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PAGE TEN H5HHSB-- ROCKINGHAM 20ST-DISPAT0H, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. n I 1 I -Oi USX w saw FLOWERS Seasonable cut flowers, palms and ferns. Floral arrangements for any occasion. Prompt at tention to out of town orders. SCHOLTZ, The Florist "WoTTE. N. C.N0-N-TRY0N ST" WA TSON-KING CO. Aaents. Birylt , by the Case 89 For Sale By CROWN CARB0NAT1NG COMPANY Hamlet, N. C. Light & Heavy Draying. When in need of light or heavy I i i ut i araying, pnone us. we nave a truck for hire Hale Furniture Co., phone 208. W. W. ORMOND Successor to A. E, Carroll , ELECTRICIAN Electrical Supplies in Stock Office next door to Arenson's store. Phone me your wants. groceries! s I TO SUIT EVERY TASTE s A I USUI IE 0 TASTI Let us serve you E. B. LILES Grocer Phone 38 Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic. Sciatic, and Periodic Pains. Relieves within a few minutes. FREE IF IT FAILS For sale by Druggists and Grocers. Baldwin Grocery Co. Distributors ior Richmond county. "Everything to Eat" NUF SED. Watson-King Company GROCERS. Don't lock the stable after the horse is stolen. BE PROTECTED. Insure your HOME BARN AUTO ANIMALS FURNITURE ? Avoid after regrets. Remember, we Uo a general insurance business. Life, fire, Accident, Health, Burglary, Auto, Bonding, Etc. we are here to serve you. A card or phone message will take our representa tive to )ou no matter what part of the country you live in. For rates and information, write or call on Richmond Insurance & Realty Co. W. N. EVERETT, President X. G. CORPENING, Sec. Treas DIRECTORS: W.N. Everett William Entwistle F. W. Leak John L. Everett T.C.Leak H. C. Watson R. L. Steele Women! Here is a message to tattering women, from Mrs. W. T. Price, oS Public, Ky.: "I suf fered with painful...", She writes. "I got down with a weakness In my back and limbs...! (Alt helpless and dis couraged. . .1 had about even up hopes of ever ilng veil again, when a friend insisted II Take CARDill I began Cardu!. " In a short while I saw a marked difference. . . X grew stronger right along, and It cured me. I am stouter than I have been in yean." If you suffer, you can appreciate what it means to be strong and well. Thousands of wo men give Cardut the credit for their good health. It should help you. Try CardnL At all druggists. E-73 WATSON-KING CO. Funeral Director and Embalmert). ROCKINGHAM. N. C. Phones: Res. 217 or 159: office 35. DR. C C. STEELE, D. D. S. (announces the opening of his office 7 and 8 Rancke Building, for the prac tice of his profession. W. S. Thomas F. D. Phillips THOMAS & PHILLIPS Attorneyi-at-Uw ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Land titles and abstracting given careful consideration. Loans ne gotiated. If you have real estate to sell, or want to buy, we can put you in touch with' buyer or ' seller. Covington Building Over Dockery-McNair's. Phone 165 FRED. W. BYNUM LAWYER Rockingham, N. C. Office over Bank of Pee Dee. OZMER JL. HENRY Attorney-at-Law Office upstairs over Hicks & Maness Barber Shop and T. R. Helms' Jewelry Store. Phone 344 ROCKINGHAM, N.C. Notice of Sale by 1 Commissioner. North Carolina, Richmond County. y Under aid by virtue of the authority conferred upon the undersigned commiss ioner by judgment of the Superior court of Richmond county North Carolina, in the special proceedings entitled A. R. McPhail, Admr. of Toney Cole deceased et al. vs Jim Covington Cole et al. I the said commissioner, will on Aug. 30th, 1920 at 11 o'clock a. m. on the premises here inafter described, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash subject to con- iirmation of the court, the following des cribed lands to wit: Lying in the aforesaid county and state and in Marks creek township, in the east ern edge of the town vt Hamlet, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point in the S. A. L. Ry. right of way where the same intersects the old Green Pond Koad, and fifty feet from the center of the main line on the North side of S. A. L. Ry. and runs in a westerly direction parallel with said right of way about 160 ft. to an iron stake, T. F. Boyd's corner, thence N. 50 1-2 W. 1749 ft. to a stake, thence S. 70 E. 100 ft. to a stake, thence N. 52 1-4 W. to a stake in the Southern edge of the old Laurel Hill road, thence in an Easterly direction along said road about 170 ft. to a small plum bush in front of Milton Allen's House, thence N. 40 1-4 E. 221.76 ft. to a stake, then N. 13 1-2 E. 718 ft. to, a stake then N. 19 3-4 E. to Marks creek, then up Marks creek to a branch above the old green pond road, then up said branch to a gum a't its head, then S. 40 W. to and with the Green Pnd Road 6.50 chs.. thence as said road in a Southerly direct ion to the right of way of the S. A. L. Ry., the beginning. Excepting certain lots set out in Origi nal Judgment for the said land rendered at the Jan. Term 1920. This land will be offered in about ten parcels. This July 27th, 1920. A. R, McPhail, Commissioner. Sale will begin at Toney Cole old house. J. C Sedberry Attorney-at-Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Office in the Uttle Building over Aren son's store. H.S.Bhiu A.I.BWUII B0GGAN k McPHAIL Attorneys at Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Diligence and promptness. Practice in all courts. Second Floor Rancke Build ing, rear of Court House. Telephone Number 106. . NOTICE, SCHOOL ELECTION. A petition containing one-fourth of the freeholders of the school, district descrbed below, said school district being in Wolf Pit Township, Rich mond county, North Carolina and be ing known as Osborne School Dis trict, Wolf Pit No. 5, asking for an election to be held in said dstrict, said1 petition having been duly en dorsed by. the Board of Education of said County, being filed with this Board, the following order was unan imously passed, to-wit: Pursuant to said petition and of the Public School of Law of North Caro Una, being Chapter 89, Sec. 4115 of the Revisal of North Carolina, we, the board of Commissioners for Richmond County, North Carolina, being n adjourned' session on Wed nesday, July 21s, 1928, a quorum toC' ing present, do hereby call and order an election to be held on Saturday, August 28th, 1920, at the School House, in said Osborne School Dis triet No. 5, Wolf Pit ownship, Rich mond County, North Carolina, tor the purpose of deciding whether there shall be levied and collected a . spe cal annuiil tax of not more than 30 cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property, and 90 cents on the poll, to supplement the Public School Fund. A new registration is hereby order ed and called for said school election in said school district. The registration books will open Saltv.-day, July 24th, 1920, and close on Saturday, August 21, 1920, for the registration and election shall be had according to the law now in force governing same. Willie Langley is hereby appointed registrar, and Walker Smith and Perry Leviner are hereby appointed poll holders to conduct said election. Done by order of the Board .of Com missioners, in adjourned session, Wednesday, July 21st, 1920. B. P. REYNOLDS, Chairman Board Commissioners. D. J. GASH WELL Attorney at Law and Notary Public Rockingham, IN. C Office in Long Building, Room No. 4 F. J. GARRETT, M. D. Special attention given to Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Office hours: 9 to 12-2 to 5. Other hours by appointment Office over FOX'S DRUG STORE. F. B. GARRETT, M. D. Office Hours: 8-9 a. m.r2-3 p. m. Phones: Office 339, residence 337 Office over W. E. McNair's furniture store. Dr J. M. LEDBETTER Special attention given to Ear, Eye; Nose and Throat. Offle hours: 10 to 13 to 5. Municipal Building Rockingham Dr. L. D. McPhail Special Attention Given to Disease of Children 1st Floor Municipal Building. Office phone' 94; house 176. Rockingham, N. C. DR. W. L. HOWELL Special attention to diseases of stomech and intestines. Office h)urs: 12 to 3, Ellerbe, - N.C. O. D. WILSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER Hamlet, N. C. Day phone 369 Night phone 370 Dr. HAL J. ROLLINS Veterinarian Office and Hospital on Hancock street Office phone 361 Residence phone 10 Rockingham :-: Richmond County DR. J. M. MANESS ELLERBE. N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office m Bank building. Hours : 9 to 12, 1 to 4 Phone 22. STOMACH ILLS permanently disappear after drinking the celebrated Shivar Mineral water, posi tively guarnteed by money-back offer, Tastes tine; costs a trifle. Delivered any where by our Rockingham Agents, Mc Rae Grocery Co. For d wdk 5tomdch. relief from Jw twai iHi oikness; wtHinwjii AivouRORUfifiisr NOTICE OF 8ALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Richmond County, made in the Special Proceed ing entitled "I. S. Tribble, adminis trator of Canty Charles, deceased, Va. 'Cenny May Charles, et al.," the under signed commissioner will on SATUR DAY, THE 28TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1920, AT 12 O'CLOCK M., at the Court House Door in Rockingham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain lot or par. 1 of land lying and being in the Town of Rockingham, N. C. and more particularly described as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a stake on the western edge of South Stewart street 168 feet S. 9 E. from the northeast corner of Richmond Morgan's 2.16 aero lot, runs with said street S. 9 E. 41 feet to a stake, thence S. 81 W. 74 feet to an Iron stake, the S. E. corner of the Colston lot, thence with the: Colston lot line N. 9 west 41 feet to a stake In the Colston line, thence N. 81 E. 74 feet to the beginning, and being the same lot conveyed to Canty Char les by J. . L. Armlstead on September 24th, 1910, and recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds for Rich mond county in Book 66 at page 269. This July 26th, 1920. W. S. THOMAS, Commissioner. BROOKS & HILL Civil Engineers Surveying & PlaU Plans & Estimaes Office ott Bunk of Pee D ROCKINGHAM, N. C. COMMISSIONER'S SALE. BRICK. Pressed cement brick manufactured jilain, rock faced, in colors and white. Book your contract now. Delivery prompt. "Concrete for Permanence." PROSSER & HARRILL Office, Boykin BIdg. Phone 17 Hamlet, N. C. Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in the. undersigned by a de cree of the Superior Court rendered in a certain matter therein pending wherein S. Biggg is plaintff and Mrs. W. A. Lucas et al, hears at law of J. H. Walsh, are defendants, the un dersgned commissioner therein ap pointed will on Wednesday, August 25th, 1920, in Iron (t of the court house door in Rockingham, at 12' o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder. for casn the following described property, to wit; , First Tract Beginning at a stake on the west side of Orchard or spring branch of Naked creek, having a whte oak, maple and sweet gum pointers, and runs S 13 W 4.32 chs., two hickory and post oak pointers; thonce N 63 w passing the beginning corner of the McKella 100 acres at 2.77 chains, In all 3.74 chains to the bank of ditch on Little Orchard branch; up said ditch N 9 E to a burned" dead pine about 26 yards west of said branch, a pine and post oak pointers; thence S 64 E 6.70 chains to a stake in the line of Me Kella 100 acre tract, a pins stump and hickory pointers; thence direct to the beginning, containing 9 acres more or less. Excepting however from above descrlbett tract 'One-half acre deeded by W. Ti. Jones and wife to G. A. MoRae. Second Tract Beginning at a stake said to be McQueens corner neat the center of Orchard or Mineral Spring branch, four poles from the spring, one black gum pointer, and runs S 41 E 70 poles to a stake, a bushy pine pointer about 30 yards west of a small branch; thence N 25 E 78 poles to a stake on the side of a hill about 40 yards from a large poplar in a small branch; thence N 64 W 62 poles to a stake, a corner of W. R. Jones 9 acre 6 tract, a smell hickory pontor ; thence S 26 W with W. Rv Jones 9 acre tract 63 poles and 7 Jinks to the place of beginning, said to contain 26 acres, be the same more or leas. This July 19th, 1920. A R. McPHAIL, I j Commissioner.