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PAGE EIGHT ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATOH, RICHMOND OOPNTfc N. 0- DIAMONDS SEIT TO COMRAD E MARTENS ILF-STYLED 80VIET AMBASSA DOR'S CONNECTION WITH SMUGGLING PROVED. trmrm mr OUII. LOOTED FROM ROM FAMILY Enclosed About the Jewel Captured From Swede Sailor Was QunaUty of Communist Literature. Washington. Traffic by bolshevist agents in precious stones, supposed to have formed part of the famous jewels of the Russian royal family, has been unearthed by federal auth orities. The 131 diamonds found on Nellt Jacobsen, a Swedish sailor, by cus toms officials in New York July 23, It became known were enclosed in .a package addressed to "Comrade Mar tens." Using this as a lead, federal officials began ar investigation which they declare has v'jflnitely connected Ludwig C. A. J" 'farens. self-styled soviet ambas nicr to the United States, with the '"-Kifi. Disclosure of the fact that the kage was intend ed for soviet agents in this, country was withheld by customs authorities when Jacobsen was arrested. Enclosed about the diamonds taken from the possession of the Swedish sailor. Jacobsen, whom officials ex onerate from any complicity in the Il legal proceedings, was a quantity of communist literature. London The Creator was right, after all, is the conclusion of the Blackburn Aeroplane Company, whicn has just produced a flying machine which has wlnga ahappd like those of a aea gull. t Oulja Board Is Causing Insanity In Europe as Well aa In America. New York. The oulja board Is causing as much insanity in Europe as here, according to Dr. J. Rudolph Patz, of Amsterdam. Holland, who ar rived recently on the Holland-American Hoe steamship Noordam. Trial of Savage Cotton Company For Fraudulent Shipments Is On. - Anniston, Ala. Trial of principals In the Savage Cotton Company of Tal ladega, charged with fraudulent cot ton shipments to North and South Carolina textile plants, involving $500,000, has begun. The Pope Slips on Marble Floor of Bedroom and Injures His Knee. Rome Pope Bendict met with a slight accident, slipping on the polish ed marble floor while going from hia bedroom to his private library. Messaggero tsates. American Steamer Washed Ashore and Was Abandoned by Her Crew. A Newly Invented Aeroplane la to Halifax, N. 8 The American steam er Montara went ashore five mile east of Louisburg and was abandoned by her crew, who landed safely. Warsaw. Polish successes on the southern front, where the Russians have been pushing for Lemberg, are reported. The Polish cavalry and in fantry have ousted the bolshevik! from Radilechoff. Lopatyn, Stanysta- EHf GO TO THE ROCKINGHAM 5,10 & 25C STORE FOR BARGAINS. We sell most everything in notions, cooking utensils. Be sides our regular line we sell the well known Singer Sew ing Machine, and Supplies, Talking Machines, Records, Trunks, Suit Cases, Rugs. We also sell the Automatic "Steam Washer, a great time and labor saver. Ladies' and children's Hats, men's and boys' Caps, and a lot of other things too numerous to mention. Come and be convinced. Fair treatment and rea sonable prices is our'motto. R. S. L DAVIS, Prop. Hinson Block. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured - with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as the?; cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly la fluenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi cine Is taken internally and acta thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Medicine was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years. It is com posed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredients In Hall's Catarrh Medi cine is what produces such wonderful results In catarrhal conditions Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Prop.. Toledo. O. All Druggists. 71c. . Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Week's Washing For a Few Cents Time, Trouble and Money Saved by New Method The famous Clean Easy method of washing is working wonders for women all over the country. "There never was anything; like It!" "Best friend a woman ever had." "1 wouldn't be without Clean Easy a minute." "Has done more for me than anything I ever bought" aro samples of what they say about Clean Easy Naptho lelne Wash Soap. Its record is truly remarkable. Ten minutes boiling in 4'; gallons of water and L- bar of Clean Easy sterilises, purifies and cleans the coarsest gar ments. No rubbing no scrubbing simply punching with a stick. Then rinse thru two clear waters, blue and dry. Cm you imagine anything easier, simpler or more economical? Clean Easy goes after dirt, grime and germs, dissolves them and absorbs them in the cleansing water, leaving your clothes clean, sweet, and whole si me. It does not 4iurt the fabric. Try Clean Easy once, and you will ;oin the ranks of thousands who are ii infi relieved f tho drudgery of work ir.t; By this wenderful wash soap. Ask your grocer for a bar of Clean Easy enough for two week's washing. No (leo how different it Is from other flaw-rand how differently It works. Follow the directions on the Inside of the wrapper. WhenThis Was New York the first Step Was Taken In the Present Day Schlitz Process MORE than 260 years of science are in Schlitz. Ex periments in over a thousand laboratories guar antee its purity. In these days of "steeple chase" drinks, which are little more than experiments in velocity, Schlitz aging possesses great significance. Schlitz concludes the process of fermentation in the brewery. Fermentation is the work of living organisms. But these organisms alive in your stomach will cause biliousness, flatulence, and a host of other ills. Schlitz is thorougnly aged, fermented. Then it is sterilized by Pasteur's process through which no organism can live. These processes cannot be accomplished without time. It takes months to create Schlitz. During these months the brew is' made according to the latest dictates of science, based on discoveries dating back 260 years to Leeuwenhoek, the Hollander, who first used the micro scope for examination of fermentation organisms. After all this care in brewing, Schlitz is filtered through white wood pulp, put into sterilized bottles of Brown Glass to protect it from all possibility of deterioration. Order a case of Schlitz for your home today. us in Brown Bottles On sale wherever drink are sold. Or, order a case for your home from Phones 174 and 175 ' McRae Grocery Co A Rockingham, N. C "fls1 1 The Drink That Made Milwaukee Famous 111 Jm I ir id iril tlfjr A glance at the r3iources of this bank shows the Gibraltar-like strength of the in stitution. We solicit yc ur banking and check ing busines. 4 per cent compounded quart erly paid on Time Certificates of deposit. A hearty welcome aw; its you here. THt BANK SksHsa WITH THE CHIME WITH THt CHIME CLOCK ROCKINGHAM. N.C. mm Something Good To Eat Good Steaks Good Roasts Good Chops Good Bdils Good Stews They are all good The very best tender and juicy so very good you enjoy every bite. Puts you in a Good Humor NOTICE. In the Superior Court. North Carolina, Richmond County, F. Blacker, Plarr.tiff, vs. Dock Brown, et al, Defendants. The Defendant. Dock Brown, aboye, named will take notice that an action En titled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Richmond County, N. C by the Plaintiff to foreclose Chat tel mortgage by Dock Brown to Frank Blacker, recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond County in Book 130 page 14s. and to condemn for sale One Ford Touring Car described in said Mortgage, to satisfy the Indebted ness set forth therein and the said de fendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of "the Superior Court in Rocking ham on Monday, September 6th, 1920, and answer or demur to said action or the Plaintiff will be given the relief de manded in said Complaint. This the 7th day of August. 1920. J. A. KcAULAY, Clerk of Bhe Superior Court. SALE OF LAND BY MORTGAGEE. 2P5 On Mondav. SeDtember 13th. 1920. at 12 o'cock, noon, at the oourthouse door in Rockingham, N. C, I will sen at pumic outcry the following lands and premises: "Beginning at a stake on the North side Of an old road. J. C. Z. O. BUerbes' corner, a stake and two pines pointers, and runs N. 46 H W 18.18 chains to a stake, pine pointer; thence N. 29 W. 13.S0 chains to the run of Davis Creek by a small walnut tree; then down the va rious courses of the run of said creek to J. C. Bllerbe's corner In said creek, ash and gum pointers; thence as the said J. C. Bllerbe's line reversed N. 59 E. 40.50 chains to his corner; thence N. 68 E. 38 chains to the beginning, containing 85 acres, more or less The above described tract being conveyed to the said W. W. Ellerbe in consideration and for-his right, title and Interest In and to the residue of the land heretofore held In common by the parties of both the first and second part; except from and out of the above described tract of land, the tract contain ing 50 acres conveyed to J. C. Ellerbe by W W. Ellerbe and wife, and recorded In Book 67, page 72, reference to which Is hereby made." The sale of the above-described tract of land helng made pursuant to the power conferred upon me us Adminis trator of the Estate of W. F. D. Steele, Deceased, and pursuant to the power con ferred upon the said W. F. L. Steele by a deed of mortgage' from W. W.TSUerbe and wife, Cora Ellerbe, registered in Book 98, page 429, et seq., in the office of the Register of Deeds of Richmond County Terms of sale: Cash. ROBT. L. STEETjE. Administrator -of W. F. L. Steele, De ceased. ' This Aug. 3, 1920. BUILD A BUILDING. 'It puts you in a royal good humor to eat a meal of our good meats. And when you are in a good humor you feel better, work better, and make money faster. It PAYS to eat Our Meats Try them yourself for a meal that puts pep into you. V. J. McLaurin "Home of Good Meats" Phone 105 Rockingham GET YOUR SCREENS IN EARLY. It promises to be a grea fly year. Suppose you come here and order them now. We have them in any sized door or window. Or if you prefer to make them your self we have the moulding, the wire cloth, the hammer the tacks and the hinges All at a reasonable price. Everett Hardware Company -rrr snrnmn iiwiiimlij mflftriantMeinittnemmmunmmMmmmi iitii ....... , . . i