E3lk Go. ; WHITE SALE Sale began this (Thursday) morning, and closes Feb. 15. two-page announcement on pases three and four of this issue. ' . -. it; 590 Lb. Porker. County Commissioner J. I. W. Capel a few days ago killed a Duroc hog ' that weighed . 590 pounds.'; He made 110 pounds tf lard and 50 pounds M sausage from this sizable porker.' . He is going in strong for meat this year, and expects to market over 10kX) pounds of meat next fall: He is long on turnips for fattening. ' .z ' MBWatkins A W McKay A G Corpening DRTbpmaa . SPStogner Coy Green DR Pope . ; HDLedbetter G H Mauldin Billy Watkins Lonnie Stogner SJMMikin J C Doekery I C C Cabel v. ?'W S William'?.i. H v F t Biggs. . , ;JWMoGirt Raiford Dawkins ? DF Warner r J B Melton '' "';:' J R Boykin ' A J Little ' .'' -R R Vuncannon J Wait Covington IK Reopens Saturday. The Star Picture Show will reopen Saturday afternoon at 2:30 with matinee Ad mission 10 and 20c. PROGRAM: 3rd episode "Fight for Mill ions. :. ' '.Two hot comedies. ; The building is thoroughly -disinfected twice each day. 1 Copper Still. Deputy collectors Morrison and Shores brought in a 40-gal-lon copper still, bagged about three miles irom candor, m Montgomery county, on Thurs day of last week. 500 gallons o beer were poured out See pages seven and eight for information of the White Sale and Clearance Sale that began at Stephenson-Belk's store this a. m. FASHIONS and FABRICS .-; ; ' . OF . The Globe Tailoring Company .. . CINCINNATI To be displayed by GARNER & HINSON Ftbruiy 13tfc to IS bclaiWt J. T. Townsend "Globe Man" in Charge Woolens Shown in Full Length Drapes MONEY SAVED In Our Christmas Savings Club is Practically a clear GAIN because it represents a total made up of small amounts , conserued weekly and placed on deposit instead of being ' spent in the many ways in which small change is usually expended -'s ;-:-:,:.',il l nJ: Become a member and it will be "just like finding so much money" when you get a check for : your entire savings plus interest, just before Christmas The First Deposit Makes You a Member There Are No Other Reauirments ' No Fees No Fines - No'Extsas , , Save For Christmas. Save For Liberty Donds and War Savings Stamps : ', '-' .'..'-.f', ' .i;' ''-.i"'-' ' : .,' 1 V' -," 'i. "-. Everybody Old or Young Invited to join 1 ' . Have Everyone in the Family Become a Member ENROLL NoW THE RICHMOND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK THE ONLY SAVINGS BANK In the County ROCKINGHAM, N. C, Capital $15,000.00 , - , Surplus $15,000X0 W. L, Parsons, President; William Entwistle, Vice President; W. L. Scales, Cashier; Miss Octavia S. Scales, Asst. Cashier. This Bank is open until 5 p.m. each SATURDAY. if"