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BOOKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, BIOHMOND COUNTY, N. C. rHlir. ri v K REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS! The republicans of Richmond coun ty in convention assembled at 'Rock ingham February 18, 1920, elected del legates to the congressional and state convention, and adopted the follow ing resolutions: 1. That we renew our allegiance to .the principles of the republican party, "which, when enacted into. law have never failed to bring peace, prosperity and contentment to the people of this great commonwealth. 2. That we pledge our united sup port to the men who will be the par. ty's nominee this year for the vari ous Offices from President down to the various county offices. 3. That this convention deeply re grets the disability of Hon. John C. Dockery and W. V. Brown to meet with us on account of their serious illness and hope for their speedy re- . 'covory. 4. That we endorse Hon. John ,T. Parker for governor and hereby In struct our delegate to the state con vention to cast their entire strengt.i for nim for that position. 5. That we endorse the work of our present state chairman, and we here by Instruct our delegates to the state -convention to cast the entire vote of their county in said election, for m re-election of Hon. Frank A. Linney !U state chairman for another two :years. 6. ' That we endorse Claudius Dock for one of the delegates from the 7th district to the party's national convention and we do hereby instruct our delegates to the congressional -on-jvent.ion to vote their entire strength in said convention for him as one of said delegates. 7. That we endorse Hon. John M "Morehead for re-election as national committeeman from this stat?, and we ;'o hcrebv instruct our delegates to :iie state convention to cast their en tire voting strength or their county in said convention for him for national committeeman from this state. S. That we endorse Hon. J. C. Dockery for Congress and hereby in struct our delegates to the congres sional convention of the Seventh dis trict to cast their entire vote for and use all honorable means for his nomination. Delegates to state and congressiun al convention: J. W. Fletcher, H. L. Barrett, M. J, Eisenhart, A. B. Edwards A'. L. Gib. son, C. H. Kelly, Gaston Terry. John Williams, Norman Campbell, T. E. Dabbs, S. A. Stogner, J. M, Dockery, M. L. Tucker, Lee Stogner, Gaston Stogner, Ernest" Sewell, Dock Floyd, C. J. Lee, C. J. Cashwell, J. C. Dockery, W. F. Long, Jr., W. A. McDonald, R. A. Marffhip, C. J. Jones, Frank Mea chum, W. A. Green, A. C. McLeanox, W. A. Johnson, W. B. Cox, J. W. But ler, A. J. Butler, Roger A. Derby, W. A. McDonald (B. D), W. V. Brown, E. E. Vuncannon. J. M. Stafford, B. B. Farlow, J. T. Bostick, J. L. Hender son, A. D. Splvey, Mark Whittey, G. A, Whittey. C. H. Bobbins, John Ballard and D. D. Meachum. H. P. Mill Items. (Contributed) Miss Fronnie Clark, from near Hamlet, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives and friends at Hannah-Picket t. Mrs. Nora. Patterson from Cordova, spent Sunday with relatives at Hannah Pickett. We are sorry to note the recent illness of Mrs. J. W. Smith; hope she will soon recover. We are sorry to note that our Boss spinner, Mr. Jack Hyatt, is in the hospit al at Hamlet. Mr. Hyatt was very bad ly hurt Saturday night when his car turned over; hope he will soon recover. Mrs. Lila Croke is recovering from an attack of influenza. Jessie, the thre?-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephenson, who was burned about three weeks ago, died Sat urday night about 7 oclock. The little fellow suffered until God said, "It's enough, come home", and he gently Jell asleep to be with God and the angels where he will suffer no more. The remains were carried ts Columbus county for internment; bereaved parents have the sympa 1 Jthe entire community may He that uoeth all things well, bless and comfort them. M.K. Route 3 Items. (Contributed) Glad to note that JMr. W. H. Hicks Jr., u improving. He has had the flu. The many friends of Mrs. W. B. Cov ington are glad to learn she is improv ing. Mrs. Covington has been on the sick list for some time. Mrs. J. M. Lowe and daughter, Miss Erne Ingram, spent Friday afternoon wiui wars. Henry Covington. We are sdrry to note that Mrs. Hamp- in uvmgiuu siays very teeDie these days. Messrs. Henry Ingram and Theodore i nomas were calling at the home of Mr. nai nelly Sunday night. Mr. c. D. Sinclair and daughter, Miss Berta, have moved from the Holt place to the Covington place, near Mr. William nicies. Mrs. George Warren of Va., is visit ing here now. She is the sistw nf Mr J. M. Lowe. Miss Effie Ineram exnerts to havn a. ner guest tor the week end. MissR1anr-h Mallock, of Rockingham. The school at Charlotte having closed on account of the flu, which Miss Mallock attended she came home until school reopened. Blue Eyes. Influenza And Weak Blood fill Notice. This is to notify all persons interested that I, the undersigned, will make appli cation to the Governor of North Carolina for pardon. Was sentenced at January term 1913, from Richmond County Superior Court to Penitentiary on charge of mur der. If there is anv nhttvttnn nlAncA nntifv the Governor within four weeks from date hereof. This February 24th, 1920. John Hinson, colored. Bird Dog Lost. Lost, five weeks ago a liver and white pointer; bob tailed; answers to name of "Spot". Reward for return to Fairley Long, Rockingham. j Run Down and Listless Con ditions May make you a Target For the "Flu" Any owner of a Franklin Car will tell you that 20 or more miles from a gallon of gasoline means more than just a little money saved on fuel. . , Between 90 and 95 of them have owned other cars and they know not alone the difference in economy, but also in comfort, safety, ease of handling and general satisfaction which Franklin light weight and flexibility make possible 20 miles to the gallop of gasolint ? 12,500 miles to thi set of tiret , 50 slower yearly depreciation My FRANKLIN SALES COMPANY ABERDEEN, N. C BECAUSE BLOOD IS PROBABLY THIN At This time of Danger, Take Pepto Mangan It Builds Rich, Red Blood Advertisement. No matter how well you usu ally are, if temporarily you're run down, you're a target for the influenza. Contagion always gets listless people first. Whether they real ize it or not, their blood is thin and undernourished in no con dition to fight off the germs it meets everywhere. It is a wise precaution to take a good tonic at this time of dan ger some well-known builder of red, vigorous blood, like Pepto-Mangan. And if you did not think of this in time if you are now re covering from a fight with in fluenza your blood will need help for weeks after you think the danger is past. Take no unnecessary chances. Get Pepto-Mangan and start taking it today. Pepto-Mangan is an effective blood builder that has had the endorsement of physicians for years. Pepto-Mangan is sold by druggists in either liquid or tablet form, just as preferred. There is no difference in medi cinal value. But be sure you get the genuine Pepto-Mangan. Ask for Gude's Pepto-Mangan and be sure the name is on the package. (Advertisement) First Showing of Spring's Smartest Millinery Styles. Pit Game Eggs. For saie at $3 per 15, Pit Game eggs, beverai strains. Laken- elders. Henry C. Wall. We are fortunate in securing the services of Miss Carrie Andrews, of the French Hat Shop, Wilmington, N. C, who is an expert in her line. We are expecting lots of business from Rockingham, Laurinburg, Gibson and the near-by towns this season. W.R.LAND&C0. The.Hat Shop. The New Spring Quarterly JUST OUT IS OVER 500 of the most charming Spring Styles frdm Paris to you. ONLY 15c, when buying a McCall Pattern X wmml mmm r m jet a TTVURING the war fashion Mr changes movedjvery slow ly, but this Spring there is a de cided change in the silhouette, and euerything is distinctly new. Jhe changes are very outspoken The new lines are fully illustrat ed in the McCall Book of Fash ions for Spring; The New Spring Quarterly Just Out. Over 150 designs are shown in full color. Secure a copy today at our Mc Call Pattern Department. Stephenson - Belk Co. Buying for 27 Stores is one" reason we sell it for less. WW (MG$9 (SB 09 MfiPOT fflfl