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t()D COUNTY, K. O. PAGE NINll O A DAOTV FAD II li 3g n rni i run Jim g By MATTIS A. RAM8AY. (A . by McCiure N.w.paptr Syndicate.) He had been chuckling to himself all day. For that morning he had leased an apartment and had a big surprise for Dorothy. They had been married in May, upon his return from France, and on account of the house shortage, tbey had been obliged to live In a room and take their meals out. He was In the gayest of spirits. Dor othy, who, under the circumstances, bad retained her position, was home ahead of him. She was combing her hair. He bent over to kiss her and demolished her coiffure. She laughed and kissed his cheek and began comb ing again. Then with a boyish eagerness he told her of the apartment, bow l:s sis ter had heard f It, how happy they I would be. And what a stroke of wis dom that had been when they had bought their furniture at the reduced summer rates. All day his thoughts had evoked such cosy pictures, and lie had spoken with such enthusiasm that at first he wasn't conscious of Dorothy's lack of spontaneous ap proval. His cheerlness vanished. He sub jected her to a sharp scrutiny. "It sounds nice," she returned smiling; "and we can talk about it after dinner. Come; I'm famished." Her tone had been a trifle careless and noncommittal. Still, he told him self that he mflst not be too exacting. He admitted that it was rather high handed of him to have taken the whole responsibility. He should have con sulted her. Qolng back from the res taurant, he apologized, but the atmos phere did not clear. 'Xet's have it all straight out, Dor othy," he said quietly, once more in their room. He fixed his eyes upon her with an appeal that stirred her. She knew of his longing for a home; and with what gusto he talked of the fine house wann ing they would have, If they only had a little flat. Two years ago, when t and his brother had gone across, his home had been broken up. That she was not as keen about a home as Jim had never dawned upon Dorothy. But now that she was facing such a possibility, she was alarmed at her disinterestedness. Though she was sorry to disappoint him, she must speak the truth; though she smiled aa she talked, he was aware of the sadness that tinged her reply. She didn't want to give up her posi tion. Today she had a raise of $5; now $35 a week. And she didn't have the strength nor the Inclination, after working all day, to putter around the house at night Living was too high to give up 35. How could they meet expenses on $40 a week? "Tou silly boy," she said softly, "you have no Idea what clothes cost today." She oprr-ed n Do nud dlyju)cd a new suit. "That cost me $100." Jim flushed red. Her money; not bis, he thought And so all his beau tiful dreams collapsed. The reference to her raise and to his meager salary hurt him. She knew nothing of his scheming to earn extra and of his fine figuring; for he could show in black and white that it cost very little more to have a little flat As the days went by, he felt lonely and depressed to an extent that Dorothy didn't realise. They never referred to that subject again. Jim grew sensitive about mon . ay. He never told her of his raise. Ona day Dorothy renewed her pro posal of some time previous, which Jim bad Indignantly repudiated, that she be allowed to pay her share, and It was accepted with such alacrity that Dorothy was startled. Even Jim was surprised at himself. November came. One evening Dor othy went oyer to see her friend Jen- wistful look In Dorothy's face. Per haps she was beginning to realize that rtie was losing something worth far more than $35. Tears filled Dorothy's eyes. Then she confessed that she had been house hunting and was thoroughly disheart ened. She wanted to begin where she and Jim had started, when thev naoA to talk over all the happenings of the uuy. now mey were almost strangers. Jennie had .been Deseed she did. Through her were located lour rooms In modern nnnrtmonto n.. otay wns jubilant. With irrntitmio oh assented and acted upon Jennie's sug gestion tnnt she take Jim's mother and sister Into her confidence, for Jennie was anxious to nee that 111 ;K-!l spanned. The next week Doiothv wnrk-Pi hnr.i ana late, kverythlntf was In Its place. Jennie thought She had never seen such a homelike apartment. She loved the look of the rooms, the good taste, and especially the living room, In the soft glow of that handsome lamp. It was three nights later, and Jim. as he supposed, with Bill, his brother, were coming to make a call. Dorothy was-radlant and sweet. She knew that nothing mattered so lone s .Tim ivn,i ur ana they were together. Jennie joined his mntrw an,i - - ""'I UiOLCi In the kitchen, who were rejoicing ever me attractive party which had been prepared. They thrilled when th i,n rang and the door opened. A moment's suenee. Then they heard Jim- saying in me uearest voice. "Dorrv nn,i Then BUI came in, closing the kitchen aoor, erlnr-nig, and thev all iinn MsV Anyway, Bill wanted to m th. wrkey. FORDS FOR SALE. For sale. Ford cars, new and rebuilt. We also carry in stock Ford roadster, touring and sport bodies. We do high-grade paint ing and top building on all makes. Payne's Auto Works, Charlotte's Reliable Car Market 26 East 6th Street, flharlnto' N. C. RrtDE MARK, pp Cheerful Giver. "Brain work is not always well com pensated." "Brain workers," replied Farmer Oorntossel, "Is mostly too generous. Every summer boarder we had wns wlllln' to give me advice by the hour on how to ran the farm, and never charge me a cent." Realism. The Star The author of thlo play Is a stupid stickler for realism. The Manager I have noticed It The Star Why he objects to my wearing diamond rings In the scene where I pawn my hat to buy food for the children. Tit-Bits. Place Nearly All Right. Mistress (nervously) I do hope the plate will suit you. New Maid Well, the house is not bad, and I rather like the looks of the policeman on 'the bent, but If I stay here you'll kindly take them hor rible pictures down London TIt-Blts. Stingy! "By the way, George, what shall we get Mabel for a wedding present? She gave us that plush upholstered chair that's In the attic, you know." "I don't think We'd better send her anything, dear. Why not let bygones he bygonesT' Life. Then He Got the Worst of It. Flatmish So you had an argument with your neighbor? Bensonhurst I certainly liad and a warm one at that. "Who got the best of It?" "Well, I did until he struck me In the eye." Before the Happy Day. Doris She believes every word he tells her. Lilian How long have they been married? Doris They're not married. They're going to De. London Answers. The Practical Problem. "Make hay while the sun shines," said the offhand philosopher. "That kind of advice Is enav " mm mented Farmer Corntossel. "What you want to Invent Is some method of get tin' a crop In during three or four weeics or steady ram." SAY IT WITH FLOWERS ! Nothing sweeter; nothing more acceptable. tl am representative for the leading florists, among them being Hammond, of Richmond; Scholts. of Charlotte; Van Lindley, of Greensboro; O'Quinn, of Raleigh. Your orders will be appreciated. Mrs. A. G Crimen. r,rr Rockineham Hotel Phone 137 YOUR CATARRH MAY LEAD TO CONSUMPTION Dangerous to Use Treatment tor unly l empor ary Relief. There is a more serious stage of Catarrh than the annoyance caused by the stopped-up air passages, ana otner aistastetui teatures. The real danger comes from the tendency of the disease to continue its course downward until the lungs become affected, and then dreaded consumption is on your path. Your own experience has taught you that the disease can- tint K f ii. a.I t... " ..... ' . .m v "-"'Yu, yt si"ys, lnnaicrs. atomizers, jellies and other local applications. S. 5. S. has proven a most satis factory reined v fnr Ca J t .01(11 UC- cause it goes direct to its source, and removes the germs of the dis ease from lllp hlnnit n. . K..l today, begin the only logical treat ment mm Kivcs real results. For free medical advice write Medical Director. 47 Su-ift I -,i.n,-,i,,.. a latita. Ga. SHOE POLISHES BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS FotBkd"IS,wS,?",cBrown THE F. P. D ALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD., BUFFALO. N. Y. Where There's a Baby on Farm Keep Kat-Snap. Rats are on most farms. Once they get inside the house look out. Rats kill infants biting them is not unusual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Break a cake ot KAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will nurelv rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Everett Hard ware Co., Watson-King Co., and jjux urug store. I Pox Drug Store. i 1 , . 1Y PioWED THIS IrVAY, AMD Hi 5 faffl IvrtY S GOOD eVO(GH for. Me Mt.VE. , LIHB TO X0 MY PtOWM? SZ?iP T'f& '-.ftSC' -c'v-Tr ?S BOTH O.- YffO&F r&u.ovE par rossrueR The Choice Is Up To You. We have never taken the position of telling farm ers how to farm. We believe that the farmers have forgotten more about farming than hardware men as a class will ever know, and it's simply our business to serve you, to sell you what you want. Whether you prefer to walk between the handles, or ride, or crank a tractor, is none of our business. It's our business to show you the very best im plement of its kind that we can find and at the right price. The choice is up to you. Come around and look us over. Everett H?irr1wzii Pt-i-iro-iT7- mi POCOMOKE GUANO FOR BIGGER AND BETTER CROPS TOBACCO TRUCK COTTON CORN wmm warn mmmmBmm We are carrying a stock of Pocomoke goods for Cotton, Tobacco and Corn. See us for prices. We are using German Potash. McRAE GROCERY COMPANY Rockingham REMOVES TOUCHY CORNS. Apply a few drops' of "At -Ease" upon aa aching corn or callous for a few nighta. Instantly the soreness leaves. In a few days you can lift them off with your lingers. At-Ess;" the only gu aranteed corn re mover is sold at all drng stores. Manufactured by THE STANLY SALES CO. Albemarle, N. C. J W. S. Thomas F. D. Phillips THOMAS & PHILLIPS Attorneys-at-Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Land titles and abstracting given careful consideration. Loans ne gotiated. If you have real estate to sell, or want to buy, we can put you in touch with buyer or seller. Covington BuIMIns... Over Dockery-McNaif's. Phone 165 FRED. W. BYNUM LAWYER Rockingham, N. C. Office over Bank of Pee Dee. OZVIBR L. HENRY Attorney-at-Law Office upstairs in Bank of Pee Dee Building Phone 344 ROCKINGHAM, N. C. H. S. Boigan A. R. McPkail BOGGAN & McPHAIL Attorneys at Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Diligence and nrnmntnpss PrtiV. 111 all courts. SpcnnH Flnnr Rnrl u..:ia . ...... .Ll.v IIUIJU ing, rear of Court House. Telephone nuinuer iuo. D. J. CASH1AELL Attorney at Law and Notary Public Rockingham, N. C Office in Long Building,' Room No. 4 DR. J. M. MANESS ELLERBE, N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose ana mroat. uthce in Bank building. Honrs- Qtn19 1 tnA Phone 22. F. J. GARRETT, ML D. Special attention given to Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Office hours: 9 to 12--2to5. Other hours by appointment. Office over FOX'S DRUG STORE. F. B. GARRETT, M. D. Office Hours : 8-9 a. m. 2-3 p. m. Phones : Office 339, residence 337 Office over W. E. McNair's furniture store. Dr J. M. LEDBETTER Special attention given to Ear, Eye; Nose and Throat. Ollle hours: 10 to 13 to 5. Municipal Building Rockingham O. D. WILSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER Hamlet, N. C. Day phone 369 Night phone 370 ackerel. Fresh Cape Shore mackereL any size. Watson-King Co., gro cers. 666 quickly relieves Colds and La- Grippe, Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches. Will You Spend 50c. On Rat- Snap to Save $100? One 50c. nktr. can kill 50 rata. The average rat will rob you of ?iu a year in teed, chicks and property destruction. RAT SNAP is deadly to rats. Cre mates affer killing. Leaves no smell. Comes in cakes. Rats will pass ud meat, erain rnooao to feast on RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed bv Everett. Hard ware Co., Watson-King Co., and uox urug store. Molasses Good Kind. Barrel of good old Homespun molasses just received at Watson King, grocers. ' ),S!Wfi