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Newspaper Page Text
PAGE EIGHT ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. Mother's Day Program Methodist Church, May 11th, 11 a. m. Hymn No. 482 Responsive Reading. Prayer. Remarks by Pastor, Rev. A. L. Ormond. Song: "Motherland, Our Motherland," by Congregation. Address: "Mothers of Today," Mr. Fred. VV. Bynum. An Acrostic: "Mother," by six girls. Duet: "My Mother's Bible." Reading: "The Memory of Mother," Roy Coble. Reading: "Before It Is Too Late," Mary Little Steele. Reading: "A Tribute to Mother," Kathleen Hicks. Solo: "Mother of Mine." Reading: "My Mother," Anna Leak Ledbetter. Song: "God Bless the Mothers." Reading: "An Ancient Toast," Addie Webb. Quartette: "Tell Mother I'll Be There." Reading: "Influence of Prayer," Robert Shepherd. Reading: "The Bravest Battle," Mamie West. Duet: "The Hymns My Mother Sang." Reading: "The Goodest Mother," Rebecca Covington. Reading: "Mother's Empire," Laura Page Steele. Song: "Home, Sweet Home," by choir. Solo: "The Old Song," Harry West. Reading: "Mary, the Mother of Jesus," Geraldine Smith. Quartette: "Just Before the Battle, Mother." Reading: "A Bit of Mothering," Merritt Head. Song: "Shall We Gather at the River," by Congregation. Report of the allotment of sew ing completed for the Red Cross during the latter of March, and 1st of April. As Director of Woman's Work, for Rockingham Chapter, A. R. C I desire to thank the ladies whose' names appear below, for so loyally standing by me and doing such beautiful 'work on our last allotment of Refugee garments, for which we were given highest standard, "A 1" rating, as heretofore, by South ern Div. Headquarters, Atlanta, Ga. Mangum Auxiliary, as always, did their part by making 12 pa jama suits; the following ladies assisted in this: Mesdames W. A. Smith, J. L. Baldwin, Walter Home, D. N. Currie, Jessie Lee, L. D. Frutchey, Misses Etta and Josie Chandler,' Nellie Waddell, Addie Little, Nancy L. Little, Cornelia Matheson. , Rockingham Chapter. Mrs. J. LeGrand Everett completed and pressed 12 pajama suits. Mrs. J. A. Porter completed 1-2 dozen suitf. Mesdames Robert S. Leak and W. F. Long, Jr., completed and pressed 15 coats and 11 pair pants, put button-holes in 2 suits. Mrs. Nellie Terry completed and press sed 7 suits. Misses May ard Faith Covington com pleted 6 coats and 9 pair pants, worked 62 button-holes and sewed on 55 buttons. Mrs. S. W. Steele worked 52 button holes; Miss Laura Page Steele sewed on 43 buttons. Mrs. John Swink completed 2 suits, completed and pressed 7 suits. Miss Hallie Covington and mother, Mrs. Walter Covington, completed 4 suits. - Mrs. W. L. Parsons, Misses Rosa and Jennie, completed 4 suits. Mrs. W. B. Stansill did machine work on 2 coats. Mrs. Jennie McRae worked 26 button holes, put on 24 buttons. Mrs. A. L. Ormond, and Miss Ophelia Ormond completed 4 suits. Mrs. W. C. Leak did machine work 2 suits. Mrs. Frank T. Biggs made 34 button holes, 34 buttons; Mrs. J. W. Leak made 30 button-holes, 30 buttons. Mrs. Stansill Covington completed 1 suit. Mrs. Fred Dickinson completed and pressed 2 suits. Mrs. W. N. Everett, Jr., completed 4 suits. Mrs. A. W. Lindsey made 6 coats, worked 10 button-holes. Mrs. Dan Hicks did machine work on 6 suits. Mesdames J. R. Smith, V. Godfrey, worked 41 buttonholes, 48 buttons. Mesdames Fannie Lyon, Jimmie A. Covington, H. D. Baldwin, W. fc. Scales completed 2 suits each. Mrs. John Nichols completed 6 suits. Mrs. William L. Steele completed 5 pair pants; Mrs. J. C. Davis completed 6 pair pants; Mrs. R. B. Waddell completed 2 suiis and 2 extra pair pants. Mrs. J. T. Collier completed 2 suits, 1 extra pair pants. Mesdames W. T. Covington, R. B. Waddell unpacked and folded garments ready for making. Mesdames G. P. Entwistle, Fannie Mae Collier Bowers, R. B. Waddell and Miss Faith Covington kindly assisted in the altering, pressing, and packing of gar ments. Thanks to Mr. J. L. Hawley for use of hammer and his janitor, Walter Leak, to nail up box for us. Mrs. J. T. Collier, Aih "A TAnglais la bifere, iPP , ' Au Frangais le vin, y He, garcon! apportez-moi ( . "SSj MsMr&t & une bouteille glacee de ' M 3m m!IS- Bien fait et bien conserved I SmM En bouteilles sanitaires Vdl. Sr cachetees. II rafraichit et ' y on 8aUSlaU- . Notice of Publication. North Carolina, Richmond County. In the Superior Court, Rebecca Brigman vs Daniel Thomas Brigman The defendant above named. Daniel Thomas Brigman, will take notice, that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C, for the pur pose of Rebecca Brigman securing an absolute divorce from him; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of Rich mond County to be held on the 16th day of June 1919. at the courthouse in said Richmond County, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint in the said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 7th day of May, 1919. J. A. McAULAY, Clerk Superior Court. II M T N THE FOOD PROBLEM is the duty of every home. This meat market makes it a business to secure the best meats obtainable. And we arrange our cuts so as to give every advantage to the cus tomer. , v We handle all kinds of meats: sausages, hams, pork, beef. And we have the choicest of fresh fiish. . Let us furnish you with some tempting Steak Tenderloins Pork Chops Fish or Fowl mt III oil o erhhzer Users BUKVRamiMUUK lmMMS&XmbdBi This Company is now installing at all its plants complete and up-to-date machinery for grinding and mixing ACIDULATED FISH SCRAP with 16 per cent ACID PHOSPHATE. In due course we will put out this product finely ground in even weight bags, tagged and ready for immediate distribution by any make of drill or fertilizer distributor. We will also supply you next season, separately if you prefer, ACIDULATED FISH SCRAP, 16 per cent ACID PHOSPHATD, SOFT PHOSPHATE, LIME 01 other fertilizes materials at lowest possible prices. Write for ous book of testimonials from farmers in North Carolina who have used our Acidulated Fish Scrap fertilizer. The Fisheries Products Co Wilmington, N.C, Please send me your testimonial book on Acidulated Fish Scrap Fertilizer. isheries Products Co V. J. McLaurin MLA1 MAKKJtt ; ; Wilmington, N. C. mm