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ROCKINGHAM POST-WSPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE fflOHT NOTES OK LNTEIUSST It) CAROLINIANS. Salisbury, r The congregation of First Methcdist church are carrying on an intensive campaign looking to wards the cancelling of a debt of $64, 000. New Bern. The body of Mrs. Eliza beth Howard, who disappeared from here home, was found floating in Trent river by a fisherman. Vass. The report that several cases of smallpox existed In Vass and its vicinity is without any foundation whatever. Vass has not a case of the disease. High Point. John Martin and Jo seph Crowder, employes in a local laundry, were seriously injured when a cleaning machine they were operat ing exploded. Carthage The Fruit ft Produce Co., of Great Britain, with headquar ters in London and offices in New York, has made arrangements to ship Moore county peaches to England this year. Eoxboro. Mayor W. I. Newton wn3 renominated by acclamation at a mass meeting of citizens. Miss Hat tie Burch was nominated for a place on the town board. Hamlet. Bids were opened by the Hamlet town commissioners for $100,. 000 school bonds. A number of bids were received, but were not satisfac tory to the board. High Point. N. E. Welborn. prom- j inent Guilford county farmer who lives two miles north of the city, was j instantly killed when he fell from a i wagon while driving a team of horses. Concord. Fully 3.000 persons gath ered at Epworth Methodist church j and Oak wood cemetery to pay tribute j to Charles M. McCraw, one of the Concord boys killed in France. Lenoir. Only 33 persons out of 420 ' voting, against the $150,000 school bond issue here. The majority for the : bonds was much greater than any of the bond advocates anticipated. Red Springs. Stodents of the Spanish department of Flora Mac Donald College have juat issued a Flora MacDonaid cock book contain ing over two hundred tested and tried receips for cakes, candies and salads. Raleigh, Dr. A. B. Hawkins, 9G. for , years the oldest lri'ng alumnus of the University of North Carolina and probably the oldest active bank direc tor in the United States, died at his home here. the mum III MB STATES FORMER GERMAN EMPIRE WITH M23.293, HEA03 THE LIST OF EMIGRANTS HERE. HUMS SECOND IN NUMBER England Pushes Ireland Hard for the Honor of Sending Native Sens to Shores of United States. Washington. There are 13,703,fS7 foreir.n-bom white persons in the United States as shown by the 1920 census, the census bureau announced. The total population of the United States is 105.71 0.G2O. Thus, it appears that slightly mora than one-tenth of the population Is foeigm born. During the last decade, the foreign born population of this country has increased by only 358,442 persons, or S.6 per cent The census bureau an nounces that this small increase is due to the almost complete cessation of im nigration curing the world war. The increase in the previous 10 year period, regarded as normal, was 3,131,728 persons, The largest par nonnlation of tMs Germany, whi.h ni Ion his- rent L OSo 2' R persons to A,?kc. Caiians cr, rec i!d In number among the population which is of for eign birth with 1,807.458, persons. Rn ,;sia is third with l,:ii)S,999 persons, Poland is fourth with 1.139,578 and Ireland fifth with 1,035,680. England pushes Ireland hard for the honor of sending native sons to the United States, for the census bu reau shows that 812,414 persons were bum in England. i P Can't Wear the Price" JAMES COX DAVIS James Cox Davis of Iowa is the new director general of railroads, appoint ed by President Harding to succeed Judge John Barton Payne. At the time of his appointment Mr. Davis was general counsel for the railroad ad ministration. He was formerly solici tor of the Chic-go & Northwestern railroad. NO SURPRISE IN WASHINGTON Should New and Proper Proposals be Formulated U. S. Will Bring the Matter to Attention of Allies. Washineton. Germany's request o' the foreirrn-born 1 that the President intervene as medi- -iT!rv rn-ies f'om ator in the reparations dispute. re- Commissioner Dres- S3 ot Cabinet Crisis Imminent. Berlin. A crbinet crisis appears imminent here as a result of the dis content aroused by the government's failure to consult the rrichstag before naI.-ir!T President Hardinc. of the United States, to mediate, between j Germany and the allies relative to reparations. The position of Dr. W al ter Simons, foreign minister, is par ticularly imperilled. Further Pressure Possible. Lympne, England. It is great Bri tain's intention to abide by the provi sions of the agreement arrived at in Paris last January wUh regard to what steps should be taken to coerce Germany into meeting her repara tions debt; she agrees that failure by Germany to meet her obligations in this respect should be met with fur tner pressure. c. Ivcd thrcirgh scl. at Berlin. in the nature an urrent anneal "in the name of tht- German government and the German people." The promptness with which Presi dent Harding declined to undertake the role of mediator and umpire oc casioned little surprise in Washington and was received with satisfaction by the Allied diplomats. The answer contained just 128 words. It said "the American govern ment could not agree to mediate the question of reparations with a view to acting as umpire in its settlement. Impressed, however, with the serious ness of the issues involved as they af fect the whole world, the government of the United States feels itself to be deeply concerned with the question of obtaining an early and just solu tion. This government strongly de sires that there should be an immedi ate resumption of negotiations and reiterates Its earnest hope that the firvmnn trovernment will promptly formulate such p-opoaals as would present a proper basis for discussion. Should the German government take this course, this government will con sider bringing the matter to the at tention of the Allied government in a manner ncrfmt&hl to them in order that negotiations may speedily be resumed." That's what some men look for in clothes; a cheap price; and that's all they get. Wear and style is what you really buy clothes for; you can't have either with out good quality. Schloss Bros, clothes are ail-wool and stylish. These clothes last so loner that th&v r.nst less hv the vear than other clothes; if they don't satisfy money back. The new style notes for Spring: The shoul ders are more square; the coats are more loosely draped; coat openings are a little low er; the lines are simple but distinctive. Find the Schloss Bros silk label sewed inside the coat. It's a small thing to look for, a big thii.g to find. ! SCHLOOS BROS. Recor.-nendation to Congress. Washington. Repeal of the guar j anty section of the transportation act, I reduction in ranroau rates, equai piu- Rutherfordton. From four to five teefinn for acriculture under the thousand people attended the county commencement here. Nearly fifteen hundred children were in the parade. Ram prevented the athletic events. Terry Di v Qtialitu Store for Men. and Bous. Rockingham. In superior court here Robert Wade, a young white man of Guilford county, was acquitted of the charge of stealing Dr. A. C. Everett's Buick touring car on Febru ary 7, 1920. Hickory. The city of Hickory sold $176,000 municipal improvement bonds for par and accrued interest to the Se curity Trust company, of this city. Between 45,000 and 50,000 square yards of bitulithic will be laid here this year from proceeds of this sale. Rocky Mount. With an approxi mate loss of $100,000, the greater part of which was bright leaf tobocco in storage, the mammoth prize and pack ing plant of the T. S. McDsarman To bacco company, was completely cie stroyed by fire of undetermined ori gin. Charlotte. James O. Walker, can didate for mayor of Charlotte has served notice on his opponents that he will not make speeches, Joint or otherwise, in the municipal campaign in answering J. Frank Flowers, his opponent, who invited Mr. Walker to join him in a public speaking. Durham. Governor Morrison, wo was to have welcomed the thousand or more delegates to the big good roads convention at Greensboro, was prevented from filling his engage ment by illness. The announcement caused great disappointment. Ashevifle. The contractors ot Ashevllle in meeting here threw down the gauntlet by declaring that none ol the million dollars worth ol work which is being held up here will be undertaken until tne union crausmen lower their wages one dollar per day. - Mt. Airy. Women of Mt. Airy are taking considerable interest In the ap nmarhinEr town election, and at a meeting of a hundred or more demr cratic women a complete ticket was endorsed by them. They want mem bership on the school board. Southern pine. Mrs. Essie B. Far mer, popular field representative of the Orpha-'s Fricr-d, published at the Oxford Masonic, home for children, has prr"'.!as-'d tae Plm Grove house nml will Icew it open the year tariff, and adequate credit facilities foi agriculture was announced as the leg islature was announced as the-.n XS islature program which the American Farm Bureau federation will recom mend to congress as an aid to far nysrs. Germany Evades the Issue. Paris. Germany, instead of eithei agreeing or refusing to transfer th gold reserve of the Reicbsbanl: to oc cupied territory in the Rhlnelund as the allied reparations commission had demanded, has offered to agree not to export or permit the exportation ol gold from Germany beio-e October 1, Harding Handles Spade. Washington. President Harding turned the first spadefull of earth foi the national, Baptist memorial to b erected here In honor of Roger Wil liams and his fight for religious liber ty. The structure is to cost a hall million dollars and to he paid for by Baptists throughout the country. Await Pact Ratification. Vienna. Danube river shipping will be allocated between the various rations directly interested a3 soon as Hungary ratifies the peace treaty with the Allies, said Walker O. Hines. the American waterways administrator. Submits Adverse Report. Washington. -Adverse report on the proposed wcvll on a waterway, be tween Penracola and Mobile bays was submitted to Congress by Ma jor General Beach, chief of army engineers. Eij Jewel Robbery Reported. Chk-ago.-.T. J. Iteingold, proprietor of a jewelry store in a downtown building, reported to police that two bandits robbed him and Leroy Pres ent, Rochester, N. Y., salesman, ot jewels valued at $2.53,000. Soldiers' Bcnus Slumbers. Washington. Soldier bonus bill introduced at the outset, of the pres ent congress are now slumbering in both houses and, in spite of demands of the American Legion for early ac tion, there are indications that both measures will continue to slumber for some time to come. Long Ac-ial Journey Completed. Washington Completing a 5,000 mile round (rip a?rial journey to the Dominican Republic and return, two marine corps airplanes, which left here March 2f. arrived cnfely at Boi ling Field from Fayetteville, N. C. House Parses Restriction Bill. Wai -hirgton. The immigration re striction bill was passed by the house. Chinese Wine Released. Washington. About 15,000 cases o! Chinese wine has been ordered re leased from customs houses for use as medicine. The Chinese name o: this wine is N. G. Ka Py. General Edwards Confirmed. Washington. Despite some demo cratic objection to Brigadier General Edwards, the senate military commit tee voted to recommend confirmation ot the 12 major and 14 brigadier gen erals nominated recently to Presidenl Harding for promotion. D. A. R's Have Adjourned. Washington. The Daughters of the American Revolution adjourned theii thirtieth national congress after in stalling officers, elected for the ensu ing year. round for transient travel World Advertising Convention. Atlanta. Ga The convention boaro of the Atlanta Advertising club, ir announcing plans for the great world advertising convention, to meet he June 1 'o 16, showed that this is tt i he b r -invention of UsnHfit to tie en j tire southeast. Official France Disappointed. Paris. French official circles ex pressed disanncintment that the American reply to Germany's request for meditation was not a categoric re fusal, as had been expected here. What itrate of Soda Cost? j?f aMMMM Mill" PHI1 II III III May Settle Cable Matter. Washington. Japan and France are understood to have accepted the American principles of distribution ot the former German Atlantic and Paci fic cables. Provision for Regular Army. Washington Provision for a regu lar army of 166,000 men as against the 156,000 agreed upon by the last cogress is contained in the redraft of the army appropriation bill. The measure carries approximately 330,-000,000. Two Detectives Under Charges. Atlanta, Ga. City Detectives Payne and West wer accustomed to receive $200 a week ' protection money" from Nat McWhorter a negro alleged blind tiger, according to Lucille Evans, a negro woman. Appointment for Pershing. Washington. General Pershing will be appointed head of a skeleton ized general headquarters of war staff to be crjanized at onco for directing U-.e field operations of the nation's armed forces in time of war. Should the price of Nitrate of Soda exceed your ideas, for side dressing your crops, come and see us. W e are in posi tion to name you a price on Cotton Seed Meal" Acid Phosphate and Kainit, which with a correct mixture of each will enable you to grow your crops under extreme weather conditions, and at the same time cheap and in keeping with the times. Dockery Merc. & Manufacturing Co. 6