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ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY. N. 0. PAGE ELBVSW ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH. RICHMOND COuNTY. N. 0. IHI llll k. fc.H'V OVERSTO on Farm Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Ranges, etc. SHORT ON CASH That is our predicament Our 'farmers are overstocked on low priced cotton That is their predicament 9mmmmmmmmmmmmmm nenmnaa MM To help meet the issues we are offering these special prices for the next 30 days- for cash. Ohio 9-blade double-edged stalk cutters $ 65.00 reduced to $ 48.00 Chattanooga No. 11 sulky plows, 3 horee $ 40.00 reduced to S 25.00 Avery 8-20 in disc harrow S 55.00 reduced to $ 42.50 Avery 8-10 in disc harrow rJ$ 52.50 reduced to $ 40.00 Bucher & Gibbs disc harrows same price as Avery's. Avery spike tooth (50 tooth) harrows $ 18.00 reduced to $ 15.00 Nissen Wagons, Buckeye Wagons, Webber Wsgons they were made to roll. Medium Ahorse wagon with brake, 2 in. tire $125.00 reduced to $ 98,50 Heavy 2-horse waeon with brake, .2 in. tire $145.00 reduced to $117.00 Heavy 2-horse wagon with brake, 3 in. tire .$153.00 reduced to $124.00 Heavy 3 or 4-horse wagon and body with 3 in. tires $165.00 reduced to $100.00 Emerson top buggies... $150.00 reduced to $117.00 Carolina top buggies .$140.00 reduced to $110.00 Smith & Summers top buggy .- $160.00 reduced to $120.00 Harness prices also reduced to fit buggy prices. 26 in. fence, 30 in. fence, 36 in. fence and 48 in. fence at special prices. Barbwire, 80 rod rolls .-. $4.50 Copper Clad ranges - $150.00 reduced to $ 98.50 South Bend malleable ranges $150.00 reduced to $ 98.50 Colonial Helena range $ 60.00 reduced to $ 50.00 Cook stoves, large size No. 8 with ware $ 27.50 Special prices on all stoves and heaters. Plow stocks, single trees, backhands, plow lines, clevises, heel bolting traces, bridle?", collars, mule millinery of every description. Scooter Plow.;, 5c per lb. Cole planters and distributors. Oliver and Chattanooga plows, Myers pumps and cylin ders, Simcnds cross cut and circular saws and bits. Large stock of Alfalfa, Canvas and Carbon Rubber belting. Will undersell all competitors on these lines. One second hand 10 h. p. ?:as engine at a bargain.' One new 10-20 I. H. C. Tractor at cost, (will sell on easy terms.) Lalley farm lighting plants $595.00 reduced to $450.00 Laundry Queen washing machines 1. $115.00 reduced to $ 85.00 Electric churns I $ 42.00 reduced to $ 30.00 Electric irons ---$ 8.50 reduced to $ 6.50 We do electric wiring also. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? Then see us on nail?, galvanized roofing, cedar shingles, lime, brick, sash, doors, frames, paints, oils, locks and hinges. LARD CANS: 25 lb. size, 25c; 35 lb. size, 35c; 50 lb. size, 50c. GALVANIZED TUBS: 0 size, 9",c; 1 she. $1.25: 2 size, $1.50; 3 size, $1.60. WASH POTS: 10 gal.. $5.50, reduced to $3.42; 12 rfaL, ?6.50, reduced to $4.21; 15 gal., $7.50, reduced to $5.2.6; 20 gal., $10.00, reduced to $6.84. Car load of Stone Churns: 3 gal. with cover, 47c; 4 gal. with cover, 58c; 5 gal. with cover, 70c. A copy of this advertisement or a handful of U. S. A. "long green" will introduce you at cur store as a cash buyer, and cash will talk with us for next 30 days. Try us. BLALOGK - ALLEN Hardware Co. irthington's Wash-day FEB 22o.cJL Next Tuesday is George Washington's birthday. He is the man who started that game of "I cannot tell a He." That phrase should be adopted by every merchant and busi ness man. But it might be changed to "I cannot deceive or mis represent." That is one of the bedrocks upon which my furniture business has been built. We have endeavored to "tote fair" with the public nnd have given honest values and right furniture during our years of business. Never in the history of our store have wo had such a ipkn did assortment of furniture. We earnestly ask that you look our offerings over, and compare them as to QUALITY and PRICE with out-of-town stores. Ve are quite willing to stand by the verdict. Come in and hear the latest Columbia records. Always welcome here. McNAIR Cash or Credit Rockingham, N. C. mm HERS BIGGER YIELDS and BETTER GRADES on FEWER ACRES with LESS LABOR F. S. Roystor Guano Co. - ft . NorfoiH, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tatero, N. C Charlotte, N. C. WaafcMgtee, N. C. Cotewbla, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, a. Mmn, mm. Celamfcas, Oa. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, KM. TeJetfe, Ohio, -y s-7TIZ -7, : dij-' PT I PAGE NINE iu I i I i 1l A' yymjvv war ' ii mm r yi Store 'Phone 253 Office 'Phone 28 WADESBORO, N. C. S