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PAGE THR2 PIANOS PLAYER-PIANOS Stephenson-Belk Co, ROCKINGHAM FOS IDISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. 0. Darnell & Thomas RALEIGH, N. C. have opened a complete line of Pianos and Player Piano, in the Rockingham Hotel Building. SEL IT FOR LESS A REAL PRICE REDUCTION The long deferred hope of many homes is about to be realized : the hope that some day Piano prices would be back to something like old-time prices. Our sole aim and desire in inaugurating this price reduction on all Pianos and Player Pianos is to reduce our stock down to the lowest notch possible. We are over stocked. We admit it. And we ere willing to sacrifice profit in order to unload. The Piano buyers of this community will be gainers. Every instrument will go at a remarkable saving. The stock, wnile complete and varied, is limited, and our advice to you is to make and early visit to our display room, in order to secure choice selection. CONVENIENT TERMS Come in and let us show ydu. We will take great pleasure in demonstrating o you either Piano or Player-Piano. f A Of Darnell & Thomas Rockmgfom Hotel Building Rockingham, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. In Superior Court. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Tom Craig, Plaintiff vs. Ella Craig, Defendant. The defendant above named WiU take notice, that an action entitled us above has been commenced m the Superior court of Richmond county for divorce upon the grounds laid down in the statute, and said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of Kich inand county to be held on the 2nd Monday after the ftrtt Monday in March, 1921, in Rockingham, North Carolina and answer or demur to the complaint of said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein J. A. M AULAY, Clerk Superior Court. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortage deed executed by D. W. McDuffle and ...;t tv.o tp0 Den Motor Sales Company on the 14th day of May, 1920, and duly regisiereu u office of register of deeds for Rich Book 131 at page UIWIIVI V - 'J - 271 the undersigned will, .at tne court house door in nowumyu. i mmnnH muntv on Wednesday, ill ilimi"""" r the 9th day of March, 1921, at 12 o'clock m. oner lor saie io me Kjr frr i-nsh the 9-10 undivid eat uiuwvi - ed interest of D. W. McDuffie and liis wile in anu iu mo ii's scribed tract of land, to-wit: That tract, of land in Richmond county, N. C. adjoining the lands of Archibald McKay anu ouieih, oa wro .,otira nf Cartleites creek and hounded as follows: Beginning at Archibald McKay's lin , also a cor ,.r f Mrs Isahella Nicholson's land on the north prong of Cart leges creek and runs as said Nicholson s line to a green pine comer on the tnn nf n hill hv the side of Mrs. Nich olson's field, thence south bt) di grec3 west 148 poles to a rock pile on the hill between the Currie house and iUp Mini? house, thence south 06 de gree west 15) poles to the Ming Spring, a sw ( el gum, thence as John Hariicv's land to the north prong of Cartleges creek lhence up tho vari ous courses of "aid creek to the be ginning, containing 205 acres, more or less, and being the lands formerly owned and known as Anguish Mc Duffle lands. The entire interest of D. W. Mc Duffle and wife ih the above lands will be sold. This February 7th, 1921. PEE DEE MOTOR SALES CO., Mortgagees. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administra tor on the estate of G. A. Whitley, this is to notify all persons Holding claims against said estate to pre sent the same to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of February, 1922, or this notice will he plead in bar of a recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please set tle. This Feb. 7th, 1921. BENNETT BANK & TBUST CO., Ellcrbe, N. C. Administrators of G. A. Whitley. OZMER L. HENRY, Attorney, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Tinder nnd bv virtue of an order of the Superior court of Richmond county, made in the special i-ro-ceedings entitled "M. F. Home, ad ministrator of C. R. Watson, deceas ed, vs. Eliza McLeod Watson, et. al.", the undersigned commissioner will ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1921, AT THE COURT HOUSE DOOR IN THE TOWN OF ROCK INGHAM, N. C, offer for re-sale on account of increase in bid, to the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o'clock, noon, two certain parcels or lots of land, lying and being in Richmond County, in the Town of Ellerbc', and more particularly described as fol lows: FIRST TRACT: Situate in the Town of Ellcrbe, adjoining the lands of M. F. Home and others begin ning at a stake in the edge of the street in the original line, and runs as said line S. 17 E 6.32 chains to a stake in said line; thence N. &5 W. 317 chains; thence N. 14 1-2 W. 6.32 chains to. the edge of the street: thence as the Southern edge of said street S. 85 E. 3.17 chains to the be--ginning, containing two acres, more or less, and being the same land conveyed C. B. Watson by M. F. Home and wife by deed dated July 11th, 1911, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Richmond county in Book 75 at page 2. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at Watson's N. W. corner .of the lot upon which he now lives and runs N. 14 1-2 W. 3.11 chains to the grad ed road formerly known as the Grassy Island road; thence as said road S. 62 degrees E. 4.02 chains to a stake in the original line, thence as said line S 14 1-2 E. 66 links to his own corner; thence as his line N. 85 W. 3.17 chains to the begin ning, containing one-half acre, more or. less. This February 4th, 1921. W. S. THOMAS, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Under and by virtue of the au thority vested in the Board of Com missioners of the Town of iiocking- ham, N. C, by Article 40, Chap ter 95 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolir a of 1919 and the Charter of said Town of Rockingham, und in pursuance of a resolution of -aid Board of Commis sioners at a meeting held on the 8th day of February, 1921, notice is hereby ivoii that an election will be-held in the Town of Rockingham, N. C, in tin' County Court house, on Tuesday, tfio 12th day of April, 1921, to determine the question as to whether tin' Town of Rockingham shall issue bonds in the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000,001 l.i provide a fund for the erection ami equipment of a buildihg or buildings for school pur poses in the said Town of Rocking ham, and levy taxes sufficient to re tire said bonds. That at sad election all qualified electors who shall favor the issuing of said bonds and levying the taxes for their retirement shall vote a written or printed ticket with the words "For School Bonds," and all qualified 'lectors wishing to vote against issuing said bonds and the levying of said taxes shall vote a printed oi written ticket with the words thereon, "Against School Bonds." Notice is further given t'rat there will be a new registration of all qualified voters residing in said Town of Rockingham, N. C, and that the registration books will be opened on Monday, the 14th day of March, 1921, and will close at sun set on Saturday, the 2nd day of April, israi. f or the purpose oi con ducting said new registration and election, H. L. Guthrie is hereby ap pointed Registrar and A. B. Nichol son and Raeford Terry are hereby appointed poll-holders and judge of said election. It was further ordered by said Board of Commissioners of the Town of Rockingham, N. C, at said meet ing, that notice of the said special election be advertised for 30 days in the Rockingham Post-Dispatch immediately preceding said election, and that notice of the said new re gistration be likewise advertised for 30 days in the Rockingham Post patch" immediately preceding the opening of the books for said new registration. Ordered by said Board of Coin missioners of the Town of Rocking ham, N. C, at its regular meeting held February 8th, 1921. F. D. PHILLIPS, Mayor. W. L. SCALES, Clerk. New Spring goods pouring in every day, bought on the lowest market known in 5 years. Shipment of Style-Plus suits arrived today. About 25 or 30 suits in the lot, pin stripes stc, price $25, $30 and $35 New patterns in Spring hats in green, brown and black. Just in this week. Price $2.98, $4.95 and $7.45 Pleated back caps"for men and boys. Another shipment just arrived. All new Spring patterns and the desired shades. Price $1.48, $1.98 New shipment of Lion Brand shirts and collars just received by express, at the new low prices. The collars are 25c, 35c and 48c f Fine madras shirts ! $1.48 and $1.98 Spring neckwear for men on display. Price 98c and $1.48 Stephenson-Belk Co. SELL IT FOR LESS Take a look at your old hat. Is the sweat leather greasy; is the edge shiny? If so, CHUCK IT and buy a NEW BONNET. The comfortable, clean feeling you get is worth more than the price of the hat. Just as soon as the new styles happen we have them on tap Jor you. We have the new suit to go with the new hat. We charge you all our goods are worth, and give you all you pay for. Why lie about it. Wear our good, "Nifty" clothes. Dockery-McNair Clothing Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys. m