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Newspaper Page Text
ROCKINGHAM ?OST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. PAGE ELEVEN WILMINGTON WEEK Automobile Show AND Industrial Exhibit Under Auspices of Wilmington Chamber of Commerce ALL EASTER Beginning Tuesday night April 6th and every afternoon and night for the rest of the week. Big Display of Automobiles, Trucks andTractors. Giant Exhibition of Industrial Devices f or Home and Farm. In Gorgeous Decorative Setting Daily Appearance of the Famed Royal Scotch Highlanders Band native l COSTUME THREE - NOTED SOLOISTS - THREE Follow the Red Arrow upon Reaching TheXity. POUR POUNDS AHJ? ' A Q.UARTER . FROM THE iay hc juiced mousvr HE HEGHEP TEA WEIGH HIM Ov MY KITCHEN SCALES; THBY'RE ACCURATE fooicezr A SIX POUNDER YESTERDAY, SWT ME sznr ahaAY. 'M GON TO fiT SCALES ON THB END OF A1Y JAlA-MAHS : i , r v j II y. If II I r I I LASP- fff I V. S f. ' I - f I r .- WW f I mm tr'mr mi f. A FISH STORY. Fisherman; "When I was out the other day I hooked the finest bass I ever saw. I had to play him for thirty minutes and just as I was lifting him into the boat he got away. It nearly broke my heart, he was such a beauty-weighed just six and a quarter pounds." "How do you know what he weighed," spoke up a friend, "you say he got away?" Fisherman: "Why, by the SBALES on his back, of course." Now if we were all like this bass we wouldn't need the stock of scale we are now carrying. We have a scale for every need, and a good scale is often needed, and always a good investment. Everett Hardware Company Rockingham, N. C. M NEAREST, nritfp A Southerner In one of the canton ments below the Mason and Dixon line, when called up for examination, was tsked : "What Is your nearest living rela tive?" "What you mean, 'relative,' mlsterf returned the recruit "Oh, I mean your nearest living kins folk." i 'Wal, that's my aunt you're talking ! bout" I Several other questions were an swered satisfactorily, when there came: 'In case of death or accident, who thai! be notified r "My mother;" Immediately came from the selectman. "But yea told me just a few min utes ago that your ami t was the near est living relative that you have," ob jected the oflker. "Ih asked me who my nearest liv ing kin was, dldnt yen? Wal, that's Aunt Lis She lives Jest two miles from where I bee litis' ; mother Uvea "It is mistake to think wemen In politics wHl divide the heme. New, I always vote the same ticket as my husband does." "Do you?" "Certainly. But I tell him first what thet- t,",",' ," - COLOR WAS REMOVED. Mr. Jones keeps pigeons, and Mr. Brown, next door, tries to keep pigeons quite a different state of affairs. Mr. Brown is constantly losing birds, while Mr. Jones Is constantly suspect ed of finding them. The other morn ing Mr. Brown with a smile and a six pence, approached the youthful son and heir of Mr. Jones. "Willie," began Brown, holding up the coin, "did daddy find a bird yes terday?" "And was It a blue bird with some white feathers In Its wing?" "Dunno," responded Willie, pocket ing the sixpence. "You can't tell their color when they're in a pie t" London Tit-Bits. Personal Inclination. "Adam said he ate the apple be cause Eve tempted him." "Nonsense! Temptation had noth ing to do with It. If it had been a green perarmnwui or an osage orange, no peraxaslek wonld have Induced him te teach It." Improving the tjusl It v. Howell -is your daughter's piano staying improving? Powell Yes, the doctor says that she Isn't strong enough to play as many hours a day as she has been playing. Stomach Out of Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant, a glass with meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen used. Shivar Ale PURE M SHIVAR Nothing 1 worn-out st into rich )lo Bottled and g brated Shivar M ton, s. u 11 v cannot supply you mmm Ike li aer uaraatesd nV ur nwen mmm . ROMATICS WITH S AND GINGER orating old erting food flesh. the cele- Shel-dealer McRAK GROCEMf CO., Distributors for Keckinchwn. The Post-Dispatch Job Department is prepared on "short" notice to print dainty birth announcement cards. This doesn't mean a delay of several days, but they are printed the same day the order is placed. It's dollars to doughnuts no man ever smoked a better cigarette at any price! CAMELS quality, and their expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos hand you a cigarette that will sat isfy every smoke desire you ever expressed. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind smoked straight 1 Camels mellow -mildness will certainly appeal to you. The "body" is all there, and that smoothness! It's a delight! Go the limit with Camels! They will not tire your taste. And, they leave no unpleas ant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant ciga retty odor! POCOMOKE GUANO FOR BIGGER AND BETTER CROPS TOBACCO TRUCK COTTON CORN We are carrying a stock of Pocomoke goods for Cotton, Tobacco and Corn. See us for prices. We are using German Potash. McRAE GROCERY COMPANY Rockingham