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PAGH FOUR Tcbe Steele in France (Contviljuted)' -' Somewhere in France rests the last of the 232 Co. M. P.'s. Long years ago, when the world war was in progress, this . fine body pf Military Police was ; mobilized at Montior, France. They, did their duty faithfully and well, and when the war was over and their division had gone back to the States they were left behind due to some error in their orders, i Their batallion number . was changed a couple of times, so when time came to go home, no bon arpiind their crowns. Their uniforms were 0. D., with wrap ped leggins; the left sleeve of the blouse had a double row of gold chevrons from, the cuff to the shoulder, -and around the arm was a blue1 brassard with the letters M. P, in red, ; Each wore a web belt and leather holster in which was an old Colt auto matic pistol. Under the right arm each carried a sort of wcod en club, well polished from long use, ; Their hair and beard, were long and white, the beards reach ing nearly to their waist. "FR. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is 1 just what I need. It is a splen did laxative, mild and pleasant and acts so quickly and easily. I wouldn't be without it, and keep it in our. home all the time." From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by I Mr. G. C. Murphy, 4 Walker Street, J Atlanta, Ga, Dr. Caldwell's Syr. Peps .up The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere . 50 cts. O $1.00 in Recommended as a positive remedy for consti pation, mild and gentle in its action. The standard family remedy in countless homes. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello. Illinois. one could be able to find them. They continued to serve faith fully, until one after another passed away and buried by their comrades; at. last only two re mained, Sgt. Steele and Sgt. Tomey. Sgt. Steele walking post around the Garden JL'Eden, and Sgt Tomey looking after a certain house behind the , Stable Going up to the old veterans, the Secret Service man said, "Would yOU be so kind as to in form me whether you are mem bers of the original 232nd M. P.'s or where I could find them?" The old veterans stared at him for a few moments then said. "No. Compree.", Being a good secret service agent and there fore able to speak French, he gloriously. Some day you may go to heaven and I would not be surprised if you found these two Sergeants on guard at the Pearly Gates waiting to look over your pass or credentials and stamp them if necessary; also to confis cate any extra Cognay or Vin Blanc you may have taken along with you on your way to make the steep path easy to climb. When you see these two old men just call out "Attention" and if they snap to it you may ; know that they are Steele and Tomey. By One of Them. m m ffeife 1km Upset Her Balance. - Like a rose petal on a lephyr aha blew Into the hosier's. - "I'm looking for something nice for a young man," she said shyly to the gallant behind the counter. , "Why don't you look in the mirror?" asked the hosier, and she was so flus tered that he managed to get an order for four ' dozen raincoats that she didn't want, before she knew what she was doing. ' . Pale Children Made over to your liking, with rosy cheeks, hearty ap petites, vigorous digestion and ro bust health. Give them a glass of this delicious digestant with meals. Shivar Ale PURE DIGESTIVE AROMATICS WIT'I SHIVAR MINERAL WATER AMD GIN3E.1 Nothing like it for building rich blood and solid flesh. At all gro cers and druggists satisfaction or your money back on first dozen. Bottled and guaranteed by the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ton, S. C If your regular dealer cannot supply you telephone McRAE GROCERY. CO., Distributors for Rockingham. Tire Found. Found. Wednesday near Ellerbe a aood tiro, in casing. Owner can get same by identifying, paying tor. tins notice and a small reward.; Don't They Touch the Spot? Hot biscuits, light as a feather and browned to a golden crispness don't they touch the spot make your mouth water? Yon can get such biscuits, muffins, waffles and cakes if you use OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self -Rising Flour Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money ,Ts flour makes bakmg a pleasure instead of atask. Ithasmixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour helps reduce house hold expenses, because it saves you the extra cost of baking powder, soda and salt Give all the folks more good things to eat made from OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour. Buy this money-saving flour today. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all grocers. When you prefer to bake with plain flour buy Peerless the best of its kind. XUSTIN-HEATON CO.rDurhamTNTcV . Iff 1 . 1 Wil U-rtM in u-i in Ln Irt ii 14 Ir 4 itn Ln Ln Ln Ln Cafes. One day in the year 1959, a re tired General, while reading a book about the world-wide , war, happened to think about the 232nd M, P.'s and after a month of investigation, discovered that the 232nd M. P.'s had never left France. Having great influence at the Capital, he finally obtained permission to send a Secret Serv ice man to France and 'ocite them. He searched for months and months in every village in France, but could find no trace of them until he landed at Samur; leav ing the station he walked up in- to the main part of the town, and upon . crossing the second bridge he saw a sight that glad dened his heart. Near the cor ner he saw two aged soldiers standing together, but they wore a strange looking " tiniform; 0n C:;r heads were battered cam i ' -:i hr.ts, with a fa;!..'d red rib- asked the same question in French. Both veterans answered in the affirmative. The agent then proceeded to tell them that he had been , sent to France to find them and take them home, as he had the sailing orders and transportation for them. - The shock was too much for them, alter waiting patiently for so many years. When it came it wss mo-'s than they could stand, and clasping each other in they arms, they sank to the ground, unconscious, and never recovered. . , , They were buried three days later with great ceremony and all military honor. The citizens of Samur erected a monument on the little square, just off from the corner of Cafe D'Paix, and went in mourning for a long time. Thus ended the career of a noble body of men who served their ' country faithfully, if not WHAT DJD SHE BUMPT" ' In these days of good education chil dren learn things their fathers and mothers know very little about V Nora, aged nine, wet her father the other day, with ber little blue eyes full of tears. "Oh, daddy!" she walled,' "I've Just fallen and bumped my patella." "Dear, dear 1 Poor little girl l" said father sympathetically, as- with the best intenUons In the world be bent to examine her elbow. Nora drew herself angrily away, "Humph I" lihe snorted, with a su perior air: , "1 said nay patella that's not my elbow. My elbow's my great sesamoid I" . " The Sort. ' ' . PoIIUcian I want some one to clear my character for the coming cam paign. . Friend Why not employ a scrub writer? - The Initial Dig. -"Has the excavating been begun for your new house yet?" '"Tes; I've dag up a thousand dol lars ndvanco . money, for the con tractor." ' . At all times the srastlc dTolllnar is im demand, whether larjo or small, expansive or Inexpensive. An at tractive, toaxpenalve house, o wevor, Is an exception. QUICKEILT Bunga lows tomiinD b:auty and economy. 7f ll r ' BUNGALOVNO.3 Jhoroaith!r coming tin ncedi of Ihs iverg renter ; In especLillr lullt lur renting purpose. It It well built, coiv, ranvonient, well ligbtcd, well trntliutetl. i.urioi.v bcih inside tnd oat. unit rnnnll, rut rozy. It U Intzpenslre, W construction, but will bring a rooU nuit. A house too largo Is na much a Ornwhsck r.s a Iiousa to.) Smell. This one Is Just the rltrtit site. Bungilrm-s nre wvt In flemnnd. QUICKEILT Btunmlow No. 43 Is neltlicr cheip nor elab orate. It Is especially CesluncJ U iiuik i'Jo UW Invtstment I rum a iwr.l WaacrolM.'. '.. V .-.. . , '," In ermeting tA. banga'oto yott will .' SAVE - WATV.M tho nr.torlr.1 Irr.IfnOT prepareil ni , ; , rll' "f mtn Imibor (jre thus ; .I..,'r foot of hiiujir Is cseO. , Yo'.i lay no sjryhis nd tTist larss eiiminia.-d. muterr.l. . T'H4? Fry ,Ujc cf ""aterlal has its own place, sV-cr-thtei " nunijered and a..steiniitlr,ej. lustructtons tj . .iwnwr are comp.oto anu the orjtr of eroctloa U simple. . A Safe Profitable Investment. . Cr.a'of llu best investments 'obtalnnUo Is the stiractlre, sarvleoablo, rentable hniiM. That la. If Iho cost of the bouse t. not too pent. It Is dimniH to lower the -cost wltlinnt cheap c:ilng tlie noma. It Is possible, however, with Die QUICKBILT Bungalow No. 4, for It is built for Just thatmrposj. A housj rnd lot costln;t tUOO.OO and renting for an avoratte of $23 per month, is bringing 20 per eent. interest, 'faxes, Insurance, repairs, i to., will rcjuto It to about ) per cent. Can ou nMiS2crJ'lvesSmn,? Th rel" 'neomes from sn attmctlvo QUICKBILT Biuicalow nt tills time of hlh rents and universal tlcawnd nr. bouses, will nuko It a proBiable Investment. Xulid Oif Tour Vsdevelopsd lot. ' ' I .e r-o .:jio is lost In looking for nutterlaJ.- Tho time ordinarily re ..u.rr.i in rrcnuiinrry rutting nnl trlra iiliii is saved. Aa a larco 1 -ir.i..n i f the house Is built ta panels, that much time and c s: is'la construction. ,. , LABOR Wli:i lh ntlr? process .f erection svitematlsed unuvsiv Rn;1 rompie,,,, , ta, tulldinf "Bugaboo" pro. ' pi rrTa,'rtntl'f-limte,i ",0 tabor '" ''. erection of eyiCKBILT Bungalow is reduced to a minimum snd therefore, a Vl??'. , , va- A rpenter of avcrnge speed and tzperlence villi two laborers can trect the bouse in f dais, Ths ordinary bouse WU1 take almost as uanr weeks. oruiuar JJv WlRITE TO-DAY - kcVnBa7BgJ.l.o r2,r.iS"l".,,,MV: ott"ir ":tn,', OUICKBILT Bungalows. It ta . . uih?il,ll,g,i ,l0ly fll.' mt tne '""t"" he'" ml mall It. -Better st II, If Bungalow No, 41 pleases you. teU us the color d,-. sired and instruct us to ship Immediately. . " . v Popular for its Convenience, tho house Is shipped F. O. B. Charleston, eomnlet. with .11 n. A sarin in waste of material, time and bV.' t., g"! wni eaccpf brick work. Site, over . sll. as;!vliis ia money. With the QUICKBILT Bumra, ii'i5. ... f"..1?." ,wo '"nw.hed rooms, one 12-ft. x l-ft . vuw m. v-,.., , . iKUluu, JIVIIIK rfHIID. IZ-Tl KIDNEY. "... Ia money. With the QUICKBILT Bumra. v Zj erection is cut in half, but that is not all. You V Lm'iZ,8 ' The erection is so staip e and a sjomatlc that any carpenter of average Intelligence can erect it hi.'"?- """y e lAilM theia themselves. Vou pay no rrchltect's fee. Tho complete plans with all specifications and Instructions ara furnlslied yiiEE. And yet the plansare mde tU, wHh'i l?iy,7t "1 ' "Perienced of - i ?lfS ,0 lllntlns wasto and gaining tho greatest SL'il0! FYHl""-J"!0Tr aa! 'renBth. Tin T eost of the bis . erlal is further reduced by the fact that you buy it from the "';,'";'''"' forest In one. Our complete , iM antVeover' nn ?J$mu LrOFt!S8' ftf.m re ,n ,h8 nmp!eted housi. You pay Th. ,fP.mf1,.',prt- Yo rcct from the source of maferlil. ih?.H L? i ,CT"" ro lt " In o- r coni.Ieio plants 1 ?, hU?dI!?h ?' hou.e ."r8 blU t r:nltneniisly overy short cut to perfection li used and every waste avoided. As Uie hous" ...... , ,ini,iiiic9, jOU jam Iae ajvautago low cost of quantity jiroductlun. ' uu.n, QUICKBILT Bungalow Dept, ; a. v.. iuxbury Lumber Co., : Charleston, S. C - PRICE $944 Itu JO ptr cmnt tor cash. Net s prree, kllchen, 15-ft. x -., closots and an attractive' front porch, I-ft X -tt. The construction Is laraelv of North r,,miin. nin. tJ1,Sr"K',n.tfor""sh y k."n tM- Kxcelleiit flooring and celling. Walls built In panels of siding lined with heavy paper to insure warmth. Durable, flre-reslstlng. standard asphalt a'Ungles. , with slate green or red nnls'a. Etellent doors and sash. All necessary nails and hardware furnlslied. House conies with m. terior walls stained any one of a - . number or standard colors, or piilnted with one heavy co.t of priming paint. xterlor trial and Inside flnlsli painted with o:ie heavy coat of priming paint. $849.60 Mm ewr- r -w- wmfM : -v" QUICKBILT BUNGALOW DEPARTMENT. A. C. TUXBURY LUMBER CO., Charlestna. 8 C. ' Gentlemi : Pleas lend me your Book. "QUICKBILT Buaialews" No. C-27.' Amsspeclally Interested. b t room hosia, " NAME A0DRE83 - Tax Listing Notice. G.n A. McRae. list-taker for Wolf Pit, will be at the following places for listing taxes: ., . Everett's. Mill Diggs' Store Steele's Mills ' Midway. Roberdel No. 2 Hannah Pickett - Entwistle May 8th "May 9th May 15th May I6th May 22nd Map 23rd May 30th Courthouse every Sat in May 170:.1EU P0A1SE STELIA-UITAE We wantevery afflicted women to try st least one bottle of 5tollaVKae on our plain, open guarantee to return the jnoney paid for it If it does not benefit. iryouaouDiour wora inat n win relieve the distressing achea, pain and Lmisery peculiar to the diseases of wo men, react me testimony oi mese women who have tried it and are. glad to tell others 'what it has done for them. The only interest they have in the matter Is that which any true woman feels ln helping to relieve the sufferings of other women." You can believe them. ' Mrs. J. F. Lee. Hilstead, Ga., had female complaint for years. Three bot tles of BtkI-a-Vitab cured her, she said, and added." I am certainly thank- nuior mis greaj lemsia tonio. - am. ParaleeFrazier, Lougvlew, Tex., ex pressed appresiation oi btjsijua- v jtae In these words: "I cannot say toomuph for thin wonderful medicine. I had taken other female medicines for two years with no good results. I am truly p-aieiui lor me gooa BfMA-vfrAJi las done me." Mm. Bitndr Withers, of Greensboro, Ala., was a, terrible suf- ierer xrom leiuttie trtmui imw uuir a woman knows what thatmeansl Her condition got to bad her pains threw ner into speus HKenis, iier nuspana feared she would lose ber mind. The Greensboro doctors pronounced her In curable. Then somebody ' suggested that she take Stella-Vitab. bbedid so. The first dose lightened herspells. Btella-Vitak is a perfectly harm less compound and it not only alleviates 8 woman's pain, but builds vp bet health; it stimulates her appetite, aids digestion, quiets her nerves arid clean her complexion It improves her per sonal appearance. All dealers sell Btella-Vitae, and a p-i'l-oriwl to ri'turn the roorspy ps i .jr tUe lirit fcoviie if it dot i not L.-iicu '''''IssiBssssBssBsssess hf Vou win findjrJvrv Is all three flavors V 3- fxL In the sealed ifj Packates-but locK , W for the name V & VREGLEYS because It Is your protection against inferior tmifatlcns, Just as the elated' package Is protec tion acalnst Im purity. . SEALED TIGHT , -KEPT RIGHT- The Flavor Lcsfs! 0 is