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PAGE EIGHT ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATOH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N, 0. I AM GLAD TO ENDORSE PE-RU-NA I! a lb Come In -Sit Down in one of our COMFORTABLE ROCKERS Buy One Take it home with you, and with care it will look as nice and be as comfort able ten years from now as it is today. Let Your Wife know the joys of comfort in her mo ments of leisure. She earns that com fort every day in the year. Make Home Attractive to your children. Then they will not always be aching and fidgeting to "go somewhere." The Sunshine of Life begins and ends in your home. It will be brilliant, or dim, as you elect to make it. An easy chair paves the way. We can supply your Furniture needs, oil cook stoves, beds, Vlctrolas, records, etc. We ask you to call on us and make our store your resting place when in Rockingham. W. L McNAIR CASH or CREDIT ROCKINGHAM, N. C EVFRYTHING IN FURNITURE Glad to Try Anything "Three years agro my system was in a terribly run down con dition and I was broken out all over my body. I began to be wor ried about my condition and I was ftiad to try anything which would relieve me. Peruna wan recommended to me as a fine blood remedy and tonic, and I soon found that it was worthy of praise. A few bottles chanced any condition materially and in a Short time I was all over my trouble. I owe my restoration to health and strength to Peruna, I am slnd to endorse It." Sold Everywhere Was in a Terribly Run Down Condition w Hiss RIeka Leopold, 288 Layco St., Menasha, Wis., Setfy Llederkranz. Miss Leopold' t! letter opposite conveys in no un certain way the gratitude she feels for Peruna. Liquid and Tablet Form School Department NINTH GRADE The ninth grudo gave to the high school for a Christmas present five Victrola records, "Mad Scenes," "Gnlli Curcci," "Old Folks at Home," Continued from page 5. will there's a way." Think we are nil nlnnuii) with ntir rtl'ffMltHtiVfK i , , . . . . i sung by Ghick, with accompani and plans except the hoys, at least j ,f r a few of them, are kicking ahont the way they want their graduation dresses made. But boys! F'icase listen to reason; we must have all of our dresses alike. ment, "humoresoue," "Poor Butter fly," "Souvenir," "Mischa Elman," and "I Love a Lassie,' sung by Har ry Lauder. The records were pre scnted to the High School by Glenn Garretf, tbe nresident oi the class, The eleventh grade in studying! and MfsS Finley thanked the grade the "Life of Samuel Johnson" by Maeaulav, found that he was in love in be!..i!f of the school. The high school enjoys the Victrola so much with a woman old enough to be his! that it seems a good idea for the mother and "jmint" on her face 'grades to take this way to add to half an inch thick. Does she cor- j the pleasure of the morning oxer respond with the woman of today? I Cisco, The girls in the Senior Class have been accused of being "stuck-up" by girls of the other grades. Please don't get the wrong opinion of us for we are only trying to be a bit dignified. Lula Taylor. The Ninth Grade started back to school after Christmas with all old pupils present and with two new members, Ruby Lassiter, who comes to us from Aberdeen and Ernestine Tarkington from Rock Hill. We are glad, indeed, to welcome these two new members into our grade and feel sure that we shall be the gain EIGHTH GRADE NEWS Lrs Dv ,iicir presence. The four grades of the Highi You've heard the joke about the School have elected a captain from j tcnc her asking the pupils "What is each grade to direct them in march-jn vacuum? " and his answer, "I ing. The eighth grade was along; i,nve it in my head, but I can't say with the other grades in the move-j it; Well, Mr. Steadman the other ment and did not lose any time in day in Science Class asked "What electing their captain and they areis Work?" and Henry Fowlkcs' an getting down to real work. WithSWCr WUs: "f don't know, sir." Of that same old motto of ours, "We do, course there might have been a good things," we are going to make thej 1Tason tot his not knowing, other grades hustle or we will beat We, the Ninth Grade, have begun them marching. Our captain is work with' a vim since the holidays. Walter Hasty. He is trying to get, a good many of us are determined his line of eighth grade boys to go! lo get that average of two (2) which mcr tne rop in manning, as uicV;Wji exempt us from examinations have done in all other things hcre-j jn the Spring. toiore mat tney nave undertaken. : Did you notice that Glenn Garrett ; seemed just a trifle haughty one day Mr. Bell, Miss Finley and Mr. ! last week? We thought he seemed Steadman ;the least bit superior. You see, he Mr. Bell "What are youal laugh- has the proud distinction of staying ing about, Miss Finley?" up longtr in that aeroplane than Miss Finley"! just told Mr. j anyone else in town. Steadman that we could rest easy The :ilot couldn't land because now about our High School boys." ; another plane was in his landing Mr. Bell "Why?" field, so Glenn just staid up and Miss Finley "They have invented I looped-the-loop and shoot (no, we them a self-starter to start their mean shot) the chute and high- lines to marching and we just stand dived and vavorted around at a off and look at them instead of go-, great rate. And the next day the ng up and cranking for them. The: whole school looked upon Glenn best thing about it is that the self-, with envious eyes. 0, well, some starter works better than the hand , are born to be luckey. cranks." W. H. ' Dell Gibson. if 100 lbs. of Purina Cow Chow contains 24 lbs. of prolan, 85 of which 13 digestible and convertible into blood, tissue and milk. It is pure feed that perfectly Bdansos home-crown roughage and silage. It save you the trouble of mixing and balancing your own ration. It is more uniform wan any bomi-mixed f aed because the ingredient are laboratory tested to a fixed standard of quality, and measured and mixed by machinery. The high percentage of pro tein insures maximum milk flow. It will tnaks the average cow on the average ration produce 3 lbs. more milk per day, at an additional feed coat of about 3c CWa Cow Chow a trial. Sold only in checker board bags. Let us put your herd on a test. Palmer-Payne Company DISTRIBUTORS Rockingham, N. C. SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LHATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES . -i . ,, ,,.inn. For JUcl.Ttn, Ox Blood, Dark Brown TASTES AND LIQUIDS sad who. sh. CUrrALU, n. I- THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., wmmmmammmmmmmmmmamm -. HAVU-ET OPERA HOUSE Monday, Jan. 26th. JUDGE AND THE GIRL IMKlfLYfKS BY FRANK KENNEDY - MUSIC EY E.5. HUNTINCTON I EXTRAVAGANT SCEOC EXPEHPITWRE- STUNNWQ COSTUMES BIGGEST LAUGHING SHOW OF THE YEAR MMMMV CAST OF COMEDIANS - 5INOERS (.'3i1WCSj s a And The Present New York Sensation The Famous Bathing Beauties IN THEIR GORGEOUS PARIS CREATIONS A Feast of Beauty, Melody and Splendor PRICES: 50, $1.00, $1.50. Seats on sale at Langston's Store. CHEER UP ! Our Gjoodl medicines will Bring us your prescriptions and we will fill them with fresh, pure, full-strength drugs exactly what the Doctor ordered. We take care and verify every pre scription before it leaves our hands. Buy all your Drug Store things from us, because we give you reliable goods at prices that will please you. . We are Careful Druggist THE BEST DRUG STORE Fowlkes Pharmacy Phone 127 "Get it quick!" Rockingham, N. C.