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ILttOtfD COUNTY, H. 0. AGE TWELVE ROCKINGHAM POST -EliA TCiJ SOCIAL (Contributed; The social event which is given pre-eminence in the week's calendar of events was the Valentine party which Miss Mary Entwistle gave Friday afternoon, the entire affair was beautifully planned and carried out. The Entwistle homo was in festive array many red hearts and Valentines forming a decoration that was most attractive. Ten tables were arranged far the game of rook, score cards carrying out the Valen tine idea were passed aiid soon guests were busy finding their place at one of the tables. Candy baskets filled with red candies were kept filled on each table throughout the game. Finally thfl game was called oft and the hostess .served a salad course with accessories. This party was given in honor of Misses Jean and Fat Ashcraft, of Monroe, who have been the house guests of the Entwislles for the past week. Mr. Roy L. Phillips returned Tuesday morning to Rockingham after SDcndhiff ten days in Haiti-! more. The Married Lades' Brk'sa ClUh spent a delightful a.temoon with Mrs. Engeno Payne, :.t her attr.u tive home on Washington street on Friday of last week. Several pro gressions were made before the game was called oft' and the hostess served delirious refreshments. ivi rin,t nnw, nrt n Mr. and Mrs. Gore and D L. Gore, Jr., went to Wilmington Wednesday to spend several .lays with Mr. Gore's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. D. L Gore. Mrs. T. A. Covington spent several days in York, S. C, with her moth er, last week. The many friends of Mr. Stephen Wall will be glad to know that he has returned to Rockingham, after several months spent in Carthage! wtM, T,wi,r n,,,i tiK w i AdntnQ ' the latter his daughter, very much imiirnvfwl in honlth 1 ' week moving to Rosemary, we learn Mr. George Broekenborough, of of their departure with many re Charlotte, has been the guest of Mr. grots. and Mrs. Eugene Payne, for several days. , Mr. Pickett Leak came down from Chapel Hill to spend the week-end with his mother, Mrs. J. P. Leak, re turning to "Carolina morning. Tuesday Miss Messie Long came over from "Boys Scout of America" have or Duke to spend the week-end with' ganized here, and hope them much relatives and friends, returnine to Duke Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Everett en tertained at two tables of Bridge on Friday evening of last week compli mentary to Dr. and Mrs. B. T. S. Steele. Dr. and Mrs. Steele left Sat- urday for Wilmington to spend a few days before returning to their home at Williamsport, Pa. Mr. Mial W. McBae has returned from a week's visit to New York. Mrs. H. A Mrs. Fred Bynuirj went to Charlotte Wednesday for a day's shopping. Miss Sara Lilly Dockery is spend ing sometime in Charlotte with friends. Mr. R. R. Simmons spent several days in Rutherfordton this week. Mrs. Frank Leak spent day in Charlotte shopping. One of the prettiest and most elaborate aocial affairs of the week was that of Miss Jennie May Pegues, ar her attractive home near Cheraw, when on Tuesday night she entertained S tables of "Progressive hearts" heralding the approach of St. Valentine. Myriads cunning hearts and saucy cupids effectively adorned the house. A series spirited progressions resulted in a victory for Miss Jennie Parsons, who received a beautiful heart-shaped box of candy. Mr. William Harry Entwistle proving to hold the highest score among the men was pre sented a iinen handkerchief. Toward the end of the evenia j delicious refreshments of chicken salt !, cold ham, pickles, beat en biscuit, crackers, hot coffee and cream followed by Charlotte russe and fruitcake the hostess gave to each guest a dainty 1 red satin heart-ehaped candy hoi filled with Valentine candies, and all shapes and colors of paper caps decorated with cu nds with their arrows, and when each I donned his or her cap they were very at- tractive. Invited to this delightful affair were: Misses Jean and Pat Ashcraft, oi Monroe, guests cf Miss Mary Entwistle. Mary Entwistle, Octavia Scales. Emma Gray Ledbetter, Kathryn McDonald, Jennie and Rosa Parsons, Berta West, Elsie Fair ley, and Messrs. Wm. Harry Entwistle, Walter Parsons Jr., Robert Stansill, Walter Scales, Stephen Steele Jr., William Leak, Minor Hinson, Bill Ormond, William Dock ery, James Garrett. Miss Octavia Scalesentertained members of "H-13" club on Sat urday afternoon, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Scales, on Washington St. Be sides the regular members special suesis were: Misses Jean and Pat Ashcraft, of Monroe, Mrs. J:unes Covington Jr., and Miss Ruth Covington. Now this is supposed to be a supposed to be a sewing club, and ot course it is, and conversation is no small part of the entertainment, because people can talk and sew at the same time. A most el Urate and' prettily la spoused ent- rtainment was that h Snturda cut ernoon when M iss iiiiZdbeUi li .c entertained eight ; labits (a look in honor pf Miss Mary Entwistle's guests, Misses i Ashcraft, of Monroe. While rook i was the diversion of the after noon, it was really a George ! Washington party; in the hall as the guests entered they were im : pressed with the cherry tree and 'the hatchet, the score caras vvere in George Washington dec cralions; after places had been found and 2n hour or more syent jn piayi.ig rook the game was called off and the hostess served pressed chicken, tomatoes, pickle, beaten biscuit, ice tea. The prize for top score was a bottle of cherries and the booby was a haichet Steele's Mills News. We regret to learn that Mr. S. T, Mwse is not very much improved of his utlliction, which is bladder trouble. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hat lift is this We are sorry to learn that Mrs. P. P. Melton is not much improved. We regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Will Everett are'going to leave us and hope they will be pleased with their new home. It is said they are going to move to Fayette- ville, N. C We are glad to learn that the success in their new undertaking. Following is a list of officers and members, and commander, etc.: Members Floyd Cole, Joe Melton, Aurbort Stogner, Bobert Melton, Kern Cole, Billy Meachum, Robert Meachum, Minor Reed, Luther Gar- ner, Harry Smith. Secretary and Treasure Ed Gib- son. Patrol Leader Bobert Shaw. ! Scout Master L. J. Bivenbark. Drilling Commander W. i I-ampley. I Work on the new office and board Page, of Aberdeen, and house is in full swing. The sewerage system has heen completed and in operation all over the village. Mr. W. O. Hyatt has recently been authorized salesman here for the Famous Sayman products and hope him success in his new undertak ing. W. E. Reed received a letter last week from his brother, Walter Reed, who recently joined the U. S. army and is 3,600 miles from North Caro lina. He is in Tacoma, Washing ton. "TEXTILE WORKER." Clothes at the prices we are offering them are an investment Dockery-McNair Clothing Co. I We Are Ready jjj To turnout that job 1 of printing when I ever you need it. Our Prices Are Kight M25cVs15252525ZSbSZS2SZ5ZSZSZ52 DIAL WANTS JUDGE LANDIS IMPEACHED JUDGE AND SUPREME ARBITER IN WORLD OF BASEBALU JUSTIFIES CRIMINAL. THE JUDGE REPEATS REMARKS The House of Representatives Will be Requested to Take Action Looking to Impeachment Proceedings. Washington. Senator Dial, of South Carolina, announced in the seir ate that he would bring Impeachment proceedings against Federal Judge Landis, of Chicago, tf he obtained confirmation of statements credited In the press to Judge Landis in the ease of Francis J. Corey, a bank clerk charged with embezzlement. Corey, who pleaded guilty to em bezzling $9G,000 from the National City Banii of Ottawa, Illinois, was re leased on his own recognizance by Judge I.aidls who was quoted as say ing the bank directors really were responsible for the theft because they paid Corey only $!)0 a month. "Any jnan who utters that kind of statements," said Senator Dial, "Is not worthy of public confidence and should be Impeached." Senator Dial said he had written to Chicago to obtain confirmation of the statements credited to Judge Lan dis. ft confirmation Is had, he de clared, he would "bring the matter to the attention of the house where im peachment proceedings are required to originate, and auk his Impeach ment." Des Aloines, Iowa-Federal Judgi K. M. Landis, ot Chicago, in a speech before the Iowa American Legion here, admitted making statements similar to those Senator Dial, of South Carolina, charged him with, and as serted: "I repeat that and send It to Senator Dial with my compli ments." Coolldge Leaves. Ashevillc. Vice-resident Calvin Coolldge. Mrs. Coolldge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stearns, their friends, who have been spending their vacation at Grove Park Inn, plan to leave for their homes in Northampton, Mass. For Co-operative Marketing. Cleveland. Definite steps looking to the perfecting of a system of co operative marketing Of farm products were taken at the closing session of the All-American Farmer-Labor Co operative Congress. To Coerce United States. Paris. Great Hrltain's move for a mutual cancelation of war debts was made after full consultation with her allies and is the first step in a con certed allied plan to compel th? United States to see tha' the payment cf war debts is depenuont upon Ger man reparations. One Cent Verdict for Slap. Wheeling, W. Va. A $5,000 .damage suit arising from a slap in the face has finally been settled here by a jury verdict of one cent after the case had dragged through the courts fcr i ncirly two years. Great Cut in Payrolls. Washington. . American payrolls ha-e been cut six billion dollars dur ing the period of the last six months. Such 13 labor's quick and gigantic contribution to the post-war dela tion of values. Wants Share of Cables. Washington. The United States will ask for an equitable distribution j of former German cables, which arc to be the subject of international par leys here. Flying Ambulance Ready. . i London. The Royal Air Force will shortly have in commission a flying field ambulance, the first of which has Just been completed. Future of Aerial Navies. Glllett May Benefit. Gloucester, Mass. Aerial navies i Washington. The salary of Speafc wlll supersede the present marine I .r Gillott of tho house would be ln craft within fifty years, if the pre?-1 creased from $12,000 to $15,000 under ant rate of progress in aeronautics is maintained according to Jon." Hay3 mond, Jr., famous inventor. Oregon Gives Bonus. Salem, Ore. The Oregon house passed a bill providing a bonus of $15 a month for each month served in the world war. The bill also provides an i alternative of farm or home loans, ' not exceeding $3,000. Harbors and Rivera Bill Out. Washington. The rivers and har- bors bill carrying a hrtap sum appro- prlatlon of $15,250,000 was favorajly reported to the senate by tho com- merce committee without amendmeit as passed by the house. Cuba to Control Sugar. Havana, Cuba. Control of the aele and shipment of Cuba's 1920-1921 sug ar crop ht.s been placed in the hands of ri governmental organization knows as the Sugar Finance Commis- TAKING MEASURES AGAINST TYPHI! AN ANTI-TYPUS CAMPAIGN PROGRESS, DY MEDICAL MEN IN NEW YORK. IS N TO SAFEGUARD THE COUNTRY ships Being Diverted to the Boston Station In Order to Relieve the Congestion at New York. Washington. Federal medical au thorities will probably assume charge of anti-typhus work In New York. Ewing Laporte ( assistant secretary of the treasury, In charge of public health, announced. Transfer of the Utle of the quarantine station in New York to the government, he said, Is expected. Additional facilities will he "proxid ed for detecting typhus cases amonc incoming passenger at the port of New York, Mr. Lip:rt mid, and th? present medical stafT Will bo incens ed by public health seivlce officials from Washington. With the acquisition of the New York station Mr. Laporte said public health authorities wera of the opinion that every necessary step to safe guard the country against entry of typhus would have been taken. The Boston station, he explained, is fed eral controlled and ships now are be ing diverted to that port to relieve the congestion at New York. With the health service taking precautions abroad and in this coun try, Mr. Laporte said, there is no danger of a typhua epidemic. Gonzales Thanks Lima People. Lima, Peru. Will'im E. Gonzales of Columbia, S. C. Untied States am bassador here, through the local news papers thanked the people of Lima for the cordial reception tendered the of ficers and men of the United States Atlantic fleet during their stay- here. ; Suspends Wage Reductions. Chicago. Recent reductions in the wages of maintenance-of-way men and changes in the working conditions of train dispatchers as announced by the Erie railroad were suspended by the. Federal Railroad Labor board pend ing a hearing. Ex-President of College Dead. Hamilton, O Andrew Dousa Hep burn, D. D., said to have been an au thority on English literature, died at Oxford. He waB formerly president of Miami University there and of Davidson College. North Carolina. He was 91 years old. Nebraska Must Comply. Washington Passenger and freight rates must be raised to the level of interstate rates by March 22, under orders issued by the Interstate Com merce Commission. , Private Stock Inviolate. Jacksonville, Fla. "Private stock" In Florida is inviolate, according to Federal Judge W. I. Grubb,. who or dered 300 quarts of choice liquors re turned to C. A. Munn, of Palm Beach. Death of Samuel D. Weakley. Birmingham, Ala. Samuel D. Weak ley, former chief justice of the Ala bama supreme court, author of Ala bama's prohibition laws and national ly known prohibition advocate, died here. Palmer to Resume Practice. Washington Attorney General Pal mer was among those soon to retire from public office who were admitted to practice before the supreme oourt of the District Of Columbia. Turpentine Breaks Sharply. Savannah. Ga. Spirits turpentine broke sharply in price at the cell of the market hero. It went off 42 1-8 cents a gallon, sales being at 60 cents. Victims of Sleeping Sickness. New York. Five more deaths from sleeping sickness have occurred here u) in this vicinity. No new cases were reported, however. an amendment to the annual federal salary bill, recently mtroduced for consideration. King Opens Parliament. London. King George, accompanied by Queen Mary, Princo of Wales and tho Duke of York, opened a session of parliament which promises to be a test of continuance of the coatlition government of Premier Lloyd George. ! Martin Memorial Services. Washington. Memorial services were held In the house for the late i rn-iator Thomas Staples Martin of Virginia, for many years Democratic loader of the senate. - Mml Not Desert Haiti. Wer.h'ngton. The United States b-M-im "rmt Its !i-:id to the plow" In Fiiti. must not now turn back through Withdrawal of the American f'wo' !-s. Rear Admiral H. S. ICnar-i d v-in ' a roport which ha presented In final form. fWOTCH qCABP vj 1 tCE). mi. W tern Newaper wspttper Union.) "The only reason a road is good, as every wanderer knows. Is Just because ot the homes, the homes, the homes to which It goes." SEASONABLE GOOD THINGS. This is the season when young and old turn to the candy recipes. Try putting Into the hot finite, just as It is taken off, as much crisp corn flakes as the mix ture will take. With a few nuts this makes a most p a I a t a b le and good cuudy, one which may be given the children without worry. Brown Sugar Fudge. To two cup fuls of brown sugar add three-fourths of a cupful of cream, or one-fourth of a cupful of condensed milk and half a cupful of hot water; stir until the urigar Is dissolved : cover and cook three minutes; add one tnhlespoonful of butter and one-fourth of a cupful of coom or two squares of chocolate, and let cook, scraping from the sides to avoid grains forming. When the soft hall stage has been reached, beat in the cornflakes, which have been well crisped in a hot oven. If for children, the nuts are better omitted. Maple flavoring or maple sugnr may he used in place of the brown sugar If desired. Chocolate Fudge. Take two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-hnlf cupful of milk, one-third of a cupful of karo sirup, two tablcspoonfuls of butter and two squares of choeolnte. Put all to gether into a granite saucepan and rook to the soft hall stage. Let tool nnfll ready to stir, add vanilla and nuts, if used; stir until creamy; pour into i tie buttered pans and mark off in squares before It becomes too bard. Drop Cakes. Take one cupful en eh of sour cream and brown sugar, two cupfuls of flour, one egg. well beaten, ofte-half cupful of dates. Chopped! one teasponnfnl of sodn. and cin namon and salt, one-half teaspoonful of cloves. Drop by spoonfuls on but tered sheets. Pralines. Take n pound of brown sugnr and one cupful of boiling water. Dissolve the sugar fn the water and boil four minutes; put In a pound ot shelled brazil nats and boll until the sirup is thick. Remove frera fire and stir the puts until they are well su gared. Now return the nuts to a alow Are and atlr until the sugar is melted, then remove and stir again. Turn out on an oiled plate or parchment paper. m TUT I mm KITCHEN CABINET! Itlt) WMtern Newspaper "Wear a smile on your fac. Keep a laugh In your heart. Let your lips hubtile over with sonar; "Twill lighten your load As you travel life's road And help other sinners along." THE AVOCADO OR PEAR. ALLIGATOR For many years the avocado has heen brought to this country from Mexico, and In limited number has been in the markets of late from north to south. Even now the demand for the frnlt at al most prohibitive prices, far exceeds the supply. Ex perimenters have tested to their satis faction that this much prized fruit can be produced commercially in a wide area of territory and they are busy developing an Industry that gives much promise. The avocado be longs to the laurel family and Is a native of tropical - and semi-tropical America. The tree is large and spread ing, its leathery leaves of a spicy taste and odor. The bay tree, whose leaves are used largely for seasoning, belongs to the laurel family. The frnlt of the avocado varies In ahape from round to pear-shaped, with color from green tp deep purple, weighing from a few ounces tip to five pounds. It contains a large single seed around which is a thick creamy yellow and green-colored flesh, of delightful nutty flavor. The thick-skinned frnlt is more often shipped, as It carries well. It has been said of the avocado that It is in a class by Itself. It la a natural I combination of food-fruit and oil. It averages 084 calories, or heat unite per pound, more than twice the maxi mum calories of the best fresh fruits. Its fuel value corresponds to 75 per cent of that of cereals. Its chief val ue however Is In its fat content, which In some cases Is as htgb as 28 to SO per cent. The only fruit comparable to It Is the olive and that la a proc i essed fruit The Increase in popula tion, making land too valuable mere- ly for producing meat, makes the production of sncb a substitute worthy of consideration, j In Cuba the fruit la cut In halves and the seed removed. In the cavity I ot the frnlt place half a dozen stuffed olives and pour over a lemon juice dressing slightly sweetened. Serve on lettuce leaf, a naif frnlt to each per son, to be eaten with a spoon. I'luon.) vSONE SMILES Taking No Chances. "I noticed you loudly cheering the suffrage victory parade." "No doubt you did,"' said the near sighted gentleman. "My wife waa somewhere In the line of march. As I was afraid I might not recognize her and show the enthusiasm she expected of me, I applauded continuously for an lour and a half." Birmingham Age Herald. Getting on His Nerves. "Ah!" exclaimed the genial motor ist, "you are hnving a little trouble, I see." "Your eye is better than mine, then," growled the unhappy individual, as be crawled from under his car. "I've been poking about In this old bns for an hour looking for the trouble and I'll be goah-bllnked If I can see it 1" -Birmingham Age-Herald. Heard at a Reception. Fair Guest That gentleman you In troduced to me Is u cynic. Hostess Indeed, my dear! And what is your idea of a cynic? Fair Guest He's a person who keeps you constantly In doubt whether he is unusually clever or unusually dlsagreeuble. San Francisco Chron icle. Well, Well. "Sir, you have not parked your car parallel." "Parallel? What do you mean?' "Don't you know what I mean parallel?" "No." "What is your business?" "I'm a professor in geometry." by The Difference. "I know two sisters who are In very different circumstances and yet, ap parently, they married men In th same business." "How was that?" "One accepted nn author, and the Other a bookmaker." GOOD AD "This boy you graduated Is a good advertisement for you, professor." "How so?" "He pets like he knows everything In the world;" Epitaph. A loving couple here repose, Bill Jones and Mary Kissel They spooned, alas, while fllvvcring". And didn't hoar the whistle. i His Inclination. "The escaping steer that threw a policeman on bis horns must have been something of a gambler." "Why so?" "He was such an adept In tossing the copper." Anything But Visitor Ah, I see you are a dis- clnle of Maeterlinck. A blue bird for happiness upon your new rug. Heptess Illue bird? My dear, that spot was put there by Willie and the Ink bottle. Judge. Another Time. Wifey The police won't let that blind peddler stand on the corner any more. Hubby Poor man! That's the sec ond time he's lost his site London Tit-Bits. Mixed Colors. "Do you enjoy literary gatherings?" asked White. "No," replied Brown; "not being well read I feel blue In compnny where I realize that I am green." Boston Transcript Family Impediment "Hello, old man; haven't seen 700 here for a long time. You haven't been playing golf much lately? By tho way, what is your handicap now?" "xjy wife." Spare Momenta Alwaya Going Up. "I love to see the red In a young; girl's cheek mounting." "About the only way to do that now la to keep on asking Its price at the nearest drug store." Rather Mixed. "One thing I Imagine must puzzle the military authorities." "What is that?" "How to keep a standing army in good running order." No New. "The .fortune teller told Nad there wm dark future before him." "He knows that already! he's av gaged to a brunette."