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ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. PAGE TWO COME TO THE BIG JANUARY SALE AT E. THOMAS' STORE w v m mm " L gNHHHMMiMMl SPECIALS: Ladies' Skirts, $2.00 values, sale pdice -Jj Ladies' Voile Waists, $1.50 values, sale price .. - - - -ys Big Lot of Apron Ginghams, assorted colors and checks, 25c yard values, . sale price per yard - Outing, good quality and colors, 30c a yard, sale price, yard - y Sea Island Sheeting, good quality, 30c yard, sale price 22 Men's Cotton Hose, 20c values, sale price -09 Men's Grey Work Hose, 25c values, sale price - -19 Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose, with seam in back, all colors 33 Men's Army Shoes, 12 month wear, $5.00 values, sale price $3.48 Men's Work Shoe, $3.00 values, sale price - - -- 1-98 Men's Dress Shoe, $3.50 values, sale price ----- 2.98 Ladies' Drees Shoes, $5.00 values, sale price . T 2.98 Ladies' Dress Shoes, odd size, $6.50 values, sale price 3.48 Wool and 'Cotton Mixed Blankets, $500 values, sale price - 3.98 Don't forget that we have a big line of Shoes for men, ladies and children's. Coat Suits and Dresses, Skirts and Waists, Men's Clothing-Pants, I Ttrwar. and evervthine that vou need in the Dry Goods Line. Don't forget to come to the Big Sale at E. THOMAS' STORE, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Hoffman Notes. (Contributed) Miss Dora Butler entertained a few friends Monday evening in honor of her house-guest, Miss Maggie Oliver, of Sanford. On last Thursday night several nf thp homes of Hoffman were visited by a burglar who had the nerve to search the men's pock- j ets while they slumbered in; peace. The blood-hounds were, secured Friday but nothing def-1 inate was found out as to who the robber was. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Teague, of Sanford, were in town last week. Dr. Dawkins, of Biscoe, spent the week-end here with relatives. On Friday evening, Jan. 30th, there will be an old-time "Fid dler's Convention" held in the Hoffman school Building. Prizes will be given to the best fiddler, banjo picker and buck dancer. Refreshments will be sold during the evening. The money goes for the benefit of the school. Admission 25 and 35 cents. FRED. W. BYNUM LAWYER Rockingham, N. C. Office over Bank of Pee Dee. Ledbetter's Items. (Contributed) We are glad to say we are having nice weather to kill hogs. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald were visitors at Mr. Tom McDonald's last Sun-! day, on Route 5. Mr. J. B. Welch gave a party to the young people Saturday night; all report a nice time. Mrs. Tom Graham, of Hamlet, is visit ing her parents at Ledbetter's this week. We are sorry to know that so many of our frienns are leaving Ledbetter's. Misses Fannie and Grace Covington spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Noma McKay, on Koute 6. Mrs. Mary Blue came home Saturday after spending a' while with her sister, who is real sick with pneumonia. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Miss Rebecca McPherson spent Sun day with her friend, Miss Nonia McKay. Mrs. Mary E Marks, of Led betters, is spending the week with Mrs. Alice Gibson, at Cordova. We were sorry to hear that so many houses were burned at Cordova last week. Misses Edna and Lillie Marks spent ' Saturday night and Sunday with their I aunt, Mrs. Alice Gibson, at Cordova. Misses Laura and Janie McLean and Miss Emma Covington were visitors at Mr. J. F. Dawkins' Sunday afternoon. Misses Laura and Ida and Miss Eppie Blue were visitors at Mrs. John Dunn's Sunday afternoon. We are having a nice time at school now: hope it will continue to the end. Brown Eyes-Blue Eyes. WHY IT SUCCEEDS Because Its For One Thing Only, and Rockingham People Appreciate This. Nothing Can Be Good (or Everything. Doing One Thing Well Brings Success. Doan's Kidney Pills are for One Thing Only. For Week or Disordered Kidneys. Here is Rockingham Evidence to Prove Their Work. OZfflER L. HENRY Attorney-at-Law Office upstairs in Bank of Pee Dee Building Phone 344 ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Mrs. L. C. Sharpe, Depotstreet, says: "I suffered with a dull, nag ging ache in my bock. 1 was dizzy at times and my kidneys annoyed me by acting irregularly. I got Doan's Kidney Pills at Scott's Pharmacy and began us ing them. Doan's soon cured me. and I haven't had to take them in a long while." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil- burnCo., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. W. L. HOWELL Special attention to diseases of stomach and intestines. Office hours: 12 to 3- F. J. GARRETT, M. D. Special attention given to Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Office hours: 9 to 12-2 to 5. Other hours by appointment. Office over FOX'S DRUG STORE. D. J. CASHWELL Attorney at Law and Notary Public Rockingham, IN. C Office in Long Building, Room No. 4 Will You Spend 50c. On Rat Snap to Save $100? One 50c. pkg. can kill 50 rats. The average rat will rob you of $10 a year in feed, chicks and property destruction. RAT SNAP is deadly to rats. Cre mates after killing. Leaves no smell. Comes in cakes. Rats will pass up meat, grain, cheese to feast on RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Everett Hard ware Co., Watson-King Co., and Dox Drug Store. 666 qnickly relieves Colds and La Grippe, Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches. W. S. Thomas F. D. Phillips THOMAS & PHILLIPS Attomeys-at-Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Land titles and abstracting given careful consideration. Loans ne gotiated. If you have real estate to sell, or want to buy, we can put you in touch with buyer or seller. Covington Building Over Dockery-McNair's. Phone 165 Ellerbe, N.C. 666 has proven it will cure Ma laria, Chills and Fever, Billons Fe ver, Colds and LaGrippe. Change In Firm. The firm of Henderson Bros, at Eller ke, has been dissolved, and W. M. Hen derson is uow conducting the business. All parties owing the said firm will please come forward and settle atonce. -W. M Henderson, Ellerbe. J. C. Sedberry Attorney-at-Law ROCKINGHAM. N. C. Office in the Little Building over Aren son's store. Dr. L. D. McPhail Special Attention Given to Disease of Children 1st Floor Municipal Building. Office phone 94; house 176. Rockingham, N. C. what?" woak $' fT COOKS LI KG JJOB FOR US WIT ALL THIS COAL ' SHORrAGe old BILL, sufie StV6S A J wceev sledge &OHr H ? 'it 34y He JX?ES. He's 3otw ALL THE ,TME ViOKLHi TfiS MUCH; JEKKIN' THIS OlD t coi cur'' SAM MINT MO CilOB F'LnJ 1 WW n i 1 All the rLT I "Say Nothing But Saw Wood" You hear of coal strikes and railroad strikes and steel strikes, but did you ever hear of a Wood-Chopper's Strike? No sir, and you never will. The good eld reliable wood-chopper ie still' with us and on the job. The size of a man's wood pile is often a good indication of character. Wood-chopping, sawing or splitting is hard work under any circumstances, but without good tools it is almost intolerable. TOOLS-TOOLS-TOOLS-that's what we are trying to tell you about; that's where we get into the picture. With sharp, reliable tools, we come to rsacus our friedds with wood tQ chop. Everett Hardware Company Everything in Hardware SEEDS (JjSTwwoonoHS. , Write for 1920 Catalog Profusely Illustrated, packed with information about Field, CJarden and Flower Seed. Sent free upon request T. W. WOOD & SONS, WtBPSMglT, - Blehmond,jr. Pee Dee News. (Contributed) Mr. K. M. Mclnnis has moved here from Greensboro. We are very glad to have him with us again. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soivev visited in Zion section Sunday. Mr. Clyde Swink came from Charlotte Saturday night to visit Mrs. James Benoist; remained until Sunday night. Fred Baucom went to Char lotte Sunday night for treatment. Mr. B. J. Bostick is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wall. Mrs. Robert Cherry was called to the bed-side of her sister, who is seriously ill at Winston-Salem: The teachers' meeting was held at Pee Dee School Friday. Sandwiches and hot coffee were served. We are glad to have our form-' er teacher, Mrs. Mamie Thomas, is back again at Pee Dee school. Mrs. J. C. Green and family moved to town Thursday: we are sorry for them to leave us. Mr. Alfred Criscoe is on the sick list this week; we hope him a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. H. Jones is visiting her daughter at Haw River this week. Mr. Dave Henry has opened up a grocery store; we are very glad to have him with us. Mr. Brantley Ussery, who some time ago accepted a position with the S. A. L. Railway Co. at Ham let, visited his mother Sunday, returning to Hamlet Sunday night. Cognac Items. (Contributed) ' Mr. I. E. Goodwin, of Apex, spent a while last Sunday at Mr. J. W.Dawkina Mr. Jim Riggan, of Ghio, spent a few days with his broter, Mr. J. O. Riggan, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dawkins spent Sat; urday night at Mr. Jeb Shepard's near Rockingham. Mr. D. M. Russell spent Saturday night at M. W. T. Morse's at Rockingham, Mr. J. W. Dawkins is out again after being ill for some time. Mr. Hubbard Riggan, of Sourthern Pines, spent Sunday night with his father Mr. J. O. Riggan. Mr. C. K. Wallace spent awhile at Mrs. Kate Dawkins' Sunday night. There will be preuching at the at the school house Sunday by Rev. J. H. Austin; hope to see a large crowd out. Busy Bee. Mackerel. Fresh Cape Shore mackerel, any size. Watson-King Co., grocers. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER FROM CATARRH But Yon Most Drive It Out of Your Blood. Catarrh is annoying enough -when it choices up your nostrils and air passages, causing difficult breathing and other discomforts. Real danger comes when it down into your lungs. This is why you should tt once realize the importance of the prop er treatment, iiid lose no time ex perimenting with worthless rcu-- dies which touch only the surface. To be rid of Catarrh, you must drive the disease germs pat of your blood. Splendid results have been re ported from the use of S. S. S., which acts on the catarrh germs in the blood. If you wish medical advice as to the treatment of your own indi vidual case, write to Chief Medical Adviser. 42 Swift Specific Co, At lanta, G ST A T I O N E R Y . Have you given the Post-Dispatch a trial order for stationery? It not, phone 182 or write us. We :tl 1..,11.. f..;U .-.-Ir. nA 1.v Dwimnt win gwuiy luiiiisii jiiitco auu scuiipica. x iwiuwv ness and neatness. Let us nil your wants in tne letter line, bill heads, statements, labels, tags, en velopes, programs, posters (any size) etc. BUILD A BUILDING. ffjsMiiiif'