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ROCEmiiAN POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNlTrN. C r ROCKINGHAM POST -DISPATCH Published every Thursday after noon at Rockingham, Richmond County, N. C. ISAAC S. LONDON EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Office on Courthouse Square Entered as second-class mail matter at the postoffice at Rock ingham, N. C. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS Correspondence from every sec tion of the county invited. Phone 182 your items. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : 0 yr Six months - --"'H Three months .75 JOB WORK A SPECIALTY IF you want an example of how thoroughly widespread ad vertising does its work look at the VSwat the Fly" campaign. Only fly in the average house hold now is chased about till it drops from exhaustion. And without advertising patronage, a newspaper would exist about as long as the proverbial snow ball down below. With the pres ent cost of print paper the POST-DISPATCH actually los es money on each $2.00 sub-scripTion. ' COLGATE, Kellogg or Wrig ley or aoyone of a hundred others spend hundreds of thou sands of dollars every year to advertise their tooth paste, their corn flakes and their chew ing gum. Shrewd business mer. such as these would not make such heavy expenditures merely for the pleasure of seeing their names in print. No. It is be cause they realize the returns they are getting. The POST-DISPATCH is pub lished at the county-seat of a rich manufacturing s:id agricul tural county. The paper covers the local field as closely as pos sible. It prints the NEWS with out fear or favor, and it is a po tential salesman for every one who advertises therein. If you have anything to sell, or want to buy something, or have lost an article, try an advt. in the "Want" column and you'll be surprised at the responses, ft pays to advertise in the POST AUGUST weather can be de pended upon to bring out the non-essential citizens the one one who greets you c-r: a swelter ing day with the time worn ex pression, "This hot enough for you ?" A turkish bath ought to be his answer. Then there is the other nuisance who is alway wiping the perspiration from his brow and saying "Whew," in loud tones. This tends to raise the temperature just about ten degrees. If you'll take a hot day with a cool head you will find things much more pleasant. AN editor can't manufacture news. The POST-DISPATCH can publish only that which can be safely classed as legitimate. How often have you picked up a daily or weekly paper, and glancing through it, laid it aside with the remark that "there's nothing in the paper today." You little realized the work that went to make up that paper, and that many items and articles therein were of much interest to others if not to yourself. Probably you want the paper to be more literal with the news. Instead of saying "Mrs. Jones spent Tuesday in the city, shop ping," you would prefer that we say, "Mrs. Jones was in fne city Tuesday and bought a new set of false teeth." Or instead of saying of a party "the guests arrived and chatted pleasantly for an hour;" when as a matter of fact, it should read "the guests straggled in, and the game was delayed an hour wait ing for Miss Cowstail who has a habit of being late at every party ; instead of enjoying them selves, the guests finally began the game. with a grouch." , It would be fun reading the real truth about others, but it would be a different matter if that truth were about YOU. You wouldn't be so anxious for "lit eral" news, but would be con tent to let the W oY Post-Dis patch publish it as it sees fit. Here is how Senator Warren Harding, Republican candidate for President, regards the League of Nations; it is clipped from a recent speech of his from his front porch: "This country cannot take its place in the League of Nations because of the presence in our midst of large numbers of people of foreign birth who would cease to be rejoicing American when the land of adoption sits in judgment on the land from whence they came." Wonder how our Southern Republicans, and our Richmond county Republicans, regard this brazen effort to get the German American vote? In contrast is the statement of Democratic Candidate Cox who heartily en dorses the League of Nations and who, in speaking of the foreign element, says "there are 1,600,000 in this country of foreign birth who need to be Americanized by our American public schools." Tftu?y can't stand the gaff of simon-pure Americanism they had best get out of the country and return to their native lands. , We have no room for half-hearted hyphenated Americans. Dog Derails Car. Capt. H. C. Sheley, Supt. of bridges for the Seaboard, with headquarters at Hamlet, suffered a broken collar bone Saturday when a.motor car struck a doc near Maxton, derailing the car and throwing the other occu pant, Dan Owens,i;forty feet into a nearby cotton patch. The motor car was crippled, but the dog apparently was not; the last seen of him he was hitting it down a cotton row at a rabbit rate. Robinson in China. A party of Congressmen is in the Orient on a tour of inspection. They were last week at Pekin, China. In the party are Con gressman Lee D. Robinson, of this district, and John H. Small, of the first district. DEATHS Child Dead. ' John, Jr., ten-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ussery, of Pee Dee No. 2, died Sunday and was buried at Northam Monday, Rev. Leon Hall conducting the service. The baby had flu last winter and had never regained his strength. Mrs. Missouri Wallace. Mrs. Missouri Wallace, widow of the late Lane Wallace who de parted this life about 27 years ago, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ruth Carter,, m West Rockingham, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, Aug. 10th. She has made her home with her son-in-law, A. P. Barrett, but a bout six weeks ago she went to her daughter's home for a visit and while there the end came. The interment was at Eastside cemetery, Rockingham, Aug. 12th, the service being conducted by Rev. Leon Hall. Mrs. Wallace would have been 73 years old in November. About 23 years ago she moved with her family from Moore county, but retained her membership in Tab ernacle Methodist Church, near Elise. Four children are dead and four survive; the latte;- are: Wade H. Wallace, of Badin; A. B. Wallace, of Rockingham; Mrs. Ruth Carter; West Rockingharr; and B. H. Wallace, of Badin. . A Sad Death. On Tuesday morning, August 19th, the Angel of Death visited the home of Mr. E. J. Hale and bore away to the realms of eter nal bliss, the baby girl of the family which on July 21, 1919, was married to Mr.Alex Mc Queen. This loyal christian woman was ready to answer the call to go heavenward, but to part with her husband and tiny baby was a severe and trying ordeal. Just a few hours prior to her death, God had given her a sweet little baby boy. This baby will never know the tender love of a mother. No mother to rock him to sleep FOR. SALE BY L. G. FOX DRUG CO. and all good drug stores. Box Party at Pee Dee. There will be a Box Party at Pee Dee academy Saturday night, to which the girls are asked to bring boxes, and the public gen erally invited. Ice cream and other refresments will be sold. H. J. McMillan (Colored) TUNER. I tone and repair all kinds of musical instruments---pianos and organs a specialty. See or write me. Respectfully, h. j McMillan, (Colored) Rockingham, N. C. Every Wo from I 5 io50 hoald try the Five Point Treatment. Hflpeciellv when developing into women. nooa ana at the change ot lite. I ita nae will relieve auterinj and often prevent aerinua com plications. Hundreds who for merly suffered from irregular. painful or suppressed periods, leucorrhe. (whites) and similar ailments have been relieved Jllerhr st application. Not a sick enina medicine, bnt harmless suppository application directly to parts affected. Complete satisfaction guaran teed. Testimonials and full particulars on request FIVE POINT Suppositories $1.00 at "Box special Fills jor womtn, Jc Beat results are had if Pills are .H . . ... m need in eonneotion with Snoooai lories. Bsjia the treatment lonijht. Moat drag i. or X.SS aVX 51. have FIVE FOIN1 Five Point Company, Richmond, Va. 15 mlScS SJaEScH Vmai yiasmadoyourComfirt artJitTthru- MotisFkjeni . V ' ' . . Which spreads its influence upon die nerves, cords and ligaments in volved, rendering them pliant to read' ily yield to nature's demand. There is an absence of bearing-down pains, strain and general discomfort, more often than otherwise experienced when nature is unaided. Mother's Friend is used externally. to Atoll Druggists. Special Booklet on M otlwvbood and Baby tree. Brad field RnlaoT Co Dvnt F 9, Atlanta. Ga with a lullaby. No mother to dress and tidy him up for papa's home coming. No mother to take up gently when hurt and brush away the tears and kiss away the pain. No mother to teach him on bended knees that sweet little prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep," No wile, and no mother in that household! What a void! . "Hundreds of dew drops to meet the dawn, ' Hundreds of lambs on the purple clover; Hundreds of butterflie on the lawn; But only one mother the wide worjd over!" Mrs. McQueen was a member of the- First Baptist Church of Rockingham. She was loved by all who knew her, and the entire community was shocked when And gladly lie down to rnyH thev heard of her death. Mav , When softly the watchers shall God's tender blessings fall upon the husband and motherless child. The funeral services were held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hale, on Wednes- say, 'she is dead', And fold ray pale hands o'er my breast: And When with my glorified vision at last, day, Aug. 11th, at 3 o'clock by , The walls of that City I see Rev. Mr. Bridges, after which she was laid to rest at the Nor tham Cemetery: "When my final farewell to the world I have said Will any one then at the beautiful gate Be waiting and watching for me?" . Myrtle E. Smith. Money bnek without quest on if HUNT'S Salvo fall in tho treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTl'.H or other itching akin dlaeaaoa. Try 73 cent box at our riuk. S, BIGGS, Druggist. R . relieves' rtPf Catarrh VV A . a si in nead or stomach.1; Catarrh is caused by accu mulated waste. DRECO rids the SystemSoft this poisonous matter.: l .Your Druciqisf 4) Successful Canning and Preserving IT ISN'T all knowing how and taking pains. You've got to have good equipment to in sure against loss of your time and waste of valuable food. We take great care to obtain tne canners, jars, jar holders, and racks, rubbers, etc., that are known to be the most successful. Come in and talk it over with us. i EVERETT HARDWARE COMPANY Rockingham, N . C. THE WNCffBSTEk STORE It is a Simple Matter to Reduce the cost of Maintain ing Your Car DOPT the wise policy of bringing your car to us once a month and let us look it over, tighten the bolts, oil it up, and make such slight readjustments as may be required. This prevents SERIOUS trouble, and costs less than the heavy repairs caused by neglect and delay. Richmond Garage A J. F. HICKS, Manager. Rockingham, N. C. Gasoline, ( Free Au Report of the Condition of the BANK OF ELL ER BE As filed with the Corporation Commission at the close of business June 30th, 1920. LIABILITIES Capita! stock paid in $10,000,00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses & taxes paid 5,922.19 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 20,40520 Bills Payable 10,000.00 Deposits subject to check 150,254.85 Time certificates of deposit 50,140.15 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,278.69 $259,001.08 RESOURCES Loans and discounts . $225,446.88 Overdrafts secured $47836 unsecured $ 57.10 535.46 U. S. and Liberty Bonds 2,200.00 Banking House $2900.00; Furni ( ture and Fixtures $2577.73 5,477.73 Cash in vault and net' amounts due from Banks, Bankers Trust Companies - 24,982.51 Checks for clearing 358.50 $259,001.08 The above shows the bank to be in a healthy condition. We invite jjour business, and assure you that every consideration will be given you. 4 per cent paid on time certificates of deposit, compounded quarterly. BANK OF ELLERBE J. R. WALL, President B. B. FARLOW, Active Vice President PRINCE O'BRIEN, Cashier.