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ROCKINGHAM P6S-IHSIA??GH. RICHMOND COUNTY. N. 0. PAGE FOUB ,v .orrti I GUARANTEE If, after uln the entire contents of can according tu direct uns, you are not satisfied lit every respect your K.iH-or will refund the money you paid for It. steam Luzianne is a clean coffee. It is not touch ed by hand from the time it is first receiv ed in New Orleans until vou serve it on your table. EVEHY POUND SOLD IN AN INDIVIDUAL AIR -TIGHT TIN CAN II1ZIANNE coffee The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans CAN'T ROCKINGHAM STAND ALONE? More than seventy dollars have boon sent to Rockingham from Wil mington to help build Midway Bap tist Church. Having studied over the situation, 1 have undoubtedly rightly concluded that this is not at nil necessary. Can't Rockingham build a little three or lour thousand dollar church? I am almost asham ed to receive monei from other com munities when we have so much wealth right here at home. Solo mon says, "He that givetli to the rich shall surely come to waul. I see-absolutely no use of other towns having to send money to Rocking ham to help build a church. This should be stopped at once. The bus iness men of other towns receive no direct benefit from the people of Rockingham. Why should they build our churches'? Who brings the bread and meat to Rockingham? The laboring man- the very man I am pleading for. Why borrow meal from your neighbor when your smokehouse is full? The thing foi every man in Rockingham to do is to give until this church is complet ed. A man from Laurinburg actual ly writes me, that, if nine men. oth er than members of our Midway organization, will give one hundred dollars each, he will send us a check for one hundred dollars. In the lace of existing condition, how could a Rockingham man of means excuse himself from such a fair offer as that? 1 am not grumbling: I am only stating facts. To tell the truth, few people have failed to respond Several have already made worth gifts. My brother, ttie way to get this noble work over with is to go little deeper in vour Docket. The man who can help, but will not can hardly help having strange and peculiar opinions of him. But I will find lew of these. 1 am sure glad that Rockingham has few of this type. Vou w ill do well to remember the proverb, "An open hand shall have something in it." .Respectfully, A. (.;. Melton, Pastor. X-RAY IN FLORIDA Editor Post Dispatch: I am on a ten day vacation and thought I would spend it in Sun ny Florida. We are having the sun shine allright; but my, it has been cold down here. I arrived at my brothers in Hawthorne, Fla., Jan. and we have had some ice for several mornings. S I have tried Tampa; it is lots warmer here and there is line market trucking all around and the markets are full of about all kinds of vegetables. 1 have passed through some very fine orange anil grape iruu groves ano many of the trees are still loaded. Tampa is full of Northern tourists: all hotels are lull up, but myself ind brother were lucky to secure a loom in the Hillshoro a very fine 10 story structure. Tampa has many fine, large hotels, but the Tampa Bay Hotel is the most beautiful 1 cut saw, wiih large, neauuiui grounds tilled with tropical trees and flowers. I am liking Tampa fine; wish f could stay a while here. If Mr. Car negie had remembered me with million or so I could spend a month or so down here. After a long, hard year's work in the snake grass and noise of a locomotive sho'i it does a fellow good to get away for a few days. Now it is late and I must get an early start in the morning Goodyear Leadership and Tires for Small Cars lit n Enormous resources and scrupulous care have produced in Goodyear Tires for small cars a high relative value not exceeded even in the famous Goodyear Cords on the world's highest-priced automobiles. In addition to its larger sizes, Goodyear manu factures an average of 20,000 small car tires a day in the world's largest tire factory devoted solely to the 30x3-, 30x3Vfc-, and 31x4inch sizes. Last year more small cars using these sizes -t . . were tactory-equipped with Uoodyear Tires than with any other kind. Their extreme worth is available for voiir Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, or other small car, at the nearest Goodyear Service Station. Go there for these tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. 30x3 Goodyear Double-Cure fc'A00 Fabric, All-Weather Tread .. LJ 30x3y2 Goodyear Single Cure S- i"765 Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread L( Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are built to protect casings. Why endanger a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist jTubes cost little more than tubes of less merit. 30 x 3'2 size in waterproof bag $320 There is no time in the life of a man when he is more susceptible to training, to dicipline, than during boy hood days. Many a successful business man of today owes his success in large measure to proper training as a boy. Don't you think your boy's future is worth the start ing of a bank account for him today?. THE BANK with the chime FEE-DEE m l "ROCKINGHAM. N for St. Petersburg and the beach, Wednesday morning on hoard the City of Philadelphia hound for St. Petersburg. Believe me this is some beautiful hay. We are on the City of Philadelphia, a large boat that plys between Philadelphia and Wilmington, Delaware. It has only been down here a few days and the boat is foil of Northern people. Now St. Petersburg is in sight. We will make the trio in 2 hours and are now on shore where we will spend a day in St. Petersburg a city of 12,000 in summer, but about 50,000 now. This is the prettiest plaee I have ever visited. Beautiful broad streets and many fine hotels. This is a regular lourist city. I am leav ing now for the beach, and soon must look north and get hack on the job. I can't tell half, so I will stop until next time. X-RAY, St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 7th. "These Rats Wouldn't Eat My Best Grain," Says Fred Lamb. It's hard to keep rats out of a feed store. Tried for years. A neighboring store sold me some RAT-SNAP. It worked wonders. Gathered up dead rats every morning. Bought more RAT SNAP. Haven't a rat now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I threw RAT-SNAP, around." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Everett Hardware Co., Watsoh-King Co., and Dox Drug Store. F. B. GARRETT, M. D. Office Hours : 8-9 a. m. 2-3 p. m. Phones : Office 339, residence 337 Office over W. E. McNair's furniture" store. Because"' I maintain three very extensive chemical laboratories in which all materials are thoroughly tested. No harm ful materials can ever enter into Royster goods. Our home and foreign markets are picked over for the choicest raw materials; then I formulate them in just the proportion which my life-time experience has found to be best for each crop for which the fertilizer is in tended. The results of all this care is, naturally, a complete mixture which" is really the "last word" in fertilizer. So, you see, I am justified in feeling proud of the Royster Products, which come from our fifteen up-to-date plants. H. S. Bonn A. R. B0GGAN & McPHAIL Attorneys at Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Diligence and promptness. Practice in all courts. Second Floor Rancke Build ing, rear of Court House. Telephone Number 106. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro,N.C. Charlotte, N. C. Columbia, S. C Washington, N.C Spartanburg, S.C Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Or Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio (1) clock. .cJI