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Image provided by: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATOH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. IS What Is the Condition of Your Blood Supply? Highly Important Keep It Freo from Imparities. Did you know that -ninety per cent of all human ailments depend upon the condition of your blood? You should recognize the impor tance, therefore, 'of yery promptly 'Cleansing .but the system, and keeping the blood jupply jmre $ad robust, , For this purpose, no remedy can equal S. S. S., the fine old blood' purifier that has been !in constant use for more than fifty years; Get a bottle: of S.S.S. at your1, drugstore today, and note bow;: promptly Jt gives ?ey sstrengtli and -vitality. Write far free liter, ature and medical advice to Chief Medical Adviser, .Swift JLabprai tory, Atlanta. Ca. ' Speedy-Sturdy-Dependable npHE ONLY truck delivered to purchaser X completely equipped with impulse starter, electric lights, windshield, bumper, driver's seat and spot light Commerce Trucks were the first to adopt pneu matic cord tirea as standard equipment. It has been conclusively demonstrated that pneumatic cord tires on trucks increase the life by eliminat ing vibrationpermit greater speed give better traction triple tire mileage double carrying capacity of a truck and are more economical. Lei us help you toloe yoar tremtportatiaa fnilemt STEWART-WARWICK CO. Laurinburg, N. C. THE COMMERCE MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT Ninth Year Manufactarerc Motor Truck Platform and Convertible State Body Program B. Y. P. U. The following is the program for the B. Y.JP. U. meeting next Monday night, Aug. 2nd, sub ject "Stewardship and Tithing." 1. Song-No. 10. "Somebody Cares." Scripture (Reading, leader, Johnsie Henry. Prayer, Mr. Johnson. , . Solo, Miss Annie Marks. Introdfktion. "Meaning of Stewardship," Freda Terry. "The Fundamentals of Stewardship," Miss Annie Marks. "The Relation of Stewardship to Tithing," Nettie Covington. "Tithing as Taught in the Bible,' John William Gore. "Some Benefits. of Tithmg," Willie Gibson. i-i, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. 10. Hannah Pickett Items. (Contributed) Mr. Rill Clark and family from I near Hamlet visited at Mr. J. W. Smith's Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Thomas, from Rocking ingham visited friends at Han nah Pickett Sunday. Mrs. Dollar, from Durham, came last iuesday nignt io spend a few days with her son, Dave Dollar. , Mrs. Dollar is a motherly old lady and has many friends here. Miss Ed Kelly, from Great Falls, with two of his friends, visited his brother, A. J. Kelly, Sunday afternoon. Walter Patterson and family, Misses Sue Clark and Mattie Austin." motored to Darlington Saturday to bel at the P. H. S. S. Convention; they report a good time. , - Mrs. D. E. Wilkes visited at Mrs. A. J. Kelly's Sunday after noon. The army worm has arrived at H. P. Theyfare playing havoc with Walter Patterson's garden, leavingldestruction in their path & Whitman Samplers. Whitman Samplers received weekly by express at Biggs Drug Store. Every box guaranteed. KNOX NEW FALL HATS Just Received and Opened Up , Thefnewjstyle Knox is a beauty. We invite, you to look these over. A joy to the eye. We are still offering our PALM BEACH and light weight summer suits :-: AT :-: 20 Reduction Betterjget yours now. A large stock to select from. Dockery-McNair Clothing Co. Outf tters for Men and Boys. What aJSouth JDakota jMan Says of the PATRIOT TRUCK "lona, South Dakota, April 2, 1920. Patriotic Motors Company, Limcolnton, Nebrasca. Dear Sire:- I bought a Patrick 1 1-2 ton truck last fall and am well' pleased with it what time I have used it. v, I live 25 miles from the railroad, and. it used to take me 2 days with 4 horses to get 70 bushels of wheat to the elevator and back home again, and the horses could only stand 2 trips a week and keep, it, up. So you can readily see I know how to appreciate making 2 trips in one day and get all my meals at home. There are a grea many hills to go up and down on our road to the railroad so that makes it harder for the horses. However, we use horses for all short' hauls on our farm and the truck costs us nothing When not in use. I am sending you tickets of loads I hauled fof 4 days. If you need reference write the elevator. tours truly, J. E. Thsmpson For Sale By: DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY i i N Distributors! North and South Carolina. Rockingham, -:- North Carolina 1 HEY, ' fiEtGHBOR) 'GIVE ME A LITTLE ROAD AND LFrfik. PtSS; inUL YAH? AAutS? fjf "JEST ? C)Af T'ALLOhtJ .VEU tvA GAGi prf yo 1 , v '1 awmwjk j v m V feV "-i ------ UtLT-- . r..rr. J--mw xBrr ...tommy, imps?: ir 'As, . MX tri-m- 3 . f 4I . Pride In the Possession of Good Property is to be Commended. One who is proud will take care of his property, and as a reward for his care will have the greatest pleasure in the use of it. WE HAVE PRIDE in'the record we have made by selling the best wagons. They carry haevy loads: they are light in draft; they are durable; they give satisfaction; and we sell each wagon in the f ulljconf idence that the owner will receive a full value for his money. Everett Hardware Company Rockingham, N. C.