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ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. iAG SIX KISSES 9UB nwwmwco H PUlWfllS CONSTIPATION DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that quickly relieves the congestion of undigested food and poisonous waste matter, and re stores the normal regularity of natural action. It does not gripe or cramp and is as safe and pleas apt for children as it is effective on even the strongest constitution. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is the indispensable family remedy in thousands of homes and is sold in drug stores everywhere. In spite of the fact that Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin is the largest selling liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it. If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN THE PERFECT LAXATIVE (Contributed) The Rebecca LeGrand Missionary Society met with Miss Jamie Cole on Tuesday night, March 23rd. The society was delighted to have Misses Addie Webb, Laura Page Steele and Esther Hone from Peace Institute with them and the meeting resulted in quite an interesting one. It was presided over by the president, Miss Berta West; was opened by two songs, and sentence prayer begun by Miss Laura Page Steele and closed by Miss Addie Webb. Miss Jamie Cole read a very interesting letter from Miss Sallie Lou McKin- 11011; and Miss Dell Gibson, a paper on the life of David. After discus sion of business of the society the meeting closed to meet in April with Miss Ophelia Ormond. The hostess, assisted by Miss Lizzie Cole, served sandwiches and coiffce. Miss Bernice Turner, who has been quite sick for some days, was able to resume her school work Wednesday, to the delight of her little pupils. Mrs. John L. Armstcad and little daughter, Caroline McCrory Arm stsead, have gone to Atlanta to visit relatives and friends for sometime. Mrs. Armstead's grandmother, who is so pleasantly remembered here, has been quite sick in Newnan, Ga and Mrs. Armstead has gone there ostensibly to see her grandmother. Mrs. J. P. Leak entertained on Tuesday at a beautifully appointed luncheon, complimenting the house- guests of Mrs. W. C. Leak: Mes dames Claud Ashton Jones and Hugh May, of Charlestown, West Va. Besides the honoree guests of Mrs. Leak were Mrs. Murrey San duskey, Mrs. John L. Everett, and Mrs. W. C. Leak. Mr. John Scales and sister, Miss Octavia motored to Greensboro Sat urday and spent the week end with relatives and friends, returning Monday. Mrs. Bettie F. Long is visiting rel atives and friends in Lilesville; she will return home the latter part of the week. Mr. Henry Fairley is home for tb.8 Easter Holidays, from Woodberry Forest School. He will return io resume his school work next Mon day. Mrs. W. C. Leak expects to have as her visitors soon, Mrs. Webb and Miss Webb, of Durham, and Miss Susie Shipp. Little's Mills Roll. Pupils on the Honor Roll for the sixth month of the Lit tle's Mills school are: 1st grade Lillian Deaton, Grace Deaton, Thelma Deaton. 2nd grade Rufus Deaton, Lula Maie Harris. 6th grade Theodore Ballard. Social Wilmington Auto Show. Wnminatnn. N. C. All is in readiness for the Wilmington Automobile Show and industrial Exhibit to be held in the city Auditorium here Easter week and committees having charge of the big event for the Wil mington Chamber of Commerce are enthusiastic over the pros pects for the most successful show and one that will inaugu rate a vearly classic for Eastern North Carolina. Tho rlisnlav of automobiles will be a brilliant one while the pvhihit. of industrial devices will be both interesting and instruc tive. The entertainment fea- hirps will he headed bv the fa mous Royal Scotch Highlanders Band. A auarter-oase announcement of this bior auto show appears elsewhere in this issue of the Post-Dispatch. Roberdel Notes. (Contributed) Owing to the inclement weath er the Methodist Sunday school was called off Sunday. There is no influenza in this section at present. Mr. W. W. Gibson, who has been very ill for several, weeks, is greatlylmproved. Mr. jE.frT., Green ! has 1 :re sumed hiifposition again in tex tile work, after being ill with in fluenza. The teachers' meeting was well attended by teachers of Roberdel school. Miss Willa McKag spent the week-end at the home of Mr. C. W. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McNeill toured to Charlotte to see her sister who is undergoing an op eration. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Watson, of Hoffman, visited Misses Fanny and Flora Terry last Sunday. Mr. Frank Hutchinson return ed home from Chapel Hill Satur day night. Hannah-Pickett Mill. (Contributed) Mr. Ed Kelly visited relatives at Hannah-Picket Sunday. Mr. S. E. Kelly .and Mr. Hob son, from Raeford, spent Sunday with the family of A. J. Kelly at Hannah-Pickett. Walter Patterson, from Green ville. S. C. is visiting his family at Hannah-Pickett. Walter leaves tonight (Monday) tq resume his studies in the Bible Institute at Greenville. Mr. John Patterson and family visited relatives at Hannah-Pickett Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Smith and Misses Sue Clark and Sallie McCaskill visited at Cordova Sunday after noon. A few Hannah-Pickett folks visited the County Home late Sundav aiternoon. M. K. "A Testimonial to Our Pastor." W a eommmittee from the official boards of the Mt. Pisgah A. M. E. Zion Church in Rock ingham, desire to express our appreciation to our pastor, nev. T. T. Tavlor. in a testimonial way, for his good work and wise leadership, iri loading us out 01 thp wilderness of discourage ments to the very acceptable place where we now worsnip. This testimonial effort is to help to prepare him for and to Hoar his additional exoenses through the General Conference of the A. M. E. Zion unurcn, which convenes in Knoxville, Tenn., May 5th and Z6th, lyzu Anv friend or sympathizer cte sirinff to heln in this worthy ef frt mnv dn so hv seeinsr Dr. F v t j n oniek. secretary, ana ivir. Dewey P. Leak, treasurer, who are receivers ot all donations. Expressing our appreciation in advance, we are, Yours erratelullv. J. H. Fletcher, Pink Jackson, f! R. Deberrv. Prof. J. H. Floyd, Geo. Frieson, Dewey, P. Leak, Dr. F. D. Quick, Committee. PUSH ROCKINGHAM FOR 1 WARD. CAP &JTLdL Addressing the Multitude. "Every cloud has Its silver lining," remarked the chronic quoter. 'Sure, thine." answered the chap with the cloven hoof (beg pardon- breath), "I once knew a man who de- vplnnpil Into n front nubile speaker by his wife's relatives visiting wm fre quently." Breaking the News. Father, was writing done on tablets of stone In the old days?" "Yes, my son," replied the dutiful parent" Gee!" mused the boy. "Then It must have taken a crowbar to break the news." Two of a Kind. Miss Prlttlkid (patronizingly) Oh, yes, Nora, I was once engaged for a week at the seashore. Nora Why, so wur 01, mum, In one of them souvenir shell places; and begorry, 01 quit before tag wake was up." A Stern Victor. "When Frank proposed to Irene ha offered her his name and three-quarters of his weekly salary." "Did she accept him?" "No. She insisted on nothing less than an unconditional surrender." Life. Before and After. "The woman pays, you know," re marked the chronic quoter. "Pays nothin'," snorted the sarcastic cuss. "It s the man wno pays. Be fore marriage he pays her attention. Afterward he pays her bills." Wlfey You used tojhlnk there was nobody Just like me. Hubby Now I'm sure of It Different Kind. Ambition sometime! haa been known To start poor mortals wrong; The one ambition that they own It just to loaf alone Hew It Happened. "Poor Cholly Is so empty-headed I wonder what Is the matter with him." "Oh, he was raised on a bottle." "That doesn't explain it" "Yes, it does ; by mistake they gave him a vacuum boMe." Taking Precautions. The Salesperson Yes, we can fix up a white flag for you. But what's the Idea? Henry N. Peck ril be late getting home tonight and I want to be sure my wife doesn't open fire on me. Hie Feat "The steeplejack did a very contra dictory thing In putting the' weather sisnejl on the church steeple." "How so?" "He was successful In a vane at tempt" i ' Drawing the Line. "So you are a burglar I" said the prison visitor. "Yes'm. I like other people's prop erty, but I haven't the heart to be an anarehist an' get it by rough work." The New Standard. Friend Haven't you sold your new bopk? Novelist No, The editor says it hasn't got enough action to make a photoplay. Film Fun. BEFORE AND AFTER. Fine Idea. Grubber I understand he was dis satisfied with his lot In life. Hubber Yes, but he mortgaged it and bought an automobile and now en Joys himself. ! if About the Same Thing. Hewlt Were you ever under a j ttewetf-Well, I've walked jM JSfc jfMt when she had her big hat !W, POOR POSITION. 'r Alfred A. Knoff, the Russian anther Ity, said In his New York office: "It's no use being pessimistic about Russia. Russia has simply got to go through these throes of hers In order to become sane and healthy. They're the throes of seasickness, and to turn away from them with pessimistic hor-j ror and disgust Is to be as unreason able as the little schoolboy. I "A little schoolboy refused to play during the recess. He sat with a dis contented look on a hard rock. ' '"Whyvaren't you playing, Harold?' said another little boy. "Huh I Catch me playin'l' he re-j puen. u piayea trie time wuuiu gv too fast " Ample Proof. "What makes you think the man In the moon la single?" asked the chap In the ticket window, who waa pleas, antly carrying on a conversation with a friend while the line waited. "Why, no married man could stay away all night for years and years ai he does," replied the other fellow. Charitable to Skinflint "Old Skinflint Is a terrible tightwad, Isn't' he?" asked our mutual friend Smith. "Yes, I suppose you would call him that," returned Smith, "but you got to give him credit for keeping hla money at home and making It mind its own business." SIDE-SPLITTING. Squllbob When the doctors wen operating on Joax for appendicitis, h took It as a Joke. SquIUIgan It certainly was a "side splitting" one. . Suspense. I read the daily paper through Ml For items from a foreign shore.. I guess what (oiks are goln' to do, An then next day I guess some more, She Knew. Husband What a racket 1 The kid must be pounding the piano keys with an as. Wife Well, If he were quiet he would be doing something much worse, you may be sure of that" How He Remembered Him. "Did your rich uncle remember yon In his will?" "Not personally. But he endowed a home for the Indigent I fancy he expected me to collect my share that way." A Wealth of Humor. "Did you read where a saloonkeep er In New York, attacked by a hold up ma'., beat blm with a bag of sil ver?" "That was a rich Joke on the hold up man." Music and Pictures. "Is she fond of music and pictures?" asked the friend. "I 'should say so," replied the ador ing young man. "She doesn't think any movie theater Is complete without an orchestra." Wonderful Ability. He I can trace my ancestry back through nine generations. She What else can yon do? Then he blinked and looker! at net as if he wondered how far he had dropped. IN THE NICK OF TIME. The Preacher's Wife (after the de parture of the newly wedded pair) Do you think that was a fortunate marriage? The Preacher Very; I certainly did need the money. A Fancy. We are made ot dust, they tell us. And maybe that is why A girl oft causes trouble When she irets lu a fellow's era. How Annoying! Bob What a nuisance that chap ill Jack Oh, fierce I After you've touched him for money five or ten times he begins asking yon to repay it DEMOCRACY. War Secretary Baker said at a luncheon In Washington: "Ours will be the most democratic army In the world, for ours la the most democratic country. "A millionaire, as he climbed Into his limousine, snarled at a newsboy: "'No, I don't want any paper I Get out.' " 'Well, keep yer shirt on, boss,' the newsboy answered. The only differ ence between you and me Is that you're makln' your second million, while I'm still workln' on my first' " Washington Post . . Ti What Waa Wrong; Woman Engineer There's some thing wrong with this engine. Foreman of Car Shops Impossible. It was all right when It left the shop this morning. Woman Engineer Well there Is. I haven't caught a cow with the cow catcher .yet Maybe the thing lan't baited properly. -Judge. ' They Swear It Happened. Little Jlinmle Say, pa, do those pages in the legislature have to take an oath of office? Jlmraie's Pa No, my son; why do you ask? Little Jlmmle Well, one of 'em did ; you ought to heard him when he stubbed his toe the other day. HIS MACE. ;ienr Bronson My son Is so stupid I don't know what to do with him. Woodson Send him to college. Bronson But he refuses to study, he is so thick-headed. Woodson All the better for foot ball. Comprehension. I did not understand some things A great man said to me. And sad suspicion softly sings, "My friend, no mora did he!" Slight Skepticism. "George Washington couldn't tell a lie;" exclaimed the man who believes the cherry tree story. "Yes," replied the suspicious per-, on. "Either that or he was too proud to bluff when he knew he was caught with the goods." To Impress the Judge. "You say she has engaged a dra matic instructor. Does she Intend to go upon the stage?" "Oh, no. She has sued her husband for divorce and is preparing for her appearance In court." Boston Tran script. Hew Can He? Doctor My man, you should re main quiet You have a fighting chance. Pat Thin, bedad, sorr, let me up at wanee. Sure a man can't do anny folghtln' lyln' flat on his back. its Nature. "The Youngweds have an astro nomical opinion of their wonderful baby." "What kind of an opinion Is that?" "They think the world revolves around the son." Wise Lawyer. "Why did you buy that old doormat when your office furniture Is brand new?" . i "T think a worn doormat outside Is a good advertisement for a lawyer Wudge. NOT HAPPY WITH HER. "Riches do not always bring happl ness." "I know It; I used to tell my wife that she was my pearl of greatest price." A Hot Time. The row next door Caused quite a stir. She burned a steak, He roasted her. Natural Conclusion. "Hello, Black, thought you fwere dead?" "Whatever gave you that Idea? "Heard a couple of men praising you the other day." A CAMOPLEUR. A good story Is told by the dean of Carlisle. It concerns a clergyman who, taking occasional duty for a friend In one of the moorland churches In n remote corner of Cumberland, was cue day greatly scandalized on ohserv l'ig the old verger, who had been col li etlng the offertory, quietly abstract n half-crown before presenting the p:ate at the altar rails. After the services he called the old nrin Into the vestry and told him, v itb, emotion, that bla crime had been discovered. The Verger looked puttied. , Then a sudden light dawned on blm. "Why, sir,, you don't mean that oiiid half-crown of mine! Why, I've le-i off with he this last fifteen year." ilttsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. Free Prom Cemmralallam. "You Insist that art Is free from co imerclallsm." "I do," replied Mr. Stormlngton B: roes. "It Is well known that Hamlet Is i he longest part known to the classic drama. Yet any actor would be will- in v to play It without charging over- Uu..-." Vigils. T understand your husband Is keep ing late hours ajfaln." He certainly Is." replied the woman wl:h the positive voice. "I have given Jo!in Instructions to keep the house warm If he has to sit up with the fur nace till three o'clock In the morning." HAPPIER WITHOUT HIM. "You eloped with Jack, didn't you? I suppose you've lived happily ever since?" 'All but the first week. Then we mm separated." S Advice. Get up and try again, young man, Don't sit around and sigh; I'd rather be a failure than i The chap who didn't try. Tee Hee. "Sav. vou know a troupe of these trained fleas ain't a bad stunt" said the facetious feller. "Whadva mean, ain't a bad stunt?" asked his friend, the stage carpenter. 'Why. look how handy they are making these long Jumps." Just In Time. "I heard the cook tell her admirer to go away as she was busy making bread." . "Did be go?" "No; said she ought to be glad he was so ready to come to her In her hour of knead." Confidently. Homer My fiancee plays the plane a little bit. Haney That's much better than not at all. Homer Her friends seem to think that not at all would be much better. Prejudices In History. "Your name will go down in his tory." "Well," replied Senator Sorghum, T hope the historian that writes about me will be a member of my own po litical party." His Handicaps. Til never be rich." "What's the matter now?" Tm too conscientious to profiteer In war times and in peace time I'm too willing to go Into debt to buy things I can't afford." LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. Wlfey The cost of living Is going up every day. It's almost prohibitive. Hubby I wish the cost of getting married was prohibitive. Expensive, Nevertheless. "I have a note to meet," said Leach 'Twas not the usual whine "It is a note to meet a peach And take ber out to dine." All Arranged. . Mother Do yon mean to tell me hat yov and Jack Addiepate. an tg toanrhter I do not On , mamma, but Jack BUILD A BUILDING.