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Newspaper Page Text
E0CKlWfiBAfa5!sPATCH,ltICHMWD COUNTY, N.O. WW 1 pA'""gSg ft III " 111 The Smaller Cars arid the World's Most PopularTires imniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiatiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiii J No tires bearing the Goodyear name,not even the famous Goodyear Cords which equip the world's highest-priced cars, embody a higher relative value than do Goodyear Tires in the 30x3-, 30x3V2', and 31x4-inch sizes. In these tires owners of Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, and other cars taking these sizes, are afforded a measure of performance and service such as only the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes can supply. All that this company's experience and methods have accomplished in these tires is available to you now at the nearest Goodyear Service Station. Go to this Service Station Dealer for these tires and for Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. He has them 30 x 3'A Goodyear Double-Cure Ann Fabric, All. Weather Tread ZU 30x3 12 Goodyear Single-Cure Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread $175 Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes are thick, strong tubes that reinforce casings properly. Why risk a good casing with a cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more than tubes of less merit. 30x l'2 size in water- dj'lQQ proof bag J HELPS Protects Young GIRLS Regulates, tones' up, drives away "the blues" and makes them glad they're Hying;. The prescription of an old Southern doctor who treated and cured thousands of suf fering women. STEIMVITM la also food for younf girls i to bring them safely through the period of adolescence which all mothers know is a time at Which their daughters need the utmost care, At all drug stores, MONEY refunded If the first bot tle falls to benefit, Thacher Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Twin., XJ. B. A, M11. Paralee Pruler, Longvlew, Ter., vi7j mf too much for this wonderful Heine. nats tor two nan with no good I tad taken other female DMlohu medic! ni For Sale by S. Biggs (.AND POSTED. All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt with gun or dog, or cut or haul any timber, waste wood, or in any manner trespass upon-the below men tioned lands, to wit: "The lands formerly owned by J. A. McAulay, the Luke Gibson "Peddler Bottom" and Bob Little lands, and the Wm. Ledbetter, and John Everett or Sprinkle lands. Violators will be prosecuted. This February 2. 1920. J. M. DOCKERY, J. C. DOCKERY, J. A. McAULAY. The Fish do into the hag NOT INTO THE NAME, IN ROYSTER'S FERTILIZER TRADEMARK REGISTERED POYSTER' v MgllTUT iRTILIZER Farmers who want fish in their fertilizer can be sure of getting it by insisting on Royster's, the original Fish Fer tilizer. We have been successful in securing ample sup plies of fish and will be able to fully meet the demands of the trade for this popular ammoniate. Ask for Royster's The Fertilizer that Made Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va, Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro,N.C Charlotte, N. C Washington, N. C Columbia, S. C Spartanburg, S. C Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, Ohio la LlBBBBBflBkBBw sssaaalBBBffllW A Baconian Colloquy. MWhv AiS WMI laf Hill "" ol iiavkAA .u- JVU ll Will UlWRVayCHlV take the credit for yeur workT' "Well," replied Francis Bacon, "Bill is a practical theatrical manager. I'm only a philosopher and a poet trying to held a government job. What'd I do if the actors were to decide to call a strike on me?" I Without Turning a Hair. Long-haired Crank Do you believe In bolshevlsm? Gentleman with a Cane Certainly notl Long-haired Crank Why not, are you a capitalist? Gentleman with a Cane No; I'm a barber The Bystander. SENSriTVB. "Hello, old man, I hear you've bought a house In the country." "What If I have. You don't have, to rub it in, do you?" It Never Happened. Who aver heard this old world say In a contented tone, "We're doing pretty well today; Let well enough alone!" Another tine of Business. "For years and years I wrote po etry," remarked the affluent looking stranger.- "I wrote it until I was forced by cold and hunger to take up a com mercial line." "What was that?" "Writing verses." All Brought Appetite. "Politeness costs nothing." "That's a mistake." said Jud Tun kins, with emphasis. "Just by way of beln' pleasant and friendly I asked a bunch of my city relatives to visit me." Constant Habit. "I saw the rich financier next door to us cleaning up the deed leaves on his lawn this morning. Strange, lie should work himself with so many servants." "Not at all. He couldn't miss such a chance of getting a rakeoff. " Original Echo Organ. "I don't think Kdlth will ever make a hit as a vocalist." "She has a good voice." "Yes, but she's got such a big mouth that there's an echo, and that spoils the effect of her singing." the Might. "The pen is mightier than sword." "Tes," replied Senator Sorghum; "but a good typewriting machine prop erly managed may be mightier than either." Poorly Trained. Caller Can I see Mrs. SweltonT MalU She's not at home. Culler When will she be back? Maid Dunno. She ain't gone out yet. No Economy. "You have been burning the wind!" protested the policeman. "Maybe I was," answered Mr. Chug elns: "but not enough of it to make any difference In my gasoline bill." PROBABLY NOT. "The circus has cut out thrillers." "Couldn't compete with the movies, I s'poie." Intensive Rhetoric. When epltheta are launched to free In oratorio game. We And there really can be High art In calling names. Too Vague. He My dear girl, don't let thti meeting of ours do like one of leg lain tlve body's adjourn sine die. ghe-Wtiat's that? He Without naming the day. He Calculates Time bv It. "Does oui watch keep good iluier "Splendid. ( can depend on tt l way to he about 15 minutes fast." Its Reeult. "How does a needle bath feeir "Jast sew-sew." Tested Seeds For Field and Garden .Oct our free Catalog which tells about the best varieties of Garden seeds for home use, canning and shipping what field seeds to plant for heavy yields of grain or hay which to sow for abundant pasturage. wooes DS ore choice strains of the best varieties, re-cleaned and tested for germination and purity. Write for Catalog and "Wood's Crop Special," giving timely Information and current prices. Mailed free. T.W.WOOD & SONS SEEDSMEN, RICHMOND VIRGINIA SEED) Pennsylvania Tubes Given Away During February. With each Vacum Cup casing purchased from us during the month ot February, we will give absolutely free, a Ton Tested Tube. The tube must corres pond with the size of the casing. With each sale of a Cord Tire, we will furnish frep a PnrH hrn Tube Everett Hardware Co. LAND ENTRY NORTH CAROLINA Richmond County I, John Barrinirton. of Richmond Coun ty, North Carolina, claim and enter nine (9) acres of land in Beaver Dam Town ship, Richmond County, North Carolina, hounded and described as follows, viz: r IKS T tract Bounded on the west by R. E. Wilkinson, on the east by Gates, on the north by th. lands of Joe Mc Lean and Jas. Blue. SECOND TRACT Bounded on the south by the lands of F. T. Gates, qu the north by lands of R. E. Wilkinson. Th. said land is vacant, unappropriated and subject to entry entered this 29th day of January. 1920. (Signed) JOHN BARRINGTON, Claimant. Notice is hereby sriven that a warrant of survey will be issued on above entry. unless protest is nled with the under signed entry taker within thirty (30) days from date hereof. This 29th of January, 1920. R. h. JOHNSON, Entry Taker. James Stucky Says, "Rat Cost Me $125 For Plumbing Bills." "We couldn't tell what was clogging up our toilet and drains. We had to tear up floor, pipes, etc., found a rat's nest in base ment. They had choked the pipe9 with refuse. The plumber's bill was $125. RAT-SNAP cleaned the rodent out." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guar anteed by Everett Hardware Co., Watson-King Co., and Dox Drug Store. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of the late Corneille Parsons Payne ,this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said decedent to present same to me on or before February 12, 1921, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All who are in debted to said decedent will please make payment. This, February 12, 1920. B. T. PAYNE, Adm. DR. W. L. HOWELL Special attention to diseases of stomach and intestines. Office hours: 12 to Ellerbe, . N. C. J. C Sedberry Attorney-at-Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Office in the Little Building over Aren- son's store. Dr. L. D. AlcPhall Special Attention Given to Disease of Children 1st Floor Municipal Building. Office phone 94; house 176. Rockingham, N. C Rub-My-Tism Is a great pain kill er. It .relieves pain ana soreness caused by Rreumatism, Neurailgia, Sprains, etc. Annual Meeting of Stock holder of Richmond County Savings Bank. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Richmond County Savings Bank will be held at the banking room at 11 a. m. on Wednesday, March 10th 1920 W. L. Scales, Cashier. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiaep tie; it kills the poison caused from infected eats, euros old sores, tetter. a