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ROCKINGHAM PO- UCHMOMD COUNTY. . C. If Life's Worth living It's Worth Insuring PUT IT UP TO PAYNE ! "Honestly it's the Best Policy" DO YOU WANT SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS? Succe means the insuring of your business responsibilities Happi ness means the protection of-your loved ones. You can secure both. A policy in the Atlzntio will satisfy creditors and keep cheer and gladness around your fireside after you are gone. Now Is The Accepted Time Your Turn May Be Next! BETTER SEE PAYNE Beverley T. Payne GENERAL AGENT ATLANTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Richmond, va. Our Investment Policy Keeps Your Money At Home CLEAN r- STRONG -- PROGRESSIVE Office : Bank of Pee Dee Building -Telephone No. 378, Rockingham, N. C. II WW HI I IHH , -f ! ' I The? girls of tin- Patterson Litcray g ' j LOCAL STEMS AND PERSONALS YOUR COURTEOUS TREATMENT EFFICIENT SERVICE Let us serve you. Walters Briefly Mentioned Little Happenings Personal Notes CALL POST-DISPATCH OFFICE Phone 182 I Easter March 27th. Next stop is Washington's birth day, Tuesday of next week. Duroc auction . sale Friday, 25th. See full page announcement. Spelling Bee, schedule for tonight at Liberty, is postponed until after Easter. Corbet Hinson began work Mon day with the Richmond Buiek Com pany. Basketball race for the county promises to be lively, far in the lead. LUCKY STRIKE cigarette. Flavor is sealed in by toasting Subject of sermon at Presbyte rian church Sunday morning will be "In Caesar's Household.'' The sale of Xtnas Seals for the iberculosis fund throughout the Ellerbe is so i State in December amounted to 837,000. Mrs. Russel has a timely artic e upon the Woman's Club in her Woman's Forum" department n page two. Woodrow Wilson Society of the Rockingham High school at a Valen tine party in the school auditorium! on Friday night of last week. Need-, less to say the party was a merry ! one, one of the features of the occa-1 son being the hunt for the tiny j hearts that had been hid through-, out the room. The young ladies and ; gentlemen were loath for such aj gathering to break up. The John T. Bennetts are, prepa'r-. ing to move to Wadcsboro, their friends will learn with deep regret.; They have rented their home on j Washington street to Mr. Henry j Clark, who will be married to a Georgia young lady on March 15th, and who will move here shortly thereafter. Mrs. Bennet will board at Mrs. Palmer. s until the school she is teaching at Hohanen closes. DEATHS E3 flsnoni NOW LISTEN The Km of Min$ M. W. McRao President Dr. A. C. Everett, Vice-Pres. B. F. Reynolds, Cashier Open till 6 o'clock P. M. on Saturdays. J. F. Stephenson left Monday night tor New York on a buying trip for Stephenson-Belk store. Do you favor a Carnival-less Fair or not? Write your sent'ments to the "Open Forum" of the Post-Dispatch. The store of G. W. Saunders, at Pee Dee station, in Anson county. was destroyel by fire Saturday night, Feb. 5th. W. E. Crosland two weeks ago sold two registered Aberdeen-Angus Jcows to Dr. Oscar Haywood, of Mt. Gilead. The town commissioners of l'itts boro several days ago passed an or dinance prohibiting the sale of gas oline, oil, soft drinks or merchan dise in that town on Sunday. Attorney Oznier Henry went to New York Tuesday night on a busi ness .trip, and will return Saturday morning. He returned last Sunday night from a week's business trip to Pittsburg, Akron and Chicago. Fire on Thursday night of last week destroyed the garage of Coble & Starr at Greensboro, entailing a loss of 75 automobiles estimated at $100,000. Three firemen were pain fully burned by explosion of a gas oline tank. Mrs. W. A. Norton at the Ham- i - evening ct last , ii i . . h wai operated on Cor , civic peritonitis, TLL GIVE YOU MY CHECK" The person who says this to you imme diately makes a good bid for your re spect and confidence. It shows him to be business-like, prudent, and pos sessed of the will-power to save. It gives him an air of prosperity and success. If you do not already enjoy the recom mendation of a check book, step in and see us. You do not need a large sum to start a checking account, and the method of keeping it can be ex plained in a moment. Bank of Ellerbe J. R. WALL, Hresident B. B. FARLOW, Active Vice Pres. PRINCE O'BRIEN, Cashier. Arthur C, a picture s at Steele's who is Mo. office, will i the show i Wednesday n last week opened adjoining his store a. Richard Gregory, ;;r at the telegraph ;hd machine for him; i' r6e nights a week: lay and Saturday. MC:-iTS. c Las-si ter the bought on; !': kle, just aero Seaboard d . place and a Ulecl stock of groceries 30-W. Crawford and J. W. ,1 of the month tore of B. H. Shan the creek from the and have refitted the a much larger Their phone is S T ATI O N E Have you given the Post-Dispatch a trial order for stationery? It not, phone 182 or write us. We will gladly furnish prices and samples. Prompt ness and neatness. Let us fill your wants in the letter line, bill heads, statements, labels, tags, en velopes, programs, posters (any size) etc. II. C. Norman, of Robersonvillc, came back to ihe county Tuesday to spend several days. His brother, VV. F. Norman, died suddenly Feb. 2nd at High Point, and Mr. Norman is in the county this week attending to some of his brother's business. The deceased was vice president of the Snow Lumber Co. Either accidentally or :;it ntional ly some prisoners in the Anson county jail at Wadeshoro Fob. 7th get lire to the bed clothes and for a time it looked serious. The build ing, however, is of brick and con crete, and so no headway could be made by the flames other than peal ing the paint from the walls and consuming the bedding. ' ... 1 I W. H. Graham, son of Mr. N. A. Graham, came home Monday night for a ten days' leave. His health became impaired during the war, and so he is now taking the Gov ernment Vocational course at John son City, Tenn. This training school by the way, will be moved early in March to the White Sulphur Springs hotel, near Waynesville. Mr. Gra ham entered the school last Octo ber, and is now taking a regular academic course, preparatory to studying to become a surveyor. He apparently has completely regained his health. Sheriff McDonald received this morning a pen or six fine Rhode Island Reds, bought by him from a man at Pembroke. Misses Mattie Sinclair and Annie Marks went to Asheville Wednesday to spend ten day.s wlih Miss Julia King. The Rockingham concert band will give an open-air concert at Hamlet Friday night in front of the opera house, at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers spent the week-end at Latta, S. C, with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rogers. Dr. C. D. Dawkins, dentist at Siler City, had the misfortune to break his left arm just above the wrist, while on a visit to his home at Hoffman Feb. 5th. A wedding of interest to friends locally was that ot miss Alice LeGrand, of Wilmington, to Mr. Otis Mills, of Greenville S. C, which occurred at Wilmington, St. James dhui'ch, on Monday of last week. Mrs. Fannie Mae Bowers and Mrs. J. H. Forsyth and two chil- aren, came iroui aucnta aunaay to spend two months with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Col liar. On Monday Mrs. Collier celebrated the third birthday of her granddaughter, Johnsie, by having 21 children to a party. Miss Margaret Shepard spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. John S. Ledbetter, enroute from Richmond where she attended a council meeting of the Y. W. C. A., student-secretaries of the South Atlantic Field. Miss Shepard left Wednesday night to assume her Y. W. C. A. duties in the Ga. Normal and In dustrial College,Milledgeville,Ga. The University high school dsbating union will hold the annual triangular debates on April 1st, on the question of collective bargaining, and the further preliminary contests for the State championship will be held at Chapel Hill April 14th and 15th. Mrs. Belle Swingle returned home from Mansfield, Ohio, ten days ago. On last Saturday night she brought her mother, Mrs. W A. McDonald, from the Presby terian hospital at Charlotte, where she had been for two weeks. Mrs. Swingle will spend the spring and summer here. Garner & Hinson will close their store after Saturday, and the building will then be remod elled and fitted up in handsome shape. They expect it to be competed in two months, and will agrin Degin Business witn au entirely new stock ot cents furnishings. For the past several weeks they have been selling their damaged stock, caused by the fire of Thursday night before Christmas. Mrs. J. Buren O'Brien, of Rockingham, attended the Alum nae meeting held at Flora Mac Donald College at Red Springs, on February 15th, at which time plans were made for the big Home Coming Week during the next Commencement, May 22-25. Mrs. O'Brien represented the Rockingham Branch Association. Mrs. W. A. Mo let hospital or i i week ai 6:15 o'oo two (lavs beioxe but was in too critical a condition to re cover. The interment was held at Nor tham cemetery Friday. Mr. Frank Purvis. Mr. Frank Purvis, aged 72, died in Woif Pit on Wednesday, and we a buried at St. Paul church today, Thursday. Mr. W. C. Warner. The death of Mr. V. C. Warner, known to many friends as ' Lum" Warner, will be learned with genuine regret. He had been at Ashcvil'e since last summer in search of health, bat was not benefitted, and death resulted on Monday. The re mains were brought to Rockingham Wednesday morning, and the iuneral conducted from the residence this, Thursday morn'nR by Rev. Bruce Ben ton, and Interment at the Thrower grave yard, four miles north of town. Surviving arc his wife and two sons, Charles and Edwin, and mother, Mrs. Saohronia Warner; also several sisters and brothers survive. He was about. 36 old, and was rated as one of thi best mechanics in this section, being for a long time con nected with the Ford farae? her.-. He will be tnustd by many friends who es teemed him for his manly worth. Out of respict to his memory, the Ford garage was closed during the funeral hour. H.-P. Mill Items. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Mills, from near Hamlet, spsnt Saturday night with the family of A. J. Kelly. Mr. Lacy Williams, from Raleigh, is spending som time with his brother, Wat son H.-P. A number of our H.-P. folks att;nded preaching at the home of Mr. Bill Clark, near Hamlet, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Judie Clark, from near Hamlet, spent Saturday night with her sister.Mrs. J. N. Smith at H.-P. Little Tracy Williams has been on the sick list but we are glad to note he is much better at this writing. Mr. S. E. Kelly, from Raeford. is spend ing some time with his son, A. J. Kelly, at H.-P. We feel that the Post-Dispatch will be much improved with a department edited by Mrs. L. P. Russell. M. K. We have installed a MODERN CHAMPION SHOE MACHINE riicl are now in position I i repair your shoes in mnection with the cleaning, pressing and repairing of your clothes It is economy in these times of depression to have your clothes end shoes mended, end we stand ready to take care of your wants in this line. Service and satisfac tion are inherent quali ties in our business. Goods called for and delivered. GARNER, HINSON & BOONE W. L. BOONE, Mgr. Phone 214 : Ready for your garden see? If so, conic to .1. A. Seawell, grocer, next to Post Dispatch office, (advt.) NOTICE! The Farmers Warehouse Co., of Che ravy, S. C, recently issued Warehouse Receipt No. 326 in my name for 32 bales cotton, and this is to notify all persons that said receipt has never been delivered to me and has been lost or drstroyed and is therefore worthless as I have never signed or endorsed the ?ame.-W.E. Cros land, Rockingham, N. C. Route 1. Feb. 12th, 1921. Watch Lost Tuesday. Lost, Tuesday a gold wrist watch on a small velvet ribbon. Rewasd for return to Jennie Wall McRae, phone 13. 1) QleM hmtrthet Gloctr Quinsy Sufferers Glad to be Well Again. See W. E. McNair furniture store window for elegant solid walnut dining room set. A beaut. -W.E. McNair. Did you know Oliver and Dixie plows had declined? Everett Hdw. Co. Just now the best advertising that we are getting is free, from the people who have been buying at our special prices. Our sale is still going on. Dockery-Mc-Nair Co. advt. See J. A. Seawell for feedstuff, garden seed and fruits. Next door to Post-Dispatch office in the Lowry old stand. Crawford & tassiter, grocers, just across creek from Seaboard depot Thursday Health Talk, 6 By Mary Lou'.Miller, D. C. Ph. C. Quinsy is a kind of glori fied sore throat. In quin sy the entire tonsil is transformed into an ab Biess. The presence of tiie disease is preceded by a general bodily uneasi ness, headache, backache and aching of the arms and legs. The pressure of the swollen and ab scessed tonsil ( usually but one is affected) may cause deafness and earache. Appetite is gone. Even liquids cause intense swallowing pain. The vic tim goes on a forced fast. The voice is affected. In from six to eight days the abscess breaks and the and the disease subsides. The chiropractor finds de finite proof that the dis ease is caused by pressure on nerves at the spinal exit by a nerve tracing. The nerves from the spine to the region in front ot and btlow the angle of the jaw are in variably sose and tender to the touch. When chi ropractic spinal adjusting is started at the first in ception of the disease the trouble never reaches the abcess stage. The chiro practor in quinsy cases usually udjusts kidney place to help bring up to par the bodily power for throwing off the poisons. MARY LOU MILLER Cradute Pikur Chirepnetor Telephone 349 Room 4. Long Bldg Rockingham, N. C. Office hours: 9 to 12, 2 to 5 I